How to Revive a Lagging Regional Economy

Graphic credit: James V. Koch and Gary W. Wagner. Click to enlarge image.
Graphic credit: James V. Koch and Gary W. Wagner. Click to enlarge image.

by James A. Bacon

Dr. James V. Koch’s “The State of the Region: Hampton Roads 2014” report probably won’t get much attention outside of Hampton Roads, but it should. Not only is Hampton Roads the state’s second largest metropolitan economy, which means that its fortunes and misfortunes send large economic ripples across the state, but Koch’s observations about the region’s antiquated approach to economic development apply to many places in Virginia.

The message delivered by Koch and co-author Gary A. Wagner to an audience of more than 1,000 at the Norfolk Waterside Hotel was none too encouraging. After getting clobbered during the recession of 2007-2008, the Hampton Roads economy has been slow to bounce back. Employment growth has trailed state and national averages by a wide margin, as shown in the graph above. The stagnation in job growth can be explained in large measure by the impact of defense cutbacks on the region’s largest industry, the military. Comparing Department of Defense procurement awards 16 months pre- and post-sequestration (March 2013), Hampton Roads was down 24.4%. Moreover, sequestration will continue to squeeze as the military downshift continues and the Pentagon shifts its strategic focus to Asia.

“I think the Hampton Roads region is just starting to feel the effects of sequestration,” Wagner said in his presentation, according to an ODU recap.  “And as bad as things are (because of forecast freezes in DOD spending for the next two years) it could get worse. It’s a bumpy couple of years ahead for Hampton Roads.”

The Port of Virginia is a bright spot. After losing market share following the recession, the port reversed course and regained market share for three years running and now commands 17.2% of the East Coast market, a new peak. The expansion of the Panama Canal, which will encourage the use of more big ships, will confer a competitive advantage to the deep-channeled Virginia ports for a few years at least. But another traditional industry, tourism, remains stuck below its 2007 apex, as measured by hotel revenue. And housing prices have recovered less than a third of the value lost during the housing bust; the number of distressed homes, while improved,  remains historically high.

There are no “quick fixes” for what ails the Hampton Roads economy, Koch said. The region needs to adopt a long-term perspective.  "The bottom line is that economic development is a long-term process." The region needs to invest more in projects with a long-term payoff like K-12 education, infrastructure and research and less in high-visibility projects like convention centers, hotels, arenas and entertainment centers. "We delude ourselves if we think we can short-cut [the economic-development] process by constructing flashy facilities that primarily redistribute income within our own region." The conventional wisdom on economic development "is no more," he declared.  For decades, "economic development" in Hampton Roads, as across Virginia,  focused on attracting new firms and to do what it took -- offering land, tax incentives, etc. -- to attract them. But abundant research indicates that 80% to 85% of locational decisions are not influenced by such give-aways. "Incentives" amount to a wealth transfer to businesses that would have made the same decision anyway. The hot idea in economic development today is growing businesses locally -- economic "gardening," to use a term coined by David Birch in the 1980s. Make life easier for small businesses by giving them access to high-speed Internet connections, providing cheap or temporary space, and connecting them to academic, financing, engineering and marketing resources. While most small businesses stay small, some become growth stars that account for immense investment and job creation. Hampton Roads, always a laggard, recorded the lowest level of business start-ups among nine Virginia regions from 2010 to 2012. Rather than subsidizing selected businesses, Koch advocates an approach of identifying impediments to growth and helping firms overcome those impediments. "What would it take for one of our new, small microbreweries to grow and access new markets? For Liebherr to develop and implement a new cost-saving technology? For BAE Systems to become a major player in off-shore wind generation? Let's find out! Let's garden our regional economy." Among other ideas Koch explored: creating "innovation districts," where knowledge-based start-ups are clustered geographically, often in proximity to a research university, where easy interaction stimulates innovation;  promoting university Research & Development at ODU, Eastern Virginia Medical College and the College of William & Mary; and supporting job and skill development programs and apprenticeships. Bacon's bottom line: Koch is spot-on about the need to think differently about economic development in Virginia. At the top of the list of bad public investments -- let's call a spade a spade... of stupid public investments -- are glitzy convention centers, arenas and sports centers. For the most part, all they do is redistribute entertainment dollars within a region at great public cost. If a region is prosperous and a market exists, the private sector will build those facilities on its own. Second on the list of bad public investments are "incentives" for attracting new businesses. Most of that money is wasted. Better to invest in helping citizens gain the education and skills they need to compete in a knowledge-based economy. Now, if only we could persuade Koch to apply his keen analytical insights to understanding the pervasive effect of human settlement patterns on a region's economic competitiveness. Then we'd really be getting somewhere.

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10 responses to “How to Revive a Lagging Regional Economy”

  1. Virginia has HUGE assets – both capital and human for the Drone economy which is going to be HUGE


  2. Avatar

    Add light rail to the list of things not needed in Tidewater (if you’ll excuse my preferred name for our area).

  3. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Interesting post. One of HR’s problems is its location off the beaten path. That’s great for the Navy and shipping but it can’t really capture much north south or east west traffic. Also, innovation sounds great but every town says the same thing. Offshore wind is a good possibility because there are already major redundant electricity wires going in (for defense, in case Norfolk gets bombed), you have a big metal working and shipbuilding infrastructure for turbines and you don’t have to pass underneath any bridges when you tug the equipment out to sea.

  4. TooManyTaxes Avatar

    If the public, either directly or indirectly, provide subsidies to emerging businesses, there should be some payback from those that are successful. What is the difference between a startup using venture capital to pay expenses for goods and services and the public sector providing some of those same goods and services free or at a highly discounted price?

  5. this is a natural for Virginia.

    what has to be recognized is that even though there may be cutbacks in DOD – there are high priority programs that will be funded…. this is the future in this video and it has many more applications than military – and there will be a lot of jobs for those that have the education…

    1. TooManyTaxes Avatar

      Extremely interesting.

  6. think not only swarm boats…

    think swarm dones in the air, on the ground, in the water and under the water.

    think about swarm drones doing hurricane spotting duty … or flying the southern border of the US and detecting crossings… or looking for a lost child or hiker.. or in the military – flying to where ISIS is … landing… .. dozens of them .. and sending back coordinates to awaiting fighters and missiles..

    think of swarms following a line of thunderstorms and reporting in real time the status…

    think of swarms going into a disaster area – hit by a hurricane – and surveying the damage, noting where survivors are – and setting up portable cell towers… etc…

    think of drones following wildfires, or being able to get closer that large aircraft – and if lost – no lives are lost. just send replacements..

    drones to follow wildlife poachers…and illegal whaling…

    drones to deliver life-saving medicine to remote places…

    drones are going to fundamentally change the world we live in – there are so many different ways they will be used – and every one of those ways is going to have to be developed and like the internet – it will take two specialists – one that knows drones – and one that knows the job they want the drones to do.

    and jobs galore… for those who do have the academic and knowledge horsepower… but – keep in mind – that less than a third of US kids have the fundamental proficiency levels to attain the higher level hard sciences involved in these kinds of jobs.

    2/3 of kids take the SATs. only 40% end up going to college. Of that 40%, less than 10% have hard-science ability and credentials.

    1. Meanwhile, the Federal Aviation Administration is squatting on the U.S. drone industry, letting other countries take the lead.

      1. well the FAA is dealing with issues that are new and not easy to navigate… it’s not stopping development.. and should not…

        and other countries – notoriously get things like this wrong.. anyhow…

        the drone industry is exploding and even if I accepted your half-glass observation – do you think superior drone technology developed in this country could be sold to other countries without FAA “impediments”.

        Virginia is in the catbird seat for both military and non-military drones because it has both the human and infrastructure capital but those jobs are going to go to other states kids because of our own excuse mentality…on education.

        you either – lead, follow or get out of the way and these days – Conservatives cannot figure out which of the 3 they should do so they often do nothing and grump about ideology and regulation and other things that don’t lead to solutions.

  7. “Dr. James V. Koch’s “The State of the Region: Hampton Roads 2014” report probably won’t get much attention outside of Hampton Roads …”

    Is this one of the Koch Brothers? I mean, does he have a brother? If so, he is a Koch Brother! Are you crazy, Bacon? Any mention of the name Koch – especially one who might have a brother is likely to unleash the zombie apocalypse. Is that what you want Bacon? Do you want a zombie apocalypse? I hope the brain eating starts in Henrico County.

    Haven’t the liberals taught you anything? Even the mention of the name Koch will almost certainly create a catastrophe of biblical proportion.

    And let’s be honest – Harry Reid is a zombie. I mean just look at him. No way that walking cadaver has been alive any time in the last ten years. Reid was last seen running away from the Democrats in Congress muttering, “No brains to eat here.”

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