by Kerry Dougherty

Looks like Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares just turned up the heat on Loudoun County.

When he was elected, Gov. Glenn Youngkin signed an executive order calling for an investigation into what happened in Loudoun County Public Schools, where an alleged predator in a skirt reportedly got a pass for raping one girl in a girls’ bathroom and was then shuffled off to another school where he allegedly assaulted a second victim.

On Monday a special grand jury convened by Miyares unsealed indictments against both Loudoun County School Superintendent Scott Ziegler — who was fired last week after the release of the grand jury report that called him “incompetent” and a “liar” — and LCPS spokesperson Wayde Byard who was suspended from his job yesterday.

They face criminal charges for allegedly making false statements. There are other charges against Ziegler.

Investigative reporter Luke Rosiak, who broke the Loudoun County story when most of the corporate media ignored it, claims that the alleged victims have been ignored by school officials.

The father of the first victim, Scott Smith, was thrust into the limelight after he was arrested at a June 22, 2021 school board meeting where Ziegler denied awareness of any bathroom rapes, despite having intimate knowledge of the attack on Smith’s daughter a month prior. But the second girl, who was dragged into an empty classroom, choked, and sexually assaulted in October 2021 at Broad Run High School, has remained silent publicly except for remarks at the assailant’s sentencing in court.

On Monday, her family issued a searing statement through their lawyer, Patrick Regan, saying that no school board members or officials had ever reached out to their daughter to ask how she was doing or express sympathy.

“With the release of the Grand Jury report, the public now knows what we have suspected since the start of this tragic event – that what happened to her on October 6, 2021 could have and should have been prevented,” the statement read.

“Over the last 14 months since our daughter was assaulted, not one member of the school board, LCPS administration, or even our local high school leadership has reached out to check on how she is doing, lend any type of support or even apologize for what we are going through as a family. That alone speaks volumes to what we have endured throughout this ordeal.”

Youngkin was propelled to victory by a surge in support for parental rights in education and by condemning the permissive Loudoun County policies that allowed a student who allegedly committed sexual assaults to remain in school and escape punishment.

The special grand jury indicated Youngkin was right: something was rotten in Loudoun.

And outspoken Loudoun County parents, who were treated like vermin by the school board and officials, were simply trying to protect their kids from wokeism run amok.

According to The Washington Post, Ziegler yesterday turned his fury on the special grand jury proceedings.

“I am disappointed that an Attorney General-controlled, secret, and one-sided process — which never once sought my testimony — has made such false and irresponsible accusations,” Ziegler wrote in the statement. “I will vigorously defend myself. I look forward to a time when the truth becomes public.”

This is a familiar refrain from those indicted by grand juries. The process is always run by prosecutors and the target of the grand jury has no right to be present or present evidence, although they may be called. Grand juries don’t determine guilt or innocence, they simply decide if there was probable cause that a crime was committed.

Oh, and grand jury proceedings are ALWAYS conducted behind closed doors.

In these cases, the special grand jurors believe there was criminal activity.

The school officials will have a chance to present their defense in court.

This column has been republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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54 responses to “Indictments For Loudoun County School Officials”

  1. Officials do not reach out because the lawyers tell them not to contact the families. Anything said in a condolence contact can be used in a civil lawsuit.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      What an utterly strange excuse for lack of common civility.

      1. It has been a problem in medicine for decades. It also what your insurance company tells you how to act in a car accident. Never admit guilt and never say one is sorry for one’s actions. Thank the trial lawyers for the lack of common civility.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        You Sir, have never been in a traffic accident. Rule #1: Never, ever, say, “I’m sorry.” It’s an admission of guilt.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          This is not a case of an accused party saying “I’m sorry”, but rather every employee of the school system. Different case entirely.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Don’t matter. “I’m sorry” in any form comes with liability attached.

    2. You are, regrettably, correct. In our litigious society public officials cannot risk issuing private statements of sympathy or condolence.

      1. So offering supportive counseling would be forbidden too? Seems that that would be part of the educational mandates.

        1. That’s a good question.

  2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Hard to believe Wade Byard has been indicted. Amongst teens he is the most popular man in Loudoun. Famous for his robocalls announcing school cancellations from snow. Kids made t shirts and memes about Wade.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Yep, that was the one that caught me by surprise.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        What part of swearing to tell the truth did he not grasp?

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Well, you are assuming guilt here…

        2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          I do remember getting a number of robocalls from Wayde cancelling school when the weather produced only rain.

          Seriously, as public information officer of LCPS I have to wonder how many other times did he lie on behalf of the superintendents of the past?

          1. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Was he not indicted for false weather reports?

    2. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      He may be a mere ham sandwich.

  3. For years, we’ve been told that gender affirming policies in schools were “protections.”

    The girls in Louden County don’t appear to have been very well protected. Neither do these girls.

    “Trans Student Charged After Reportedly Assaulting Two Female Students in School Washroom”

  4. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    Ziegler is still getting his pay and perks which include a free car and fuel.

    1. Is he? He was fired, wasn’t he?

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        Fired by the board without cause. He gets paid for this year and next.

      2. James Kiser Avatar
        James Kiser

        without “cause” which is fancy way off letting him off the hook so he could collect his bennies.

  5. Former Superintendent Scott Ziegler has been charged with one count of false publication, one count of prohibited conduct, and one count of penalizing an employee for a court appearance. All three are misdemeanors, one Class1 and two Class 3.

    I had no idea it was illegal to lie to a reporter, but:

    Code of Virginia – § 18.2-209. False publications. Any person who knowingly and willfully states, delivers or transmits by any means whatever to any publisher, or employee of a publisher, of any newspaper, magazine, or other publication or to any owner, or employee of an owner, of any radio station, television station, news service or cable service, any false and untrue statement, knowing the same to be false or untrue, concerning any person or corporation, with intent that the same shall be published, broadcast or otherwise disseminated, shall be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor..

    Under that criteria, I should think every politician in the state could be charged a $500 fine every time they talk to a reporter…

    The mouth-piece has been charged with felony perjury.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Has Trump ever talked to a reporter on his Va. golf course?

    2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      My thoughts exactly. The Ziegler charges seem pretty thin even if he is found guilty. The Byard charge is, of course, more serious but suspect he was doing his job.

      Notice no mention of Mike Chapman in Kerry’s piece… unsurprisingly…

      1. Yes. It will be interesting to see how this is prosecuted, if at all.

        Has Mike Chapman been indicted? If not, that might explain why she did not mention him.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          I am sure it will be prosecuted, Miyares won’t pass up the press coverage he and Youngkin will garner.

          1. My statement was poorly worded. I was thinking of whether it will end up in court vs. the possibility of avoiding trials via plea bargains. But reaching plea bargains still counts as prosecution.

            A plea bargain can cut down on press coverage, though.

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            If it were me (and I was confident in my innocence against these charges), I would fight every one of them in court no matter the cost. Most probably wouldn’t though… such is the nature of “justice” in the US of A.

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            The only losers will be the taxpayer. Pay for the prosecution, and then the defense.

          4. One girl was raped and another assaulted in what might have been prevented. Seems like they have paid dearly for Louden County’s negligence and cover up.

            Why shouldn’t those responsible answer for what they have done, and failed to do?

          5. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            The responsible party is the kid. Remember, yours is the “Party of Personal Responsibility”.

          6. The “kid” is responsible for Ziegler’s lies? That’s an interesting way to view it.

            “…Ziegler denied awareness of any bathroom rapes, despite having intimate knowledge of the attack on Smith’s daughter a month prior.”

          7. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Privacy rights. He just didn’t understand the use of a forceful, “No comment.”

          8. You think the administration did nothing wrong?

            “The grand jury also said in its report Loudoun County Public Schools ‘bears the brunt of the blame’ for the second sexual assault and allowing the boy to transfer schools after the first attack.

            “Two of the charges against Ziegler relate to a separate case involving a teacher who reported being sexually assaulted on the job.”

            “Special education teacher Erin Brooks filed a lawsuit against LCPS in June saying a student grabbed her private areas ‘dozens of times a day’ and LCPS ‘did nothing to stop the assaults from occurring.’”

            “There was a suggestion that she put on an apron to stop the sexual assaults and that she use a cardboard cutout of a hand,” said Brooks’ attorney, John Whitbeck.

            “The lawsuit claims LCPS retaliated against Brooks after she testified for the grand jury and the school system didn’t renew her contract at the end of the school year.”


          9. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Minors have rights too. Tell me where I’m wrong.
            The first alleged assault was reported to school administrators, who — and this is important — reported it immediately to the sheriff.

            At this time, the school is out of any investigation, and they have only an ALLEGED assault. Until he is charged, he same right to attend school as every other kid. The transfer assured separation between the ALLEDGED victim and her ALLEDGED assailant.

            As for the second assault, well let’s hold judges responsible for giving bail to those charged with crimes… OH WAIT! That’s right, the kid hadn’t been charged with a crime.

            “Special education teacher Erin Brooks filed a lawsuit against LCPS in June saying a student grabbed her private areas ‘dozens of times a day’ and LCPS ‘did nothing to stop the assaults from occurring.’”


            What? She didn’t report this to the police? What’s wrong with HER?

          10. Suspension was not an option? People have been suspended for less. What about virtual school until it’s resolved?

            Unless of course you think pronoun “violence” is worse than rape.

            “A high school freshman is suing his school after he was suspended for telling another student there are ‘only two genders.’”

            “The school found he had violated its policy on gender identity and pronouns, which states a student has the right to be identified by the name and pronoun of their choice.”


          11. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            If someone accused your kid of assaulting them — no witnesses — and the school suspended your kid on the strength of the sole accuser’s word alone, you tell me you wouldn’t hire a facebiter to file a lawsuit the very next day. Every bloody one here would.

            Your football player violated title IX.

          12. Nancy:
            “Your football player violated title IX.”

            Title IX does not supersede the Bill of Rights – state or federal.

            M. P. cites Article 22 of the New Hampshire Bill of Rights, which protects his right to free speech. The suit also argues that the defendants had no legal ability to punish M. P. for the content of his off-campus text messages.

            M. P. did not harass or demean any student, but simply expressed his views on a contentious cultural issue. The key question before the court will be if Exeter’s Gender Nonconforming Students policy, nearly identical to the policy adopted by school districts across the state, can be used to suppress the free speech rights of students who hold dissenting views.


          13. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            So, still in court? Nothing is resolved.

            Hey! I’m all for it! Civil disobedience is a wonderful way to resolve issues. Just be prepared to be punished.

          14. Your football player violated title IX.

            No he didn’t.

          15. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            According to the Dept. of Education’s interpretation of the SCOTUS ruling on Title VII of the CRA as it applies to the same wording in Title IX of the AEA, yes, yes he did.

          16. By stating an opinion?

          17. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Ever heard of the Office of Legal Counsel? When legal counsel at any organization, like Dept. of Ed., issues an opinion to their client it’s policy until overturned. If SCOTUS doesn’t like their interpretation being applied to two identical paragraphs in two different laws, then they should say so. I have little doubt this SCTOUS wouldn.

          18. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Good luck with your vendetta.

          19. It is the woke mob that has a vendetta – a vendetta against pronoun “violence.”

            It’s clouded their judgement to the point where they can’t bring themselves to take appropriate steps to protect young women from rape and assault.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Don’t expect any of the blind mice to follow that trail, sir. They are so lost now that Twitter is not telling them what is true or false and giving them talking points.

      Oh, that takes me back to the federal court in Norfolk and my status as grand jury witness number one against Chuck Robb and members of his staff. Good for Miyares. Push it through. Some things need to be prosecuted and can’t be dismissed as “just politics.”

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        How’d that Robb stuff turn out? Anything like McDonnell?

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          Convictions were obtained. Careers ended (at least in politics). Robb himself took the stand and wiggled out from indictment. This was about the Wilder tape. I got shot as a bystander but….shot back! My testimony was the key (I tell myself.)

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Oh man, I had forgotten that! Yeah, someone intercepted by spoofing Wilder’s cellphone calls.

            Well, Daddy always said, “Treat every phone like a party line.”

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        How’d that Robb stuff turn out? Anything like McDonnell?

  6. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Good luck… petite juries have a higher bar. Someone could be eating ham sandwiches for the next three years.

    Virginia hospitality, “Hi, I’m AG Miyares. Have you tried the ham biscuits?”

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      BTW, tried. Get it?

  7. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive


    Democrats protect the People from a rabid SCOTUS.
    Republicans protect the other foot from a self-inflicted gsw.

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