by James C. Sherlock

Virginians have only begun to experience price inflation at the grocery store.

Price increases are in the food pipeline that will be a much bigger problem starting this summer.

Farmers and ranchers invest up front. They borrow money to do it. They are incredibly efficient at what they do, but are at the mercy of input prices. They must wait until their crops and animals are sold to recoup their investments.

Everything farmers and ranchers do with their farm machinery requires diesel. So do the trucks that move crops to those who prepare them for our use and then to market. Diesel prices are expected to reach more than $6 per gallon this summer, a 35% increase from current prices. Inventories are low.

Most fertilizer is an oil derivative and has skyrocketed up to 300% since early 2021. On average, fertilizer in March of this year was 35% more expensive than it was in the fall of 2021, with Roundup up nearly 90%. In six months.

Of course, the feed ranchers buy for their animals comes from the produce of America’s farmers.

Producer prices that reflect what they have paid for diesel and fertilizer and the trucking costs of moving those crops are predicted to reach grocery stores in the summer and fall. That hardly suggests that the 9% inflation recently seen in retail food prices is the end of it.

It is important to ask what our governments and our best charities are doing to prepare.

The federal executive branch. The federal executive branch is fully engaged in making the problem, traceable largely to a policy-driven scarcity of domestic oil, worse. They admire their work and call it a “necessary transition.” Literally, “Let them eat cake.”

They haven’t inquired about the cost of cake.

Congress. The Congress in 2021 far overshot the mark in stimulating demand they considered depressed by COVID. Senator Joe Manchin just barely stopped it from throwing trillions more into circulation.

The Federal Reserve. Though many would not agree with its pace so far, the Federal Reserve will use its primary tool to drive down inflation — raise interest rates. That will hit the next farming/ranching investment cycle.

Notably, the San Francisco Fed predicted in 2005 that the oil price shocks of the 70’s that hit the broader commodities markets would not happen again. The theory was that because the fed would intervene to stem inflation, market participants would feel that the Fed was in control and react accordingly.

We’ll certainly see, but increases already realized in producer and wholesale costs of food have to go somewhere.

The same Fed measures that will fight inflation will exacerbate the coming recession.

State and local governments. Virginia state and local governments have many agencies that will need to work together to provide a coordinated response to surging retail food prices.

They cannot affect the price increases in any meaningful way.  But we hope they are fully engaged in developing plans to mitigate the effects of those price increases and supply shortages that will result at least partially from hoarding.

I suspect the governor has already requested a plan from his cabinet. All hands will need to be on deck. Local governments need to do the same.

Charities. Food banks and charities that feed the poor will need all the support we can give them. They are amazing, but demand is going to increase at the same time supply costs go up.

Food retailers. Grocers and restaurants know what help they will need from government. I hope they will use their associations to speak up.

Bottom line. We will be in this together. We need to act together.

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17 responses to “How are Virginians Preparing for the Coming Food Price Shocks?”

  1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Grandaddy Hawkins would not have been bothered by diesel prices. He never had a tractor. 2 horses. Lady and Pat. Maybe Youngkin can waive the diesel taxes for Virginia farmers. Plenty of fertilizer for Virginia farmers. Manure. It has the best concentration of N-15 for crops. I have an old school manure spreader if you need it. Horses not included.

    1. James Kiser Avatar
      James Kiser

      Farmers don’t pay the same price for Diesel that truckers do.

      1. The farmers I know aren’t getting much of a discount from the retail price you see on I-81

        1. James Kiser Avatar
          James Kiser

          The point was farmers do not pay the tax that truckers do the suggestion was to cut farmers a break on diesel taxes. kinda hard to give them a break on taxes they don’t pay.

          1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            I had no idea. I will remember that one.

          2. WayneS Avatar

            If you see a pump labeled “Off-Road Diesel” at a fueling station, the price will/should be significantly less than that of regular diesel. That is because most of the fuel taxes have been waived.

            While the fuel is chemically the same as regular diesel, it is illegal to use it in road vehicles. It is intended for use only in off-road vehicles and equipment (agriculture, construction, landscaping, etc.).

            Off-road diesel is dyed red. The dye is very powerful and retains its color even under extensive dilution. If you put even a small amount in the tank of your truck the fuel will be red/pink for a very long time, unless you completely drain it and clean it out.

            If the “fuel police” catch you with red/pink fuel in the tank on your over-the-road truck you will be charged as a tax-cheat.

    2. WayneS Avatar

      And as much as many people may not like to admit it, sewage sludge runs a close second to animal manure for nitrogen content.

  2. Can’t windmills and solar farms make fertilizer as we move away from fossil fuels?

    1. James Kiser Avatar
      James Kiser

      Out of what? You prove (this is not a dig at you personally) the ignorance of the average American of how stuff is made and produced and transported. You should read the o-ed by A. Finley in the WSJ on just how dependent the world is on fossil fuels. If and when fossil fuels are eliminated you will lose medicine,food,electricity,clothes,roads and on and on the list id endless prepare to learn how to live as our ancestors did in the 1800’s.

      1. That’s why I have proposed that all those who want to ban fossil fuel to live the life they promote…. let them pay the price of windmill/solar produced electricity. Let them live one week without touching anything based on dead dinos! Then we’ll see how they talk the talk — after actually walking the walk they preach for the rest of us. ๐Ÿ˜‰

        1. James Kiser Avatar
          James Kiser

          What Finley said most Americans I believe think stuff just magically appears on shelves. I agree with one exception I think they should do without for a year.

    2. WayneS Avatar

      That’s a good one!

  3. vicnicholls Avatar

    I have 6 bunnies who produce bunny gold. Better than horse and chicken and its cold not a hot manure. ๐Ÿ™‚ I haven’t gotten fertilizer or anything but some lime and epsom salts in years.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      Hee Haw! Bunny Gold! I will remember that one too.

  4. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock

    Given the discussion of manure as a substitute for petrochemical fertilizer, everything you wish to know about the use of manure in agriculture is at

    1. Paul Sweet Avatar
      Paul Sweet

      But neighbors don’t like the smell.

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        One of the issues with living next to a farm.

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