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How the Scandal Started


There is a fascinating tidbit in the Washington Post article today about Todd Schneider, former executive chef at the Governor’s Mansion, that has gone largely unremarked upon. It may have been reported before, but I had not taken note of it, and I don’t believe anyone else has either. Before I explain, let me ask a question: How did the Giftgate controversy get started? Do you recall reading that anywhere?

Here’s the story: Schneider ran a catering business on the side, but state rules prohibited payment to him for work he performed on big mansion events in his capacity as caterer. He was told to take food from the mansion as reimbursement. In February 2012, law enforcement agents showed up at his door. They were investigating a tip to a state fraud hotline that reported Schneider had been taking food from the mansion. Schneider has been told that the tip came from a former employee of his catering business.

Think what that employee set into motion. Schneider came under investigation and then was fired. At some point, he began dishing dirt on the relationship between the McDonnells and Jonnie Williams. And the scandal mushroomed from there.

Somewhere out there is an unknown catering employee who made that hot-line call, having absolutely no idea it would balloon into one of the biggest political scandals in Virginia history. I can’t help wonder who that person is and what he or she thinks his or her role in transforming the political culture of the Old Dominion.


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