Idea Jam: Bicycles and Community Health

The Richmond metropolitan region has one of the highest obesity rates in the country — 29.4% of the population compared to 26.1% nationally, according to the 2012 Gallup-Healthways Well Being Index. The resulting health care treatment costs the region $520 million a year. Cutting obesity in half would save the regional economy roughly $254 million a year.

One way to reduce the obesity rate is to get people to exercise more. And one way to do that is to design communities that encourage people to walk and ride bicycles – not just for recreational exercise but in the daily course of their lives. It’s just common sense. But there are major institutional barriers to making our communities more bicycle friendly: auto-centric transportation policies in county governments, the indifference of the business community and the skepticism of key members of the General Assembly.

There is a widespread perception that investing in bicycle infrastructure is a waste of money, diverting valuable funds from roads and highways. But such a view is based on a very narrow accounting of the benefits of cycling: It entirely overlooks the health benefits.

Help us make the pro-bicycling case to the political, business and civic leaders of Virginia and the Richmond region. We invite you to attend an idea jam on bicycles and community health. Come armed with data, anecdotes and arguments. Get primed for a free-flowing discussion to develop pro-bicycle talking points. Highlights of the discussion will appear in Bacon’s Rebellion, the only blog dedicated to building more prosperous, livable and sustainable communities in Virginia.

Discussion leaders:

  • Champe Burnley, president of the Virginia Bicycling Federation and co-chairman of the Mayor’s Bicycling, Pedestrian and Trails Commission in Richmond.
  • Tom Bowden, chairman of Bike Virginia
  • Jim Bacon, publisher of Bacon’s Rebellion

For details about when and where, view our flier.

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  1. […] original here: Idea Jam: Bicycles and Community Health | Bacon's Rebellion This entry was posted in Blog Search and tagged accounting, bacon, bicycling, cycling, details, […]

  2. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    What, exactly, is a “pro-bicycling case?” Are only “pro-bicycle” points of view welcome? What’s the deal here?

    1. Like it says, the idea is to create pro-bicycle talking points with the idea of swaying elite opinion. It’s not about debating bicycle policy.

  3. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    I see. In other words, it’s a lobbying effort?

    1. A “lobbying effort” implies that someone is paying us to make the case for bicycling in the region. No one is paying us. This is a group of citizens coming together to make a more persuasive case than has been made before.

  4. […] Bacon’s Rebellion Pushes for More Cycling to Reduce Obesity in Virginia Email Share /* GA_googleFillSlot("dcsb_sidebar_300x100"); GA_googleFillSlot("dcsb_underpost_300x250"); […]

  5. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    OK, sorry I said lobbying.

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