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IG of the Day: Local Gov’t Payrolls

Source: Washington Examiner. Red dots indicate cities with highest ratios of city workers per resident.

Virginia cities rank among the highest in the nation for the number of local government employees expressed as a ratio of the population, according to data compiled by the Washington Examiner. Richmond ranked 5th with one city worker for every 39 residents. Norfolk scored in the top quintile with one worker for every 44 residents, Chesapeake in the second quintile with one worker per 58 residents and Virginia Beach with one for every 68 residents. Across the Potomac, Washington, D.C., scored tops in the country with one city worker for every 25 residents.

Contrast that to Toledo, Ohio, with only one city worker for every 132 residents.

Does that mean city governments are more bloated in Virginia than in other states? Possibly, but not necessarily. As the Examiner points out, different states allocate responsibilities differently between state governments, local governments and regional authorities. Virginia is unique in the country for creating cities and counties as completely separate, as opposed to overlapping, government entities. Thus Virginia cities might take on functions, and employees, performed by counties in other states.

Still, taxpayers should use the data to ask tough questions of their elected officials. (Hat tip Larry Gross.)


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