IG of the Day: State PE Requirements


The Impact of Physical Education on Obesity among Elementary School Children” published by the National Bureau of Economic Research.

Using data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, the authors found that PE classes in elementary school reduces the probability of obesity among 5th graders, especially for boys, without crowding out time for academic courses or creating negative spillovers for achievement test scores.

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  1. I’ve never seen a cogent connection between transportation and economic development myself.

    For instance, lanes miles in a region vs gross regional product

    but even as Jim has often asked – has there ever been a REAL ROI done for …say for instance, a Potomac Crossing?

    I would think my friend DJ would be among the first to advocate an ROI for any capital project – private business or public, right?

    I wonder what the rail companies think when they are dealing with ROI for a potential expansion of their network and then the state builds a new “free” road for trucks to take the business that the rails were looking at in their ROI analysis.

    A public/private toll road is a whole different ball game and yes.. you’ll see provisions in the contract to deal with new parallel competing “free” roads.

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