Hurricanes and Climate Hysteria

By Derrick Max

The first hurricane of 2024, Hurricane Beryl, is now in the books. Beryl reminded us that hurricanes are a powerful force of nature – a force that clearly causes much fear and anxiety. The stronger and more destructive the hurricane, the deeper it becomes ingrained in our collective consciousness.  Katrina, Andrew, Sandy, Harvey – hurricane names that will forever be associated with destruction and death.

Sadly, as with most destructive weather events, these events quickly become fodder for climate extremists to tie our fear of these events to “climate change” or more specifically, “man-made climate change.” Beryl is no exception, “Is Hurricane Beryl the sign of another dangerous storm season?  Climate change is fueling the frequency and intensity of storms” cried the headline in The Week.

Surprisingly, the actual data rarely matches the headline, a fact that seldom gets coverage in the mainstream media. Even government agencies, according to meteorologist and oceanographer Bob Cohen, often lead with alarming statements about increased weather severity, but the data show a different story. The truth is that the number of hurricanes (remaining offshore and making land) impacting the continental United States hasn’t significantly increased over the past century.

While Atlantic hurricane formation does exhibit a very slight upward trend recently, the records indicate a peak much earlier, as the graph below shows. Sparsely populated areas in the early 20th century might have missed weaker storms, leading to underestimates.

Similarly, the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale used to categorize hurricanes based on sustained wind speed, with higher categories signifying greater destructive potential, also shows a very minimal increase in intensity over the last decade.

More importantly, the causes of the modest increases are more complex than climate change – and there is little to no evidence linking the data to “man-made” climate change. There are cycles in ocean temperatures like El Nino and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) that are not climate change related and can impact hurricane activity. These naturally occurring patterns have an oversized impact on the number of hot days and hurricanes we experience.  As can be seen in this University of Arizona chart overlapping AMO phases with hurricane patterns, AMO phases dominate the data.

Distinguishing long-term trends from natural variability requires a robust dataset – which currently does not exist. Reliable hurricane data with consistent recording methods only extends back to the mid-20th century, and the best records came with the satellites. Earlier records may be incomplete or lack crucial details like wind speed, hindering our ability to conclusively identify trends before this period.

While the absolute number of U.S. landfalls might not be skyrocketing as the headlines suggest, several factors heighten the perception of increased hurricane risk which then fuels the climate extremist language. The 24/7 news cycle provides constant updates, amplifying public anxiety. The stronger the storm, the greater the coverage, the greater the sense of heightened danger – the greater the likelihood that it will be falsely attributed to climate change.

As noted above, the psychological impact of past devastating hurricanes lingers long after the storm has passed. Events like Hurricane Katrina in 2005, which caused $65 billion in damages and 1,408 deaths, remain etched in our collective memory, shaping the public perception of hurricane risk even though no hurricane since has caused more than 83 deaths.

Yet no one mentions that hurricane cost impacts are due primarily to population growth and coastal development. As more people reside in hurricane-prone areas, the potential for damage and loss of life rises. A Category 3 hurricane in 1900 striking a sparsely populated coastline would have a vastly different impact compared to one hitting a densely populated city today.  Again, this is unrelated to climate change.

The notion that the number of U.S. hurricanes has dramatically increased over the last century doesn’t hold up under scrutiny. Nor does the notion that hurricanes have become more intense. Yet, increasing number of Americans are willing to risk their and our collective economic vitality on the altar of “carbon zero” policies. These policies significantly increase the cost of doing business, reduce our competitiveness, and risk massive blackouts — all based on false reporting on climate change.

Virginia is currently in the process of re-examining its extreme climate policies as spelled out in the Virginia Clean Economy Act (VCEA). This act is forcing the mothballing of hydrocarbon-based energy production methods before reliable “clean” alternatives are online.

As with the myth of significant global warming and sea rising — hurricane hysteria should be rejected. Policy makers should put energy reliability and economic impact ahead of any measures to reduce the risk of claimed climate impacts which are nothing more than the same storms that have always appeared, at unpredictable times, and thus cannot be prevented by changes in human behavior.

The right approach to hurricanes is to invest in improved infrastructure that can withstand strong winds and storm surges. Coastal communities should invest in seawalls, enhanced draining systems and strengthen their building and zoning laws.  When the warnings do come, people need to take them seriously. Not ironically, these are the types of investments that should be made for most of the risks we face, investments that aren’t being made because we are unwisely investing in wind, solar and battery technologies that are yet to be proven.

Derrick Max is president of the Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy. This column is republished here with permission.

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22 responses to “Hurricanes and Climate Hysteria”

  1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    "… investments that aren’t being made…"

    The only investments you cited are seawalls and "enhanced drainage systems" (by which I assume you mean storm water management systems). I think you will find that there are rather large investments in both these areas. For instance:

    1. Super Brain Avatar
      Super Brain

      Sorry it is paywalled to paste.
      I would suggest readers google on their own to see what is driving the spike in homeowners insurance cost.

  2. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

    Over on Climate etc. there is article about why it seems hotter this summer, and the author cites Tonga volcano impact. The author also says my hypothesis (massive reduction of SOx aerosols from ocean ships) cannot explain any change.

  3. DJRippert Avatar

    The other factor increasing the sense of extremism is the business models of the publishers of "news". Clicks = ads and ads = money. So, how do you get clicks? Two main ideas – click bait and appealing to those who already believe what you are claiming. Click bait often requires exaggeration while appealing to those who already believe what you are claiming requires polarization.

    The result? Exaggerated, polarizing headlines.

    And yes – both progressive and conservative "news" outlets are guilty.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      While Beryl had its long media run, over in that other ocean, well, the Pacific was living up to its name. Very quiet. Unusually quiet. Early yet, of course, but the media will not be expending effort to report that bad stuff is NOT happening.

    2. Derrick Max Avatar
      Derrick Max

      I think CNN was running commercials before and after the debate on their climate change documentary…the dominating video they used was of massive hurricanes. I hadnt actually thought of the "click bait" aspect…but surely that is a part. My cynical side thinks it is all about power…they want to scare us into giving up control of our lives…meter readers, car options, etc. So weird.

  4. Randy Huffman Avatar
    Randy Huffman

    Excellent point on population growth and development of coastal areas. I have read several articles about Hurricane Hazel, a cat 4 storm that hit on the NC/SC border in 1954.

    I was vacationing in the Oak Island area several years ago and read a local article about a now elderly couple who had just gotten married and honeymooned on Oak Island when Hazel hit. They survived, but about half the people who happened to be on the island did not, something like 5. Per Wikipedia, there were 95 deaths in the US.

    Below is NWS information on Hazel.

    The point? It has been 70 years since a hurricane this major has hit this area. The next one will not be because of global warming, it will be because it has happened before, and will happen again, just a matter of time.

    1. Derrick Max Avatar
      Derrick Max

      Dare we say, "we are due?"

    2. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

      Not to mention the 1933 hurricane that formed the inlet to the ocean at OC Maryland…do we need a wokish renaming of that Bay, she whose name shall not be spoken?

    3. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

      Not to mention the 1933 hurricane that formed the inlet to the ocean at OC Maryland…do we need a wokish renaming of that Bay, she whose name shall not be spoken?

  5. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

    A Category 1 hurricane. Ah, the ethics of modern journalism. How soon before their lackies in Congress propose a tax to support jobs in journalism?

  6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    "… investments that aren’t being made…"

    The only investments you cited are seawalls and "enhanced drainage systems" (by which I assume you mean storm water management systems). I think you will find that there are rather large investments in both these areas. For instance:

  7. LarrytheG Avatar

    Someone needs to tell the insurance companies!

    1. WayneS Avatar

      Yet no one mentions that hurricane cost impacts are due primarily to population growth and coastal development. As more people reside in hurricane-prone areas, the potential for damage and loss of life rises.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Pretty sure the insurance companies ARE telling them as are the banks when they cannot get a mortgage for lack of insurance.

        1. Derrick Max Avatar
          Derrick Max

          Yeah, insurance companies are leaving Florida…or writing out Hurricanes in their coverage.

  8. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

    Over on Climate etc. there is article about why it seems hotter this summer, and the author cites Tonga volcano impact. The author also says my hypothesis (massive reduction of SOx aerosols from ocean ships) cannot explain any change.

  9. There you go bringing facts into the debate… tisk tisk.

    1. Derrick Max Avatar
      Derrick Max

      Ha, forgive me.

  10. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    whew! Guess the offshore windmills have little to fear then.

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