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How Many School Days Did Your District Lose Last Year?

by James A. Bacon

In our never-ending quest to provide Virginia citizens the data they can use to hold their public officials accountable, Bacon’s Rebellion ranks Virginia’s school districts by the number of days short they fell from the 180-day standard enshrined in state law. Between the COVID-19 epidemic and Governor Ralph Northam’s spring break shutdown order, it was a challenging year. To be sure, uncertainty was rampant and school boards had tough decisions to make. But some school districts did a superior job to others in keeping the classrooms open for students.

According to data extracted from the 2019-2020 State Superintendent’s Report, Buckingham County had the smallest shortfall — 41 days. The City of Galax had the biggest — 68 days. This is only one metric to use in gauging your school board’s performance, but it’s an important one. Demand answers!

For a list of all school districts in Virginia…

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