by Jon Baliles

The unravelling saga of a failed development proposal downtown a block from City Hall that was supposed to rise out of the ashes of the failed Navy Hill project is still smoldering. The failed deal has come with a price tag of about $80 million so far (and growing) for VCU Health. They were supposed to be the main tenant of the project and, by all accounts, approved and signed a deal in July 2021 in which VCU accepted heavily one-sided terms that have become so expensive it could still ripple throughout the city, the university, and the state.

Eric Kolenich has peeled back the latest layer of the onion in an eye-popping article in the Times-Dispatch this week, with emails that revealed grave concerns with the deal that would leave VCU Health holding the bag, and also emails that showed more concern to close the deal than what was in it. The emails show both bad communication and miscommunication among those at top levels of VCU’s administration at both the Monroe Park campus and the medical campus. They were sent in a flurry in the weeks leading up to VCU inking and approving the deal, and ignored warnings that were raised in favor of a closer analysis or alternative parachutes that would offer a way out.

After the Navy Hill project failed in early 2020, Capital City Partners, the developers who led that attempt, returned to the city with a proposal for a development for the city’s dilapidated old Public Safety Building at 500 N. 10th Street (aka the Clay Street Project because it is at 10th & Clay Streets). The proposal was for a 17-20 story building that would be leased by VCU Health for office use. They would pay $650 million in rent over 25 years that would produce close to $60 million in tax revenue for the city.

VCU would have to pay rent starting in 2024, whether or not the building was completed, as well as pay for repairs and maintenance. If the project faced cost overruns, VCU would also be on the hook for those.  And strangely, since it was office space, it would not generate any revenue for VCU Health like other facilities they had recently built (e.g. the Children’s Hospital).

The deal was put together in early 2020, but Art Kellermann had come on board as CEO of VCU Health by late 2020. According to Kolenich’s review of the emails, in May 2021 Kellermann strongly disliked the arrangement, saying the costs were high and the risks abundant. Others shared his concern. A vice president for the health system called the project ‘the lease that would go down in history.’”

Another administrator, Melinda Hancock, had negotiated the deal and was about to leave the health system. When she left, VCU Health lacked anyone with intimate knowledge of the agreement.

Kolenich includes one of Kellermann’s email’s (see below) that asks questions you would expect a CEO to ask — things like does this put us on the hook?, how has the landscape changed since the pandemic started?, do we understand the financial implications before we sign the deal? You know, simple questions that most anyone would ask given the price tag, and ones that certainly deserved answers before signing a deal that would commit VCU to hundreds of millions in rent and $80 million in exit fees/penalties.


Kellermann even warned in an email in early June 2021 that “The Clay Street deal is awful. I fear, however, that it is unstoppable — for all the wrong reasons.”

Regardless, Kolenich writes that “…university leaders dismissed his [Kellermann’s] concern, characterizing his emails as annoyances. Ultimately, VCU leaders convinced Kellermann to stick with the deal, which was signed in July 2021.”

Finances aside, other VCU top brass warned about the political waves that might be caused by backing out of the deal. Matthew Conrad, Vice-President of Government Affairs and right-hand to VCU President Michael Rao, sent a strongly worded email to Kellermann that warned:

You are correct that the political stakes are high here. This agreement was blessed unanimously by city council and our board. It is perhaps the biggest economic development accomplishment of this mayor. Walking away would have disastrous effects on other important deals with the city like the development of the 60 acres in conjunction with our athletics facility.

That said, if you truly believe there is lopsided, unmitigated risk that could hinder delivery of VCUHS’ mission, that needs to take priority and should be evaluated and discussed.

Except it wasn’t discussed. In fact, another VCU Vice-President, Karah Gunther, echoed Conrad and said exiting the deal would hurt VCU’s relationship with the mayor, city council and state legislators.

Plus, it’s worth noting that Conrad’s point about the future of the VCU Athletics Village (near the new Diamond District) was a red herring. That complex will be built on parcels of land owned by the state — and thus are immune from city zoning and building requirements and planning decisions (and also tax-exempt).

Kolenich continues:

VCU had pursued the parcel housing the public safety building for 15 years, and city leaders were already celebrating its redevelopment, Conrad said. If the plan failed, VCU would be seen as the “bad guys,” and Mayor Levar Stoney’s team would box out the university from acquiring the land in the future. “I see no second bites at this apple,” Conrad added.

That prediction doesn’t appear to have come true, either, as VCU still hopes to build a $415 million dental school on the plot.

In July 2021, the university’s chief financial officer, Karol Kain Gray, offered her thoughts to Kellermann and others. She repeated points that there were no second chances, that VCU had sought the parcel for more than a decade and that the administration’s position had not changed.

Kellermann accepted her words and signed the deal.

If you have been following the drama in the news, there was very little reported about the Clay Street project except in March 2022, when the developers filed a scaled down version of the project from 17 stories to seven stories. Richmond BizSense reported that it was unknown how the scaled down version would affect total cost or adjusted tax revenues, and the revised plan did not mention VCU Health at all; yet, a VCU spokeswoman was quoted in the article that VCU’s “commitment to be part of the redevelopment project is steadfast.”

Then, in February 2023, the dam broke. BizSense reported that the city had taken the property back because the developer failed to meet target benchmarks. VCU issued a vanilla statement saying they were still committed to making the property “a grand gateway for the state’s primary safety net academic medical center” and that the new School of Dentistry could be built there. They said “the university and health system will uphold our obligations as they relate to prior real estate tax commitments, as well as the demolition of the existing Public Safety Building structure.”

It wasn’t until May 2023 that the details were discovered that VCU had agreed — per terms of the long-since-imploded deal — to pay $73 million (and counting) to officially exit the deal . Which raises the question as to why were the red flags and warning sirens ignored? And why was this VCU Health deal so markedly and disastrously different from all the other major projects that had occurred in the last decade?

This is one of five columns published today by RVA 5×5, a subscriber-focused news, analysis, and commentary site written and run by former Richmond City Councilman Jon Baliles. It is republished with permission. To read more, go to  the RVA 5×5 site, which includes subscription information. 

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24 responses to “How Did VCU Miss the Red Flags?”

  1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    I have refrained from bringing this disaster up on this blog, primarily becaue I don’t know many of the details. Needless to say, it makes you wonder about the competence and ability of those in power at VCU Health Systems that drafted this deal. Also, apparently, the Stony administration was pushing hard behind the scenes. Of course, Stony will back away from it now. As he pursues the Democratic nomination for governor in 2025, one imploded development deal (Navy Hill) on his resume is enough.

    At some point, VCU Health will come to the General Assembly asking for more funding to compensate it for indigent care, pleading poverty. I hope the GA members remember to ask about this $80 million boondoggle.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Air Force PERT Chart
      1 build admin bldgs
      2 golf course
      3 PX, commissary, O-Club, NCO-Club
      4 Barracks
      5 Riding Stables
      6 Hangars
      Return to Congress for more money
      7 Runways

    2. Lefty665 Avatar

      That’s going to be a thrill. Levar Stonedy vs Abigail Spamberger vs Eileen Filler-Corny in a Dem primary for the nomination for Gov. None of them with any demonstrated fitness for the office.

      1. William O'Keefe Avatar
        William O’Keefe

        I want to disagree with your characterization of Spamberger but that is just my opinion.

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          8 years in CIA, 6 in the House. Both just chops on her resume as she attempts her next promotion to Gov. Unbridled self serving ambition. Virginia can do better and needs to.

      2. VaPragamtist Avatar

        I’m a Republican and will vote Republican in the gubernatorial election. I disagree with Spanberger’s position on many issues and toeing the party line on things like Trump’s impeachments. But she serves her constituents well, is incredibly down-to-earth and approachable, and has a strong career in public service. I disagree with her policy-wise, but IMO she’s the best candidate the Democrats have.

        The question for Republicans is, who can beat her: Miyares or Sears?

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          Spamberger’s “strong career in public service” is mostly in the covert side of the CIA. Some of it working for torturer “Bloody Gina”.

          We have no idea what crimes she committed in that service, for example no idea if she was cashiered for murder, corruption, incompetence or left voluntarily, nor will we ever. That she or others try to use that as a credential for public office is a disgrace.

          The spooks of my acquaintance were professionals, their lives, their entire careers were devoted to their trade. All would have died before cashing out their service to their country to use it as a steppingstone to further personal ambition by becoming a politician. Dr. Johnson called it 400 years ago “Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel”.

          She is unfit for public office.

          I am an independent. I vote for candidates on their merits, not their party.

          1. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            I don’t think she’d have the constitution to do what is necessary. If she did anything for the CIA (everyone picks that or the NSA, because they will neither confirm or deny you worked for them) it was nothing more but the to further her political asperations.

            As you said, the professionals were professionals during and after their careers and the interviews they give are fascinating, at least the podcasts I’ve listened to.

        2. William O'Keefe Avatar
          William O’Keefe

          I think that the question for republicans is which kind are they–Trumpists or Regan?

    3. Needless to say, it makes you wonder about the competence and ability of those in power at VCU Health Systems that drafted this deal.

      It makes me wonder how much they benefitted personally for pushing it through.

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Navy Hill? They make a great tequila soda. Very flavorful.

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    It’s all so confusing… no voting on Sunday in Richmond, but the ABC stores are open.

    No more voting No more voting
    No more voting on Sunday
    Got get your ballot filled on Monday!

  4. VaPragamtist Avatar

    This issue is nothing compared to the tangled web of businesses, shell companies, government agencies, and VCU subdivisions–all with incestuous boards of directors–that make up the BioTech Park in downtown Richmond.

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      At least that entity has successful companies and did not cost a state agency (MCV Health) $80+ million for nothing.

  5. LarrytheG Avatar

    It’s about a little known aspect of Universities, Hospitals and similar institutions that grow and expand and seek additional land and infrastructure. There are aspects of land and property development involved that are not at the core of the institutions’ mission per se. Not all of them are necessarily good and competent and significant risk can be involved. In Fredericksburg, the hometown hospital built a new hospital and when they did they bought far more land than was needed for the hospital , on the premise that non-hospital medical practices would be interested in locating near the new hospital. The question was how much could the hospital itself afford to pay for the entire parcel and how long would it take for other medical businesses to buy or lease a parcel so that the hospital itself could remain financially “ok”?

    Significant risk involved and a lot depended on the judgement and competency of the team involved in that effort and I can see how there were no real guarantees that it would turn out well from the beginning of the project It did look to me to take a bit of a leap-of-faith and everything did depend on how good the team was at calibrating the financial aspects of the expansion.

    Years later, Mary Washing Colllege expanded across a major highway to build higher end dorms… that included some ground floor commercial. Again… folks involved who had little to do with the core mission of the institution but were deeply involved in land and property development that involved the College financially.

    Both deals struck me as somewhat risky but also seemed to not have a whole lot of government oversight… that could be not necessarily a good thing depending on how much it would limit and impede the folks trying to get the expansion done.

    Ultimately both the hospital and the college’s fiscal fortunes are affected by the costs of the expansions and their ability to recoup those costs by selling their core products!

    Not for the weak of knee and disaster can be waiting in the wings for miscalculations and mistakes!

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      I’ll bet you’ll find that in both cases the institution set up shells to limit liability and blowback.

      Risky Business

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Probably. I admit I know almost nothing about it other than what I see and read and the
        folks that do this sort of thing seem to be not timid and “conservative” at times! Roll the dice!

  6. William O'Keefe Avatar
    William O’Keefe

    Well, this may explain why Kellerman was terminated. He should have resigned instead of signing the agreement. Whoever negotiated the details of the contract should be the one fired. I also doubt that the mayor, city council, or legislators knew the one sided details. The people including Rao who were told about the problem but none the less pushed for signing have a lot of explaining to do.

  7. Lefty665 Avatar

    Maybe my alma mater, the VCU B school, will use this as a case study in how not to do things.

  8. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Never fall in love with the deal.
    You have to be willing to walk away.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      depends a LOT on whose money it is, right?

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        And that was probably a big part of the problem…
        Academia is awash with money and the accountability is incredibly lax…I mean, it’s not like they are spending their own money!

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          well, and then you got these hospitals… and other corporates…. We have two large office buildings built by Capitol One and they abandoned them almost as soon as they were built. We got closed Rite Aid stores all over our area. Several companies built new plants in Richmond and then closed down. Companies and institutions make assessments and judgements about how to spend money and expand, and it’s littered with mistakes and failures. Some of them we know about because of the way that transparency is required but many others we really don’t know what happened and why, just that the venture failed.

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