Housing in Virginia – Context for Debates

Courtesy Housing Forward Virginia

by James C. Sherlock

Dick Hall-Sizemore did a nice job earlier today describing the phenomenon in which people are specifically against in a particular iteration public policies that they support in the abstract.

The subject was middle income housing in Arlington County.

The problem with short articles by anyone (including me) about housing issues is they cannot begin to account for all of the government interventions in housing at the federal, state and local levels as well as forces like inflation in the general economy that disrupt the housing market before forces in that single market take effect.

We see this week articles and op-eds flood the press that take a stand on — mostly to criticize — Governor Youngkin’s announced goal to increase the housing stock.

They tend to be at best misleading — inflating his potential effect on housing in order to say he is not doing enough.

No governor, by design of the Code of Virginia and the vastness of the market, can have anything but a very minor effect on housing.

The federal government hand is very heavy here.

To sighs of relief, I won’t go through it all, but there are more federal housing-related programs than Carter has pills, including the huge and occasionally dysfunctional impacts of federal insuring and purchasing of loans.

In Virginia, Title 36. Housing of the Code of Virginia creates a very complex web of state and local authorities.

The governor can ask the General Assembly for more money for the Virginia Housing Trust Fund (VHTF). But that fund is by statute controlled by the Virginia Housing Development Authority (VHDA) and by the Board of Housing and Community Development (BHCD), both of which have independent appointees.

The VHTF was funded by the budget at $55 million for FY2022. I hear that there are other claims on the budget.

Housing Forward Virginia, an advocacy group, claims that

In the last four years, every one dollar from the (V)HTF resulted in an additional $30 leveraged from federal, local, and private funding. These sources include the other streams wrapped into ASNH (Affordable and Special Needs Housing) and VCI (Vibrant Community Initiative), Low-Income Housing Tax Credits from Virginia Housing (VHDA), and additional grants and loans from local governments.

I have no way of verifying that claim.

But all of those federal grants and loans come with formulas mandated for their use. And even if that multiplier is accurate, the full effect of the VHTF was only $1.6 billion in FY 2022.

Virginia home sales in 2021 totaled $67 billion.

VHDA and BHCD also carry out the regulatory work. The BHCD’s constantly revised state building codes are enormous contributors to cost.

At the local level, there are the state-chartered regional Housing Authorities in those localities that have established them.

City and county councils make zoning decisions. Under enormous pressures as illustrated in Jim’s article.

Then there are land use regulations for many buildable plots of land — flood zones, historic zones, special zones of all descriptions and laws against adverse impacts on protected classes.

Bottom line. All of those buttons, pulleys and levers may be desirable in theory, some are even necessary, but the result is a Rube Goldberg housing enterprise in Virginia.

We all want that machinery to function efficiently and effectively. We all expect it will not.

But then we get to market forces that include inflation, mortgage rates, supply chains and labor.

I point all of this out to indicate that attributing to any governor powers over the housing market is a chimera.

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11 responses to “Housing in Virginia – Context for Debates”

  1. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    We need to experiment. Sister cities could be valuable and not just amusing.

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    We need to experiment. Sister cities could be valuable and not just amusing.

  3. LarrytheG Avatar

    You’re right but it’s a little ironic that we DO have all these different laws and regulations that DO seem to have effects on housing. One presumes, perhaps wrongly, that these laws and regs were intended to “help” housing … and probably do.

    There are things that the govt does or tries to do that are _not easy_ nor will the private sector do it more or better either.

    Health care is HARD.

    Public Education is HARD

    Transportation is HARD

    …. and they’re all smorgasbord of laws, regulations, programs and such.

    Not to say govt does not “work” even when these things are “hard”.

    Millions of older folks have some level of Medical Care they’d likely not have otherwise. Ditto for the poor and working poor.

    We have an interstate highway network that is national and highly functional even if congested.

    Ditto with freight rail and air travel and their regulators and regulations. Thousands upon thousands of planes carrying millions of passengers , all regulated by law and the FAA and NTSB – “work” and few folks really understand it all.

    Most of these “hard” things are so large and complex that most average folks simply do not understand them, don’t even know all the pieces and parts much less how they fit together and “work”.

    But well worth the time and effort that some like you and Dick put into laying out and in my view, well worth the resulting discussions in comments even if voluminous at times by both individuals and groups.

    Housing is HARD and I agree about the gov alone being able to make much difference. That’s why he needs to work with the GA as well as local govt and yes, developers and home builders especially when he puts out press releases affirming he wants to do something!

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Youngkin playing the same strategy?

      “According to three people with knowledge of the directives, DeSantis’ lieutenants have told his allies not to attack Trump over the now-notorious dinner. Instead, the potential 2024 Republican primary candidate and his advisers have aimed to keep the focus on Trump’s decision to dine with Kanye West, a vocal anti-Semite, and Nick Fuentes, a white supremacist agitator.

      “In ongoing discussions following his reelection, including this week, I’ve been asked to keep my powder dry,” says Dan Eberhart, a longtime GOP donor — and former big Trump donor — recalling his conversations with Team DeSantis. (Eberhart is now backing DeSantis for 2024). “My understanding is that the DeSantis team doesn’t see upside in kicking off the fight with Trump this early, even if it may be inevitable. Wading into the Fuentes fiasco just isn’t worth it for them. The media will harpoon Trump without Team DeSantis lifting a finger.””

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Not sure what Youngkin’s “strategy” really is with regard to (or not) Trump and I just don’t see him as hard core as DeSantis at this point.

        But in Virginia, he has engaged in significant political statements with not much follow-on to date – like the Housing thing but he has made significant more partisan changes on other, ongoing, like transgender and history standards.

        From here on, it will get harder for him. He’ll have to collaborate and compromise if we wants more.

        He’s talked the talk about housing and the “honesty gap” , we’ll see if there is any “beef” beyond the talk.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Alienate/Court MAGA Court/Alienate Moderates
          Just gotta find that magic balance until nominated.

    2. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

      Having worked in the federal and state regulatory arena since the 1970s and participated as a resident in local government processes since c. 2000, one of the most troubling, but often ignored, phenomena is the use of the regulatory process to gain a competitive advantage or hobble competitors.

      1. how_it_works Avatar

        “one of the most troubling, but often ignored, phenomena is the use of the regulatory process to gain a competitive advantage or hobble competitors.”

        That’s what’s referred to as “crony capitalism”, isn’t it?

        Sort of the way that the only cloud provider that the FedGov ever seems to use is AWS, owned by the same guy that owns the Washington Post…

        1. That’s what’s referred to as “crony capitalism”, isn’t it?

          Yes. It’s also an example of the government choosing winners and losers.

  4. City and county councils make zoning decisions. Under enormous pressures as illustrated in Jim’s article.

    Wasn’t it Dick Hall-Sizemore’s article?

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