Incredible Bills in Conference List Remains

The Virginia House and Senate convene at noon today, and today is actually today finally.  The General Assembly recognizes this as March 7, having had a two-day March 5.  March 6 will never exist in the records.  Stopping the clock for an entire 24 hours allowed legislators to continue to put disputed bills into conference, and they did so until right before “Thursday” adjournment at 5:45 p.m. Friday.

Being March 7, the Assembly is scheduled to adjourn.  Some of the more contentious issues remain on this unresolved bill list.  Some do have conference reports voted on by one chamber or the other, or printed ready for action.  Many have no agreement.  Either the session goes into overtime or some of these just fail.  A budget vote sometime next week also seems inevitable, unless they want to vote first and read it later.

The list:

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8 responses to “Incredible Bills in Conference List Remains”

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    Well, I guess according to one’s point of view, this has been, already, one of the most “productive” GAs in recent history or one of the most fouled up or both.

    Seems like a bunch of legislation has passed also.

    Any chance of seeing that list?

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      Larry, you can find these lists on that LIS that you disparage so much.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Ya… I went to Richmond Sunlight! LIS is better than it used to be. Back then – the search function was nothing short of terrible and it was just plain frustrating just trying to find, for instance, all bills related to transportation.

        There are some fairly nice search engines out there these days including GOOGLE but still.. trying things like keyword searches on LIS is painful.

        Right now, I’d challenge you. Go to LIS and in the top left “search” do one for Transportation and tell me what you get or perhaps in your case – corrections. Or go to the Bill Search on lower left – and do “transportation” or “corrections” and see what you get.

        It’s just terrible!

        Go to Richmond Sunlight and do the same searches:

        Richmond Sunlight also has minutes and video but it can only post
        it when it is made available.

        The folks who run the LIS – they need to hire the guy who created Richmond Sunlight – and then stay out of his way and let him
        bring LIS up to the current state of the art for databases and user tools to access them.

  2. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    That’s this morning’s list. Quite a few already signed.

    Missing the deadline to adjourn plays hell with the Governor’s schedule for reviewing and signing things, too. More bills become “seven day bills” he needs to act on within a week.

  3. This is a head-spinning mass of material.
    HB542–Will doing away with local water supply plans in favor of regional allow the regional planning measures to reallocate water supplies from areas that have enough to those who don’t and create a 1974 Chinatown movie scenario in Va?

    HB 19, HB 201, HB 235, SB 219–How much voter fraud goes along with voter registration changes including DMV not verifying citizenship, but sending info to Elections Board unless person says not to; and allowing same day registration? If you can sign a statement to vote instead of producing a required document, why have provisional votes?

    HB284, SB225: Another way of VDOT avoiding responsibilities by letting localities order homeowners to remove line of sight tree and vegetation issues from property adjacent to right of way–except VDOT doesn’t have any central record of right of way easements, so localities won’t either, and there is no standard distance from the roadway. VDOT didn’t keep track of their deeds and there’s no easy way to go back and find them in the courthouses.

    Can someone translate HB761 for me please?

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      Reading a long list of bills is always educational, sometimes alarming. I heard some discussion of that one, I think, and it seems to be a state-level requirement for Voting Rights Act type pre-clearance. The advocates, as I recall, are concerned the current and future federal courts cannot be trusted.

  4. djrippert Avatar

    “The Virginia House and Senate convene at noon today, and today is actually today finally. The General Assembly recognizes this as March 7, having had a two-day March 5. March 6 will never exist in the records. Stopping the clock for an entire 24 hours allowed legislators to continue to put disputed bills into conference, and they did so until right before “Thursday” adjournment at 5:45 p.m. Friday.”

    I always wondered what happened to all those clowns when Ringling Brothers closed shop in May, 2017.

  5. Jane Twitmyer Avatar
    Jane Twitmyer

    And I thought Conservative Virginia liked to be considered ‘business friendly’ … Guess that doesn’t include how the state is run … just that business tax is low???

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