by Allan Stam

The horrific attacks of October 7th on Jews in Israel have prompted pro-Palestinian groups, including several at UVA, to rally in support of Hamas. In recent days, we have heard growing calls for support of Palestinians and condemnation of Israel as the Israeli Defense Forces and Iran’s proxies – Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, and Ansar Allah (the Houthi movement in Yemen) wage the most significant war in and around Israel in years. This is a war precipitated solely by Hamas’ surprise terror attack of unprecedented scale and proportion on unarmed Israeli civilians.

A common theme across the statements of pro-Palestinian groups and many university administrators and faculty is an explicit or implicit assertion of some moral equivalence between the suffering of human shields in Gaza and the victims of barbaric terror attacks in Israel. The linguistic turn that Hamas’ apologists employ most commonly is the ‘yes, but…’ device.

Some responded to these abhorrent statements with calls to restrict free speech, to sanction the terrorists’ enablers formally, and to quell somehow this pruriently hateful speech. I disagree. Most vehemently. Let the antisemites have their say. Why? Because now we know with certainty what they believe and how they genuinely feel about others in our community.

The downside of strict censorship is uncertainty about peoples’ actual beliefs. For example, by making the use of the n-word utterly forbidden, we protect the sensibilities of Black people who would suffer, at a minimum, great offense and possibly some genuine harm. However, the cost of that protection is that it enhances the ability of the faithful or casual racists to hide in our midst.

If we were to bar pro-Palestinian groups, students, adults, and organizations from being open about their views, we would shield ourselves from having to confront the knowledge that there are rabid antisemites in our midst. The individuals and groups who support Hamas are apologists for the executioners of the most deliberate heinous violence against true innocents: babies and infants killed in front of their mothers; entire families shot to death while trying to hide in closets; children forced to watch as their siblings were murdered in front of their eyes; and over 250 young people slaughtered at a concert.

How do we know these killings were deliberate and not accidental or some euphemistically-framed collateral damage? Because the invaders from Gaza, the Hamas terrorists, were caught in the act on surveillance cameras. Bizarrely, they videotaped themselves as they shot concertgoers and murdered children. Sickeningly, they called home to brag to their parents about the murders they had just committed. It is beyond civilized comprehension, but they filmed and photographed themselves raping women and beheading babies.

In the days immediately following Hamas’ violations of the most basic human dignities, we have come to know who at the University of Virginia are their ideological confrères. That knowledge is both important and useful. When a student asks for a letter of recommendation and their resume or LinkedIn page reveals they are a member of Students for Justice in Palestine, for example, I will now know I should be sure to point that fact out to potential employers. We can let others judge the meaning of that membership, though, to most, it will be clear.

Several years ago, as Dean of UVA’s School of Leadership and Public Policy, a progressive professor tried to explain to me how we, the school, needed to make greater efforts to confront implicit bias. I asked this professor about explicit bias – racism, antisemitism. The professor asked what I meant. I explained that true racists, antisemites, and bigots existed, and some were most assuredly in our community. I said we should focus on the most despicable and then turn to the more mundane. The professor explained that the days of explicitly racist and openly antisemitic students and faculty at UVA were long gone.

Over the past two weeks, hate-filled individuals exercising their right to free speech have taught us that genuine racism and unrepentant antisemitism still exist. I’m glad we can know who the real racists and antisemites are. Ironically, the speech of some and the silence of others have revealed their true character.

This column has been republished with permission from The Jefferson Council blog. Allan C. Stam is University Professor and Professor of Politics and Public Policy at the Batten School of Leadership and a member of The Jefferson Council advisory board.

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75 responses to “In Defense of Painful Free Speech”

  1. Wahoo'74 Avatar

    The group “Students for Justice in Palestine” are entitled under the First Amendment to espouse their views, no matter how racist or wrongheaded. I do not argue with that.

    The UVA Administration rightfully condemned white supremacists who paraded down the Lawn in August 2017 calling for the eradication of Jews. However, that was hate speech, and those neo-Nazis were not UVA students. They were outside protestors who came to Charlottesville. Hamas committed genocide not seen since the Nazis. However, even Nazis did not behead babies.

    How the Administration can remain stone silent on this is simply beyond belief. Is allowing such egregious student group statements part of President Ryan’s “great and good” policy for UVA?

    Below is a direct excerpted quote from President Ryan’s June 2021 Committee on Free Expression and Free Inquiry:
    “Free expression also does not protect speech that violates the law, including legally defined categories of incitement, defamation, threats…”

    Does a student group openly condoning mass genocide and butchery get absolution from international law? Does supporting Hamas whose stated purpose is the eradication of Israel and Jews not qualify as “incitement, defamation, threats” by any logical interpretation? Small wonder Jewish students nationwide are stating they live in fear of retribution on US campuses.

    The following is directly extracted from the Covenant of Hamas:

    “On the Destruction of Israel: Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.”

    That statement leaves no room for equivocation. This is what these pro-Palestinian student groups are blatantly condoning. It is time for President Ryan and the BOV to speak up and condemn their statement. Immediately.

    If not, what in God’s name does UVA stand for?

  2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock

    There are limits on First Amendment protections. SJP at UVa crossed that line.

    The Incitement Test. In Brandenburg v. Ohio, 395 U.S. 444, 447-48 (1969), the Supreme Court held that the First Amendment protects advocating the use of force or lawbreaking “except where such advocacy is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action.

    The ADL recorded a total of 312 antisemitic incidents between Oct. 7-23, 2023, 190 of which were directly linked to the war in Israel and Gaza. By comparison, during the same period in 2022, ADL received preliminary reports of 64 incidents, including four that were Israel-related.

    I contend that the UVa SJP letter and later public SJP events are incitements. From their open letter in the Cavalier Daily, Jewish students surely took them as such. So did the Chief of the University Police, who stepped up protection of UVa Hillel.

    As I pointed out in my article on the subject, if the SJP thinks it has a first amendment claim, they will be afforded an opportunity to make it in defense of federal charges of violation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI), which protects students of any religion from discrimination, including harassment, based on a student’s actual or perceived:
    – shared ancestry or ethnic characteristics, or
    – citizenship or residency in a country with a dominant religion or distinct religious identity

    They will have the same opportunity if charged with violation of Code of Virginia § 18.2-46.5. Committing, conspiring and aiding and abetting acts of terrorism prohibited; penalty. (emphasis added). “C. Any person who solicits, invites, recruits, encourages, or otherwise causes or attempts to cause another to participate in an act or acts of terrorism, as defined in § 18.2-46.4, is guilty of a Class 4 felony.” They should look forward to testing that law.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      I can’t help but to think back to James Meredith at the University of Mississippi. Free speech cannot interfere with one’s academic mission at the school.

    2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      “There are limits on First Amendment protections. SJP at UVa crossed that line.”

      Actually, they did not.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Actually, they did. Supporting Hamas means supporting Hamas’ ideals. According to Wahoo ’74, those ideals are contained in the covenant of Hamas and include, “On the Destruction of Israel: Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.”

        What does obliterating Israel mean other than killing the Jews who live there?

    3. DJRippert Avatar

      I’m not sure. Did the rhetoric from the self-loathing liberal students really pass this test – “except where such advocacy is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action ..”?

  3. LesGabriel Avatar

    I agree with the robust interpretation of the right to free speech. Where the line gets more murky is when that speech and the organizations that promote it are subsidized or given special status by the University. Do not some of these groups involved in promoting this kind of hate receive funds from mandatory student activity fees? I remember this as being a big issue back in the 60’s. Perhaps there were even Court cases addressing where to draw the line. Anyone else remember any details?

  4. Very troubling to me that free speech on campus only becomes important to Progressives when the conversation suggests killing Jews. Prior to that, the mantra was “speech is violence.”

    Even Hitler supporters make good reporters if they are reporting about Israel.

    A New York Times reporter who came under fire last year for a praising Adolf Hitler in multiple resurfaced Facebook posts was rehired by the Gray Lady to cover the Israel-Palestine war.

    Palestinian filmmaker Soliman Hijjy hailed the Nazi leader as recently as 2018 in a post on Facebook, when he shared a photo of himself captioned that he was “in a state of harmony as Hitler was during the Holocaust,” per a translation from Arabic by pro-Israel media watchdog site HonestReporting.

    Hijjy’s 2018 post — including a 2012 Facebook post where he wrote, “How great you are, Hitler” in Arabic alongside a photoshopped image of Hitler seemingly taking a selfie —

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      “Very troubling to me that free speech on campus only becomes important to Progressives when the conversation suggests killing Jews.”

      It suggested nothing of the sort.

      1. No suggestion that UVA protesters approve of killing Jews?

        If someone thinks what happened on October 7 was “great” what other conclusion is there?

        “My biggest hope is that they manage to overthrow the government of Israel,” Alex, a University of Virginia alumni who attended the event, told Fox News Digital. “It’s nice to see them making a push against Israel.”

        Alex did not specify whether she was referring to Palestinians or Hamas terrorists. However, when asked about Hamas’ attacks in Israel on Saturday, they responded, “it’s great that they’re making a move against the IDF.”

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          You forgot this part of “Alex’s” supposed quote:

          ‘”There’s been a lot of accusations of various atrocities, which I take with a grain of salt,” Alex continued.’

          Which means that “Alex” does not believe the reports of Jewish civilians being killed “killing Jews” is not what she is suggesting by here reference to “a move against IDF”. Also note, Fox reports that nearly every person protesting refused to comment at all.

          The protesters were not suggesting the killing of Jews. They were suggesting freedom for Palestinians. The only way one can conflate the two is if one is disingenuous and really wants to use this argument to stifle free speech on campus… ala the Jefferson Council.

          1. So the militants who went into Israel were just saying hello? Dropping off leaflets?

            October 7 was the worst slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust.

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            I am not saying it wasn’t. I am saying what Alex says she believes – thereby what she means by her statements.

          3. When Alex Jones claimed Sandy Hook didn’t happen, I thought that was despicable. He caused additional suffering to the families, and now owes them over a billion dollars. I shed no tears for Alex.

            But you are defending the person who denies what happened on October 7? The Palestinians themselves brag about it.

            She also said “My biggest hope is that they manage to overthrow the government of Israel,” That’s not possible without wiping out the Jews. Same with “From the river to the sea.” There’s only one way that’s going to happen.

            You haven’t said anything about the Hitler fanatic who was rehired by the NY Times to report on Israel. How’s that different than a KKK guy reporting on some issue important to African Americans?

          4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “But you are defending the person who denies what happened on October 7? The Palestinians themselves brag about it.”

            No I am not. I am simply saying you go too far in claiming she is calling for Jews to be killed.

          5. DJRippert Avatar

            I wonder if “Alex” believes the Holocaust was fiction as well.

            If you support Hamas, you support an organization dedicated to killing the Jews in Israel.

            “On the Destruction of Israel: Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.”

          6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            I don’t see any mention by Alex of Hamas. I hope that is who you mean by “you” in your comment.

  5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “If we were to bar pro-Palestinian groups, students, adults, and organizations from being open about their views, we would shield ourselves from having to confront the knowledge that there are rabid antisemites in our midst.”

    So anyone who is pro-Palestinian is now by definition a rabid antisemite. Sheesh…!

    1. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      As usual, one of the two great waste of time commenters…who at least serve the purpose of confirming your contrary belief is correct.

      The old false equivalency trick.
      It is possible that one can be pro-“Palestinian” and not be an anti-Semite.

      It is not possible to be pro-Hamas and be anything other than a genocidal, maniacal anti-Semite.

      From the river to the sea…
      I guess the Jews just get to tread water…and be happy about it.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “The old false equivalency trick.
        It is possible that one can be pro-“Palestinian” and not be an anti-Semite.

        It is not possible to be pro-Hamas…”

        Ummm… this is the JAB quote I provided…

        “If we were to bar pro-Palestinian groups, students, adults, and organizations from being open about their views…”

        No mention of Pro-Hamas at all… no false equivalency….

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          Obtuseness on purpose from the usual Troll.
          You said pro-Palestinian does not equal anti-Semitism. I said that was possible. However, Hamas is the government of “Palestine.” The official charter calls for elimination of the Jews. It’s an important distinction lost on people who don’t want to tell the truth… (now look in the mirror)

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            the thing is, pro-Palestinian does NOT always/automatically or even often – anti-semitism…

            Supporting freedom and autonomy for Palestinians means just that and nothing else.

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            You are just so unable to think. Are you still in College? You are too old to be as indoctrinated as they are. What’s your excuse?

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            Don’t need one to converse with you! Do you find yourself all alone sometimes with just other hard right folks?

          4. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            “To be in the presence of true greatness, many men find it necessary to be alone.”
            Guess I’m not great…
            But Larry, I don’t think I have ever seen an original thought from you, or any admission of something true when you have been shown wrong. How did the government do during Covid? Can I get an answer from you other than your blind loyalty oath of “I trust the science.” No, you just keep repeating the talking points.

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            some folks deal with realities.. others simply cannot and the rest of us bear that burden….and noise.

          6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “You said pro-Palestinian does not equal anti-Semitism. I said that was possible.”

            Then you said:

            “It is not possible to be pro-Hamas and be anything other than a genocidal, maniacal anti-Semite.”

            To which I retorted that JAB nor I were discussing Hamas.

            Now you write:

            “However, Hamas is the government of “Palestine.””

            Which seems to mean that Palestine = Hamas in your mind. So, how can you say that one Pro-Palestinians are not anti-semites? Your logic is going sideways, Walt.

          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            again? lord!

          8. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Taking no logic lessons from someone who cannot answer how many sexes there are

          9. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Walt, you could cut down the mightiest tree in the forest with that herring!!

          10. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            If it is a red herring, why not answer the question?
            I suspect you can say or type “two,” except for your rabid Wokism. No enemies to the Left, amirite? Gotta stay on the team…or else!

          11. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Why would I need to type “two”…?

          12. LarrytheG Avatar

            don’t tell him this:

            ” It’s easy to confuse sex and gender. Just remember that biological or assigned sex is about biology, anatomy, and chromosomes. Gender is society’s set of expectations, standards, and characteristics about how men and women are supposed to act.”

          13. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            I honestly don’t think he should be asking about sex on BR at all… especially demanding to know about the different kinds of sex… very seemly…

          14. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            You proved my point Troll. I can’t seem to get you oh so smart people of the Left (you know, the godless America haters) to answer a basic biological fact – a certainty – something known – of “How many sexes are there?” I’m pretty sure one poster who I believe should not be affiliated with an institution of higher learning has blocked me from his predictably Left-wing, suck up to UVA, repeat the Narrative posts because I kept asking him that question. I do this as an Alinsky trap, a decision dilemma. Much like how Jesus handled the Pharisees over the tax to Rome. If you admit the truth, you get hated by your rabid “allies.” If you give the PC answer, all sane people know you are a lying activist (but people attuned to Marxist dialogue and dialectic already know that. The purpose of the question is to expose your dishonesty to those not schooled in Marxist ideologies, like CRT and DEI and ESG and “climate change”). So, I now know you are familiar with the word “two.” I think it is possible you know the meaning. Just in case you might not, at the Abigail Shrier event you could count the middle fingers of the particularly rabid, masked, screaming girl at all the people entering who wanted to participate in civilized discourse. I think everything you write here is wrong, to the point of intentional lying, which of course Marxists and Jihadists are good with. So I ask the question to show that nothing you write can be believed.
            One more point – sometimes you Lefties ask questions, thinking I won’t answer your trap. But your trap answers aren’t traps. So when an article comes out with failure to administer election laws perfectly, I get asked is it OK to deny someone the vote? Easy – the answer is “no.” I ask is it OK to cheat in elections, and none of you has ever answered. Because you know your side has perfected a cheat machine – a cheat machine powerful enough to elect a brain dead husk, not once, but even worse a second time with the Fetterbot. “How many sexes are there?” “Is it acceptable to have any cheating in an election?” Or how about this one – “At what point did you cease to be a clump of cells and become a baby?”

          15. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “I think everything you write here is wrong, to the point of intentional lying, which of course Marxists and Jihadists are good with. So I ask the question to show that nothing you write can be believed.”

            Well, thank goodness you aren’t saying I’m a liar, Walt…. smh…

          16. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            I was reprimanded for that, even though I don’T think that should be off limits. I think if you believe someone is lying, you should be able to say that. And I think that Leftism is based on lies, so then if you are a Leftist, under my thinking you are either stupid or evil. And I am willing to give people the benefit of the doubt of being stupid, not knowing the damage they are doing…but when they stick to it…in the face of so much evidence of being wrong, I can only think evil. God knows the heart, But I can only go by what I see. Sorry if that offends, but it works for me. I’d say I learned it in Bschool… you have to make decisions with the facts you have And I notice the questions remain unanswered…

          17. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            And we wonder why we can’t reach common ground in America today…. really pitiful way to view your fellow man…

          18. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Still waiting for answers to the questions in the great struggle to reach common ground. I don’t choose to believe in insanity.

          19. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “Still waiting for answers to the questions in the great struggle to reach common ground.”

            One can not reach common ground as long as one subscribes to the concept that everyone who does not agree with one’s world view is “either stupid or evil”. Once you have demonstrated a change in that tenet, we can continue to discuss a path forward.

          20. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “Still waiting for answers to the questions in the great struggle to reach common ground.”

            One can not reach common ground as long as one subscribes to the concept that everyone who does not agree with one’s world view is “either stupid or evil”. Once you have demonstrated a change in that tenet, we can continue to discuss a path forward.

          21. LarrytheG Avatar

            Good luck on that!

          22. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            One should never give up on one’s fellow man…

          23. LarrytheG Avatar

            you’re a good man!

          24. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            I can move off of stupid or evil when you can answer truthfully how many sexes there are. Otherwise, that shows me that you have chosen to deny reality. Then we get to the purpose for denying reality. If you exclude stupid, what does that leave?

          25. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Will just have to continue to wait… alas…

          26. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            The non-answer is the answer…

          27. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Indeed, just not the one you think it is…

          28. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Oh, so tell me what you think I think the answer is. You won’t or you will lie to protect your Leftist credentials. I think the answer is obvious. You refuse to say two because your “allies” will disown you.

          29. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            I refer you to my comment about changing your basic tenet…

  6. Bob X from Texas Avatar
    Bob X from Texas

    I prefer that Nazis, Communists, KKK, and Islamic extremists are all able to speak their ideas freely.
    When they speak they show how pathetic, worthless and dangerous their ideas are.
    Their ideas can’t win in the market place of ideas

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      You forgot MAGA Republicans.

      1. Wahoo'74 Avatar

        They don’t rape, murder or beheaded babies Nancy dear.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive


  7. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “That knowledge is both important and useful. When a student asks for a letter of recommendation and their resume or LinkedIn page reveals they are a member of Students for Justice in Palestine, for example, I will now know I should be sure to point that fact out to potential employers. We can let others judge the meaning of that membership, though, to most, it will be clear.”

    Imagine the 1st amendment howling from The Jefferson Council cadre if Progressives threatened to out UVa students for…say attending one of their anti-transgender pep rally events… to potential employers… would be deafening…

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Interesting comment coming from a person who won’t use their real name when commenting.

      Are you afraid that your stated positions will hinder your employment prospects?

      In fact, most of the liberal commenters on this blog use pseudonyms.

      That’s one reason I respect Dick Hall-Sizemore. He has the guts to use his real name.

      1. how_it_works Avatar

        Most of the liberal commenters on this blog also have their comment history hidden.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          I think if you tally, there are quite a few anons who sound pretty conservative to me.

        2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Not sure DJ considers your opinion legit as you post anonymously as well… welcome to the club!!

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            The MOST “legit” were the ones that showed up in person to JAB’s invitation .. I was not there, but understand it had a flavor of the bar scene on star wars!

            DJ can verify! 😉

          2. how_it_works Avatar

            My comment history isn’t hidden, though. So I guess I’m 1 for 2.

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            You can still join…

          4. how_it_works Avatar

            I used to post with my real name back before the comments were switched to Disqus. So I used my existing Disqus account with a username I chose back when WTOP allowed comments on their website.

          5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Fwiw, I created the persona I use on local bulletin boards way back in the GW Bush era (if not earlier). I have become attached to it and really don’t want to see its demise. Sentimental that way…

          6. how_it_works Avatar

            Dialup BBS ? I used to use those. Mostly during the Clinton era.

          7. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Yes! I recall the days when the internet was nothing but FTP sites… I had a dedicated line for it… I think the bulletin boards came soon after…

          8. LarrytheG Avatar

            They say Al Gore invented it…. 😉

  8. DJRippert Avatar

    “For example, by making the use of the n-word utterly forbidden, we protect the sensibilities of Black people who would suffer, at a minimum, great offense and possibly some genuine harm.”

    Not really.

    Have you listened to any rap music lately? Or heard Black teenagers speaking to one another?

    The n-word hasn’t been forbidden. It’s use has been segregated.

    1. how_it_works Avatar

      As the teacher in this news video from over a decade ago explains, there are two n-words:

    2. how_it_works Avatar

      As the teacher in this news video from over a decade ago explains, there are two n-words:

    3. how_it_works Avatar

      As the teacher in this news video from over a decade ago explains, there are two n-words:

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      THey are but how does that mean it’s okay to bomb the smithereens out of Palestinian civilians – women and kids?

  9. DJRippert Avatar

    Apparently, there is a large pro-terrorist rally scheduled in New York. Brooklyn to be precise. Crown Heights to be more precise.

    Why Crown Heights?

    Because, “Roughly 20,000 observant Jews live around 770, in the neighborhood called Crown Heights.”

    You liberals want to try to tell us again that it’s only anti-Israel protests and not anti-Jew?

    Spare me.

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