However This Election Ends, It’s Going to Be Big

I cast my ballot around noon today in the Maybeury precinct of Henrico County. The approaches to the voting place were studded with signs, mostly red, and in far greater numbers than I was accustomed to. The parking lot, though far from full, held more cars than in last year’s election. Despite the large number of citizens who had voted early — including Republicans this time — Maybeury definitely seemed busier.

Inside, Bacon’s Rebellion colleague Steve Haner was volunteering as usual as a poll worker, handing out ballots to voters. There was every indication, he said, that voter turnout would be even heavier this year than in last year’s presidential election. By noon, about 700 voters had cast their ballots — compared to a tad more than 1,200 all day last year. Interest in the gubernatorial race this year is intense.

Normally, high voter turnouts favor Democrats. I don’t think that’s what’s happening this time. At the risk of engaging in wishful thinking, this smells to me like a Tea Party-like wave election. We’ll find out for sure tonight.


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15 responses to “However This Election Ends, It’s Going to Be Big”

  1. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Slowing down here post-lunch but stiil strong so far…

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      I still don’t know the early vote count for that precinct, but in person more votes were cast than in 2020. I suspect the early vote was heavier in 2020, though. Bigger turnout than 2017….as you saw statewide.

  2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    I went to the Lakeside precinct about noon. I was surprised at the number of people voting. There were short waits. The poll worker I talked to said that it had been steady all morning. I had expected the lousy weather to decrease turnout, but apparently that has not been the case.

    This is truly a swing district. In 2020, it went narrowly for Trump, but in 2017, Northam won by a large margin, and in 2019, Van Valkenburg (D) got a comfortable majority of the votes in this precinct.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Don’t forget the weather… we have rain here. Portends of a Youngkin win, ya know. Democrats don’t like getting wet.

  3. dave schutz Avatar
    dave schutz

    I have a prediction, and I am very confident that it will prove correct: people will react to the results of this election very differently if it is 50.3 McAuliffe than if it is 50.3 Youngkin. Even though in either case it is about a ten pre cent swing against the Dems. This is absolutely wrong (I mean, it will matter to us in Virginia, but the national news is already baked in) and will lead to miscalculations going forward.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Democrats with comparable levels of intelligence are all in Glasgow….

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Scotland? Nah, they voted agin BREXIT. Oh wait, did you mean Gloucester?

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          COP26, and you know what I meant..

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Well, there IS a Glascow, Va.

    2. Do me a favor. Keep pretending that QAnon and other wacky groups are representative of the GOP and/or conservative mainstream. I know you are not stupid enough to really believe it, but please do whatever you can to keep democrats convinced that it is so.

      It will give them an excuse to avoid facing the real reasons why over the last two months they threw away what should have been slam-dunk, landslide victories in the races for governor, lt. governor and attorney general of Virginia, and apparently lost control of the house of delegates as well.

      PS – I’m going to assume that the second coming of JFK Jr. did not come off as planned or I would have heard about it on the news.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Yeah, but ya gotta love it. Should make everybody think twice before using the word “indoctrination”.

        Just need more comets.

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    $1? Oh wait. Is betting on elections legal? Meh. $1.

    1. how_it_works Avatar

      $10 with inflation.

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Congratulations boys and girls. Your campaign of fear and loathing was better’n our campaign of fear and loathing.

    Now, try governing. Nevertheless, I need to bone up on this

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