How About Condemning Anti-Asian Rhetoric in Virginia?

James F. Lane, Virginia Superintendent of Public Instruction

by James C. Sherlock

I received an email yesterday afternoon from the Virginia Department of Education.

It contained comments from Superintendent of Public Instruction James Lane and his Office of Equity and Community Engagement. They officially condemn anti-Asian rhetoric and violence in Georgia.

From the VDOE EdEquity Office:

It is especially important for educators and leaders to address the social emotional needs of students that manifest due to ongoing racial trauma.

From Dr. Lane:

Many Asian-American communities, their friends, and allies are reeling by these tragic events.

Further, educators and leaders must stand prepared to address the ways in which continued racial and xhenophobic (sic) attacks against Asian communities might pour into our schools and classrooms.

Good to know.

There was more but you get the idea.

Perhaps the attorneys for the Asian-American parents suing Fairfax County Public Schools can use the words in their opening or closing remarks.

From yesterday in an article here by Ilya Somin they allege

that the changes are discriminatory against Asian Americans and therefore violate the equal protection clause of the U.S. Constitution.

The suit further alleges:

the revisions to TJ’s admissions process were specifically meant to drive down the number of Asian American students enrolled at the school and cites presentations and comments made by the superintendent and school board members to try to prove that point.

The lawsuit easily could have included Dr. Lane’s boss, Education Secretary Atif Qarni, as a defendant.

Regular readers here may have read my recount of Qarni’s public anti-Asian stance.

The attorneys can quote directly from a brilliant piece by former Wall Street Journal reporter Asra Q. Nomani on October 31: The War on Asians, the Death of Meritocracy, and Assault on STEM.

As reported by Ms. Nomani in September,

In a Sept. 8, 2020, “listening session” with students from Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology and Maggie L. Walker Governor School, Virginia Education Secretary Atif Qarni compared test preparation to taking illegal performance enhancing drugs.


Qarni equate taking classes to prepare for standardize tests to illegal “sports doping.” Doping, not training.

While we’re on sports… it’s illegal or it’s frowned up when an athlete uses performance enhancement drugs to get a leg up. So when you have standardized achievement test and you are getting  a lot…and you have the luxuries of getting a lot of help with tutoring services and you come from a more well-resourced family you have a leg up, you have an unfair advantage. You know, the starting line is not the same. So no need to sound defensive. Folks who are on here and others. We’ve made it very, very clear. The change to the admissions policy is occurring. You have choices in front of you.

Qarni did not have to tell the audience who “you” meant.

But he did so anyway.

Because at TJ, the population is 70% Asian. At Maggie Walker, it’s only 25% Asian, but it’s growing …

Qarni’s expressed desire to dramatically reduce Asian presence in Governor’s schools and AP classes brought a furious response from their parents and conservative pundits. It ignited a huge controversy and a nasty reaction by the Secretary. And “its growing.” This is the second lawsuit.

So nice thoughts, Dr. Lane. I mean it  I have forwarded them to Secretary Qarni. He needs them more than the rest of us.

I repeat what I said then. I have no idea why Qarni still has his job.

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6 responses to “How About Condemning Anti-Asian Rhetoric in Virginia?”

  1. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    Couldn’t have said it better. I found it strange that the same wording from Lane was also in a letter from the Governor’s office not five minutes before this one popped up in my inbox.

    Keep in mind that Lane is a licensed superintendent, while Qarni is not. So much for political appointments.

  2. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    I agree with Capt. Jim on this one. Anti-Asian prejudice has been around this country for a couple centuries at least. California had nasty laws against Chinese. The U.S. tailored its visa policies to exclude them. In Word War II we sent loyal U.S. citizens of Japanese descent to concentration camps. He did not do so with U.S. citizens of German and Italian descent.

    Asians tend to be very hard working and disciplined. When I worked in Chicago, I got to cover architecture and structural engineering. The Windy City is great on architecture. Unlike New York, you can actually see the buildings.I learned that the best structural engineer at the famed firm of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill was an emigre from Pakistan. He developed a system for a skyscraper to stand with external support. Chicago’s John Hancock building has that set up.

    The current plight of Asians reminds me of the early and middle parts of the 20th century. Colleges set quotes for Jews because they tended to be successful and white “Christians” were afraid they’d be pushed out.

    I went to my college reunion in the Boston area two years ago. I was taken aback by the level of anti-Chinese feeling. It seems that successful Chinese business people badly want to get their money out of the PRC so they park it in ritzy neighborhoods int he U.S. Apparently, a number of beautiful condos overlooking the Charles River have been bought up by Chinese. They may keep them vacant or use them for someone’s child attending Harvard or MIT. This inflates real estate prices and forces long-time Bostonians to move out of town, hence the resentment.

  3. DJRippert Avatar

    And Virginia manages to finish #11 in Anti-Asian incidents according to the ADL. And that’s irrespective of population. In fact, Va, Md and DC all make the top 18. Perhaps the super-woke, liberal, government-worker-centric Washington DC area doesn’t particularly like Asian-Americans. The fact that DC managed to end up #17 on this list of states + DC is nothing short of stunning. Must be all the white nationalists in Georgetown.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I think if you took a poll of ALL Asians in NoVa – many more of them will be concerned about discrimination and attacks than what is happening at TJ.

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        Which is different than discrimination how?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          different in terms of direct threats of physical violence to people verse mere “discrimination” …

          check the polls – and see what Asians are really concerned about most…

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