In Higher-Ed, Diversity = Affirmative Action

More blue M&Ms, please

by Allan Stam

A couple of years ago, in a conversation with another dean at the University of Virginia, I was asked about my views on the ever-expanding Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion enterprise. I explained that I was not a fan of the diversity movement and affirmative action. When asked why, I explained that my preference was for merit, and merit alone, to determine the allocation of scarce resources and in particular, admissions and employment spots. The conversation then turned to what the effects might be of basing admissions decisions solely on merit.

“Would you be OK with the student body being 40% Asian?” I was asked.

“Of course,” I responded. “But if you feel that UVA, as a public institution, should have a student body that represents Virginia’s population, then be explicit about that, and adopt quotas. I wouldn’t be happy with that, but at least we wouldn’t be hypocrites.”

My partner in the conversation, being of a legal mind, then observed, “You know we can’t do that, adopt quotas. Quotas are illegal.” And therein lies the rub.

Diversity, as practiced in American higher education, in general, and at the University of Virginia in particular, is a fraud. The word ‘diversity’ is a linguistic dodge to enable universities to sidestep what lawyers refer to as ‘strict scrutiny’ of the legality of affirmative action. Affirmative action, as a term, is a euphemism for race-based discrimination. So, Diversity is a double dodge.

Its use as a turn of phrase is just a clever way to obfuscate the practice of race, ethnicity, and sex-based discrimination. Diversity, and as a result, race-based discrimination, has become a core concept in the admissions process for entry or employment in highly selective universities like the University of Virginia. In practice, the pursuit of Diversity has nothing to do with increasing the heterogeneity of student or faculty viewpoints or perspectives and everything to do with affirmative action for Blacks, Hispanics, and in some fields, women. The Equity and Inclusion mantras of the DEI enterprise flow from the unintended consequences of Diversity programs as currently instantiated.

Affirmative action brings to campus people who are not otherwise qualified compared to students admitted based on competitive merit. As a result, those admitted because of their race or ethnicity rather than their grades and test scores tend to struggle academically. The DEI intellectual movement and associated bureaucracies are explicitly anti-merit, anti-innovation, and anti-competition. They are also extraordinarily divisive.

Following the diversity of viewpoint logic in Lewis Powell’s 1978 Bakke Supreme Court decision, minorities benefiting from affirmative action should be able and willing to present the Black experience, the Hispanics’ perspective, or the woman’s view for the benefit of their classmates and colleagues. Merit-based admittees understandably expect minorities to provide these ‘diverse perspectives’ even if such things are irrelevant to academic performance.

However, the individual Blacks, Hispanics, and women brought to campus, supposedly to bring diversity of viewpoint, often resent or rebel against that expectation. In turn, facing pushback from those representing the various under, or unrepresented viewpoints, the students who gained admission through a merit-based process are often puzzled by the reactions of minority students. Merit admittees explicitly ask the reasonable question or, more commonly, silently wonder, “we all know you are here to represent the Black/Hispanic/female perspective. Why are you so angry?”

In the end, rather than providing a diverse and enriching environment for discussion, the DEI system breeds resentment that the Equity and Inclusion bureaucrats worked frantically but futilely to address. Equity in the DEI world does not mean equal opportunity. It means equal outcomes. From the DEI perspective, inequality of outcomes is prima facie evidence of discrimination and systemic racism. It is not evidence of poor preparation or lack of effort. The equity squad looks to bolster the academic outcomes of the poor performers but usually only succeeds by lowering standards and expectations for all. Everyone with half a brain can see this, which in turn breeds more resentment or complacency.

What to do about the rising resentment and antipathy directed towards those not wanting to constantly represent some viewpoint or those who cannot keep up in class? The solution is to create an ‘inclusive’ environment. Here the irony is excruciating. To make minorities feel included, the DEI bureaucracy responds by creating exclusive zones for each identity group. The ever-expanding number of exclusive and exclusionary safe spaces undermines the logic of the inclusion racket. The Latinx zone, the LGBTQ+ center, the African American student center, and so on may make the individual students feel more comfortable in what they see as an otherwise hostile environment, but they do nothing to create a sense of shared identity or inclusivity on campus.

With any luck, next June, the Supreme Court will rule race-based affirmative action unconstitutional and, in turn, will begin peeling back the hypocrisy that the DEI industry has come to represent.

Allan C. Stam, a professor of politics and public policy, is a former dean of the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy at the University of Virginia. 

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163 responses to “In Higher-Ed, Diversity = Affirmative Action”

  1. If you really want diversity, admissions to universities should be by random selection. I’m sure that there would be little support for this, since poor people would actually benefit.

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Ooh, ooh. Let’s put all children over 8 in all expense paid resident schools. This way we can assure full opportunity and diversity up through college.

  3. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
    Virginia Gentleman

    “Merit admittees explicitly ask the reasonable question or, more commonly, silently wonder, “we all know you are here to represent the Black/Hispanic/female perspective. Why are you so angry?”

    Call me curious … but how do you know which are the admittees who are not there on merit?

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll


    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      My question has always been, “Which slot(s) are filled when a DE&I criterion is considered?”

      By all rights, it’s only the anchorman. If two 4.0 Eagle Scouts with Max Score SATs are vying for entry, they’re both getting in. They’ll get slots 1 and 2. Race, sex, etc. isn’t going to make a difference. It’s only when you get to the last slots where they’ll even start looking at DE&I criteria. And, if that ain’t the case, you do have a problem.

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        That was the issue in Bakke wasn’t it?

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Yep. He sued for the last place in Med school. Never knew what happened to him in the end but I’ve avoided any doctor named Bakke just to be safe.

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            But… standards ensuring that graduates have achieved a minimum level of competence are the difference between equality (of access) and equity (of outcome).

            What I avoid are docs from med schools where equity was the policy when they graduated, and those in the bottom half of their class.

            Curiously there is equity in reimbursement rates for the good, bad or indifferent. The incentive is for number of billable procedures performed, not how well they are done.

  4. M. Purdy Avatar

    Surely this author is also for ending legacy and high donor admissions since neither are “merit based.”

    1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
      Virginia Gentleman

      What does “merit based” even mean? Best grades? ACT/SAT scores? Advanced Placement classes? Should merit based include extra curricular activities in high school? Does straight A’s in Richmond City in AP courses mean the same as straight A’s in Henrico County in AP courses? Why not just have the students take IQ tests and draw a line?

      1. M. Purdy Avatar

        Precisely. Most of the things you cited are for rich kids. Most rich kids are white or Asian. I’m not clear why people who drew an inside straight in the birth lottery should be rewarded for that.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Lucky Sperm Club aka the United States. Take Trump for example.

          1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            That isn’t the first time “Sperm” and “Trump” were used in the same post. Likely – won’t be the last.

        2. DJRippert Avatar

          There are no poor White people living in rural America and no poor Asians living in trailer parks along Rt 1 south of Alexandria?

          The fact that most rich kids are White of Asian does not mean that most White and Asian kids are rich.

          1. M. Purdy Avatar

            Right, totally agree. I’m all for socioeconomic diversity. I’m not for reinforcing concepts of “merit” that have virtually nothing to do with merit, but have a lot to do with how rich your parents are.

      2. Teddy007 Avatar

        In Texas, each school, whether public or private, has to rank their students from first to last. Then UT-Austin only has to accept those who are in the top 7% or so. However, all other state universities have to accept all of them.
        Thus, merit would mean that versus non-merit would mean skipping over higher ranked white or Asian students to pick a minority who is lower ranked but fills a quota. Of course, what is left unsaid at many universities is that the diversity quota slots are filled with students who are recent immigrants to the U.S. or the children of recent immigrants.

      3. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Ah… but is the entrance exam fair? For example, if it’s in Mandarin only then Harvard wins.

      4. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Ah… but is the entrance exam fair? For example, if it’s in Mandarin only then Harvard wins.

    2. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      It is so funny to watch. Does any Lefty have any original thought?
      All hate Legacy admissions.
      But…if you look at data…the legacy admission rates APPEAR to be a big advantage.
      BUT, when you check the legacy SATs against the group, they seem to fall square in the middle.
      I suspect this reflects the education level of the parents. But, if you do away with “legacy” on the basis of fairness, you will lose all of your reverse discrimination admission of “under-represented” groups…

      1. M. Purdy Avatar

        “All hate Legacy admissions.” Not even a little bit true.

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          Based on what exactly?
          Have you read the Racial Equity Task Force?
          Have you read the Senate Faculty minutes?
          Have you read the comments here? Were those comments from people on the Left or the Right?
          It is a lot of bit true. And, it isn’t what one would think upon actual investigation…

      2. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        All lefties surrendered original thought to the originalists and textualist conservatives. We remain at your mercy and/or generosity. Legacy, night and day you torture me, the old song says.

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          And your old song never says anything substantive. What do the numbers say about legacy advantage, beyond initial appearances?

  5. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    Application of black-letter merit (standards?) eviscerates the essential concept of selection or admissions. The challenge in college admissions and employment is providing equitable principles, fairness. Merit measures tend to work against the middle and lower social classes in the same way as legacy admissions and employment decisions. Recently, these pages were treated to a data interpretation about political contributions that inferred UVA was dominated by leftist Dem money. Do proponents of rigid meritocracy truly wish to perpetuate such a revolving door?

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      “Merit eviscerates the essential concept of selection.” As a kid, did you ever choose up sides for a team sport? What criteria did you use?

      1. M. Purdy Avatar

        You ever choose up sides to become an educated, productive, ethical member of society? What criteria did you use?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          merit-based k-12. Only the best kids get to go to the next grade and graduate.

          1. M. Purdy Avatar

            YES! Good idea! Or how about just the kids with the parents with the best connections?

          2. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            I prefer children with conservative parentage.

      2. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        As a matter of fact, in the South Bronx, sides were mostly chosen to afford all an opportunity to participate. Such also contributed to robust competition. Selections were also most often a consensus decision. Friends with polio, asthma, or other limitations were considered. Woke conservatives like you were likely not as fair.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          “As a matter of fact, in the South Bronx, sides were mostly chosen to afford all an opportunity to participate. Such also contributed to robust competition. Selections were also most often a consensus decision. Friends with polio, asthma, or other limitations were considered. Woke conservatives like you were likely not as fair.”

          That’s a flat out lie, competition and desire to win is ingrained in the human condition. If what you described occured it would be incongruent with biology. If you’re going to make an outlandish claim, at least make it somewhat believable.

  6. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

    Clearly, elite colleges & universities can focus on socioeconomic status. A student who comes from a low-income family (or a family that has never had a college graduate) and who has done very well in school could be given extra consideration without regard to sex, race or ethnicity. They could also get rid of legacy admissions and those for gifted athletes.

    But let’s be honest about affirmative action. Just come out and state that applicants should be judged by different standards based on their race and/or ethnic background. When it’s all boiled down, that’s what is left.

    When is Bezos going to apply affirmative action to his Post editorial board? It hardly reflects the demographics of the D.C. region or even its reporters. I bet the same can be said about every other MSM entity.

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Hear, hear!! Affirmative action for BR authors and commenters. Clearly, any stinkin’ equity principles only compromise standards and/or lead to losing athletic teams. or leftist Dem institutions. Replacement anyone??

      1. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

        So, why won’t you write, “I believe that public colleges and universities, as well as private ones accepting federal tax dollars, can and should make admission decisions using different standards based the applicant’s race and/or ethnic background”? That is what affirmative action means today.

        Also, “equity principles” is a pretty ambiguous term. Can you please define it as you are using it? It might help me get a better understanding of your argument. Thank you.

      2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        Equal outcomes can only be externally imposed. If the organizational principle of society was equal outcomes, who could rise up to impose them?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          equal outcomes in military boot camp, If you make it, you’re the same rank as the others who made it.

        2. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          The issue here, if you hadn’t noticed, relates to getting in not getting out. Equitable intake principles bolsters equal outcomes.

          1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            Please read the foundational document of DEI at UVA. Search “UVA DEI”. Then click on the home page. Then “Racial equity task force”. Then “Final Report”. I recommend you read it. You may agree with all of it, or not, but it will provide a baseline for discussion.

            It contains a list of demands for DEI, by which they are explicit in defining as Black, authority over the entire university enterprise, massive amounts of DEI money in perpetuity, discarding of tenure to enable Black faculty promotion, preferential Black faculty hiring and student admissions.

            Not my words, theirs. I don’t happen to think that is a good idea. You may. But at least, after you read it, we will have the same frame of reference.

            Do you think what is written there will pass constitutional muster?

          2. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            The only pertinent frame of reference is how DE&I have been implemented, not your dudgeon over a manifesto.

  7. Teddy007 Avatar

    A question for those closer to UVA and VT, if one is admitted as a freshman, can one major in whatever subject that one wants to major in or are there firewalls. A firewall can be something as obvious as a tryout to be a music major, a portfolio to be a visual arts major, or certain minimum SAT math scores/AP exam scores/ACT scores to major in engineering, hard sciences, or business.
    Diversity quotas are a very different form of affirmative action when a college has firewalls for majors that do not have to take the diversity admits.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Years ago, at UVa, you had to apply to the Engineering School out of high school. While transfers between Engineering and Arts and Science happened, those transfers were generally from engineering to arts and science. I assume the engineering school at UVa has its own entrance criteria. The School of Commerce at UVa used to require application of UVa students between their second (sophomore) and third (junior) years. Admissions were competitive and not all UVa students who applied to the Commerce School were accepted.

      That’s the way it was. I’d be interested in hearing of things have changed.

      1. The College of Engineering at VT operated the same way, years ago.

  8. How come these ‘DIE’ proponents ignore college athletics? If it’s good for the classroom, it should be good for the playing field. All college student bodies should mirror the state’s demographics, right?
    White: 66.32%
    Black or African American: 19.05%
    Asian: 6.70%
    Two or more races: 4.77%
    Other race: 2.83%
    Native American: 0.27%
    Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander: 0.07%

    Let’s see the same on the football field and b-ball court and on the track.

    END of discussion……

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      “END of discussion……”

      Seems about par for the Rightwing these days…

      1. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

        kls asks a reasonable question. Why are you unwilling to take a stab at answering it?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Would you give preference to attributes other than academic for admission?


          1. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

            Race is a suspect category under the Constitution. “A racial classification, regardless of purported motivation, is presumptively invalid and can be upheld only upon an extraordinary justification.”
            Personnel Administrator v. Feeney, 442 U.S. 256, 272 (1979), quoted in Washington v. Seattle School Dist., 458 U.S. 457, 485 (1982).

            That’s one that must not be used. Do you really think it’s right to say, “Asians over here, blacks over here, whites over here, Hispanics over here. And look up, your admission standards, which are different based on your race or ethnic background, are written there”? That’s what Harvard does, despite accepting federal tax dollars. That’s what UNC does, despite being a government agency.

            If the factors do not include sex, race and national origin and the factors and their use are written down and made public, it’s fine to consider things other than just grades. Admission test scores are probative or were, at least until the results didn’t match up with the desires of the woke.

            Personal achievement and character are reasonable to use. Activities outside school, including a history of working parttime and during summers, seems probative.

            To ensure fairness among applicants, the admissions process should be as transparent and objective as possible, realizing that there is going to be some level of subjectivity involved.

            We’d all be enraged if a judge decided cases based on factors beyond the law and the fact proven. “I’ve decided each case this week based on the race of the plaintiff/defendant.” Why are some comfortable if the President of a very selective college says, “I’ve made the last three admission decisions based on the race of the applicants”?

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Which College had a rule that you could not play athletics unless you had at least a B average?

            I have no doubt SCOTUS is going to dump affirmative action but I also have no doubt , other factors will be used that are not codified in the anti-discrimination legal strictures.

          3. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Race was not suspect in the 13th and 14th amendments. Equality is not mutually exclusive to equity. Without the penumbra of privacy in Griswold, the state could invade the intimacy of the marriage relationship. See also Willard v Tayloe for equity decisions. Art. III, Sec. 2 states the judicial power applies in law and equity.

          4. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

            If one makes the argument that race can be considered based on the 13th and 14th Amendments, it follows that, given the history of African slavery in the United States, only the black race can be considered. Asians, Hispanics, Middle Easterners, etc. were not enslaved and should not be treated the same as blacks, as these amendments were drafted solely to address African slavery. Moreover, the better argument would limit consideration of race to only those blacks that can trace ancestry to one or more slaves.

            As far as Griswold is concerned, when I first read it in law school, my reactions were that the use of contraception was nobody’s business and that the case was a piece of made-up crap. Penumbras and emanations are legal science fiction. And at the time I was the campaign treasurer for a Democratic Party state senator in Minnesota.

            Our Con Law class had a great debate as to why the newly found right of privacy did not allow citizens to refuse access to their financial information for income tax purposes. No one could really distinguish between financial privacy and sexual privacy, even our professor, who had clerked for Justice Brennan.

            If I understand correctly, you are using the term “equity” in the traditional legal sense, where a court attempts to provide a just remedy where the law fails (i.e., damages will not make the injured party whole). Thanks for the clarification. It helps considerably.

          5. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            You misconstrue the citation. The inclusion of race in the two amendments speaks to equity not quotas. It means simply that race is not excluded. Nor does it mean reparations or replacement. Entertaining law and equity is not a simple task in courts or education.

            Financial privacy died with the income tax. Crimes charged for behavior between consenting adults – contraception and homosexuality – share little as values contrasted with financial crimes which tend to affect a larger number in harmful ways.

            Equity may apply also where application of black letter law produced an unfair harshness or result as in Willard and Griswold.

            TY for the acknowledgement.

        2. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          A college or university without athletic programs are mere—-colleges and universities.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            well like virtually all European and Asian higher ed and US like MIT and others.

            what is to keep someone from claiming that a sub-standard type was given a college slot over them because they had athletic merit?

        3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Because she said “END of discussion”…??🤷‍♂️

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive


    3. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Colleges and universities can thrive without athletic programs. END of discussion.

      1. Teddy007 Avatar

        Every university except for UVA and Virginia tech should have dumped their athletic programs long ago. Old Dominion has to spending millions of dollars of students fees on an athletic program that no one cares about. The biggest issue is what do the universities that produce the high school band directors, the cheerleaders, and athletic trainers do to make up for not having training opprotunities.

        1. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          Over a not too long period of time, they will not be missed.

          1. Teddy007 Avatar

            How many high school students are a fan of any college’s sports team in Virginia except UVA and VT. Even most of the George Mason or VCU students do not care and do not remember past glories. However, those students do know about the athletic fees they have to pay to support teams that play in empty arenas or sell cupcake loses to the big schools.

          2. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            It’s a bit like porn, knowing it when you see it. Or, even, election integrity.

    4. LarrytheG Avatar

      what does athletics have to do with academic merit?

      1. DIE is everywhere on campus… how can we have true equity on a team of STUDENT- athletes without the application of DIE across the board of everything on campus…….now let’s talk about teaching faculty……

        1. M. Purdy Avatar

          Illogical argument.

          1. Rob Austin Avatar
            Rob Austin


          2. M. Purdy Avatar

            Education and personal development are holistic, multi-dimensional tasks. A “university” is designed to achieve this important societal goal (it’s even hinted at in the name). Playing sports is a singular task, and it only applies to 1.5% of university students (for D1). It is not a core part of the more complicated mission, and without it, universities can still thrive. As an analogy, if I were putting together a math team, I would choose the kids who are best at math. But that doesn’t mean that I would have a preference to people who excel at math for every single major. The educational mission is much much broader.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            yep. academic merit is what for things like paleontology or anthropology. business? What academic criteria for them?

        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          what does athletics have to do with academic merit?

        3. LarrytheG Avatar

          are teaching faculty selected on academic merit?

          1. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Not at UVA where the criterion is making contributions to Dems.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            oh yeah, forgot… 😉

          3. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            Perhaps UVA should also start admitting athletes based on athletic merit …. based on their football team, that doesn’t seem to be the case.

  9. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    In praising the 1901 VA constitution, Carter Glass proclaimed the principle of equality that guided the Commonwealth for decades = discrimination against the negro vote. Meritocracy as advocated on this page achieves the same goal.

    1. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      Can you do math?
      2022 – 1901 = how many generations ago?
      Has anything changed?
      Seriously, you don’t want to acknowledge the law of large numbers and patterns of distribution, but can you do subtraction?
      Do you have eyes to see, or are you just a Dem bot?

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        You are the first to inquire after 20 years of educational experience. Busted!!! Why is the GA still purging racist laws from the VA code? Indeed, many things have changed except the views of woke conservatives. How long is a generation? How long ago was massive resistance? C’ville advised that Jews will not replace some. The “law” of large numbers and patterns of distribution (whatever that means) appears to be failing.

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          When was the Civil Rights Act passed? Massive Resistance ended…60+ years ago…
          How long have schools been integrated? How am I busted? Seriously, you have problems. Because racism was once widespread and official, it has not improved?
          And, is it possible, that all of these so-called efforts on DEI are counter-productive? (They are) But all things Left are, so at least you are consistent…
          So your brilliant rebuttal to the article is that Carter Glass in 1901 was a racist?
          And that applies how to UVA’s illegal, racially discriminatory and counter-productive admissions and other policies in 2022…how?
          Want to argue the present?
          (Ironic from the same crowd working to erase history, except when they like the erasing!)

          1. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            No, bupchick, I was busted by you for my innumeracy. Was it possible that the lop-sided contributions to Dems from UVA was due to common sense of donors avoiding the WINRED ripoff? So, Glass was 4 generations in the past. Massive resistance less than 2 past. C’ville?? Erase that meddlesome history. When was UVA’s policies declared illegal?

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            They haven’t been declared illegal, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t illegal. Have you read UVA’s non-discrimination statement? It says it does not discriminate on the basis of “color” (really – color) and also political affiliation.
            So you do not believe in disparate impact analysis now? Oh, that’s right, MATH! Larry can be Mr. SCIENCE! and you can be Mr. MATH!
            Charlottesville does not “prove” anything, just like J6 does not “prove” anything.
            People didn’t know about Antifa in 2017, but looking at the pictures and the masked people (not all in black – Antifa had not perfected its thuggery until the real Summer of Hate in 2020) with clothes rods, versus what…300 people from all across the nation? And some of those were people supporting not removing the statue and some were actual white “supremacists.” Why didn’t the police keep the crowds separate? What if the 5000 Antifa types had just ignored? Been a nothing burger, but then UVA and the entirety of Leftism wouldn’t have a fake demon to demonize…
            How come Nancy Pelosi didn’t honor the request for National Guard? Why was her daughter there that day, filming? Why can’t the poor truly being abused J6 defendants see the videos? How come Ray Epps hasn’t been arrested and charged? How did the bombs at DNC and RNC get palnted and we haven’t found the people?

            All you lefties do is Agit-Prop. Craig Livingstone in the chicken suit…and 900 FBI files…the trespassing gorilla at a Trible event in Richmond, etc. When you can’t win on issues, make $4!+ up!

            The demand for racism far exceeds the supply “Jussie” McCarthy (and many more)

          3. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            I like the Storm Trooper boots … in C-Ville… in Summer!
            A real fashion statement of “peace.”

          4. Lefty665 Avatar

            Yeah. The 4 of them look stunned, like they ran into far more than the easy pickings they expected.

          5. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Well…after a hard day of rioting and beating people, even an Antifa true believer needs a break!
            Where’s your compassion?

          6. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Damn!!! Why did I not simply take your word for it that the policies were illegal and counter-productive? Maybe because, like your assertions, your words don’t prove anything. Neither did your incoherent analysis of political contributions at UVA prove your conclusions. All you do is rant. Why is the sky Dem blue?

          7. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Usual substantive comments…
            I can read. They are illegal. Even if a Court hasn’t found so yet, and even if the Supremes don’t find the discrimination as currently practiced illegal – it won’t make it right. It is not what the laws say, and we are not supposed to be ruled by 9 people.

          8. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Rule by Walter Smith is better. Two of ‘em is twice as good. SCOTUS will scuttle affirmative action. Be joyful. Even if it’s not what equity dictates. Equal is better than fair. Or more equal in the barnyard.

          9. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            How do you define “equity?”
            Equal outcome?
            If equal outcome, are you smarter than some people? Is that fair? How come I cannot touch the rim in hoops? Is that fair? Why are some people faster than me? Even smarter than me?
            Equal outcomes is only possible in dictatorships, and even then the top will be grifters.

  10. Wahoo'74 Avatar

    Allan, you nailed it. Now let the dissenters rant.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Of course he nailed it. He’s a former UVa dean. He’s been on the inside and seen the BS up front and personal. Meanwhile, the usual leftist commenters on this blog spew their woke ideology from a fact-free perspective.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Rippert, how does your business hire? Academic Merit?

      2. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Interesting how the woke conservatives are competing for equality and equity with their opponents.

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          “woke conservatives”

          Congrats, you’ve coined an oxymoron, a meaningless term. That’s not quite up to a silly walk, but thanks for the nonsense and lowering the level of discourse.

          1. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Are you not aware of social injustice? Are not some professed conservatives on BR expressing such awareness? Surely, they are not oxymoronic.

          2. Lefty665 Avatar

            Surely, they are not oxymoronic.

            Not usually, but you consistently are and sometimes are anaerobic.

          3. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            You are beginning to grasp the nuance of woke conservative. Great old WWII movie when the Japanese fighter pilot proclaims, “So, Yank, you are out of bullets!”

          4. Lefty665 Avatar

            Compounding an oxymoron with a non sequtiur, good boy, you’re getting less ept by the minute. I feel sure you will be able to parlay incompetent use of English into a silly walk. Keep it up.

          5. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Ah, you are correct, pithy, and ept. As it turns out in the movie, the Yank’s wing flier had ammunition. You must give some credit to conflating an oxymoron with incompetence and a non sequitur. Such flattery is motivating.

          6. Lefty665 Avatar

            Once again you have succeeded at lowering the level of discourse here at BR.

            Keep it up Grasshopper and you will surely merit another “silly walk”, that is if you don’t spend too much time watching old movies.

          7. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            That’s been the basis of his entire commenting history here, he wants to keep discourse “civil”. Minus he doesn’t apply those standards to himself or anyone whom he agrees with.

          8. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Nah!! It’s an imitation of Alice through the looking glass seeing jabberwocky in reverse. According to Lefty and Wally I can’t perform any numbering including “minus” due to innumeracy. What do you think about meritocracy once you set aside joining others in criticism?

          9. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “James McCarthy • a minute ago
            Nah!! It’s an imitation of Alice through the looking glass seeing jabberwocky in reverse. According to Lefty and Wally I can’t perform any numbering including “minus” due to innumeracy. What do you think about meritocracy once you set aside joining others in criticism?”

            The absolute word salad has nothing to do with my comment, nor was my comment directed at you. My comment was directed at Lefty as he’s correctly identified your major malfunction.

            No, you lack validity because you only apply your “standards” in a partisan manner.

          10. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Gotta keep that insight in mind.

          11. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            You have no insight.

          12. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            The reference was to the standards you cited. The comeback was brutal and humbling.

          13. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            It wasn’t and the only correlation exists in your significantly more white then grey matter.

            The entire premise of your being is based upon value assigned to being offended. You’re a living virtue signal, therefore of no substance and never frankly have been.

          14. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Wowser!!!! Truly inspired and inspirational. Lots laurels upon which to rest. Nice work.

          15. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            If only you were as witty as you thought.

          16. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Just trying to match how erudite you are.

          17. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            I’ve always told you, that you should refrain from using words you don’t know the meaning of.

            However, as per usual you don’t have posses the common sense to know when to stop talking.

          18. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            I’m trying to emulate your behavior. Your parental admonishments and criticisms are most helpful and less painful than the rod. Not very informative but heartfelt -sadly.

          19. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Highly ironic given how you act, but I understand you lack the self awareness.

          20. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Watch Lawrence O’Donnell on MSNBC’s The Last Word. You’ll knock him off cable. Dinner time. Let’s hook up tomorrow.

          21. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            If you’re go to is Lawrence O’Donnell you’re f’d. I’m beginning to think you passed the bar by sucking D’s, because there isn’t any other way.

          22. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Ha!!! The only thing unpredictable about your commentary are your typos and the desperate depths to which you will sink with vulgarity when you have wasted whatever clever wit you think you possess. Nite.

          23. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “James McCarthy 7 hours ago
            Ha!!! The only thing unpredictable about your commentary are your typos and the desperate depths to which you will sink with vulgarity when you have wasted whatever clever wit you think you possess. Nite.”

            Full circle we’ve come, when you’ve dropped to the level of pointing out typos (you commit plenty), you’ve lost the argument. The only thing being, there was never an argument and just for your edification, vulgarity is a sign of honesty. I don’t need to misuse fancy words to make myself sound important (i.e. you).

          24. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Last gift to you. You now personify churlishness and childish in your newest low. Try convincing others that vulgarity equates to honesty. Y’all can’t misuse terms you don’t understand. S**t slinging is the best you can do faced with logic and reason.

          25. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “James McCarthy 13 minutes ago
            Last gift to you. You now personify churlishness and childish in your newest low. Try convincing others that vulgarity equates to honesty. Y’all can’t misuse terms you don’t understand. S**t slinging is the best you can do faced with logic and reason.”

            I don’t have to convince anyone of anything, it’s been studied.


            Here’s the thing, I don’t misuse words, because I know their meaning when I invoke them. You, however don’t suffer from that and routinely misuse them in an effort (to my assumption to sound intelligent).

            “S**t slinging is the best you can do faced with logic and reason.”

            Highly ironic, given that is all your comments amount to and as for your quip about logic and reason. Those are two items you’ve never been in touch which, that is very evident by all of your comments.

            Furthermore, that’s what is known as “Projection” in psychology.

            “Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a peer about his insecurities, the bully might be projecting his own struggle with self-esteem onto the other person.”

          26. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            The old movies are an addiction like the correctness sought by commenters on BR. It was certain you were not out of bullets. Consider All the King’s Men with Broderick Crawford for prophecy. Bourne flicks for escapism.

          27. Lefty665 Avatar

            Oh goody, now you’re equating dissimilar things while admitting your addiction.

            Have you tried a 12 step program? They can help with addiction. The meetings generally begin with “Hello, my name is Jim McCarthy and I am a silly walks addict…”

          28. Lefty665 Avatar

            Oh goody, now you’re conflating dissimilar things while admitting your addiction.

            Have you tried a 12 step program? They can help with addiction. The meetings generally begin with “Hello, my name is Jim McCarthy and I am a silly walks addict…”

            ps I rather liked Broderick Crawford in “Highway Patrol”, but I was a kid then and I haven’t seen any of those episodes in at least 60 years.

          29. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            God bless the US of A for keeping you supplied with ammo to shoot down adversaries. Thanks for the insight.

          30. Lefty665 Avatar

            Congrats, you have now conflated your syntax crimes with violent imagery. That may be a new low, even for you.

            I don’t “shoot” adversaries. That’s your violent assertion, not mine.

            However, you can lead an (oxy)moron to water, but you can’t make him think.

          31. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Appears my stuff is sharpening your stuff. If you allow metaphoric language to be taken literally, reading comprehension will suffer. Consider applying the sticks and stones adage. I recall exchanges like this in the schoolyard. Don’t applaud. Back at ya

          32. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Little prophetic in Highway Patrol. Crawford was hardly a star but his portrayal of Willie Stark in King’s Men was well played. HP likely did not age well but his Stark character plays in the current politisphere.

  11. M. Purdy Avatar

    You’ve defined DEI in such a narrow way that of people will of course be against it, i.e. race-based discrimination. And yes, the practices at Harvard will be struck down this term. The idea that diversity (economic, racial, regional, political) as a institutional goal will be struck down is not accurate. There are practical benefits in the private sector, education, and the military that derive from diversity.

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Practicality or equity do not appeal to the woke conservative mind. SCOTUS will decide that affirmative action contravenes the “colorblind” (????) value endemic to America. Moreover, affirmative action is not in the language of the Constitution although 3/5 of some persons was. Affirmative action is also not “deeply rooted” in the American experience.

      1. M. Purdy Avatar

        The liberal justices all noted that the conservatives didn’t want to talk about originalism in this instance because it’s clear that race was taken into account when the 13th 14th Amendments were adopted. Nice to be able to pick and choose, am I right? I do have to say that I don’t agree with what Harvard is doing, and I hope when it’s struck down the justices keep their ruling narrow.

        1. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          Well they said Dobbs applies only to abortion …. Justice Jackson is advancing the historic race based content of the 13th and 14th. Should be an interesting dissent.

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      He is not “defining” DEI, but rather sharing his assessment based on close observation of the actions of that bureaucracy at UVA. He finds it profoundly hypocritical and both destructive of the university as an academic enterprise and disadvantageous to the very people whom it purports to help.

      The DEI bureaucracy is a sinecure for the most anti intellectual fringes of the race industry. They consider their jobs to be reparations. The sooner it is gone the better.

      Linking that thought police organization to an institutional goal of diversity is just wrong. It is what they hope will make them invulnerable.

      1. M. Purdy Avatar

        “[Diversity’s] use as a turn of phrase is just a clever way to obfuscate the practice of race, ethnicity, and sex-based discrimination.” This is defining it. And your loaded language tells me a whole lot about the way you define it…”reparations,” “thought police.” Ha.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          The longer Sherlock posts here, the more we learn!

          1. M. Purdy Avatar

            I find his name exceedingly ironic…

        2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          The foundational document of DEI at UVA is 100% about race.

          Search UVA DEI, click on racial equity task force, then “final report “. Read it, and you will have an actual basis for your comments. Nothing in it about Hispanic or female. Nothing about equal opportunity, just a list of demands.

          It insists that the DEI bureaucracy be the dominant force in every aspect of the university.

          Look at the rest of the demands. Then tell us this is not about quotas. It is exclusively about racial quotas, money quotas and power quotas.

          Most of what is written in the comments so far is uninformed by that manifesto. Read it and try again.

          1. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            The last manifesto to which I paid attention had the word Communist attached. Is it your assertion that DE&I at UVA functions according to this manifesto? Or are you guessing?

          2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            Did you read it?

          3. Lefty665 Avatar

            Don’t confuse him with facts, he’s made up what passes for his mind already.

          4. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            More white than grey, for certain.

          5. Lefty665 Avatar

            White Matter Lives but it doesn’t thrive.

          6. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Are you certain he can read?

          7. M. Purdy Avatar

            That’s one report for the racial equity task force, not the “foundational document of DEI.” The task force compromises one part of the DEI office, which includes programs for Native Americans, first in family to go to college, students with disabilities, women, UVa employees, and LGBTQ. Geez, talk about cherry picking narratives.

    3. Wahoo'74 Avatar

      M. Purdy, you miss Allan’s core point. If merit is utilized along with aggressively recruiting defined minorities, then those minorities are on equal footing. There will be no resentment – either way.

      If the cultural DEI graduate goes into the private sector in a sales performance oriented job, he or she must produce. You either make annual sales goals or you fall short. At some point in most jobs results matter. The sooner all of us realize this the better.

      By the way, Allan Stam is also a US Army Special Forces and Armor officer. He can attest that diversity in the military is good for unit cohesion, but it is a pure merit based performance game in combat. Your enemy doesn’t give a damn what your ethnic background or socio-economic status is. He only cares if he can kill you first.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        How do you judge on merit who qualifies to be trained as a soldier?

        Aren’t you speaking after the fact?

        How is merit determined for choosing those to be trained in the military?

        1. Wahoo'74 Avatar

          Go through basic training. That’s step one. Then it’s truly “trial by combat.” Not a trite phrase. The best leaders I saw in my 4 decade Finance career were ex-military.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            do they require “merit” to get into basic training? How about your ‘finance’ career? Was it merit-based to get in or perhaps “trial by combat” to do finance? 😉

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Don’t forget the background check as well as medical check you have to complete to even make it to basic training.

          3. how_it_works Avatar

            Gone, I suppose, are the days when a screwup was given the choice between the military and jail.

            Though I’ve often wondered if guys like John Bobbitt (he was a Marine, stationed at Quantico) were given that choice.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            do they require “merit” to get into basic training? How about your ‘finance’ career? Was it merit-based to get in or perhaps “trial by combat” to do finance? 😉

      2. M. Purdy Avatar

        Wahoo, you throw the word “merit” around like you can define it. The military has myriad specialities and occupations that require more than one type of ability and intellect. In fact, Green Berets are typically in charge of indigenous forces, often without education, connections, prospects, etc. How do they get that group to succeed? Tell them to go home, not bother, learn English, take a test? Tell them that they lack merit? Success in college and as a college graduate also require myriad intellectual and societal skills that can’t be boiled down to “merit.” Organizations–healthy ones–value all sorts of backgrounds and skill sets. That’s diveersity.

    4. killerhertz Avatar

      I bet you can’t name them

      1. M. Purdy Avatar

        Better decision making, avoiding group think and blind spots, empathy, stronger leadership; enlarging talent pools and developing talent; expanding the concept of education beyond the classroom; designing products and programs for all people. That’s just based off of my personal experience. Studies have born this out as well.

        1. killerhertz Avatar

          So let me get this straight. You somehow think, without any evidence provided, that hiring a less qualified woman for a job in software engineering, for example, will provide some or all of those benefits?

          1. M. Purdy Avatar

            There you go on with “qualified.” Let me tell you what I know having spent 16 years in law and 13 in the tech sector–there is no uniform/objective “qualification” for any position within a tech company. Applicants have comparable qualifications for the same job with a bit more or less strength in any given area. Every open position has dozens, sometimes hundreds of people who exceed the min. qualification with no objective way to discern who is “more qualified.” We’re talking super smart. One thing that is guaranteed is that if you hire only people out of the top 10 eng. schools because you arbitrarily deem them “more qualified,” you will miss something. You will fail to find a superstar, you will design something poorly, you will have group think, you will build weaker products, and have blind spots.

          2. killerhertz Avatar

            There’s sufficient diversity in hiring qualified candidates. People have all sorts of personalities, life experiences, etc. There’s no reason to artificiality meet a quota in search of diversity. I tell you what. When are people going to advocate for more diversity in the waste management field?

    5. Donald Smith Avatar
      Donald Smith

      “You’ve defined DEI in such a narrow way that of people will of course be against it”

      But, isn’t that what we’re doing nowadays? For years I’ve heard that all Confederate statues are nothing more than Lost Cause totems. The rules have changed. And, if rules are to be fair, then they have to be applied equally to everyone.

      1. M. Purdy Avatar

        i think it’s apples and oranges, but to give you the benefit of the doubt, let’s take down all Confed. statues in public places that were raised during the imposition of Jim Crow, massive resistance, and end of Reconst. (i.e., vast majority) and leave the ones up in cemeteries and battlefields. In exchange, the SCOTUS can eliminate use of race in college admissions, which btw, they’re sure to do. (As I said elsewhere, I think that practices of Harvard in particular are obviously unconstitutional and pretty gross.) DEI will still survive, because organizations need it. Take the trade?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          fair trade. Will Donald agree?

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        Yep. You’re messed up Donald. There are a LOT of Confederate monuments that are NOT Jim Crow iconography but true memorials to the men who fought and died, not the generals astride horses with their swords drawn.

        not a single one has been taken down nor defaced:

  12. LarrytheG Avatar

    Pretty sure SCOTUS can determine affirmative action to be “discriminatory” but can they REQUIRE merit-based admissions? What law?

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Will not happen because such conclusion is outside “deeply rooted,” and not in the text or words of the Constitution.

  13. Bubba1855 Avatar

    I have a novel thought…let everyone who wants to go to Harvard or UNC or UVA be accepted if they have a high school diploma….Let’s use the 101-102 courses to weed out those who are not academically up to snuff. Long time ago, in the 60’s, my best friend in HS went to UVA…during freshman orientation the speaker said ‘look to your right and to your left, only one of you will graduate’. It made an impact on him and he was one of those that graduated with an Engineering degree. Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t Ohio State accept all, yes all, who graduate from an Ohio high school?
    hey…just a thought…
    yes I graduated from a Fairfax County high school but turned down UVA and VPI to go to a small private college…alas…a long time ago. Many years ago a dean (my golfing buddy) of my local university told me that public universities ‘weed out’ freshman…private universities support freshman.

    Hmmm…interesting…Then my ner do well #2 son went to this local university…he said freshman year, first semester was a joke…half of the folks
    in his dorm did not come back second semester…

    So…if you accept Federal Funds you must accept all applicants…then the U’s can weed out those that shouldn’t be there.
    just a thought…

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      In 1960s, NYC launched Open Admissions guaranteeing college entry to every HS graduate. The pressure on K-12 to reform was enormous to prepare students. For many reasons, including funding, the effort fell apart. In principle the idea has merit.

      1. Bubba1855 Avatar

        J…I didn’t know that…can anyone tell me how Ohio State’s open admission policy is working?

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      ” DEI is a lousy set of ideas, but as the old saying goes, you can’t beat something with nothing, so Maranto, Mills, and Salmon suggest a new acronym: MFE (Merit, Fairness, and Equality). They write, “Under MFE, academic decisions are based primarily on academic merit, well validated standardized test scores, grades and, for faculty, publication and teaching records. Individuals are primarily evaluated on their achievements, not by their group identities. This respects individual dignity and promotes the primary mission of research in higher education: the production of knowledge.”

      looks like merit, merit, merit!

      is academic merit the ONLY criteria for entrance into College?

      Also, can you define what you think “Equal Opportunity” is in K12?

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Great parsing of the theory. Nice work.

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