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The Sept. 25, 2006, edition of Bacon’s Rebellion has been published. You can view it here. Not only can you read this week’s punditry and profundity, you can peruse our archives. Why not subscribe, and get the e-zine sent directly to your in-box?

Today’s columns include:

The Swedish Solution
If congestion pricing works in Sweden, why not in Virginia? Tolls that vary by congestion levels could dampen demand for added roadway capacity while raising new revenue.
by James A. Bacon

A Congestion Pricing Primer
Answers? You want answers? I asked the U.S. Department of Transportation about its congestion-pricing policies. The answers were so good I had to reproduce them whole.
by James A. Bacon

Future Still Shocking
In our age of accelerating change, some institutions adapt more quickly than others. Insights from the Tofflers’ new book help explain the challenges facing Virginia.
by Doug Koelemay

Jackpot Winner
Americans are like the overweight Lotto winner who squanders his winnings. The discovery of oil deep in the Gulf of Mexico will do little to halt the coming energy crash.
by EM Risse

A New Transportation Equation
Virginia once led the nation in seeking private- sector solutions for transportation problems. We will have a chance in few days to burnish our tarnished capitalistic credentials.
by Geoffrey Segal

Pouring Water on Sand
Virginia legislators propose increasing subsidies for the Washington Metro — an unaccountable organization plagued by operational blunders and financial mismanagement.
by Phil Rodokanakis

No Regional Goverment!
If you like the idea of taxation without representation… if you’re looking to enrich your cronies without public oversight… you’ll love the idea of regional government.
by James Atticus Bowden

Who’s Watching the Richmond Media?
Part I: Community weeklies diverge on news council idea.
by Conaway Haskins

Who’s Watching the Richmond Media?
Part II: Blogs to the Rescue?
by Conaway Haskins

The Five-Legged Dog
Asserting that Rail to Dulles is an effective solution to Northern Virginia’s transportation problems does not make it so. The project is broken, and it’s time to re-think mobility solutions for the Dulles corridor.
by William Vincent

The Bridal Path to Nowhere
How Virginia can beat its traffic woes: Stop wasting money on dumb projects, establish performance measures and don’t give municipalities more power over land use!
by Ron Utt

Nice & Curious Questions
A Heartbeat Away: Vice Presidents from Virginia
by Edwin S. Clay III and Patricia Bangs

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