Insanity Watch: Antiracism Training for Little Leaguers

Photo credit: Glen Allen Youth Athletic Association

From the Washington Free Beacon:

Little League baseball coaches in Alexandria, Virginia, will be required to take a diversity, equity, and inclusion course this month.

In an email to coaches on Thursday, Alexandria Little League board president Sherry Reilly announced the league’s partnership with the Positive Coaching Alliance. All Little League coaches and board members were asked to cancel practices in order to attend the Sports Can Battle Racism workshop on May 24. …

“We want kids to have a positive youth character building experience, and resources and training that empower youth coaches and parents,” Casey Miller, spokesperson for the Positive Coaching Alliance, told the Free Beacon. “How we define culture is based on how we dive into the ‘we’ piece about that statement. What does it mean to be a part of the we? Each person, no matter what background or what they look like, should feel a part of the we.”

Yeah, there’s that. Or… Little Leaguers could just widen their circle of friends by playing baseball.


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7 responses to “Insanity Watch: Antiracism Training for Little Leaguers”

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    So, all this ant-racist, CRT “stuff” is bleeding into other institutions besides public education?

    Wow! The WOKE liberals REALLY HAVE infested society!

    Next thing you know corporations like Disney and even the Air Force will be corrupted or is the word “assimilated”?

    geeze, even the freaking Boy Scouts:

    ” Dear Scouting family,

    As our country reckons with racial injustice, we all must consider our role and our failures and commit to meaningful action.

    The twelve points of the Scout Law that define a Scout are all important, but at this moment, we are called on to be brave. Brave means taking action because it is the right thing to do and being an upstander even when it may prompt criticism from some. We realize we have not been as brave as we should have been because, as Scouts, we must always stand for what is right and take action when the situation demands it.

    There is no place for racism – not in Scouting and not in our communities. Racism will not be tolerated.

    We condemn the murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and all those who are not named but are equally important. We hear the anguish, feel the heartbreak, and join the country’s resolve to do better.”

    Man… it’s what’s a principled Conservative to do!

  2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “Little Leaguers could just learn to widen their circle of friends by playing baseball”

    The article clearly say coach training which does not seem out of line. In the headline and closing you imply it is for players. Why the conflation? Need more ad clicks or something?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Otherwise, his teapot would have no tempest.

  3. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

    I had to re-read the title, I mistakenly thought it said “Anti-Trust” training which we had to take each year along with a bazillion safety, workplace harassment, active shooter, etc. computer based training classes. You know what? some of the big corporations ought to put that stuff online so everyone could get the same training voluntarily. and see what private corp working stiffs, who get so many Deplorable votes from Dems, gave to go thru to protect their hind-ends. And it is not all bad, except in the wider Community nobody cares about safety except as a tool to destroy super-safe industry. Big companies have to beat it into employees daily or be forced out of business by liberal vilification.

    PS- Undoubtedly somebody in Little League probably knows what Corporations do, and is inserting a training module. Important stuff to management like anti-trust had to be sit in course style with signature sign off (or else!).

    Also recently in NoVA, we have had some school sports teams (not Little League to my knowledge) hurl racial slurs at the opposing teams, which is hard to believe in today’s charged atmosphere, but apparently true.

    We do live in a highly litigious society.

  4. It’s funny in a way that pseudo-intellectual critical race “theory” has tainted baseball, given what one of the originators of “critical race theory” had to say about baseball.

    Frances Cress Welsing, a psychiatrist who got her education at Howard University, and then taught there, wrote a paper back in 1970 entitled “The Cress Theory of Color-Confrontation and Racism (White Supremacy).” It spent some time as a pamphlet or booklet and was then published in “The Black Scholar.” You can go to a university library, as I once did, to find it and read it, or you can pay to read it on an academic website ( ) or you can read a synopsis of it on a black supremacist website ( And Cress Welsing is identified, for example on her Wikipedia page (she passed away in 2016) as a black supremacist.

    Welsing’s theory is simple: white people are threatened by ethnic groups with more melanin in their skin because any interbreeding between white people and other groups results, according to her, in people who have melanin and do not look white.

    She hypothesizes, not unreasonably, that many people want their children to look like them, and so view their children (or grandchildren) looking like they are from another group and therefore not looking like their own descendants, is threatening. I don’t think she gets that philosophical but she could tie it to Hobbes et al and the fundamental nature of the “fear of death,” where not having offspring, or not having offspring that look like you, eliminates one of the substitutes for the immortality not available to us.

    There are two problems with this hypothesis.

    First, all racial groups, especially college educated members of all races, continue to intermarry at increasing rates. So a growing number of white people don’t seem to mind having mixed race children. At at public school I teach in, “black” children who declare themselves to be mixed race, or say they have one white parent, approach the number of children who as far as I know have two African American parents. The number of white people marrying out of their race has more than doubled since Dr. Cress Welsing wrote her tract. But by her theory as white people become a smaller and less “supreme” share of the population, they should be becoming more threatened and more exclusionary.

    Second, if we go by African American comics on SiriusXM radio (for example, the “Netflix is a Joke” radio channel) black family members (grandparents, uncles) criticizing the growing number of black people who have white spouses or “beige babies” are not uncommon. Cress Welsing assumed all black and brown people are equal in melanin, and that no black parents (or grandparents) were ever threatened by children and grandchildren who no longer looked as much like them. (In her mind African hair, skin and features are “dominant” genes; in reality they disappear after too many intermarriages with white people.)

    Cress Welsing asserted that the genes that produce melanin create various other – superior – abilities, such that white people are inherently inferior, which white people seem to recognize faster than other people (even though she claims white people are less intelligent) so that they recognize that to survive they must suppress other races.

    Cress Welsing advances a number of sub-arguments to support her idea that whites are inferior. One is to replace standard measures of intelligence – in which white and Asian test takers often do better, on average, than blacks or hispanics – with wider measures that include physical coordination or musical ability. She then argues that blacks are better on these measures, learning to stand, walk, etc. earlier than other children.

    Another of her sub-arguments is to define Jews (who of course aren’t a race) as a special lost tribe of black people. She discusses their darker hair and eyes, their curlier or kinkier hair, and quotes a variety of 18th and 19th century authors on how Jews are a type of Negro. She then subsumes all Jewish intellectual achievement as a species of black achievement. She doesn’t actually re-jigger IQ scores, attempting to isolate Jewish IQ tests from whatever (white or other) ethnic group the Jewish test-taker may have been classified and then re-average them with all black scores. Jews in America are only 2% of the population, though I suppose if you re-define them as black for statistical purposes they might be 1/6 or 1/7 of the black scores, so they might have some impact on the average.

    Another fascinating part of Cress Welsing’s paper is to insist additionally that white men are threatened by the larger black penis. How exactly this is related to either the fear of not having your children look like you OR to the absence of melanin is not clear. I was once on a PR tour at a university hospital where a hospital administrator was giving to a visiting group of foreign medical personnel from Asian countries. The administrator was a white lesbian, the Asians were all male. For some reason she decided to crack a joke: Q: “What’s white and 10 inches?” A: “Nothing!” I can only assume that she had almost no experience of penises and so did not realize that the penises possessed by her audience, though not white, were likely also not to be 10 inches, or even bigger than the average white penis. Cress Welsing does discuss physical stature, and asserts that black people are taller than whites because of the superior melanin producing genes. She goes on to insist that Asians of all types and other “people of color” around the world are not short because of their genes, but because of malnourishment.

    As part of Cress Welsing’s venture into relative penis sizes and other sexual matters, she turns to sports. White people, according to her, have invented many sports with balls, and in all the sports with big balls the balls are brown – basketball, football. In all the sports where the balls are small the balls are white – baseball, softball (?), golf. According to her this shows that white men are obsessed with how small their genitals are. An interesting polemic, but it leaves so much unanswered: Why do lesbians play softball (and golf and basketball) but not baseball or football? What about soccer balls, which seem to be as big as basketballs (Dr. Cress Welsing wrote before soccer was popular in the United States), but are white with black stripes? What about the very British sport of croquet, where the balls come in a rainbow of colors?

    This is where Critical Race Theory comes from. It’s a simpl and superficial theory for people who can’t or won’t think more deeply about such things as how a government school system fosters residential segregation, with failing schools for poorer minorities that devour their futures. It’s a theory that allows its believers to feel that their church is morally superior. It’s a theory that allows one to transform any envy or grievance – for example, that being a odd person who graduated from a minor medical school you were not propelled to have the same influence of some Ivy League professor – into proof of systemic racism.

    Maybe they will paint the baseballs and golfballs brown. They’re being white could not have had anything to do with making them more visible in green grass or as the descend toward you in a sunny blue sky.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Racial tolerance, like any virtue, is something that some are born to, some achieve, and others have thrust upon them.

      “There are two problems with this hypothesis.”
      Okay, now explain circumcision.

      Pink, hot pink. Safer for hunters, more visible for golfers.

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