Insufferable and Dangerous Nonsense in Academia – Antisemitism Sector

A rally on the steps of the University of Virginia Rotunda calls for a free Palestine amid the war in Israel on Thursday, Oct. 12. CAL CARY, THE DAILY PROGRESS

by James C. Sherlock

I read this morning in the latest issue of Chronicle of Higher Education a particularly smarmy article by a Keith E. Whittington.

He is, among other things, “professor of politics at Princeton University and founding chair of the Academic Committee of the Academic Freedom Alliance”.

Good to know.

He addressed in his article the Congressional hearing that put the presidents of Penn, Harvard and MIT on the hot seat for the unaddressed antisemitic turmoil on their campuses.

Other articles in the same issue called the hearings a disaster for the colleges.

“Since Hamas’s October 7 attack on Israel, administrators have struggled to respond. Many issued statements that faculty members, students, and others saw as tepid, while protests drove deep rifts into campus communities.”

Whittington’s was titled:

“Colleges Can Recommit to Free Speech or Double Down on Sensitivity – The congressional hearing on antisemitism presents a stark choice.”

He offered a false, self-serving choice of only two ways forward.

If President Ryan of UVa had joined the others in front of the committee, they could have gotten past statements to actions, and lack of them.
President Ryan.  
That hearing would have benefited from the presence of President Ryan. He did some of the right things. He made a nice statement after October 7th. He attended a Menorah lighting.  

But he has choked on the big issue, the one that matters.

A person holds a sign at a rally organized by the University of Virginia chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine on the steps of the UVa Rotunda on Thursday, Oct. 12. CAL CARY, THE DAILY PROGRESS

Students for (Peace and) Justice in Palestine (affiliated with national SJP), after its infamous October 8 letter celebrating Palestinian “resistance” and supporting continued resistance “by any means necessary,” is still on the Grounds and still funded by student fees.

The message was slammed, and again here, by the press and public officials, but no student, at least publicly, was called out and sanctioned by the University.

UVa Board of Visitors’ University Standards of Conduct “describe behavior generally prohibited to enrolled students at UVa.”

The proscribed conduct includes:

“Conduct which intentionally or recklessly threatens the health or safety of any person on University-owned or leased property, at a University sanctioned function, at the permanent or temporary local residence of a University student, faculty member, employee or visitor, or in the city of Charlottesville or Albemarle County.”

In this case, it is up to the President of the University to enforce. There is no chance at all that the student-run Judiciary Committee will do so.

The letter, and subsequent rallies pictured, unabashedly threatened the safety of Jewish members of the University community.

My comments to the Chronicle. The editors invited comment on Whittington’s article, so I responded.

The choices on offer from Keith Whittington are not the only options.  He wrote:

“There are two paths forward (after the Congressional hearings on antisemitism on campuses).

Colleges can reaffirm their core principles on free speech and academic freedom, and can commit themselves to more consistently defend and apply those principles in the future. They can embrace a posture of institutional neutrality and quit picking which political causes they will or will not endorse.

Alternatively, they can give in to demands to take moral stands, and can condemn and suppress even more speech in the name of inclusivity.”

To suggest that those are the only two options apparently serves Mr. Whittington’s personal philosophy, but they are not inclusive (excuse the word) of all options.

He would conflate under free speech calling for intifada in the faces of Jewish students with rallies against the food in the dining hall.

One threatens violence. The other rails against bad food.

It is not a “moral stand” to expel students and fire employees calling for violence against Jews or any other people.

It is rather a matter of providing both actual safety and a perception of safety for all students, faculty and staff on campus.

Jewish students on those campuses are frightened, and they have good reason to be.

Bottom line.

Dr. Ryan, and UVa alumni, parents and students, take note.

Check the SJP letter and the pictures above.

What, exactly, are Jews to think of the clenched fist and the white supremacy signs? “From the river to the sea”? The calls for intifada?

Should they ascribe to all of that non-threatening “context”? Would you?

Is that what Dr. Ryan meant by the University being “great and good”?


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149 responses to “Insufferable and Dangerous Nonsense in Academia – Antisemitism Sector”

  1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    One way to gain the attention of leadership at UVA is for philanthropists, who give generously to the school, to become active. Many endowments have a limited partner agreements written in. They often include clauses that permit the revocation of the gift if ethical breaches such as anti semitism are occurring on the campus. UPenn just lost a 100 million dollar gift and it happened as outlined above.

  2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Was the health or safety of any person on campus threatened?

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      No. That was established in the last piece that claim was made by this author.

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        One thing for you and Dick and others to consider.

        Many of the members of the UVa SJP chapter are Palestinian students.

        The “Arab street” has come to Charlottesville.

        The rest of the marchers and sign-carriers are those the left designates as “allies”. Robots programmed since kindergarten with “oppressed/oppressor” dogma.

        (And perhaps some just wanting to hang out with them for afterward.)

        If you disagree, look at the “White Supremacy” banner in the photo. Most Israelis are not white. But the “protestors” had that banner in the closet and brought it.

        The majority of Jews in Israel today are Mizrahi. They are of Middle Eastern and North African descent. Only about 30% are Ashkenazi, of European descent.

        So start with ignorance, fire it up with slogans, and target white Jews.

        Who happen, conveniently, to be on campus.

        You offer your take on whether Jewish students in Charlottesville should be afraid.

        They really don’t care about your opinion.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          “You offer your take on whether Jewish students in Charlottesville should be afraid.”

          I made no statement about whether Jewish UVa students should be afraid or not. I simply say you have provided no evidence of the health and safety of UVa students being threatened by anybody.

      2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock


    2. I guess the administration should wait until someone is killed to take action?

      That’s the playbook they used that resulted in the UVA shooting.

      The threats are real, and Ryan needs to get in front of this one.

      A man arrested for firing gunshots outside a Jewish temple in upstate New York been federally charged, officials said.

      Mufid Fawaz Alkhader, who officials say fired a shotgun twice outside a synagogue in Albany on Thursday, has been charged with possession of a firearm by a prohibited person, FBI spokesperson Sarah Ruane said in a statement praising the “swift coordination” between federal, state and local law enforcement.

      Hochul said she directed the state police and New York National Guard to be on high alert and to increase planned patrols of at-risk sites during Hanukkah.

      The safety of Jewish New Yorkers is non negotiable…every act — whether it’s verbal or physical — any act of anti-Semitism is unacceptable and undermining the public safety at our synagogue the first night of Hanukkah is even more deplorable,” she said.

    3. I guess the administration should wait until someone is killed to take action?

      That’s the playbook they used that resulted in the UVA shooting.

      The threats are real, and Ryan needs to get in front of this one.

      A man arrested for firing gunshots outside a Jewish temple in upstate New York been federally charged, officials said.

      Mufid Fawaz Alkhader, who officials say fired a shotgun twice outside a synagogue in Albany on Thursday, has been charged with possession of a firearm by a prohibited person, FBI spokesperson Sarah Ruane said in a statement praising the “swift coordination” between federal, state and local law enforcement.

      Hochul said she directed the state police and New York National Guard to be on high alert and to increase planned patrols of at-risk sites during Hanukkah.

      The safety of Jewish New Yorkers is non negotiable…every act — whether it’s verbal or physical — any act of anti-Semitism is unacceptable and undermining the public safety at our synagogue the first night of Hanukkah is even more deplorable,” she said.

    4. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Yes. Every Jew. That is what they believe with good reason.

      Screaming antisemites calling for the destruction of Israel will do that to you.

      And so would you and I if we were Jewish, Dick.

      1. Teddy007 Avatar

        Calling for the end of a Jewish state in the middle east is very different than threatening individual Jewish students on campus. Of course, many of the right have doubled down on the conflict to attack the left.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Thanks for your perspective.

      2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        I have not heard of a single Jew being physically harmed in the United States over this issue. On the other hand, Palestinians have been stabbed and shot.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Well, there you go.

          We are still not Jewish.

        2. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          “I have not heard of a single Jew being physically harmed in the United States over this issue. On the other hand, Palestinians have been stabbed and shot.”

          That’s some head in the sand language right there, you’re either complete disingenuous or ignorant, you choose.

        3. “A Jewish man was beaten and robbed on a Brooklyn street Thursday evening in what police are investigating as an antisemitic hate crime.”

          1. I assume Mr. Hall-Sizemore is away from his computer right now. That’s what he said happened the other day.

            I will also give him some slack for being unaware. Media bias is real. Mainstream outlets do cover these stories, but they don’t get the prominence of those that advance the preferred narrative of the left.

          2. I will also give him some slack for being unaware. Media bias is real.

            Excellent point, there.

          3. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            You are correct. I have been away from my computer. And I had not heard of those incidents. Thank you for pointing them out.

            The hate and violence is on both sides.

            It is a sad day when both Jews and Palestinans/Muslims are targeted in this country with violence and hate.

        4. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Well, there you go.

          We are still not Jewish.

        5. LarrytheG Avatar

          I’m going to weigh in with
          my view that aligns somewhat with Dicks and hope that we can keep discussion on the issue and not be personal about it.

          What Dick says is true. The whole issue has been relentlessly and wrongly demagogued on one side, IMO.

          Seems like if Israel has a “right” to “exist” so should Gaza (and the West Bank) and it’s civilian Palestinians and yet that has not been the case.

          As humans, too many of us seem to hate those that are not like us. Too many “flavors” , (ethnicities, religions,races), engage in it IMO. This is just the latest chapter of it.

          The people – not only here but around the world that are advocating for the Palestinians believe they have been relentlessly abused/harmed by Israel for years, if not longer, and consider Israel to be the
          aggressor whose actions begat Hamas itself.

          The demagoguery won’t change this view. It will actually harden it and in the end those who are engaging in it will ultimately bring more harm to Jews and Israel IMO.

          1. Nobody on earth does demagoguery like the “Palestinians” and their supporters.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Objecting to the killing of children of any ethnicity is not usually considered demagoguery to most folks.. For some reason, objecting to Palestinian kids being killed is considered being opposed to Israel and Jews.

          3. Ignoring the cowardly behavior of the Hamas militants in hiding under and behind civilians including children is the demagoguery. War kills people. War to preserve one’s country in the face of the enemy’s intent to destroy it and its people is a tragic necessity. How does Hamas protect its children? Send their leaders to 5-star hotels in another country?

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            No one is ignoring the behavior of Hamas. Over and over and over, that’s been stated and made clear
            but some folks refuse to listen. It’s as if what happened justifies the killing of thousands of kids and
            to point that out is anti-Israel.

            How are Palestinian children protected when there is no safe place for them to be?
            War kills people but most civilized nations abhor and reject the widespread killing of
            children and noncombatants – even the US after 9-11 in going after those cowards did
            it in a methodical method to root out the leaders vice killing thousands of people in the process.

            Much of the world hates Hamas as much as Israel does but they also hate the widespread
            killing of innocents and kids… and having those concerns does NOT make them anti-Israel.

          5. Don’t see Hamas going into Israel to fight after their first attack of massacres, except by using rockets and artillery shells from a distance. How can Israel do anything else but go after the rats in the tunnels under schools, mosques, hospitals, UN facilities and other public places? The sin of endangering the Palestinian children is on the heads of Hamas.

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            They can and should go after Hamas, rats they are and worse, but Israel cannot do it in a way
            that many kids and innocents lose their lives. No, you cannot say “Hamas made me kill the kids”
            IMO without losing your principles. Imagine that being what we’d say in Vietnam or Iraq or Afghanistan. Imagine if Israel kills hostages that Hamas was using as shields. Do you think
            that would be as acceptable?

          7. The Gazans have been abused by PA/Hamas Gazans… not Israel. Israel gave them the land, not Egypt. Hamas destroyed a $250M bio-hot house industry built by the Israeli settlers before they were forcibly removed post 2005.
            Hamas has continually executed those they thought were supporting the IDF; Hamas has continually stolen electricity from the people to light and heat the commanders’ homes. Those PA/Hamas leaders living in Qatar are billionaires….

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “Columbus Police said the two victims were leaving a bar when they said they were assaulted by two Middle Eastern males after a verbal altercation occurred.”

            May be a little more to this story than simply someone being punched because they are Jewish…

          2. It is an example of a Jew being physically attacked because he is a Jew.

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            So you know that alcohol use and the earlier “verbal altercation” had nothing to do with any of it then.

        6. How many examples would you like?

          A trio of bigots beat up three Jewish strangers, including a 15-year-old boy, in separate attacks during a 40-minute spree of hate crimes in Brooklyn, police said Thursday.

          The mayhem began around 3:25 p.m. Saturday when a 40-year-old man walking home from a Midwood synagogue was confronted by the youthful attackers at Avenue L and E. 15th St., according to cops. The assailants punched the victim multiple times before riding off on a scooter.

          About 30 minutes later, one of the attackers yelled, “Free Palestine!” as he and his accomplices punched and kicked a 15-year-old boy at Avenue J and E. 17th St., police said.

          Just five minutes later, they kicked a 27-year-old man multiple times at Avenue L and E. 18th St. before running off, according to cops.

          Hate crimes, particularly those targeting Jewish people, have soared since Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7, prompting a major military response.

          Police on Wednesday released images of a vandal who drew swastikas and the letter “K” several time on a Bronx school for autistic students. The man is still being sought.

          Two days earlier, cops announced the arrests of two women who beat up a Jewish woman when she confronted them for tearing down posters of Israeli hostages in Manhattan.>/i>

        7. Want more?

          Paul Kessler, a 69-year-old Jewish man who was beaten during a pro-Palestinian demonstration in Los Angeles, has been pronounced dead. His death was determined to be a homicide, law enforcement, and a Jewish organization said. Kessler died of blunt force head trauma a day after the altercation on Sunday, the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office said, adding that witnesses described the incident as battery.

      3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “Yes. Every Jew. That is what they believe with good reason.”

        And yet you thinking one party may perceive a threat is not the same as an actual threat of violence.

        Oh, and now you are saying that “every Jew” at UVa believes their health and safety is being threatened? What evidence do you have for such a claim?

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Discussions with their rabbi.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            So a rabii told you that “every Jew” at UVa believes that their health and safety is being threatened. Gee, that must have been quite an effort on their part to interview every one of them. Do you have any written communications to share or even any verbatim quotes about “every Jew” at UVa? … or perhaps you once again overreached…

    5. Did the words Morgan Bettinger didn’t even speak threaten the health or safety of any person on campus?

      No matter how often “progressives” now deny it, the phrase and chant “From the River to the Sea” is a thinly-veiled call to murder Jews – a ‘dog-whistle’, to use a leftist term

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        The last I looked, UVa was a long way from the territory occupied by Israel and the Palestinians.

        1. Mr. Hall-Sizemore,

          What does “resistance” “by any means necessary” mean?

          It means anything that advances the cause is fair game.

          What is excluded?


          On campuses and elsewhere around the country, violence and threats of violence are being used to advance the cause of Palestinian resistance in the U.S.

          While the target is primarily Jews, all citizens are threatened because the U.S. supports Israel. The Palestinian/Hamas supporter seek to change that “by any means necessary.”

          Please tell me this. Why Christmas tree lighting ceremony in California canceled?

          This is terrorism, pure and simple. Please stop being an apologist for it.

        2. Mr. Hall-Sizemore,

          What does “resistance” “by any means necessary” mean?

          It means anything that advances the cause is fair game.

          What is excluded?


          On campuses and elsewhere around the country, violence and threats of violence are being used to advance the cause of Palestinian resistance in the U.S.

          While the target is primarily Jews, all citizens are threatened because the U.S. supports Israel. The Palestinian/Hamas supporter seek to change that “by any means necessary.”

          Please tell me this. Why Christmas tree lighting ceremony in California canceled?

          This is terrorism, pure and simple. Please stop being an apologist for it.

        3. Mr. Hall-Sizemore,

          What does “resistance” “by any means necessary” mean?

          It means anything that advances the cause is fair game.

          What is excluded?


          On campuses, and elsewhere around the country, violence and threats of violence are being used to advance the cause of Palestinian resistance in the U.S.

          While the target is primarily Jews, all citizens are threatened because the U.S. supports Israel. Palestinian/Hamas supporters seek to change that “by any means necessary.”

          Please tell me this. Why was the Christmas tree lighting ceremony in California canceled?

          This is terrorism, pure and simple.

        4. What does location have to do with anything? There are Jews all over the world.

          You do know what a ‘dog-whistle’ is, right? Or are code phrases only wrong when used by white supremacists?

          1. Indeed!

            What does a falafel shop in Philadelphia have to do with Gaza?

            “Hundreds rally for Gaza in Philly, stop to protest outside Goldie falafel shop”


        5. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          Hate speech is hate speech. It’s location has zero relevance.

    6. DJRippert Avatar

      As much as I support Israel and hope the IDF kills every last Hamas degenerate coward …. no, nobody’s health or safety is threatened by imbeciles marching, waving Palestinian flags and chanting.

      My blood pressure is threatened when I think that my tax money goes to support what is obviously a failed effort to educate these spoiled brats but nobody’s physical safety is jeopardized.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “…no, nobody’s health or safety is threatened by imbeciles marching, waving Palestinian flags and chanting.”

        Yes, and by overreaching in his demagoguery, Sherlock risks becoming the boy who cried wolf. Actual threats are serious and should be acted on by law enforcement but when every protest is suddenly a threat actual claims of actual threats are more easily discounted and ignored.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          There are anti-Israel protesters who are threats to physical safety. I just don’t see them on college campuses.

          Where Capt Sherlock is right is with the belief that the oppressor / oppressed theory of the world has been so ingrained into America’s youh that it has become the single prism through which all things are seen.

    7. If you so call ‘misgender’ someone you get brought before Student Conduct.
      Words are Violence, except you call for the killing of Jews and Israelis.

      Call for the genocide of Jews — you get applauded.

    8. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Of course not, Stefanik(sp, don’t care enough to look up) posed a hypothetical, and the last time I checked a conditional response is the only way to answer a hypothetical.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        She did, and all 3 did not see the do do to not step in.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          That alone is reason to dismiss.

      2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        1 down. Two to go;

  3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “The letter, and subsequent rallies pictured, unabashedly threatened the safety of Jewish members of the University community.”

    Not true….

    “…was called out and sanctioned by the University.”

    Just imagine the outcry here should anyone suggest a Conservative student be “sanctioned” by the university for exercising their protected 1st amendment rights.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Yet they are.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Yes, there was Morgan Bettinger… the outcry here was actually quite remarkable in its intensity as I stated. Kind of amazing you are calling for such a response from the University now.

  4. beachguy Avatar

    That U Penn Benefactor has the right idea. Hate speech is hate speech no matter which group is saying it. I hope UVA benefactors promptly respond in a similar manner.

  5. The terror threat is now the highest it’s been in decades. Public universities shouldn’t be allowed to become hotbeds of violent rhetoric against Jews, or others.

    Las Vegas police and the FBI thwarted a potential terror plot involving a 16-year-old, police said Friday.

    During a news conference, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department officials detailed an investigation into a terror threat on a social media platform. The image of the threat was shown by LVMPD officials. It read:

    Peace be upon all brothers who see this. I am here to announce that I will be starting lone wolf operations in Las Vegas against the enemies of Allah. I ask you to make Dua for victory. I am a supporter of the Islamic State, and I will make sure the zionists in this city know it.”

  6. Lefty665 Avatar

    I oppose those who embrace crimes against humanity whether is supporters of Hamas or the state of Israel. I also value the first Amendment, even for speech I really don’t like. That includes the embrace of crimes against humanity by supporters of both Hamas and Israel.

    Abridging free speech for speech we find odious is a slippery slope. There is no telling where it will metastasize to. To protect us all, as Justice Brandeis observed, the remedy for bad speech is more speech and good speech.

    Be as vocal and critical as you feel about some of the speech that is coming off our campuses, but shutting it down threatens us all. The first Amendment is not there to protect just speech we agree with or is popular.

    1. I would settle for equal treatment of protesters and free speakers by college administrators.

      ‘Expel Morgan Bettinger but excuse Hamas supporters’ doesn’t cut it with me.

      1. Amazing how quickly liberals went from enforcement of wokeness before October 7, to free speech and anything that isn’t a prosecutable crime must be allowed.

        Hard for me to say where the lines should be at UVA, but I would agree that equality is critically important. I would add a few things to that.

        1. Equal treatment
        2. Clarity of where the lines are and potential consequences
        3. An understanding that boundaries will be enforced and violence WILL result in expulsion. If that means deportation, so be it. Foreign students will not get a pass. All students will be treated equally, regardless of race, religion or national origin.

        Just because protests at UVA haven’t resulted in injuries yet, doesn’t mean UVA is immune from what we are seeing elsewhere.

        1. There is another take on what you have been advocating which is at least coincidentally consistent with Israeli propaganda.

          Opposition to the massive war crimes Israel is committing is not antisemitic or anti Jew. It is anti crimes against humanity committed by the state of Israel and abetted by the United States.

          Here is conservative take on free speech and the travesty of Stefanik.

          1. The thing is, Israel is not committing “massive war crimes” as you suggest.

            Rules of war are designed to reduce civilian casualties, not incentivize the use human shields by making legitimate military objectives unattainable do to civilian casualties.

            Warring nations are not prevented from attacking targets of military necessity because of human shields or facilities which would normally be off limits.

            Here is an example:

            Geneva Convention Article 19

            The protection to which civilian hospitals are entitled shall not cease unless they are used to commit, outside their humanitarian duties, acts harmful to the enemy. Protection may, however, cease only after due warning has been given, naming, in all appropriate cases, a reasonable time limit, and after such warning has remained unheeded.

          2. “Opposition to the massive war crimes …”

            Parroting this over and over doesn’t make it so. Israel is fighting a war with brutal Islamists who deliberately put Palestinians in harms way.

            I reference the text of Geneva Convention Article 19, and you link to an opinion piece on a Hyper-Partisan Left outlet.

            If you truly want facts, you won’t find them there.

            The fact is, there’s no way Palestinians will ever control the land “From the river to the sea” without wiping out the Jews. Like it or not, land from the breakup of the Ottoman Empire was set aside for a Jewish homeland, and Israel now exists. Until Palestinians deal with that, there cannot be peace.

            “From the river to the sea” is just a more obtuse way of saying “gas the Jews.”

            ‘Reprehensible’ anti-Israel protesters chant ‘Gas the Jews’ outside Sydney Opera House: video


  7. DJRippert Avatar

    What shocks me is the ignorance of the protesting college students.

    1. Jews are johnny come lately colonizers in the Middle East.
    2. Most Israelis are European whites.
    3. Israel should respect the cease fire (Hamas broke the existing cease fire on Oct 7).
    4. The majority of people living in Gaza don’t support Hamas.

    Unfortunately, the expression of ignorance is a guaranteed right under the US Constitution.

    As long as the ignorant students aren’t directing their vile comments and chants at individuals on UVa’s grounds – I don’t think much should be done.

    Trump’s dim-witted comments didn’t incite violence on Jan 6 just like the mindless chants of the mollycoddled snowflakes in Charlottesville don’t incite violence against Jews.

    Jim Ryan handled this just about right – condemn Hamas but let Hamas’ supporters march and chant. If he publicly apologizes to Morgan Bettinger – I’ll really sing his free speech praises.

    If you believe in free speech you have to let stupid people say stupid things.

    1. “What shocks me is the ignorance of the protesting college students.”

      They live in a bubble, and want to keep it that way. That’s why they are so upset when the Jefferson Council invites someone who doesn’t advance the approved narrative.

      “Israel should respect the cease fire”

      The fact that Hamas broke the ceasefire should come as no surprise. During the war between Hamas and Fatah after the Israeli withdrawal, numerous truces between them were broken. Why would they treat Israelis better than they treat fellow Palestinians?

      Read below. Sound familiar? It’s talking about war between Fatah and Hamas in 2006 -2007, not the current war.

      “Fatah and Hamas fighters targeted and killed people not involved in hostilities, and engaged in gun battles inside and near hospitals. The accusations also included public executions of captives and political opponents, throwing prisoners off high-rise apartment buildings, and shooting from a jeep marked with press insignia.”

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        I think it was Churchill who said that if a man is not a liberal at age 20 he has no heart and if he’s not a conservative by age 40 he has no brain.

        1. Yes, that was Churchill.

          Today, the problem is much worse. Young people are being indoctrinated at school and get their news from TikTok. Heaven help us.

          “One in five young Americans say that the Holocaust is a myth, according to a poll released Thursday, and around 30 percent express anti-Semitic views.”

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      I hope Hamas cowards are wiped out to the man, but I don’t understand why the only way to do it is by killing thousands of Palestinians civilians, including many innocent children, and reducing their entire communities to rubble. It’s unacceptable to many people.

      That’s going to make Israel a pariah to many people and countries in the world, and trying
      to tamp down such concerns and demand total support and if not label as anti-Semitism won’t help Jews at all IMO. These folks with these concerns are not going away.

      This approach will likely lose support for Israel including from existing and potential allies and in the end harm Israel and it’s people and Jews around the world.

      This is not going to “end”. Gaza and the West Bank and Palestinians are not going to go away and neither are the real enemies of Israel that they need help to defend against.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        What do you suggest?

      2. “That’s going to make Israel a pariah to many people and countries in the world…”
        That’s funny — the UN [you know the world] has passed more resolutions against Israel than all other countries combined. Israel and the IDF cares about one thing — surviving. And it doesn’t attempt to create friends in the international arena. It understand there are only two traits required in international relations – respect and fear.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          THey might need help and support from friends and allies , no? They got resolutions passed
          against them for their long-standing apartheid-like treatment of Palestinians. Such treatment
          probably led to growing numbers of Hamas. All of Gaza has been a basket-case that humanitarian
          groups have tried to help. Ask yourself, for instance, where the hospitals came from? Did the
          Israelis help build them? Where does food and water come from the 2 million Palestinians who
          are not Hamas? Not from Israel, right?

          It’s these folks:
          The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East[a] (UNRWA, pronounced /ˈʌnrə/ UN-rə)[b] is a UN agency that supports the relief and human development of Palestinian refugees. UNRWA’s mandate encompasses Palestinians displaced by the 1948 Palestine War and subsequent conflicts, as well as their descendants,[3][4] including legally adopted children.[5] As of 2019, more than 5.6 million Palestinians are registered with UNRWA as refugees.[6]

          1. You have no understanding whatsoever of Gaza or anything in the in Middle East.

            I was in Gaza before it was turned over to the Palestinians. This was prime real-estate on the Mediterranean Sea. It could have been a small Hong Kong of sorts, and a springboard for a larger Palestinian state.

            After the Six Day War, Israel picked up where the British left off. They built infrastructure, hospitals, and businesses which were left for the Palestinians.

            Al Shifa Hospital indeed has a past steeped in conflict and terrorism. During the Six-Day War, it served as a treatment center for injured Egyptian soldiers. The iconic moment of the Egyptian army’s surrender in the war occurred there on the evening of June 6, 1967, as IDF forces made their arrival at the building.

            Later, the Israeli military administration of the Strip, appointed an Israeli doctor to oversee the Gaza health system and ensure the hospital’s operations returned to their normal state. By 1969, the hospital’s internal medicine department was expanded. its director, Dr. Riyad Zanon, who would later take up the role of the Minister of Health for the Palestinian Authority, fled abruptly after it became known that he was involved in the transfer of funds to terrorist organizations.

            In November 1972, a dedicated eye hospital was established adjacent to Al Shifa Hospital, staffed by both Israeli and Gazan doctors. Then, during the 1980s, with the aid of American support, Israel embarked on a project to revamp and enlarge the hospital complex. This undertaking also involved the installation of a subterranean concrete floor. In a grim twist, this underground area has been appropriated in recent years by Hamas.

            More here:


          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            who operates, maintains and staffs this hospital and others in Gaza? Israel?

          3. UNRWA is known to be corrupt. They employ Palestinians allied with terrorists. It’s a big part of the problem.

            “By day, Awad al-Qiq was a respected science teacher and headmaster at a United Nations school in the Gaza Strip. By night, Palestinian militants say, he built rockets for Islamic Jihad.”


          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            And you can say that ANY Aid organization is corrupt if they have bad apples and if so, none of what else they do is credible?

            Overall, on balance, does UNRWA provide a substantial amount of supoort to Gaza?

            Does Israel provide support ?

          5. UNRWA is a huge part of the problem. It operates in ways that have perpetuated the conflict, not solved it. That’s a big subject for another time.

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            If Israel took over the hospitals, then UNRWA would not be needed.

          7. The Palestinians would need to start building businesses instead of bombs. Gaza is currently a huge welfare state with most of the money going to billionaire Hamas leaders and the families of terrorists.

            “Hamas leaders worth staggering $11B revel in luxury — while Gaza’s people suffer”


            “Under Palestinian Authority law, every terrorist who is killed attacking Israel is defined as a “Martyr” whose family is immediately rewarded by the PA with a 6,000 shekels ($1,511) grant and a 1,400 ($353) per month allowance for life.”


          8. LarrytheG Avatar

            So Israel is NOT supporting Gaza and it’s civilians? True? They basically occupy it and little else?

          9. “UN Palestinian agency looking into claim teacher held Israeli hostage in attic”


          10. LarrytheG Avatar

            Who operates, maintains and staffs the hospitals in Gaza? Israel?

          11. LarrytheG Avatar

            Should Israel take over the operation of the hospitals so they can assure that Hamas is kept out?

          12. That’s what Israel is doing.

            “Before entering the hospital our forces were confronted by explosive devices and terrorist squads, fighting ensued in which terrorists were killed,” the Israeli military said.

            “We can confirm that incubators, baby food and medical supplies brought by IDF tanks from Israel have successfully reached the Shifa hospital. Our medical teams and Arabic speaking soldiers are on the ground to ensure that these supplies reach those in need,” it said.


          13. LarrytheG Avatar

            Right, but what did Israel do to support the hospital itself BEFORE the attack? Did they help fund and staff it?

          14. “…apartheid-like treatment of Palestinians.”

            Where has ethnic cleansing actually occurred Larry? The Arab world, not Israel which is 20 percent Arab.

            Arab countries expelled Jews who had been living there in some cases since the Babylonians took them captive between 597 BCE and 538 BCE.

            How many Jews live in Arab countries Larry?

            “Such treatment
            probably led to growing numbers of Hamas.”

            Hamas is an offshoot of Muslim Brotherhood founded in 1928. Their goals are the same – to establish caliphates in the Middle East which will then expand worldwide.

          15. LarrytheG Avatar

            Is there confusion between what apartheid is and ethnic cleansing? Not sure your point about
            Jews in Arab countries… re: Hamas – I am no defender of Hamas or any others like it – they’re a
            scourge on mankind but I do ask what has/is Israel doing to help/support innocents in Gaza and West
            Bank to win their hearts and minds? Does Israel provide or help provide healthcare, food, water, to Palestinians?

          16. Nations and humanitarian organizations across the globe have supported Gaza – including Israel. Their efforts have been either wasted or used to support terrorism against Israel.

            Palestinians in Gaza, West Bank strongly support Hamas, October 7 attack
            A total of 75% of respondents agreed with the October 7 attack and 74.7% agreed that they support a single Palestinian state “from the river to the sea.”


          17. LarrytheG Avatar

            what does Israel do to support the hospitals in Gaza? What has Israel done to gain the support of

          18. I am truly sorry that you are so uninformed on this topic, but I cannot dedicate my entire day to solving that problem.

          19. LarrytheG Avatar

            propaganda does not inform………….

          20. The documented history of the Palestinians and UNRWA is not propaganda.

          21. LarrytheG Avatar

            looking at only one side of it – is.

          22. I’ve spent as much time with Arabs as Israelis and am familiar with both views on the issues.

          23. LarrytheG Avatar

            Totally biased Nathan and promote only one side of it in your posts IMO. Clearly Israel has
            not supported Gaza and the West Bank and tried to win the hearts and minds of Palestinians IMO.
            No amount of posting stuff that ignores this is truly objective. Israel has caused a lot of problems
            and takes no responsibility for doing so and no intention at all to play a constructive role.

          24. LarrytheG:
            “Totally biased Nathan and promote only one side of it in your posts IMO.”

            Only one side? That’s your complaint? You are upset with me because I won’t argue your case for you?

            I cite facts and provide references. You provide one “IMO” after another. That’s all you’ve got.

            Then you ask a never ending stream of questions. Each response results in yet another question. This is why some people ignore you. I should probably do the same.

          25. LarrytheG Avatar

            I’m not upset with you. I just don’t consider you an objective and unbiased source. I ask questions, yes because I like to know more that the sound bite in the comments. You can ignore. I invite it. It’s easy, just keep moving your cursor but folks that say this…basically want to use comments as a forum
            for their views without being asked about them IMO. So , yes, by all means move that cursor or if you want greater relief… don’t post!

          26. Why then are approximately 1.6 million Palestinian citizens of Israel, comprising about 20% of the total Israeli population? NPR said in November, 110,000 Palestinians held Israeli work permits. What has Hamas done prior to the war besides dig up water pipes to make rockets?

      3. You have no training, experience or understanding of warfare, least of all urban warfare, yet you think Israel would be better off if you were in charge of their efforts to root out Hamas?

        Everything you have ever suggested has been discussed and tried at one time or another in Israel’s 75 year history.

        Israel is doing what it must to survive, and they are doing it with more care for civilians than any military in history.

        Please, educate yourself.

        No Way To Avoid Fighting Hamas and No Other Way To Fight

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          I’m not prevented from reading from those that do, though. I am far from alone on this, Nathan. A large part of the rest of the world thinks the same about it, and they DO HAVE all that “experience” you talk about. You actually need to educate yourself and/or get connected better to the reality, IMO.

          Israel is becoming a pariah to many other countries and will not support Israel even if it needs help.

          HAMAS as brutal and savage as it and deserving of extinction , should not and cannot be used as an excuse to kill innocents and children without restraint. The rest of the world is not going to agree, and the rest of the world is way, way more than US higher ed. At some point some folks need to recognize this.

    3. I find it so funny coming from the Americans as they did worse with the American Indians. When the barbarians (unfortunately most support terrorism and most terrorism and crimes in history are rooted in the Arab world, but this is forgotten) will not accept “civilization” there are consequences as they choose violence. Before Israel the land of “palestine” which never had a state before in history was an Arab wasteland. This is very well established.

  8. Toxic ideologies seem to find a home among elite universities in the US, including UVA. That is well documented in the following book:

    The Third Reich in the Ivory Tower: Complicity and Conflict on American Campuses

    Chapter 5 is about UVA! It’s titled “A Respectful Hearing for Nazi Germany’s Apologists”

    The University of Virginia Institute of Public Affairs Roundtables, 1933 – 1941

    Chapter 8 1938, Year of the Kristallnacht:
    The Limits of Campus Protest

    American universities did little to curtail the influence of pro-German (Third Reich) speakers on campus prior to the US entering the war.

    Who are today’s Nazis?

    “Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’ found in Hamas base in Gaza – Israeli President Herzog”

  9. LesGabriel Avatar

    “Students for (Peace and) Justice in Palestine (affiliated with national SJP), is still on the Grounds and still funded by student fees.” No one has yet commented on this absurdity. They have all the rights of free speech and assembly as anyone else, but they have no right to do so on the dime of taxpayers or their fellow students.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      I thought that was enlightening. Given the rapid run-up of tuition, why are any groups funded by student fees?

      1. LesGabriel Avatar

        If you are old enough to remember, the topic of which student organizations received funding through mandatory student fees was a VERY hot one. It would be interesting to see which groups get such funding Virginia colleges and Universities (and which ones are denied) .

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          I would prefer no student group be funded by the University. With this author, one must ask “do we know this for a fact?”. But, if true and if you believe in 1st amendment rights, how can you not make funding available to any group simply for exercising that right? Would it not be wrong to remove funding for a pro-life student group for staging a rally supporting an abortion ban simply because many disagree with their position politically?

        2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          I would prefer no student group be funded by the University. With this author, one must ask “do we know this for a fact?”. But, if true and if you believe in 1st amendment rights, how can you not make funding available to any group simply for exercising that right? Would it not be wrong to remove funding for a pro-life student group for staging a rally supporting an abortion ban simply because many disagree with their position politically?

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            I think there are 600 or so student groups and fairly detailed agreement – UVA calls them Contracted Independent Organizations and Fraternal Organizations


          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            And nothing in that contract restricts their 1st amendment rights. I don’t think the university could cancel this contract based on the cited protests. In terms of funding, this says they are eligible for certain funding requests if approved by Student Council. Eligible for funding does not mean they actually are funded. Could be yet another overreach…

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Are you saying that windows and property were damaged during UVa protests? I missed that report.

          4. I’m saying leftists will twist words and logic into a pretzel to avoid stating the obvious. Pro-Palestinian protests are likely to be violent.

          5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Likely means more 50%. I think you will find that 0% of UVa pro-Palestinian protests have been violent.

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            Never really remember seeing a distinction between 1st amendment and prohibited speech with sanctions but clearly there is sentiment that there should be from some folks. I’m suspecting that
            in the UVA contracts there is no such words that specify sanctions for prohibited speech.

          7. LesGabriel Avatar

            That is why I would like to know which groups get funded and which are denied. Actually, I would be surprised (and delighted) to find out that pro-life groups are funded and staging rallies. There are probably people on this thread who have access to that information.

    2. As you may know:

      The Anti-Defamation League and the Brandeis Center have sent a letter to university presidents urging them to investigate SJP for “materially supporting a foreign terrorist organization.” SJP’s funding sources remain opaque, since it is not a 501(c)3 nonprofit, but its ties to American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) are well-documented. As the Foundation for Defense of Democracies has revealed, AMP was reconstituted from the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development and also the Islamic Association for Palestine, which were shut down by the U.S. government for funding Hamas.

  10. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    How about expulsions? Is calling for the exile of all Jews okay? Is that a violation of a code of conduct? Is that a reason to expell a student, or deny a venue to a speaker?

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      What I don’t remember and perhaps my memory fails is students being sanctioned/kicked out over speech – before.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        I can’t recall it in my lifetime… maybe Liberty U might’ve expelled a student who yelled “Nietzsche was right!”

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Great! Guess kids should be careful who they call schmuck and putz.

        1. “A mom is accusing a California school district of enforcing “compelled speech” after parents alleged that two high school students were suspended for five days for “misgendering” a teacher.”

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Yeah, so? Now go say The Pledge of Allegiance.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            So if 50 kids stood in front of the school and said “Death to Israel”, the govt would come and arrest them?

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Guess so.

  11. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    How about expulsions? Is calling for the exile of all Jews okay? Is that a violation of a code of conduct? Is that a reason to expell a student, or deny a venue to a speaker?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      100+ hostages recovered through negotiations.
      1 hostage recovered by military action.
      Ratio of innocents killed approaching 10 to 1.

      Hmmm, best COA? Bombing, of course.

      1. “A US official said Monday that Hamas terrorists likely held back on freeing female hostages, leading to the end of a weeklong ceasefire with Israel, because it did not want them to speak publicly about sexual violence.”,speak%20publicly%20about%20sexual%20violence.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          don’t we already readily know that Hamas rapes women?

          Not really a revelation.

          And what is to keep Hamas from killing such women after
          raping and saying they were killed by the bombing?

          I don’t know where this narrative takes us… the point?

      2. Israel was willing to continue the pause in fighting if more hostages would be released. Hamas stopped releasing hostages, and resumed the war. Israel followed suit.

        Hamas was only willing to trade hostages for a pause AFTER Israel launched the ground attack in Gaza, not before.

        What worked before is the best hope for what might work again.

        Even now, the truce could be renewed if Hamas provides a list of hostages for release.

  12. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Just curious, but has SCOTUS ruled that calls for genocide are not covered by the 1st Amendment?

    1. The IDF’s 749th Reserve Engineering Battalion from the Bislah Brigade Combat Team took action on Thursday, demolishing structures associated with Hamas military activities at “Al-Azhar” University in Gaza’s Rimal neighborhood.

      The operation targeted terrorist infrastructures within the university complex, including an underground passage leading from the university courtyard to a nearby school, approximately a kilometer away, according to a statement from the IDF Spokesperson.

      Evidence gathered on-site strongly suggests Hamas repurposed the university buildings for hostile engagements against IDF forces.

      1. Guess they had to add universities as targets after destroying homes, hospitals, schools, churches, refugee camps, UN facilities and journalists. We can choose to support crimes against humanity or reject them.

        1. Is having 16 Hamas officials on the staff of al SHifa Hospital , including the director, and running military operations and caching weapons there not a war crime that removes the hospital’s protection?Or do you hold a different standard f or terrorists?

    2. IDF destroys Hamas-linked facilities at Gaza’s Al-Azhar University.

      A cache of weapons, explosive charges, rocket components, launchers and explosives looks something like this:

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