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Inexplicable Debate Dodge

I am totally dumbfounded by today’s Tyler Whitley story in the Richmond Times-Dispatch: “Kilgore refuses to debate Potts.” I guess the Kilgore campaign knows what it is doing, but it’s hard for me to understand why they were willing to revive the debate ducking charge, the performance anxiety issue, and give more free publicity to Russ Potts.

As Barnie Day has pointed out, this is a three way race now. It only takes 34% to win. Why Kilgore won’t honor the widely accepted 15% threshold for third party participation in debates is beyond me. Potts isn’t near that number now, but the Kilgore position, plus all the recent fawning press Potts has received, might get him there … and beyond.

The first step out of the gate after the primary does not appear to be a sure-footed one.

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