How Not to Create a Diverse, Welcoming Workplace

Michelle Vermillion

by James A. Bacon

Michelle Vermillion was raised an old-fashioned liberal. She grew up thinking that people should be treated as individuals, judged, as Martin Luther King once dreamed, by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. She supports civil rights causes and endorses diversity in the workplace. Getting to know people of different backgrounds at work, she believes, is key for America to move beyond its racist past. When you get to know your coworkers as fellow humans, she says, you learn they want basically the same things you do.

But as a library staffer working at the University of Virginia Library, Vermillion felt increasingly increasingly ill at ease in the past few years. Rather than seeing a person’s race as an incidental part of his or her identity, the UVa Library administration began putting racial identity front and center. Town hall meetings and training programs made race a person’s defining characteristic.

“I’m not the one who changed,” Vermillion says. UVa changed. The traumatizing 2017 Unite the Right Rally, in which white supremacists clashed with counter-protestors, precipitated a bout of introspection about the role of slavery and segregation in the institution’s past. The Ryan administration doubled down on a commitment to recruit more Black students and faculty with its “Inclusive Excellence” program. The end result: library administrators today are fixated on race, and they are dedicated to imposing their ideological framework derived from Critical Race Theory upon library staff.

There is no escaping the obsession with race, she says. Many employees have reservations, but, for all the administration’s happy talk about engaging in a “dialogue,” they are afraid to speak out.

By this summer, Vermillion couldn’t take it anymore. She tried introducing different perspectives and sparking a conversation. The administration shut her down. Submitting her resignation, she worked her last day at the library Sept. 3.

Vermillion reached out to Bacon’s Rebellion to share her story and provide documentation of what she had encountered. In our conversations, she gave no evidence of personal spite. For the most part, she was reluctant to single out individuals for criticism. She stepped forward because she was distressed by the rise of what she sees as a corrosive culture at the library and UVa generally.

Moving from Northern Virginia to Charlottesville in 2004, Vermillion later took a temporary job with UVa’s School of Nursing. She moved to a permanent job with the UVA Library in 2007. Beginning in 2010, she supervised a student team to maintain Alderman Library’s stacks (reshelving returns and keeping the book stacks in order), and in 2015 she was promoted to serve as a library manager responsible for all UVa Library open stacks spaces. She was an employee in good standing, she says, and she was highly rated in her performance evaluations.

After the Unite the Right debacle, the library implemented a mandatory “Understanding Difference” annual performance goal for all library staff. Library employees select an activity designed to broaden their empathy for people who are different from them. For example, a library employee might go to a public library event to hear an immigrant talking about his or her experience of being an immigrant, and then write a summary of the experience.

Then came the Inclusive Excellence “framework,” which had the purpose, according to UVa’s Inclusive Excellence (IE) web page, of “synergiz[ing] and support[ing] our collective diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging efforts.” While UVa had a dedicated DEI bureaucracy already, the IE framework bureaucratized diversity and equity initiatives in every corner of the university. Teams were created. Action and accountability plans were drafted and reviewed. Protocols were implemented, and impacts measured. Because administrators at each unit within UVa were allowed to put their imprint on their own IE plans, no two were identical. Vermillion speaks only of her experience with the IE plan at the library.

UVa Library engaged an external consultant, Kathy Obear, co-founder of the Social Justice Training Institute. Her website biography notes that she has helped more than 3,000 people “deepen their capacity to be effective organizational change agents to create greater racial and social justice.” Obear used a document in training sessions, “Racial Equity & Inclusion: Suggested Competencies for Leaders & Change Agents,” as a self-assessment tool for employees.

Library staff were asked to rate themselves on a variety of topics, such as “Knowledge about race, racism, dominant white culture, white privilege,” how to “use race as a lens to notice and respond effectively to interpersonal dynamics,” “engage whites effectively,” “deepen partnerships with People of Color,” and — for white people — “learn with a community of white allies and change agents.”

Here is a sampling of the kinds of ideologically loaded statements that library staff were told to “rate how often you effectively demonstrate each of these.”

I understand the damage and devastation white people have perpetuated [sic] on People of Color and Indigenous peoples over the centuries and currently.

I understand how the cumulative impact of multiple, persistent racist microaggressions and institutional racism negatively impact People of Color and the quality of their lives.

I recognize how institutional racism permeates societal institutions, including the legal, policing, and justice system, housing, health care, education, employment, the military, politics, media, entertainment, etc.

I understand how white privilege, and white cultural values and norms, are infused into formal expectations and workplace culture as well as informal, unwritten rules for success.

I recognize the full breadth of unearned white privileges that white people receive in society and in organizations.

I effectively bring up and discuss issues of race and racism. I “keep race on the table” as one of the factors to be considered.

If a white colleague tries to shift the focus to one of their marginalized groups, I effectively acknowledge the dynamic and redirect the conversation back to race and racism.

I continuously use a Race lens to self-reflect and examine my behaviors, thoughts, feelings, biases, and attitudes as well as my impact on others.

I help other white people recognize and release the fears, guilt, shame, and racist biases that are fueling their behaviors.

Obear also provided a “Training Packet” that developed those and related ideas in greater depth.

Another document used in the DEI Training focused on microaggressions. The  article was ideologically loaded, advancing a form of circular logic in which it is impossible for any white person to argue that he or she is not racist. Whites today fear appearing racist, the article states, but they are unwilling to admit their privilege. A sample:

White privilege could not exist outside the confines of White supremacy. … The doctrine of White racial superiority is manifested in many insidious and invisible ways that allows Whiteness to be a default standard. … If one accepts the possibility that Whites are the recipients of White privilege, then the belief in meritocracy must also be challenged. Whites must confront the fact that they did not acquire their position in life primarily due to their own efforts, but to a system normed and standardized on the experiences of Whites.

As Dean of Libraries John Unsworth made clear in an email to staff, attendance at each training session is mandatory. Unexcused absences will be noted in the employee’s performance evaluations. Employees must annually confirm that they have read and understood the Library Code of Conduct, Vermillion says. The library measures attitudes through its annual “climate survey” asking questions about inclusivity and microaggressions. People are encouraged to report infractions through the Respect@UVA program.Not content simply to instruct the staff in these ideologies, the library leadership updated its Code of Conduct to incorporate principles from the training sessions. The “Principles & Expected Behaviors” of the Library Code of Conduct includes the following:

Diversity. We are committed to building a workplace where everyone feels emboldened to bring their authentic selves to work. We know through research and experience that different ideas, perspectives and backgrounds create a resilient and creative work environment.

“We treat every individual with kindness, dignity, and respect, regardless of position or status,” the Respect@UVA program website says. “UVA cannot realize its bold ambitions for excellence — in teaching, research, public service, and patient care — unless every member of our community embraces these values, and promptly reports misconduct. (My bold)

If someone feels they are subject to “disrespectful” behavior, the first step is to ask the perpetrator to stop. If the problem persists, UVa has mechanisms for lodging formal complaints through the Respect@UVA Complaint System.

Meanwhile, the library’s Inclusive Excellence plan takes race into account in the hiring, the naming of spaces, the reassessing of art displays, and sponsorship of social justice research. Library exhibitions and programs use an “anti-racist framework” for curation, design, writing, and production. To show how serious it is, library leadership tracks a metric on the number of exhibitions and programs that use intentional anti-racist and anti-oppressive themes.

Vermillion found the new rules oppressive.

“My intent when saying something matters not,” Vermillion says. The system revolves around how statements are perceived — perceived by people who have been encouraged to be hyper-vigilant about and offended by microaggressions. She’s on board with the idea that people should not be subjected to racism and sexism in the workplace. But the new rules are stifling. In effect, the person with the most sensitive psyche sets the standard — a standard that others don’t know until it is sprung on them.

“Being race conscious is not something I’m particularly comfortable with,” she says. “I wasn’t raised that way.” Despite the boilerplate in the IE documents about respecting different “ideas and perspectives,” it was painfully clear to Vermillion that heterodox ideas would not be entertained. Not that anyone, other than her, ever pushed back. People were too scared to express dissent of any kind. “It comes to feel oppressive. I’m not the only one who’s uncomfortable. People are terrified to speak. People are very afraid.”

As she became more concerned about the new orthodoxy, Vermillion began seeking out perspectives she’d never explored before. She read articles and watched videos by non-woke Black intellectuals such as John McWhorter, Glenn Loury, and others. She read viewpoints from political conservatives, moderates and even liberals, some of them Black, that countered the views present in the library’s DEI training. She found that many thinkers still support anti-racism efforts founded on the traditional civil rights movement rather than the modern race-conscious theories of anti-racism and white fragility.

On July 21, Vermillion made one of the most consequential decisions in her life. She sent an email to the entire staff of the UVa Library, about 225 people. She wrote:

Each of the first three videos below is under 10 minutes long. I’m sharing them with you as a way of expressing my concern about what is happening in our society, in our University, and in our Library. … I am concerned about where we might all be headed, and I will admit to being frightened about my job because I am choosing to speak up. (As some of you may know, I have always been willing to speak up when the situation demands.) I am also concerned that I may lose work friends over this. But I believe this matter to be of such importance that I have had to determine what I am willing to risk, and to hope for the best on all fronts. My hope is that this message will call attention to what is (or may be) happening and to show there are alternative ways forward, all humans together, that don’t seek to shame and divide us.

She provided links to seven online videos and articles that presented other sides of the story. If anyone shared her concerns, she invited them to contact her confidentially.

Dean Unsworth responded to Vermillion’s email with a message to the entire staff co-signed by seven other senior staffers. First he admonished her for sending her missive to a shared communication channel. “If your message is controversial or triggering,” he wrote, “ask yourself whether a different form of communications might be more constructive.”

He also took exception to Vermillion’s fear that she might be subject to retaliation, saying that the insinuation was not “necessary or constructive.” He urged staff to share ideas with colleagues in an honest and in-person conversation, and then listen to what they say. He went on to say that UVa Library was trying to encourage the recognition that “there is a problem” that needs to be addressed, establish a shared understanding of the facts, and design a process to make necessary changes.

Wrote Unsworth: “There’s certainly room to discuss different analyses of the problem and different strategies for addressing it in our process, and room to bring up all kinds of data, so we appeal to you to engage the issues from wherever you are — and then be prepared to learn from one another.”

Vermillion found the rhetoric to be empty. The fact was, Critical Race Theory is dogma, not just in the library but throughout UVa. The trainers don’t tolerate alternative perspectives. Deviation from their framework for viewing the world is branded a form of racism. No one expresses different thoughts because no one wants to be called out as a racist. While some people are perfectly happy going along with CRT, some aren’t. Several co-workers contacted her and expressed their reservations privately.

Vermillion is still looking for a job, but she feels as though a great weight has been lifted from her. While she is relieved for herself, she feels remorse for colleagues who are stuck in a “rather unpleasant workplace” and don’t have the same latitude to leave. She sees little prospect for change. “It was made clear by the leadership that differing viewpoints on the matter are not welcomed in discussions.”

By taking her concerns public, Vermillion says, she hopes to inform others about the new orthodoxy spreading at UVa.

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55 responses to “How Not to Create a Diverse, Welcoming Workplace”

  1. “The system revolves around how statements are perceived — perceived by people who have been encouraged to be hyper-vigilant about and offended by microaggressions. . . . In effect, the person with the most sensitive psyche sets the standard — a standard that others don’t know until it is sprung on them. . . . The trainers don’t tolerate alternative perspectives. Deviation from their framework for viewing the world is branded a form of racism.”

    Who believes that such a system actually persuades, as opposed to teaching the trainees how to parrot the appropriate catch-phrases and, privately, mock them?

  2. LarrytheG Avatar

    Is this required for all employees of UVA or is it primarily for supervisors?

    This is over-the-top , I agree and this lady may not be alone in leaving because of it.

    1. It’s required for everyone.

      When you’ve lost LarrytheG, you’ve lost most everyone!

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        I support the efforts to train supervisors to be sensitive and fair to people of other nationalities, ethnicities and races and I admit myself that dealing with them can sometimes be a challenge because of accents and differing values and behaviors.

        I used to work with two very bright – and highly educated scientific guys who were really important to the work of the organization, but they were seriously hard to understand both language and … I can’t even find the right word – they just thought and articulated different than regular white folks – even the white scientific guys had to work at it! But over time, it became clear those two guys were brilliant – but different!

        And we had the more generic African American types and while the language gap was not a problem, – different mindset and ways of communicating.

        And we had some folks that weren’t that interested in trying to bridge that gap.

        And I was clearly more comfortable with folks I more easily identified with – work and social.

        So, I do “get”…. SOME of what is in that training but it’s way overboard and really wrong IMHO and likely will cause much more disruption than positive change especially if this is for every employee and not just supervisors.

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    We, the Boomers, had 50 years to fix this. We didn’t.

    1. John Harvie Avatar
      John Harvie

      Because there is really nothing needing to be fixed.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Yeah. Okay.

  4. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    I just had lunch with a Black friend. We got through the whole time without putting “race on the table”, other than in passing references. We had a good time discussing our recent activities and laughing about situations we found both found ludicrous.

    I am sorry to hear that UVa has become so dogmatic.

    1. Based on the contents of that “Training Manual”, I think they’ve moved beyond dogmatism and are fast approaching psychosis.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      But has it, Dick? Again, mislabeling CRT doesn’t help. This is a needed discussion on race and white people just don’t like it.

    3. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      But has it, Dick? Again, mislabeling CRT in this article doesn’t help. This is a needed discussion on race and white people just don’t like it.

      Forget your black friend. Consider the white ones here. Do you not believe that if Virginia were a Red State, these guys here wouldn’t be falling over themselves to pass restrictive voting laws?

      Maybe your friend would like to have THE conversation?

      1. Yes, there is a needed conversation which no one is having. But I, and obviously a few others here, do not think the path UVA has chosen is one which will initiate that conversation.

        Please take the time to read the entire “Training Packet” linked in the article. Once you have, I do not think you will still honestly be able to say that opposition to the path UVA has chosen is just “white people trying to avoid a needed discussion”. The “Training Packet” makes it clear that the “conversation” is specifically designed to go in only one direction, and that it leads to only one conclusion, which is essentially: NOTHING a “white person” says or does is ever NOT racist.

        And all joking, snark and self-deprecating humor aside, you and I both know that is utter bullsh!t.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar

          He’s incapable and doesn’t care, that is an admission by his own words.

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          103 pages? You’ve got to be kidding. First, I could give a crap about UVa, and secondly, I’ve done my fair share of sensitivity and inclusivity training, and I doubt there’s anything really new in it.

          They are universally one-sided because they are “A suggested solution” to a problem only a few people actually created. Policy and practice being two different things.

          Now, the self-evalation? Those are always worthwhile, even if you just check off a “10” or “1” 1on 80% of it.

      2. Scott McPhail Avatar
        Scott McPhail

        I am fascinated how two people arguing about a dog in a New York park makes some sort of statement about the state of race in America . . . but the death of Tessa Majors . . . 5 moths earlier also in a New York park . . . well nothing to see there just move along.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          If only she had gone missing for a week….

      3. Sara Elizabeth Carter Avatar
        Sara Elizabeth Carter

        This is worth listening to. Whatever you conclude about the Central Park story, the interesting part is how it was covered.
        And, no Bari Weiss (the interviewer) is not a right wing tool.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Interesting Wiki – 86 references!

          1. Sara Elizabeth Carter Avatar
            Sara Elizabeth Carter

            Larry, you have me at a loss. What do you mean?

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          The woman went nuts. She was hanging her dog. She gave an obviously false report to the police. She worked either with fiduciary responsibility, or at least for a company that has such.

          I’m sure she’s very sorry. She reminds us that we have responsibility.

          I have no sympathy for her and would not invest a hour listening to any defense of her.

          1. Sara Elizabeth Carter Avatar
            Sara Elizabeth Carter

            It’s a shame you won’t listen to it. It’s not really about her. It’s much more about how we view news and how the news shapes the dialog. If you don’t at least know a broader picture though, it’s probably not a great example to use. You may be making a different point than you think.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Somerimes the video speaks entirely for itself. If you want to expand it to a broader picture then use a more sympathetic character.

  5. We are committed to building a workplace where everyone feels emboldened to bring their authentic selves to work.

    Including the narcissistic drunkard? How about the nudist? And the guy who collects beanie-babies and wants to tell you about each one? Or the square dancing fanatic?

    Seriously, they have definitely not thought that one through…


  6. Arsene Lupin Avatar
    Arsene Lupin

    “If your message is controversial or triggering..”

    Unsworth doesn’t follow his own rules. Clearly he knew publicly calling out Vermillion would be controversial and triggering. Yet, he did it. He did not seek out other forms of communication.

    He clearly thinks very highly of himself.

  7. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “Vermillion reached out to Bacon’s Rebellion to share her story and provide documentation of what she had encountered. In our conversations…”

    And what was Unsworth’s or Library Administration’s response after you reached out for comment on your interview…?

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I’d like to hear that also.

    2. Unsworth is quoted extensively in the story.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Are you sure this is UVA-wide for all employees?

        1. Michelle Vermillion Avatar
          Michelle Vermillion

          The training materials described in this article are from DEI/antiracism training created for UVA Library staff.

          The University has an institution-wide DEI initiative called Inclusive Excellence:

          As I understand it, other units in the University may choose to provide DEI training for their unit staff as part of their unit’s Inclusive Excellence plan.

          At, there is a section for “Speakers/Facilitators External to UVA (For Fee Services)”. The UVA Library’s selected external consultant appears on this Resources page.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Thank You! Any idea how many library staff members there are and their size relative to the total of UVA employees?

            Can you point out WHERE in the overall UVA Inclusive Excellence process where it provides/suggests resources to acquire to carry out the plan?

            I’m trying to understand if what the Library did was in accordance with the UVA plan approach , i.e. other “units” at UVA may well use similar choices.

            Again, Thanks.

          2. Michelle Vermillion Avatar
            Michelle Vermillion

            Per, University Faculty + Staff 17.8k. The UVA Library staff headcount is around 225. (I believe this excludes the libraries at the professional schools: health sciences, business (Darden), and Law.)

            At the bottom of this page (, you can review plans from other University units. I’m afraid you will have to do the reading to compare IE plans across the different units. Some plans are still under review and not yet posted.

            The link I provided in my previous comment ( is under “Learning”, adjacent to “Inclusive Excellence” on the main webpage for the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (in the top menu bar.)

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            so each ‘unit’ can decide how they will do this? Do they choose from a “menu” of available choices or what?

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        So your answer is you did not approach Unsworth for comment/response to these charges and just went with the spin of the disgruntled employee. Great journalism there, JAB.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Too excited to finally get to feel like they can get all of the thrilling bonuses that they have long believed victims of actual discrimination enjoy.

  8. tmtfairfax Avatar

    How about all the Indigenous people from around the world whose tribes or countries were taken over by others but are ignored by the woke and our textbooks? The English taking over the Welsh, Scots and Irish? The English conquered by the Normans and before that by the Angles and Saxons? The Spanish conquered by the Moors?

    I seriously doubt that any college administrator has either the intelligence or knowledge of human history to answer these questions. Therefore, they resort to Animal Farm thinking — some conquerors are more equal than others.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      TMT – if you read the links , they ARE talking about “other” people beside the standard “white”.

      1. tmtfairfax Avatar

        When do I get my reparations checks? Ancestry DNA suggests I’m about 87% Irish, Scot and Welsh. I’d settle for reimbursement of my tuition payments for college and law school — at present value, of course.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Your request has been submitted for review by the Queen.

        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          Why do you think you are entitled? Were your ancestors enslaved or lynched or killed or imprisoned or forced onto reservations?

          1. tmtfairfax Avatar

            God-damn right I am. Ireland was taken over by the English. Existing governments and law were replaced by English systems. The Irish language was essentially eliminated. My 2nd great grandparents were all able to speak and understand Irish. I only know a few phrases and curse words. They were forced to leave Ireland during the Famine — An Gorta Mor. The English had forced the Irish to deliver almost all of their grain to England leaving many of the Irish to survive on potatoes alone, which regularly succumbed to fungus. During the famine, roughly 1 million died and more than 2 million were forced to leave their homes out of a population of 8 million.

            Of the more than 100,000 Irish that sailed to Canada in 1847, an estimated one out of five died from disease and malnutrition, including over 5,000 at Grosse Isle, Quebec, an island in the Saint Lawrence River used to quarantine ships near Quebec City. Overcrowded, poorly maintained, and badly provisioned vessels known as coffin ships sailed from small, unregulated harbors in the West of Ireland in contravention of British safety requirements, and mortality rates were high. And, yes, some of my 2nd great grandparents emigrated to Canada.

            Those coming to England, Australia, Canada and the United States experienced pervasive discrimination based on both religion and ethnicity.

            And the anti-Irish Blaine Laws remain on the books of most states, including Virginia.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            And you want the US to compensate you?

            Were your ancestors enslaved, beaten, had members of their family sold off to others?

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Followed by 100 years of official second class citizen status and systemic (that word again) racism… to say nothing of physical abuse and state-sanctioned murder. Followed again by decades of government-led efforts to destroy any semblance of family units and community via systemic (dang!) programs of criminalization and discriminatory sentencing… to say nothing of the physical abuse and state-sanctioned murders that accompanied these programs. I missed that part of the Irish experience in the US….

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            This kind of thing HAS and still does happen in other countries – yes.

            But this country was supposed to be different – American Exceptionalism and all that.

            But too many refuse to recognize that we really did a piss-poor job at what we said we were going to do – different from other countries.

            Worse, we refuse to recognize it, admit it and get on with dealing with it so we do achieve what most of us say we are or should be.

            I say the above to make a clear distinction between the effects of systemic racism and efforts to deal with it and to strongly disagree with the approach the UVA Library unit is taking.

            And I hope the rest of UVA is NOT doing this specific approach and if they are, in my view, it will diminish UVA not enhance it.

            There are many white folks who know we have a problem and need to do better, but this approach will alienate them not get their support.

            And this is why I was asking if there is a “menu” of choices to implement and this approach is on that menu or was it sort of a rogue thing very different from other approaches for other units at UVA.

    2. I don’t think you are going back far enough. What about the Romans destroying the Druids and Celts, or the Scots wiping out the Picts?


  9. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    As a liberal institution, UVa sucks. From all that I have seen and read from their alumni, they are all just shy of Attila.

  10. Carson Martin Avatar
    Carson Martin

    Lipstick Liberal unable to cope when passive catchphrases are no longer sufficient to be considered a supporter of equality. Quits job without introspection. “I’m not the one who changed,” We Know.

  11. Here follows an anonymous response, forwarded to me by email, to the self-assessment questions cited in the post. — JAB

    Subject: My answers to the Maoist style re-education survey questions at UVA

    I understand the damage and devastation white people have perpetuated [sic] on People of Color and Indigenous peoples over the centuries and currently.

    Yes, I understand the damage caused by the creation, by white civilization, of a learned world of science, engineering and invention. The invention of anti-biotics, vaccines, medical technology such as x-ray imagining , MRI, pet scans, micro biology, virology, and the medical sciences in general. And I understand the damage of engineering and the creation of labor saving machines that relieve humanity of backbreaking labor and which has also provided unprecedented productivity and prosperity. I also understand the damage caused by the immense progress in agricultural sciences that has fed the world.

    I understand how the cumulative impact of multiple, persistent racist microaggressions and institutional racism negatively impact People of Color and the quality of their lives.

    Yes , I understand that focusing on finer and finer possibilities of finding offense can actually lead to finding offense.

    I recognize how institutional racism permeates societal institutions, including the legal, policing, and justice system, housing, health care, education, employment, the military, politics, media, entertainment, etc.

    Yes, I understand that systemic racism, defined as the absence of racial discrimination in all official law and policy, and the affirmative outlawing of such discrimination, in addition to remedial programs as affirmative action for the last 50+ years, is actually systemic racism.

    I understand how white privilege, and white cultural values and norms, are infused into formal expectations and workplace culture as well as informal, unwritten rules for success.

    Yes, I understand that white values of hard work, punctuality, order, respect for laws, marriage before children, valuing education are all white characteristics, and they may be offensive to people of color.

    I recognize the full breadth of unearned white privileges that white people receive in society and in organizations.

    Yes, I understand the injustice of expecting citizens of all colors to respect the essential virtues required for any successful civilization.

    I effectively bring up and discuss issues of race and racism. I “keep race on the table” as one of the factors to be considered.

    Yes, I focus on race constantly, in lieu of actually getting a job done. And knowing full well how it will promote unity in the work group. Those who get off track, by an objective focus on the job itself, must be set straight.

    If a white colleague tries to shift the focus to one of their marginalized groups, I effectively acknowledge the dynamic and redirect the conversation back to race and racism.

    Yes, I certainly avoid any inconvenient fact or viewpoint that deflects from a predetermined Marxist conclusion. Race must like be a rubber band attached to all other topics, that draws the topic back to race itself.

    I continuously use a Race lens to self-reflect and examine my behaviors, thoughts, feelings, biases, and attitudes as well as my impact on others.

    Yes, I see how I must self flagellate myself over issues of race and extend that to others when they err from the racial doctrines of Maoist re-education.

    I help other white people recognize and release the fears, guilt, shame, and racist biases that are fueling their behaviors.

    I help other people of all colors by urging them to read the above paragraphs.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      “Yes, I understand that white values of hard work, punctuality, order, respect for laws, marriage before children, valuing education are all white characteristics…”

      These are by no means “white values” or “white characteristics”. But thanks for showing us all your true self…

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Yep. Indeed. He’s parroting …….. again.

        “We “whites” are just “better”, get used to it. “

      2. It appears you have forgotten that it is the anti-racists themselves who say things like punctuality, hard work and rational thought are traits of “white culture”

        The author used the findings 0f experts on the subject in his answer to a question. It would have been wrong for him to ignore their contributions to the dialogue about race.

        I’m surprised you don’t remember. It was only a few months ago that the Smithsonian Museum of African American History had a long list of “white traits” posted on their web-site.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          I think you miss the point. Whites like to claim that their culture is one of hard work, puncuality, etc. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is the claim itself that is racists… not those values.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Oh I AGREE with you – that sentiment itself is racist and actually demonstrates the depth of racist thinking IMHO.

            That said – the current library approach being taken to educate and inform – AND gain some level of acknowledgement is going to engender even more resistance and division, again IMHO.

            There is clearly a problem – on going – but it’s not going to get fixed this way.

          2. Actually, it is you who are missing the point.

            Context is everything and the context was NOT a list of how whites view themselves it was criticism of whites for imposing their “culture” on “people of color”, and for not accommodating “cultural differences”.

            UPDATE: Here you go:

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