Indoctrination Nation

The Daily Caller is a conservative, Washington, D.C.-based media organization with a national audience. This video documentary, “Indoctrination Nation,” focuses on the “parent-led rebellion against the left’s war on our kids” — here in Virginia. The video is important not only for the story it tells, which Bacon’s Rebellion readers already know, but for the fact that it was produced at all. Those loud cracking, splintering noises you hear are the sound of the liberal media monopoly busting apart.  — JAB

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5 responses to “Indoctrination Nation”

  1. VaNavVet Avatar

    Not sure about a monopoly as all it takes to produce a video is money. Maybe they passed around the hat.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      It doesn’t even take that much money. Some really slick videos produced with an iPhone and some editing skills.

      Poor Will Rogers. He once imagined you could believe as much as half of what you see. Not anymore.

  2. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    James, James!! Really? The “left’s war on kids?” Cancel Christmas? Hyperbole or merely asserted screed material. Once upon a time, BR was far more nuanced and forthright. BTW, the splintering noises seem to emanate from the video itself.

  3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    The best measurement for the Parents Revolt will be November 7th, 2023. 91 county school boards are on the ballot. Parents will need to keep a head of steam up. That is a long way down the road.

  4. John Martin Avatar
    John Martin

    “Those loud cracking, splintering noises you hear are the sound of the liberal media monopoly busting apart. — JAB” Oh good grief

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