Hung ‘Cowed’ Ducks Debates, GOP Activists

Hung Cao

PAC scandal overshadows his campaign; Republicans better off with another nominee.

By Ken Reid

Although Hung Cao did not run a great campaign for U.S. House 10th district, which he lost in 2022, when the distinguished Navy captain veteran and Vietnamese refugee announced last July for U.S. Senate, I felt he was the best candidate.

And then in April came the Staunton News Leader expose about the “Unleash America PAC” that Cao chaired in 2023, ostensibly to help GOP candidates for General Assembly in 2023.

“We need to get leaders in the Virginia House of Delegates and the State Senate that believe in our values,” he told Richmond talk radio host John Reid on a Feb. 2, 2023 broadcast, in promoting the PAC.

But as it turned out, according to federal financial reports, not one dime of the $103,000 the PAC raised was donated to any specific candidate last year – an election we lost by a hair.

Not that I would have deserved any of it in my failed race for State senate – a 30-plus Blue district – but some other worthy candidates might have benefited.
Instead, the bulk of the money raised — $68,639 — went to consulting fees, about $38,000 of which went into the pocket of Cao’s 2022 campaign manager and close adviser John (J.R.) O’Rourke, who also is running his 2024 campaign.

I was peeved. Many of us who were in the trenches in the 2023 campaign felt consultants to the Governor’s Spirit of Virginia PAC and to the House and Senate candidates walked off with millions and left us with a bare Democrat majority – which if we don’t turn around in the House races next year and Governor’s race, will doom Virginia to being a failing Blue state for years to come.

I also was disappointed because I was peripherally involved in Cao’s 2022 House campaign and heard constant grumblings about O’Rourke’s bad decisions.

But J.R. became Cao’s little buddy – not unusual for candidates to develop these symbiotic relationships with their campaign managers, but also not very healthy.

My guess is Cao and O’Rourke formed “Unleash America PAC” to keep J.R. gainfully employed in 2023 in anticipation of the 2024 Senate run. According to finance reports, O’Rourke was paid $7,200 a month to be the campaign manager.

And now, the latest scandal: Cao is ducking debates with his opponents, probably because he’s afraid of getting questions about this PAC scandal, to which Cao has not  responded well.

Cao did show for an April debate in Ashburn sponsored by the Loudoun County Republican Committee, but no questions were taken from the audience nor his opponents about the PAC.

He avoided two debates in Fairfax County in recent weeks, one sponsored by the 11th District GOP, which was “sold out.”

I get incensed when candidates don’t show for debates. I feel President Trump should have debated his primary opponents, but never did. In my state Senate campaign in 2023, my Democrat opponent, Saddam Salim, ducked at least two chances to be with me on stage. I called him and other Democrat candidates out for failing to show up to one debate sponsored by a non-partisan citizens association.

Cao is also avoiding contact with Republican activists.

Cao reportedly paid $7,500 for the privilege to speak to the RPV State Convention in Hampton Saturday. Delegates I spoke with said he got a “lukewarm reception” and only engaged with people “as he was heading out.” In contrast, all the other candidates (except Jonathan Emord, who did not attend) were actively mingling with the grass roots.

Recently, Cao did not show up in person in Abingdon. telling the local GOP Unit:

“I’ll sit here [behind the camera] all night if you want to, but for me to drive six and a half hours down to Abingdon or something like that and to stand there with four other dudes and to have 30 seconds to answer questions, it’s just ridonkulous, it’s just crazy,” Cardinal News reported.

Cao lives in Purcellville, and yes, Abingdon is a six- to seven-hour drive – but when you represent the whole state in the Senate, you have to be prepared to visit the WHOLE STATE. The Pittsylvania County GOP unit also reports Cao has not even showed there while his four other opponents have.

Cao’s attitude is in stark contrast to the image of a Vietnamese refugee, who fled the communist takeover in 1975 with his family, was among the first graduates of Thomas Jefferson High School for Science & Technology, the Naval Academy, and served with Special Operations in Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia. He homeschools his five kids and attends an excellent evangelical church in Leesburg, too.

My new nickname for him is “Hung Cowed,” because he obviously has been cowed by this scandal to avoid debates and contact with grass roots Republicans.
The Bull Elephant contributor Bradley Driskill writes, “He also displays the attitude that he is ‘too good’ to debate with his fellow opponents and he has yet to still answer to why the money from his PAC was never seen nor received by the candidates it was suppose to benefit!”

Hung Cowed is clearly not the best choice for Republicans – although he has Donald Trump’s endorsement and raised the most of all GOP candidates – about $2 million as of March 31.

I’ll vote for the GOP nominee this fall, Cao included, but he is not the best candidate to face entrenched Democrat incumbent Tim Kaine.

I would urge voters to consider Eddie Garcia to be our nominee.

Eddie is a solid conservative, a small-business owner and Army veteran who served 22 years in the military, including six combat deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan.

I also think Eddie can appeal best to Latino voters, who are voting GOP more in recent years, and we have not (in my research) nominated a Latino for U.S. Senate or House in Virginia.

Early voting for the June 18 primary has begun. Visit:

Ken Reid is a former Loudoun County supervisor and Leesburg Town Council member who was the GOP nominee for State Senate in District 37 in Fairfax County in 2023.  He also is a journalist by trade, and published newsletters in the FDA field for 30 years.    

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73 responses to “Hung ‘Cowed’ Ducks Debates, GOP Activists”

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    wow! Who's in charge with the Va GOP?

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        The perfect example of the destruction Trump has wrought. Hogan would likely support Trump's legislative goals far more than any Democrat, but of course less than some Republicans. He would caucus with the R's and put an R in charge of the floor and committees. He is also the only R with any chance to win that seat, and the verdict put him squarely on the horns of a dilemma, knowing anything he said would tick off a huge block of voters. The Trumpers should just let him run the gauntlet and try to get to a win. But no, bending the knee to the Greatest President Ever is all that matters….

        Hogan reminds me in some ways of the great Bob Calhoun, the last Republican to win a state senate seat in Alexandria. The True Believers didn't want to hear that only such a moderate could win and hold that seat.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          absolute – kiss my ring and butt loyalty or out you go! Ask Goode! Not to mention the conspiracy theories and lies out the wazoo.. whether about elections, J6, covid, climate, and much more. Trump is in charge and leader of a cult mob of Republicans…, white nationalists, and more. THe GOP is no more.

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Chaos reigns true.

        3. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
          Dick Hall-Sizemore

          What is telling is that Hogan made his statement before the verdict was in.

          I liked Bob Calhoun a lot. He and Wiley Mitchell, another Republican from Alexandria, were smart and thoughful legislators.

          1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Yeah. And the voters that elected Calhoun and Mitchell. They are in a graveyard now.

    1. LesGabriel Avatar

      State Party leadership should stay out of Primary nomination contests. At most, they should behind closed doors advise candidates when their actions or words reflect badly on the Party name/reputation. Republicans are and should be a bottom-up Party.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Well, if the GOP wants to actually represent Va voters…., actually get a majority of votes from the electorate that they WANT GOP candidates to represent them…. and they will represent them , as opposed to candidates who seek, with GOP support to get elected on false pretences and intend to govern from a point of view that is not representative of voters.

        So the idea about primaries is good for local elections but what about statewide?

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        Well, if the GOP wants to actually represent Va voters…., actually get a majority of votes from the electorate that they WANT GOP candidates to represent them…. and they will represent them , as opposed to candidates who seek, with GOP support to get elected on false pretences and intend to govern from a point of view that is not representative of voters.

        So the idea about primaries is good for local elections but what about statewide?

  2. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    This is the principal reason I take all the talk about Virginia being "in play" with a handful of sodium chloride. A strong, well-funded challenger to Tim Kaine would add to the chances up and down the ticket, but the party didn't recruit or build support behind anybody who had a chance, who had any electoral success or office holder experience. The Trump Machine only cares about one race. It will also be interesting in two weeks to see if the Trump endorsement failed to produce for either Cao or McGuire. Pretty good chance he backed two losers….

    Agreed, Cao's dismissive comments about Southwest Virginia are likely fatal. And ought to be. He gets the nomination and "ridonkulous" will be word of the month in October, at least west of Lynchburg.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      You have a leader who expects to be followed rather than one who leads. This is enjoyable.

    2. Randy Huffman Avatar
      Randy Huffman

      I have not really followed this primary, frankly assuming Cao was going to slide in, so will pay more attention. Everyone needs to remember Jim Webb, who came out of nowhere beating Allen in 2006, it is WAY too early to write off this race and anoint Kaine the victor before we even know who his opponent will be.

      I did go to Garcia's web site and saw in his issues section the following, which was a breath of fresh air, regardless of the outcome:

      We need unity and civility back in our political discourse.

      The current political class has turned working people from the same neighborhoods and communities against one another and that’s no way to live.

      As Americans, we have much more that unites us than divides us, but the media, large corporations, and politicians all tell us otherwise, because they benefit from our division.

      I will restore civility to our politics.

      I believe in redemption for one’s mistakes.

      No one’s perfect, least of all, me.

      I will extend and promote forgiveness, compassion, and love to our fellow neighbor, whether you agree with me on every issue or not.

      As your senator, I won’t blame you, the people, for the failings of our politicians, like so many others.

      I won’t label you, disparage you, call you names or insult you or your intelligence, because you deserve better.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        re: " We need unity and civility back in our political discourse."

        Isn't this exactly who Kaine is and Cao not Randy?

        A vote for Cao is a vote for the likes of Goode and Majorie Taylor Green…not the voices of "unity and civility". Listen to the guy.

        This says it all:

        " Republican US Senate candidate in Virginia ‘honored’ to receive Trump endorsement"

        Do you REALLY think this is what most Va Voters want?

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          “re: " We need unity and civility back in our political discourse."

          Isn't this exactly who Kaine is and Cao not Randy?”

          Yes, and that is why he is popular… he serves his constituents regardless of personal politics and the stories of his personal touch are well known. It would take someone with the same kind of approach to even come close to unseating him. Of course, these days that would make that candidate a RINO…

  3. LesGabriel Avatar

    There are 3 other Republican candidates in addition to the aforementioned Eddie Garcia. Chuck Smith, Jonathan Emord, and Scott Parkinson. Any of the 4, as well as Hung Cao, would serve the people of Virginia better than our current Senator. Few realize that he has one of the most liberal voting records of any Senator during his terms.

    If anyone tries to convince you that Tim Kaine is a moderate or a centrist, you might inform them of the following facts:

    ***On the Conservative Review Scorecard, he scores a 2%. He is rated below such known conservatives as Cory Booker, Elizabeth Warren, Kristin Gillibrand, and Bernie Sanders.

    ***In American Conservative Union Ratings, he has a lifetime rating of 2.51. Only 5 current Senators have a lower rating.

    ***In Heritage Action Ratings, he has a 2% lifetime rating. Only 7 Senators score lower.

    ***He earned a “zero” from FreedomWorks in 6 of the past 11 years and his lifetime rating of 6.6 is lower than all but 7 current Senators. He scores lower than Dick Durbin, Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren, Kristin Gillibrand, and Bernie Sanders.
    ***His Rating in the New American Freedom Index, based on adherence to Constitutional principles is 9%. Only 8 Senators were lower. Hillary Clinton herself scored a 20% on this Index when she was in the Senate.

    ***He gets an “F” from the NRA and a lifetime “zero” from the Freedom First Society, having voted against the group on all 65 scored votes.

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    For the record, it was Flavor-Aid, not Kool-Aid.

  5. LarrytheG Avatar

    Look at the hearings with Fauci and today Garland… not a single GOP is standing up for what is true… gaslighting out the wazoo!

    this is the face of the GOP these days:
    3yrs after Covid, they're still going at it…

    Marjorie Taylor Greene screams that Fauci should be jailed for his ‘repulsive evil science’ in wild Covid hearing

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Hmmm… Who was often standing on the stage with Fauci four years ago? What president started the lockdowns? But MTG and AOC and her squad are all cut from the same cloth. Social media-addled drama queens all.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        We had a worldwide pandemic. It was not the fault of Fauci or NIH or CDC. It killed millions of people. Yet some folks blame govt for it… China, health officials, school teachers, etc.

        It's not just MJG, it's a lot of Republicans including those who say they are not with Trump.

        It's like COVID was someone's fault and the GOP has to assign blame for it.

        Around the world, there were masks, and "lock-downs" and related. It was not a Fauci conspiracy. It walks and talks similar to climate deniers IMO. High correlation between the two.

        There is a theme with Republicans now days both pro-Trump and no-Trump. They're all in the same tent save for a very few like Hogan.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          The high correlation between Covid and Global Colding is that the science wasn't there for Covid and isn't there for Global Colding.

          Fauci admitted that there was no clinical evidence that "6 feet of separation" would do any good (side note – it was 4 feet in much of Europe). He admitted that masking kids was no more than a guess. He can't say whether closing the schools was worth it or not.

          Yet all the Lemming Liberals were ready to run off Mt Fauci in mass because … "follow the science".

          Now we have a lost generation of kids who were emotionally tortured for no good reason and all those same Leftist Lemmings can say is, "well everybody else was stupid, too".

          What if Global Colding is real but not the existential crisis that some say? How much economic damage will be done by rushing into technology that just isn't ready?

          From The Washington Post, "Mar 28, 2024 — But now, more than two years after Congress allocated $7.5 billion to help build out those stations, only 7 EV charging stations are operational …".

          Big offshore wind programs are being shuttered up and down the East Coast.

          Yet Virginia sticks to its California-based EV mandate and continues to build a massive offshore wind project.

          If the so-called experts were wrong about Covid, why can't they be wrong about Global Colding too?

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            The vast majority believe the science on climate including many conservatives and Republicans. On Covid, science tried to do the best they could given what they knew at the time. It would have been irresponsible to do nothing so they tried to do something. Folks who expect perfection from science no matter what are not dealing with the real world. It was a worldwide pandemic of a highly infectious disease and at the time we did not know all we needed to know.

            We need to move to EVs. In my mind, (and a vast majority of others), we need to recognize that we need to transition and sooner than later. Those who think there is zero chance of climate issues and we should do nothing are behaving like ostriches. The scientists could be wrong – in the wrong direction. It could be sooner and even more harmful than earlier predictions. It’s foolhardy to say nothing is happening.

          2. DJRippert Avatar

            I think those scientists who believe man-made climate change is occurring are right. I just don't think they have any idea as to the timing or the severity.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            I think there is a clear warning from the vast majority of science AND facts on the ground – the data is real, and to say that it's 100% bull is seriously in denial of reality and really, attacking science saying that there is a grand global conspiracy to falsify data!

            Who thinks that , seriously?

            I totally agree they don't know with precision nor timing but what they ARE saying could be wrong on the worse side… also.

            Who gambles that they are 100% wrong and we need to do nothing? Who?

          4. DJRippert Avatar

            There are consequences to the actions being taken on Global Colding – just like there were for Covid. Timing is important. Previous predictions of catastrophe have been routinely proven wrong.

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            The 98% did not claim near term catastrophe… and still don’t. Don’t confuse the zealots that are not scientists with real scientists! Yes, there are consequences – for not doing also. We are seeing right now, some of the hottest temperatures ever recorded, not only on land but in the oceans. To wave it off as
            “alarmist” is less than smart. This denial stuff started with the Ozone Holes because some people
            just could not wrap their minds around the idea that we CAN AND DO affect things of that nature.
            THe folks in denial about the climate started with denial about ozone holes.

          6. CJBova Avatar

            One point you can explain to support your belief in climate alarm denialism is how did the wealth of artifacts being found beneath melting glaciers get there hundreds or thousands of years ago?

          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            Carol – do you understand how science works in gathering data from the past? Do you believe scientific consensus in science?

            You cite 3 articles reporting glaciers melting. Do you not believe that the melt is associated with a warming climate?

            What do you think the melting glaciers mean?

          8. CJBova Avatar

            Science “works” in many ways—all based on exploring theories, making observations, replicating and recording results with the goal of adding to existing knowledge and understanding . No, I do not support consensus as a valid proof of scientific findings. As a teenager, I learned first hand how research is done 61 years ago doing grunt work in a research lab. You skipped right past the point I was making that frozen areas were not always frozen going back hundreds or thousands of years. There were periods of warming and freezing which is proved by the existence of the found artifacts. We only have a fraction of the records that describe what has happened with the climate. I have read many IPCC reports and claims and do not accept their claims as infallible. Because we are observing a warming trend at one point does not mean there won’t be a cooling trend in the future.

          9. LarrytheG Avatar

            Carol, there WAS an ice age but it was just one part of a long timeframe that science is looking at

            Science IS a lot of things including some bad science but when a significant number of scientists start to agree with some level of consensus no matter whether it is cancer or plate tectonics, ice age or climate it's a bad bet to disagree 100% with it.

            IF science says smoking cigarettes CAN cause cancer, are you going to be your life they are totally wrong?

            That's what gets me. It's not disagreement in how much or timing – it's total denial.

          10. CJBova Avatar

            Larry, you come up with some of the most amusing , and the most annoying statements, often lacking in any sense of reasonableness. Bad science has no validity. Two points for you to check out: for the last 11,000 years, we have been in an interglacial period. There have been at least five major ice ages going back 5 billion years for the earliest and 3 million for the one we’re in now. See for details.

          11. LarrytheG Avatar

            We could talk about whose posts are more amusing and annoying… Some are just plain willfully ignorant in my view. I’m well aware of the interglacial periods – as well as the periods before and after and the overall view by science for the total timeline. You said something about politics in science and refer to a state govt website? anything in particular?

          12. CJBova Avatar

            The reference to politics was for bad science–a la Fauci. Where did you find poliitics or bad info in the Utah geology site?

          13. LarrytheG Avatar

            but Fauci is not bad science at all… amused and annoyed at those who can’t get that right. He’s
            a dedicated scientist who has a long and credible history in his field. Personal attacks against him from people with no background or knowledge and credible violent threats against him and his family.
            This is what our “politics” has become for some of us.

            I did not find anything… scientific or other at the gov site … do you have something in mind?

          14. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll
          15. LarrytheG Avatar

            It's just a cherry-picking rejection one thing from of a larger body of science by almost 98% of scientists.

            The deniers look for conflicting data, ANY conflicting data, ignore the rest, and reject the entire consensus and not just climate.. ozone holes…and more.

          16. CJBova Avatar

            Consensus is opinion not facts and98% only means 98% of a particular group— not All Scientists.

          17. LarrytheG Avatar

            most science is opinion Carol. It’s an evolving body of knowledge – what we think we know at the current time whether cancer or climate and apparently some scientists are part of a grand global conspiracy to lie about climate?

          18. CJBova Avatar

            There’s your error: most science is fact-based–or should be, not IPCC consensus and politics.

          19. LarrytheG Avatar

            No error Carol. Science is often opinion – based on facts and evidence. Do cigarettes cause cancer or is it an opinion?

          20. CJBova Avatar

            Science is the testing of hypotheses which may originate from initial opinions.Opinions are not science, which explains why consensus is not a valid proof of anything.

          21. LarrytheG Avatar

            NO one said it was. It's a clear warning though that should not be ignored and is not a conspiracy to forge data, lie, wrong, lie to the world.

            It's like looking at a hurricane track and say that because it did not hit the exact spot indicated that it's bad science and the scientists lied about it.

            or that the scientists who say that cigarettes will likel cause cancer in their opinion are wrong because not everyone gets cancer who smokes.

          22. LarrytheG Avatar

            like maybe 98% of cancer scientists or 98% of diabetes scientists? like that?

  6. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    The way that nobody is jumping in to defend or attack Cao, or to stick up for any of the other four, is another sign how bored everybody is about that contest. Tuesday the 18th will be a long, slow day at the precinct again. I'll have my book.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      War and Peace has over 587,000 words. You could put a nice dent into that. It is disappointing to hear this appoint Cao. I did not know much about him, but his story was compelling. Biden and Kaine have already won November. I did have a chance to play some touch football at the Kennedy Compound this weekend in Hyannisport. My wife was invited to meet with Patrick Kennedy and she actually brought me along. The property is not open to the public so getting a chance to see what Camelot was like was a real thrill. I had a fun talk about America's current situation with Patrick. I reminded him that our nation's best moments have always been in the crucible. The Kennedy optimism is real and contagious.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Kaine is a shoo in but I am a lot less sure about Biden. Senility doesn't reverse, senility doesn't plateau. It only gets worse. It's obvious in his mindless lies. He was appointed to the US Naval Academy in 1965 (the year he graduated from Delaware)? His uncle was eaten by cannibals? Biden repeatedly retells how his Delaware house caught fire, almost killing his wife, dog, and cat and melting his Corvette. It was just a small kitchen fire. Biden falsely claimed (repeatedly) that the inflation rate was 9% when he began his presidency.

        These are the stupid, easily discredited lies of a senile old man.

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          Biden has one of those unlimited hall passes. More valuable than a Willy Wonka Golden Ticket. I am preparing for four more years.

        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          A senile Biden supported by a competent staff working to maintain the country versus a guy who cares only about himself and would dismantle the government, FBI, DOJ, co-opt the military to declare marital law and take over the border, etc and send his supporters to kill judges, jurors, election officials, govt officials, claim complete immunity and pardon himself for all crimes…. Right. Get back when you come to your senses!

          1. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            Competent staff? Hardly.

            Yes Trump is self centered when it comes to personal matters, but he did a much better job running the country then Biden. but we will never agree on any of this so will just chime in and let it go.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            He’s a mortal threat to the country – by his own words. Hey you KEEP talking at me then in the same
            breadth say you’ll stop! ;-)… We can keep it civil and disagree. Don’t have to do the personal attacks and name calling… right? so have at it… Trump did not do a “good job”.. He was a disaster who fired people left and right.. look at the people he fired… and replaced them with folks more loyal than competent – and promises even more of it the next time! No one in the right mind can think he is good for the country in my view.

          3. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            Point taken.

            I'm happy to engage in conversations at times. I am at work and just finishing a late lunch, so don't have unlimited time alot, so make my comment and move on. I spent more time looking at the candidates and responded to Haner on a point I wanted to make. You are correct I probably should have not chimed in on this one.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            Hey. You DO and then you say you shouldn’t have! come on!

          5. DJRippert Avatar

            Read the latest Time interview from May 28 of this year (i.e., one week ago). Biden repeatedly confuses Russia and Ukraine, Putin and Xi Jinping, he claims the Europeans have spent more on Ukraine than the US.

            It's a disaster.


            You know what destroys democracy?

            When you vote for a man and he's not really the man running the show.

            A vote for Biden is a vote for an unknown shadow president.

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            I’m not voting for Biden. I’m voting for the kind of administration we can expect from him and from who follows him as opposed to what we know will come from Trump by his own words. We know without a doubt – a Biden administration with him gone will take care of the country and Democracy and Biden will, again, by his own words, run amok and destroy American Constitutional institutions. You know this.

          7. DJRippert Avatar

            Cacklin' Kamala? Pete "I'm so over my head I can't see the surface" Buttigeg? Janet "inflation is transitory" Yellen? Anthony "How many wars can I get going at the same time" Blinken?

          8. LarrytheG Avatar

            Yep. Any/all of them are more competent than the sycophants that Trump would pick based on little more than loyalty to him. No contest. Blinken would be replaced with someone like Pompeo… or worse.
            You’re talking Trump talking points eh… the typical adolescent name-calling that Conservatives are distinguishing themselves these days.

        3. LarrytheG Avatar

          How many Trump aides have been charged in how many states for violating election laws to subvert the election?

          A guy who said if he could get the VP to refuse to certify, he'd call out the military to impose martial law?

          And when that failed, sent his supporters to mob the Capitol and hang Pence?

          You choose a guy that did this?


          All you can talk about is Biden?


  7. Mike Rumberg Avatar
    Mike Rumberg

    "I also think Eddie can appeal best to Latino voters, who are voting GOP more in recent years, and we have not (in my research) nominated a Latino for U.S. Senate or House in Virginia."

    Hey Ken,

    I, too, am not sure if we have ever nominated a Latino to federal office.

    But we should remember and remind everyone that the GOP is the first party to nominate and elect Latinos to the General Assembly.

    In the 2000 redistricting, with the leadership of NRCC Chair Tom Davis, Speaker Wilkins and Jack Rust, the old 49th (Fairfax & Arlington) was redistricted into a Latino minority-majority district.

    Edgar Gonzalez, an immigrant from Guatemala/El Salvador, won the GOP nomination and became the first Latino to be nominated to the GA by any party in VA.

    The Dems, "progressive" and liberal as they are, surprised no-one when they first sued to prevent the new district and upon losing the case, stuck with their pale and stale incumbent, Darner.
    I am proud to have helped manage that campaign with Chris Woodfin. While we outperformed on several measures, it was like climbing an ice wall to overcome the intrinsic dem makeup of the district.

    In 2003, Jeff Frederick of Prince William County was the first Latino of any party to be elected to the General Assembly (52nd HoD). After being elected to three terms, he later served a short term as RPV Chair.

    Just as we must remind everyone the GOP is the Party of Lincoln, it will serve our party well to remember, and let the world know, that we were the first to include Latinos, rather than allow the other side to dominate impressions with false "conventional wisdom."

  8. Turbocohen Avatar

    Hung Coward was a no show for a tea party forum. Avoiding Conservatives is a bad recipe.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Could he be elected in Va for Senate?

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        No. Not even close. Kaine is no gem but he was on the Richmond City Council, Mayor of Richmond, Lt Governor of Virginia, Gov of Virginia.

        He's 66 years old and seems to have all his faculties.

        Hung Cao might have a chance if there was no incumbent but can't beat Kaine or Warner.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Glad you recognize the difference. Apparently the GOP in Va is unable. That’s why I ask – do they really want to represent voters or just hope someone like him could somehow slide in?

          He and Warner would also beat Youngkin in my view… on the abortion issue alone.

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            I wish Warner would run for president. He'd be a better candidate than either of the two who are actually going to be candidates.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            I don’t see that level of ambition in him…He seems to know when he’s out over his skiis… but we could AGREE on him.. which makes me wild that you also like Trump – Warner and Trump are polar opposites!

      2. Turbocohen Avatar

        Kaine can GOTV, Coward cant even debate republicans and bails out of Nascar voters. The only candidate with a bare knuckle ground game is Garcia, the rest are Kaine's insurance policy.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          I’m not very familiar with Garcia. Is he a Trumper?

        2. vicnicholls Avatar

          Emord has more experience at the federal level.
          Has to be more than like. Has to be policy.

  9. LesGabriel Avatar

    There are 3 other Republican candidates in addition to the aforementioned Eddie Garcia. Chuck Smith, Jonathan Emord, and Scott Parkinson. Any of the 4, as well as Hung Cao, would serve the people of Virginia better than our current Senator. Few realize that he has one of the most liberal voting records of any Senator during his terms.

    If anyone tries to convince you that Tim Kaine is a moderate or a centrist, you might inform them of the following facts:

    ***On the Conservative Review Scorecard, he scores a 2%. He is rated below such known conservatives as Cory Booker, Elizabeth Warren, Kristin Gillibrand, and Bernie Sanders.

    ***In American Conservative Union Ratings, he has a lifetime rating of 2.51. Only 5 current Senators have a lower rating.

    ***In Heritage Action Ratings, he has a 2% lifetime rating. Only 7 Senators score lower.

    ***He earned a “zero” from FreedomWorks in 6 of the past 11 years and his lifetime rating of 6.6 is lower than all but 7 current Senators. He scores lower than Dick Durbin, Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren, Kristin Gillibrand, and Bernie Sanders.
    ***His Rating in the New American Freedom Index, based on adherence to Constitutional principles is 9%. Only 8 Senators were lower. Hillary Clinton herself scored a 20% on this Index when she was in the Senate.

    ***He gets an “F” from the NRA and a lifetime “zero” from the Freedom First Society, having voted against the group on all 65 scored votes.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I don't think Kaine is a centrist but I do think Va voters like him and like him better than the GOP candidates who score well on the American Conservative Union Ratings.

      The GOP in Va has to decide if they want to represent all voters or just conservative voters.


      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        First they just have to learn how to walk and chew gum at the same time again.

        Whitehead at the Kennedy compound. Sounds fascinating. JFK was another example of the former glory of the Democratic party, when more of them were sane and despite policy differences, deserving of respect. Not that he didn't have to worry about bimbo eruptions….smart enough not to enrage his personal bag man (dumb, Donald, dumb.) The Kennedy ancestors came from a Wexford County farm and across the road a certain Murphy clan sent some members across the pond, too. Surely my grandmother was telling the truth.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          I'm thinking if some Dem candidates moved just a tiny bit to the right, they blow away the GOP in Va. The GOP in Va is seriously hard right and work to hide it from the voters. What happened to Trump in NY was much more horrible than if he had been impeached for the same thing he did that Clinton was impeached for or the fools in Congress who sought to impeach Biden for "what"?

          And heckfire, if GOP candidates in Va said they support abortion close to what Roe/Wade was… they'd be far more competitive.

          So I ask, how serious is the GOP in Va in seeking to be elected?

          Winsome Sears or Jason Miyares for GOv or Senate?


        2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          The one thing I garnered from Patrick that sticks is that Rose Kennedy, the matriarch, she was the one who ran the Kennedy clan. In our touch football game, I scored the winning touchdown. Lateral pass to the half back who was this enormous CEO who connected with me deep. I always thought Joe Jr, or Jack, or Bobby were the real athletes of the Kennedy brothers. Turns out it was Ted. Recruited by the Green Bay Packers. Turned them down to go to law school. If he had played, he could have made it to the golden era of the Lombardi years.

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