Incompetence and Lawlessness Alleged in the Peoples’ Republic

by James A. Bacon

A bid-protest letter from the Ratcliffe Foundation and the Trevilian Station Battlefield Foundation to Charlottesville City Council represents more than a bid to block the melting down of Charlottesville’s Robert E. Lee statue. It delivers a devastating indictment of a dysfunctional city government.

The city removed the statue in July. In September, the City of Charlottesville issued a formal solicitation for offers to relocate and recontexualize it. The city received six proposals, with groups offering to pay as much as $50,000 to acquire the statue. On Dec. 7, City Council voted to convey the statue to the Jefferson School African American Heritage Center, which planned to melt down the bronze sculpture and forge a new piece of public art. In the words of the Heritage Center director, the Swords into Plowshares project would “allow Charlottesville to contend with its racist past.”

The Ratcliffe/Trevilian letter seeks to thwart the transfer on two grounds: first, that the City lacks the legal authority to alter or destroy a monument, and, second, that the City violated its own procurement and public-notification regulations.

The Ratcliffe Foundation operates the Ellenbrook Museum in Russell County in the historic home of William Alexander Stuart, founder of the Stuart Land & Cattle Company. The Trevilian Station Battlefield Foundation is dedicated to preserving the Louisa County site of the Civil War’s largest cavalry battle.

The award was illegal. In amending the monument-protection law in 2020, the letter argues, the General Assembly refused the city authority to alter or destroy a monument. The legislation did allow localities to remove, relocate, contextualize or cover monuments but not to destroy them. Indeed the House of Delegates had proposed allowing localities to destroy the monuments, but the Senate balked — not once, but twice.

Further, contends the letter, “the City cannot do indirectly what it lacks authority to do directly” — in other words, Charlottesville cannot convey the statue to a third party that intends to destroy the statue.

Violation of laws and ordinances. The award process, says the letter, contravened Virginia’s Open Government Law, the Public Procurement Act, and Charlottesville’s own ordinances.

City Council gave no notice to the public of its pre-drafted resolution to accept the Heritage Center offer. An agenda item published Friday, Dec., 3, for a meeting the following Monday referred only to “the disposition of statues.” States the letter: “The general public never saw or heard of the resolution before the vote, let alone having online access to it simultaneously with the Councilors as the law requires. The vote on the resolution is null and void.”

Initially, the four attending members of City Council had agreed to postpone the item. But public comments at the end of the five-hour meeting persuaded council members to reverse themselves and to accept the melt-down offer.

“Council’s willingness to bend to the will of insider activists after the late night public comment underscores the competitive disadvantage of outsiders deprived of advance notice” says the letter.” They had no opportunity to speak for their offers, or marshal support. The Trevilian Battlefield could have brought their apparently ignored or forgotten offer to the city’s attention.”

Additionally, contends the letter, the City acted unlawfully without a city manager or interim city manager, and with no designated manager for the solicitation. “Without executive leadership authorized to act, the City Council should have postponed or canceled the orphaned solicitation. Instead, it fumbled along by inertia.”

Charlottesville has struggled with frequent turnover in the city manager position over the past two years. In the leadership vacuum following the departure of the most recent city manager, administration of the statue solicitations apparently fell to a deputy city manager for racial equity, diversity and inclusion, states the lawsuit. The position was new, the deputy city manager had been with the City less than nine months and, whatever qualifications she had, “they do not include procurement training or expertise.” Further, City Council neither delegated her management authority nor disclosed her role, whatever it was, to the bidders.

Council’s discussion of the Lee statue hand-over was “perfunctory,” the letter says. “The very fact of a pre-drafted resolution is damning. The fix was in for the Center’s illegal proposal.”

The city’s response. The city outlined its legal response in response to the Ratcliffe/Trevilian letter.

Regarding the procurement act requirements, wrote City Attorney Lisa Robertson, the act applies only when the City seeks to obtain goods and services — not when it gives something away. Furthermore, the Virginia code gives local governing bodies “sole authority” to determine statues’ “final disposition.” The word disposition includes the “parting with, alienation of, or giving up of property.”

The City Council virtual session can be viewed here. Council’s discussion of the statues begins around the five-hour, 28-minute mark.

Correction: An earlier version of this post incorrectly described the Ratcliff-Trevalian communication to the City of Charlottesville as a lawsuit. It was, in fact, a letter of protest.

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42 responses to “Incompetence and Lawlessness Alleged in the Peoples’ Republic”

  1. Remind me why we care about this

    1. Donald Smith Avatar
      Donald Smith

      Because pest control is important, and shouldn’t be neglected. If you don’t deal with pests (like the wokeists who run the Charlottesville City Council) or their actions (this one), they spread. Pushback like this helps keep wokeism, and other diseases, contained.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Pest control…? is that how we should “contextualize” the US Civil War then…? If you say so…

        1. Donald Smith Avatar
          Donald Smith

          If your reading comprehension improves, you might get to be a full troll.

      2. Good luck with Charlottesville City Council. That’s a quixotic endeavor.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Because WM wanted to bid… No, no, not W&M. The other WM, Waste Management.

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Plumbing fixtures would suit him best.

    1. dave schutz Avatar
      dave schutz

      And which can be purchased from Winsome and Terence Sears’ plumbing and electrical company — Shenandoah Appliance Plumbing & Electric.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        That would be cool. How about embossed R.E. Lee check valve?

    2. “Put a little Lee on your Loo”?

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Well, NEVER to windward!

  3. Without historical context the woke morons will be able to say and do anything that pops into their fevered little brains and no one will be able to correct them because they will be just as stoopid.
    Read any Orwell novel and get back to me but start with 1984.
    PS they come in audio versions for those with public educations.

    1. You know Orwell was a democratic socialist right?

      1. And he wrote with such great knowledge of the ultimate outcome.
        How anyone can look at the results of socialism, let’s say Venezuela or France not to mention Marxism somewhere like Cuba or the USSR and say “We want to be like them” is mind boggling.

        1. I’m just confused by why you hold him up as an example when he probably would think cville council was acting appropriately. He was against totalarianism, not socialism.

          1. Communism, socialism, totalitarianism, Nazism is all control by the state to one degree or another over the peoples’ individual freedom. I hold up none of these and only supply Orwells’ 1984 as an example of what is bad not a primer to live by.
            The C’ville council seems to be ‘woke’ destroying history in an attempt to control the future. That is what Oceania did to control the population, ergo the memory holing of everything that didn’t fit the current narrative in Orwells’ story.
            If you don’t have a past, you can get the sheep to believe anything about the present.
            THAT is the point of 1984, Big Brother, I forget the antagonists name, making Winston submit to any reality he chose. And only after he was conditioned to say whatever didn’t cause pain was a broken Winston allowed to return to a useless life.
            That is what you will get if you let the leftist destroy history was my point.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Uh yep, and the ultimate free market capitalist state brought you slavery. So what’s your point?

            Nic, nic, nic. Swamp.

          3. That makes absolutely no sense Nance but then not everything is racist, sexist, or homophobic so you have no argument.

          4. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            You’re right. Sometimes it’s just all about the Benjamins.

          5. Packer Fan Avatar

            Pretty sure slavery is much, much older than free markets and capitalism. Unless of course, you’re one of those who believe slavery began in Virginia in 1619.

          6. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Perfected, then. Very detailed records. One might even say with near-German efficiency.

          7. Slavery predates free market capitalist states by a few millennia.

          8. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Ah. But who kept it going?

          9. Packer Fan Avatar

            I believe that would be the Chinese or I suppose you could throw in a few African nations.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        You could also add that they were works of fiction. For some reason these BR guys take them as factual or at least prescient.

        1. Think of them as parables, explaining complex concepts to naive people.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            So you believe them then, eh?

          2. I believe that is the ultimate outcome of your type of thinking and socialism. It is evident everywhere that freedom is infringed, that power given to ‘The State’, is freedom taken from the people and the evidence is evident in Venezuela, Cuba and Australia to name a few.
            Government control is what Kings have and what the American Revolution beat back for this period in the history of the Earth.
            Slavery was a remnant of the Feudal system and necessary to our extrication from that system and the formation of this country, a necessity, I would remind you, we paid dearly for.

            To destroy history is not erasing it but it is allowing people to unlearn the lessons.

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            And yet, there is Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Ireland, Iceland, Croatia, and 10 more for whom it works.

            The difference with Cuba, Grenada, and other Western Hemisphere attempts? CIA? You tell me. You’re of the QAnon party.

          4. The Nordic countries don’t represent socialism, but a high tax high benefits system voted for by the people. Also, all of those examples don’t supply their own defense and therefore can afford the luxury of having freedom without the requisite cost.
            Nance, I could slap down these specious arguments all day, but I really have better things to do, so let me close with “Have a nice life trying to destroy the greatest nation ever conceived and returning it to government by a King or Politburo or Bureau of forcing people to do shit because you deem it is in their best interest.”
            Good day to you.

          5. Packer Fan Avatar

            And yet you haven’t moved to Sweden, Denmark, Finland, et. al.

          6. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            But, I can. Can you?

          7. Packer Fan Avatar

            But I wouldn’t want to leave the best country in the history of the world. How come the rest of the world isn’t swarming to Sweden, Denmark and Finland? Especially Sweden, since they gave the world ABBA.

          8. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            They are. Where have you been

  4. Donald Smith Avatar
    Donald Smith

    Even more reason for the governor and House of Delegates to retaliate against Charlottesville at appropriations time.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Retaliate? Meaning that since they cannot put forth either a legal or reasoned debate that would change minds and/or the course of events, then they must simply lash out and injure. Okay. ‘Bout sums you up, Major Major.

      Ya know, you could be a very thoughtful contributor to a discussion on the value of heritage versus hate, but might I suggest that you could be more influential if you should try to be, well, less like,… you.

    2. I think “retaliate against” is a bit strong. Perhaps we should go with “take into account Charlottesville’s apparent lack of need for funds”.

  5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “Jefferson School African American Heritage Center, which planned to melt down the bronze sculpture and forge a new piece of public art.”

    Sounds like it will be appropriately “contextualized” to me…

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Not on this blog…

      “The Bacon’s Rebellion blog tracks public policy issues in Virginia.

      We don’t do politics — just policy. Moreover, this is not a partisan blog. We entertain a broad spectrum of views. Our regular and semi-regular contributors include:…”

      Sometimes we do, but mostly we just trash UVa, Charlottesville, Northam, school boards and public education, while extolling VMI, the Lost Cause, slaveholders and insurgents both then and now. We are Miniver.

  6. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Agree with ARL that it is hard seeing the relevance of this post. Who cares what Charlottesville does with the Lee statue? Removing vestiges of a controversial past are part of human history. Take the Soviet Union. In 1956, Khrushchev brought on de-Stalinization and many memorials to the murderous dictator were removed. When the Soviet Union fell apart in 1991, old Communist memorials were torn down, including one of Felix Dzerzhinsky, the founder of the Soviet secret police, in front of Lubyanka, the KGB headquarters. In the early 1990s, on my second tour in Moscow, I flew to Alma Aty in Kazakhstan to report an energy story. I had an old Soviet map and needed to find an address on Lenin Street. I asked an elderly lady and she said: “Young man, it is Apple Street now.”

    1. dave schutz Avatar
      dave schutz

      It’s also deeply unfair to those of us in Arlington, who gloried in the appellation ‘People’s Republic’ for years-and-years. Who are these Johnny-come-lefties in Charlottesville to try and eclipse our shining history???

  7. Merchantseamen Avatar

    Destroy the history, destroy the culture. It is our history not just your history to destroy. History of Maoist China. They destroyed the history as well as the teachers and professors who taught it. Currently the Taliban destroys Christian symbols, statues and such. This is the Leftist road to Utopia I guess. Unfortunately history has been white washed or ignored at our own peril. Hence we are doomed to repeat it. Revolutionary War and the Civil War. Both threw off the chains that choked freedom, one figuratively and one literally. Yet we have a class in this society that is ready and willing to wrap those chains back around us. Be it economic, bio-fear mongering, race baiting. They are working slowly towards there default position. Starvation! Come Jan 1 no more pork in CA if the pigs do not meet compliance. MA, no more eggs come Jan 1 if the hens do not meet compliance. This covers all pork and egg based products must be removed. No exceptions. If the pigs do not meet space requirements of 24 square foot per pig and 1.5 square feet per hen they are not in compliance. You have wacko senators blaming the oil and beef industries for price increases and global warming. The leftists are pushing “Beyond Meat” a synthetic derivative. Sort of like the 100% safe jab made with graphene hydroxide. One senator attacks a billionaire for paying some 11 billion dollars in taxes. She called him a freeloader. How many millionaires did he create to become a Billionaire? Faux Pocahontas made only one millionaire…. herself…off the public tit. The Leftist want their Utopia and are willing to eliminate whole cultures and races to achieve it.

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