In Their Own Words: Lanice Avery

Editor’s Note: To document the spread of “wokeness” — short-hand to describe the philosophy of intersectional oppression — The Jefferson Council has begun publishing profiles of University of Virginia faculty members in their own words. Not our words. Not our spin. Not our interpretation. Their words. — JAB 

Assistant Professor Lanice Avery has a joint appointment to the departments of Psychology and Women, Gender & Sexuality at the University of Virginia. Her research interests, she says on her university profile page, lie at “the intersections of race, gender, sexuality, and media.” In her LinkedIn page, she describes herself as a “board-certified sexologist.” This semester she is teaching one course, on Black feminist theory.

In this post we highlight her work in her own words, both in writing and on video. (We have highlighted key phrases to show how her work conforms to the intersectional-oppression paradigm, commonly referred to as wokeness, that is increasingly prevalent at UVA.) From Avery’s university web profile:

She is interested in Black women’s intersectional identity development and how the negotiation of dominant gender ideologies and gendered racial stereotypes are associated with adverse psychological and sexual health outcomes…. Her work examines how exposure to gendered racism impacts Black women’s psycho-social development, and the contributing role of media (mainstream, digital, and social) use on Black women’s identity, self-esteem, victimization experiences, and mental health outcomes.

Avery has co-authored numerous articles appearing in scholarly journals. According to Google Scholar, her articles have been cited 717 times. Here follow excerpts from the abstracts of articles published since 2020 and listed on her web profile.

“Black sexual minority women’s internalized stigma and coping motivated alcohol use: The role of emotional suppression.” Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse. 2023. From the abstract:

Black sexual minority women have an increased risk for excessive alcohol use, which has been attributed to their use of alcohol to cope with oppression. Internalized stigma is suggested to be one of the most insidious byproducts of systemic oppression whereby people internalize ideologies of self-hatred. Still, research has yet to examine the association between internalized stigma and alcohol use among sexual minorities of color. This survey-based study investigated the associations between internalized homonegativity and internalized racism with coping motivated alcohol use among 330 Black sexual minority women….

“Black women’s social media use integration and social media addiction: The need to connect with Black women.”2023. Social Media & Society. From the abstract:

Black American women are among the largest consumer groups of social media in the United States. In recent years, Black American women have curated spaces on social media platforms to authentically converse about Black womanhood and resist structural gendered racism. Still, there is a dearth of research on the subjective importance of Black American women’s social media use and risks for social media addiction. This study tested the association between social media use integration and social media addiction, and whether connectedness to Black women moderated this relationship….

“Online victimization, womanism, and body esteem among young Black women: A structural equation modeling approach.”Sex Roles

. 2022. From the abstract:

… Black women’s bodies are often the target of gendered racial microaggressions and sexual victimization which can contribute to body image concerns. Still, the online victimization–body esteem link among Black women remains unexamined. This study used structural equation modeling to examine the associations between four categories of online victimization (i.e., general online victimization, online individual racial victimization, online vicarious racial victimization, online sexual victimization) and body esteem. We further examined whether womanism, an identity-based factor, moderated the relationship between online victimization and body esteem….

“The strong, silent (gender) type: The strong Black woman ideal, self-silencing, and sexual assertiveness in Black college women.”Archives of Sexual Behavior, 2022

. From the abstract:

Women are socialized to endorse femininity scripts mandating that they prioritize others’ needs and engage in self-silencing behaviors. Further, Black women may also endorse the strong Black woman (SBW) ideal, by which they are expected to selflessly meet the needs of their family and community and, as such, may embrace self-silencing in their interpersonal relationships…. Findings highlight the complexities of Black women’s desire to fulfill expectations to be strong, assertive, and/or compliant and silent. Interventions to promote Black women’s sexual health should address sexual assertiveness and feminine silencing norms.

“Remixing the script? The role of culturally targeted media consumption on young Black women’s heteropatriarchal romantic relationship beliefs.”Journal of Black Psychology. (2001) From the abstract:

Black-oriented media may offer Black women an opportunity to produce and consume empowering messages that challenge heteropatriarchal relationship beliefs, but they may also foster their endorsement. Drawn by this paradox, we surveyed 597 undergraduate and graduate Black women aged 18 to 30 years to examine exposure to Black-oriented media and their association with the acceptance of heteropatriarchal relationship beliefs…. Reading more Black magazines was associated with increased acceptance of heteropatriarchal relationship beliefs. Although it has been argued that media depictions of sexually agentic and empowered Black women may help disrupt and subvert the hegemonic nature of heteropatriarchal discourses in society, our findings suggest that some Black-oriented media may instead be associated with endorsing restrictive, scripted gender norms for intraracial romantic relationships.

“Pretty hurts”: Acceptance of hegemonic feminine beauty ideals and reduced sexual well-being among Black women.”Body Image, 38

,181-190. From the abstract:

Although women are expected to idealize and achieve hegemonic feminine beauty standards such as being slender and lighter skinned, few studies have examined how women’s investment in achieving these restrictive feminine appearance ideals may influence their sexual attitudes and behaviors. Even less is known about Black women. … Correlation and regression analyses showed that hegemonic beauty ideal acceptance was linked with greater sexual guilt, shame, emotional distancing, and sexual self-consciousness in addition to lower levels of sexual assertiveness and satisfaction. Findings highlight how endorsing restrictive, hegemonic standards of beauty is associated with Black women’s reduced sexual affect and sexual agency.

“Subverting the mandates of our methods: Tensions and considerations for incorporating reproductive justice frameworks into psychological science.”Journal of Social Issues. (2020)From the abstract


Psychological science has had a long history of both being in collusion with and resisting the colonial and violent nature of White supremacy in the academy. The field of psychology has culpability in creating and maintaining dominant narratives that have served to justify the dehumanization of marginalized groups, particularly in regards to the methodologies used. Meaningfully integrating reproductive justice (RJ) frameworks into psychological science can drive the development of interventions for using empiricism in the service of justice for systemically vulnerable groups. This paper examines how RJ offers psychological science methodological interventions that interrogate, expose, and challenge hegemonic discourses and policies that have functioned to disempower systemically vulnerable groups.

In 2022 UVA Today profiled Avery in an article congratulating her for winning a $432,000 National Institutes of Health research grant. Here is the project description:

The project aims to develop an assessment tool that measures the ways that Black women negotiate expectations to perform the Strong Black Woman scheme in intimate partnerships. This measure will enable me to test the pathways through which internalizing this negative gendered-racial stereotype is linked with intimate partner victimization and help-seeking behaviors among Black women. The long-term objective of this project is to improve the health outcomes of Black IPV victims through the development of empowering, socio-culturally congruent, and trauma informed help-seeking mechanisms. I hope to use the measure and findings derived from this project to apply for an R01 in the coming years that tests whether gendered-racial identity attitude change, intra-racial social connection, and increased help-seeking will mediate the mental and sexual health sequelae of interpersonal violence.

And here Avery comments on the nature of her attachment to UVA.

James A. Bacon, publisher of the Bacon’s Rebellion blog, is executive director of The Jefferson Council. This article was published originally on the Jefferson Council blog.

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51 responses to “In Their Own Words: Lanice Avery”

  1. Virginia tax payers are getting our money’s worth for a mere yearly salary of $96,700.00 for this one…..and teaching only one class of 20 students max…. and only seven signed up! That’s about $14K per.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      But they will be so well prepared for jobs in the real world, and so popular as they go about straightening out (pardon the pun) their new bosses and co-workers, especially us Oppressors.

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        That’s ONE course of perhaps half of the academic catalog.
        Get rid of the bogus courses and studies = lower cost, better academic outcomes, less overpaid people driving up the cost of housing (which UVA says is a crisis, because it is very bad…because of UVA)

    2. The professor probably has a grant and his fund at least a part of his salary out of the grant. State appropriation fund less than 20% of UVA’s operating budget

  2. DJRippert Avatar

    “Although women are expected to idealize and achieve hegemonic feminine beauty standards such as being slender and lighter skinned, few studies have examined how women’s investment in achieving these restrictive feminine appearance ideals may influence their sexual attitudes and behaviors. Even less is known about Black women. … Correlation and regression analyses showed that hegemonic beauty ideal acceptance was linked with greater sexual guilt, shame, emotional distancing, and sexual self-consciousness in addition to lower levels of sexual assertiveness and satisfaction. Findings highlight how endorsing restrictive, hegemonic standards of beauty is associated with Black women’s reduced sexual affect and sexual agency.”

    Gemini prompt: Please rewrite this paragraph using common words that would be understandable to a college freshman.

    Gemini response: “Basically, studies haven’t looked much at how the pressure on women to be super skinny and have lighter skin (like the models and stuff) affects their sex lives. This is especially true for Black women. Well, researchers did a study and found that women who bought into this whole “perfect beauty” thing felt more guilty and ashamed about sex, kept their emotional distance from partners, and worried way too much about how they looked during sex. They were also less likely to speak up about what they wanted and felt less satisfied overall. So yeah, trying to fit into those narrow beauty standards can really mess with Black women’s sex lives.”

    Google Gemini – A Woke / English, English / Woke dictionary.

    1. James Kiser Avatar
      James Kiser

      word salads aka KH style are very common among “woke” “scholars”.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        I worked at a company for 30 years that developed many internal slogans to illustrate their corporate culture objectives.

        A bunch of hackers slinging assembly language code on the night shift in downtown Chicago developed their own slogan:

        “Think straight. Talk straight.”

        The corporate ghouls would have none of it, preferring statements like, “One firm concept”.

        Thirty five years later, everybody remembers, “Think straight. Talk straight”.

        The only reason “One firm concept” is remembered is because some enterprising soul had men’s boxer shorts made up with that slogan printed on them.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          “Think straight. Talk straight.”

          Awesome concept , especially coming from software dweebs..

        2. Push straight
          Pop straight
          keeps stacks straight

          1. Matt Adams Avatar


            Nothing like some good comp sci humor.

      2. Chip Gibson Avatar
        Chip Gibson

        “Board Certified Sexologist…..? Tax dollars are paying this individual’s salary…in order to influence UVA college students?
        “Word salads” is a kind description in my opinion. All of this “intersections of race, gender, sexuality, and media” is nothing more than pure, self-indulgent, destructive BS used as a crutch for woke predators.

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Good for Gemini because I was lost….

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        I had no Earthly idea what was being said.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Those were some big words weren’t they…?

        2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Those were some big words weren’t they…?

        3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Those were some big words weren’t they…?

          1. Not Today Avatar

            Too much for small brains. Explosions ensue.

          2. Chip Gibson Avatar
            Chip Gibson

            Yes indeed, word salad speech is a common means to cover up a lack of intellectual capacity and usefulness. Have encountered a fair number of these subscribers during the past several years. They have one common trait – they are promoted beyond their capacity using paper “qualifications” and then they fail, taking others and organizations with them. We should all just drive electric school busses and get along,

          3. Not Today Avatar

            Is that what the dark web told you today?

          4. Yes. Big words to cover up a lack of substance.

            “Any scientist who can’t explain to an eight-year old what he is doing is a charlatan.”

            –Kurt Vonnegut

          5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            That’s pretty cold to suggest DJ does not have the acuity of an eight year old…!

    3. That sheds so much light on Joy Reid…….thanks

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        I would be willing to teach Professor Reid how to use a Large Language Model to translate babble into English, as a service to the Commonwealth and Dear Ole UVa.

  3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Avery must be the vice president’s speech writer. I’ve never seen so many big shot words strung together to say absolutely nothing.

  4. LarrytheG Avatar

    ow ow ow

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Do you need a Band-Aid? Do you suppose the little plantation elites need Band-Aids?

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Do you need a Band-Aid? Do you suppose the little plantation elites need Band-Aids?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        it’s oozing pretty good………..

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    I guess TJC hasn’t had any successful pressure campaigns as of yet…

    Oh, about that stadium…

    Violate the rules and faculty can be dismissed, but then words express only ideas, unless they incite violence.

    Then one could vote accordingly.
    “Do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION? A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution.”

  6. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    I guess TJC hasn’t had any successful pressure campaigns as of yet…

    Oh, about that stadium…

    Violate the rules and faculty can be dismissed, but then words express only ideas, unless they incite violence.

    Then one could vote accordingly.
    “Do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION? A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution.”

  7. Gendered racism seems a peculiar concept. Without running afoul of community standards here on BR, it is not difficult to distinguish gender from race. The physical manifestations of gender are clearly distinct from those of race. Conflating them is curious.

    “women are expected to idealize and achieve hegemonic feminine beauty standards such as being slender and lighter skinned, few studies have examined how women’s investment in achieving these restrictive feminine appearance ideals may influence their sexual attitudes and behaviors.”

    Perhaps Dr. Avery fails to understand (or understands all too well from her photograph) that morbid obesity has not ever been an idealized female (male or other) beauty standard, hegemonic or otherwise. Across race and culture spectrums attractive slender people have more sex than unattractive morbidly obese people. It does not take regression analysis to validate that finding. It is as sometimes described “lived experience”.

    Our country would be better off, our people happier and with better sexual attitudes if we put more effort into eliminating our epidemic of obesity and less on normalizing or rationalizing it.

    We could describe Dr. Avery’s convoluted syntax defining people as Avery Labels, but the trademark has already been taken.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Might be there are pretty girls in her classes. Wanna sign up? Maybe they’ll like geeks?

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Might be there are pretty girls in her classes. Wanna sign up? Maybe they’ll like geeks?

      I always viewed distribution requirements as an opportunity for the pretty girls to land one of the soon-to-be-highly-paid engineers and scientists.

      1. Remember, the median age of first marriage for college educated non-Hispanic white males is well above 30.

        The idea that one finds a mate as an undergraduate is anachronistic.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          So am I.

  8. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    I guess TJC hasn’t had any successful pressure campaigns as of yet…

    Oh, about that stadium…

    Violate the rules and faculty can be dismissed, but then words express only ideas, unless they incite violence.

    Then one could vote accordingly.
    “Do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION? A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution.”

  9. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    It would be nice if the critics actually knew anything about what is happening in academia in general and UVA in particular.
    Here is a featured article from UVA Pravda Today –
    This woman (am I safe to say that? I am not a biologist!) “teaches” creative writing.

  10. LarrytheG Avatar

    looks bad. smells bad. IS bad! sometimes I do wonder what in the dooda is going on with people.

  11. Not Today Avatar

    I’m pretty sure there are legitimate economic reasons to understand what white beauty norms cost everyone. Government and corporations alike would do well to better understand (both from a marketing and responsibility/service provision perspective) the impact of ethnic representation and inclusive messaging for beauty and lifestyle brands/care. So, yeah, that’s good stuff right there and UVA is lucky to have her.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I can see this in the marketing world. I actually do see it in today’s commercials… but is this something appropriate for Higher Ed? It just looks to me to be giving ammunition to those
      who will use it to illustrate the dumbing down of higher ed.

      1. Not Today Avatar

        Where do you think the corporate world gets the data to support its rational, economic choices/spending? This kind of research is EXACTLY what higher ed should be doing. LEARNING. I don’t think people of good will have anything to worry about from folks who reflexively decry research with economic and social benefits for students and society alike as ‘woke’.

      2. Not Today Avatar

        Where do you think the corporate world gets the data to support its rational, economic choices/spending? This kind of research is EXACTLY what higher ed should be doing. LEARNING. I don’t think people of good will have anything to worry about from folks who reflexively decry research with economic and social benefits for students and society alike as ‘woke’.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          I know. But it should be primarily in the business and related schools not something else IMO that just seems to highlight the race issue and gives ammunition to those who will use it to no good purpose.

          1. Not Today Avatar

            Umm…why? Business professors don’t have the expertise of humanities professors WRT history, anthropology, philosophy, and and and. Interdisciplinary research of this sort has multiple purposes and is a mainstay in liberal arts. Race *is* an issue as the research clearly demonstrates.

          2. Not Today Avatar

            Umm…why? Business professors don’t have the expertise of humanities professors WRT history, anthropology, philosophy, and and and. Interdisciplinary research of this sort has multiple purposes and is a mainstay in liberal arts. Race *is* an issue as the research clearly demonstrates.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            Marketing folks only care about marketing and the things that improve their effectiveness. They’re not near as concerned about other aspects of “race” or “ethinicity” other than getting it on full display on the TV screen. 😉 Some of it , painfully, awkward, right?

          4. More importantly MOST business ‘professors’ have had nothing to do with business — except reading books about such activities.

      3. Thomas Carter Avatar
        Thomas Carter

        Pursuit of STEM would clearly be a better use of tuition money – especially if you want to pay off your student loans.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          I think there is way more than just STEM but there is a point where it is a bridge too far – even for me!
          When we get to this point, I start to wonder if the very purpose of higher ed is being perverted.

          We are about, or should be, productivity both as a nation and as individuals. Not to say there are other important issues to deal with but fundamentally, we need to produce enough to care for ourselves and a little extra for those who cannot take care of themselves. We work on fixing the disparities but if we let that become the prime focus and forget productivity – we’re messed up IMO.

          1. “I start to wonder if the very purpose of higher ed is being perverted.”
            You’re just STARTING?
            that’s funny

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            slow, eh?

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