by Steve HanerFirst published this morning by the Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy.

Virginia’s House of Delegates Republicans have passed a series of bills retreating from Virginia’s rush toward a fossil-fuel-free future, but they were party-line votes and Democrats in the Virginia Senate, who hold a majority on that side, may promptly kill them all.

Two bills aimed at repealing or amending the 2020 Virginia Clean Economy Act (VCEA) were also opposed in testimony by Virginia’s major electric utilities, who are heavily investing in the mandated renewable energy assets, including a 179- turbine offshore wind facility planned by Dominion Energy Virginia. Various environmental groups were unified and vocal in their opposition to the bills.

The utility opposition expressed in the House Committee on Commerce and Energy did not stop the bills. On the more comprehensive proposal two senior Republicans did choose not to vote in committee. Once House Bill 118 got to the full House, however, both cast aye votes. One of them had voted in favor of the VCEA two years ago, the only Republican delegate to do so.

On the Senate side, the utility opposition is likely to stiffen. The committee likely to hear all or most of the bills is split between 12 Democrats and 3 Republicans, and two of those Republicans have already voted to kill (“pass by indefinitely”) another measure written to amend the VCEA and give the State Corporation Commission authority to reject the renewable projects.

There was very little debate on the House side and no legislative maneuvering as the Republicans went on record dismantling the net-zero emissions vision that Democrats imposed when they had control in 2020 and 2021.

None of the bills have received any public discussion, let alone support, from Governor Glenn Youngkin (R) or members of his administration. The only element of his Day One agenda touched upon by these bills is ending Virginia’s participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. There are other paths besides legislation to drop out of RGGI and end the related carbon tax.

Youngkin would likely be happy to sign House Bill 1301, a direct repeal of RGGI. The same goal is accomplished in House Bill 118, but that legislation goes much farther and repeals all of VCEA as well. Its passage was highlighted on the Republican House Caucus list of “promises kept” issued on Tuesday.

The argument against House Bill 118 on the floor fell to Delegate Richard “Rip” Sullivan, D-Arlington, who claimed its passage and the coming solar and wind dependence are major economic assets to the Commonwealth. “Jobs and businesses are pouring into Virginia,” he said. Certainly jobs for installers will explode, during installation, and there is one turbine blade assembly plant planned for Hampton Roads to support the offshore wind construction.

Drawing far less attention on the floor was a bill that passed the day before, House Bill 73, which actually received one vote from a Democrat. It leaves most of the VCEA intact but removes the specific mandates of how much wind and solar must be built, and by when, and restores the State Corporation Commission authority to rule on need, reasonableness and prudence. Those standard tests were overridden by the VCEA as passed.

Many Democrats have at least given lip service to restoring the SCC’s independent review to protect consumers but missed this chance to put that position into action.

Two House Democrats are on record voting for House Bill 1257, which establishes in law a right to use natural gas if it is available. It was filed in response to a move by the City of Richmond, copying a national trend by threatening to close down its municipally run gas utility. Under the pending bill Richmond would have to seek a buyer for the operation instead.

But the bill is broader than that, prohibiting local ordinances against new gas connections and reaching to non-utility uses of natural gas. Eliminating natural gas from electricity generation is only part of the net-zero vision, which extends to an outright ban on the energy source. Nay votes on the bill can and will be portrayed as votes to kill natural gas, period.

Finally, the House Republicans also voted as a block to reverse a recent regulation adopted by the Air Pollution Control Board and signed by previous Governor Ralph Northam (D). Dubbed by supporters as the Clean Car Rule, it would tie Virginia’s market for new vehicles to rules promulgated by the California Air Resources Board.

House Bill 1267 (no Democratic support for this one) would allow the air board to reconsider such a regulation. But this time it would have to do a full regulatory review and allow public comment, short-circuited in earlier legislation. And it would move the timeline for Virginia’s alignment to the California rules to no earlier than 2029. California is planning to ban the sale of any new internal combustion or hybrid cars and small trucks by 2035. Virginia’s auto dealers lobby cheered the regulation and is opposing this bill.

Democrats, confident public opinion is on their side, are dug in, although polling data suggests voters stand on the side of the GOP’s legislators. The State Senate majority is likely to confirm its desire to prohibit new gasoline or diesel cars, prohibit natural gas stoves and furnaces, impose ever-higher carbon taxes on electricity and then close down all fossil fuel generation. The deadlines are always way past the next election or even the end of their careers.

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14 responses to “House GOP Repeals VCEA, EV Green Mandates”

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Dominion’s credibility problems are self-inflicted.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Unfortunately, we pay for them.

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        They’re making business decisions across the board – outside Virginia also. The idea that they’re doing this because of Virginia politics is funny. Even worse, they appear to be following “science”. HOLY MOLY!

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          Science, especially that provided by our beloved government, may never get its reputation back. Weakest argument of all now.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            but science is not govt unless you think all those scientists at universities and other – around the world – are part of some massive govt conspiracy.

            Science works the same way – no matter whether it’s genetics, cancer or COVID.

            Only the naysayers and wackadoodles have separated them. I suspect most folks support “science” for cancer , no matter govt funding and yet some of those same folks consider other science as somehow different and not trustable.

            go figure.

            I bet that you yourself DO believe the science that has to do with your own body and health and the medical care you receive to keep you healthy – and alive. (and yes, me too).

            Right? No conspiracy there.

          2. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            If government followed the science in pursuit of public health you’d see quite a crackdown on smoking, greasy fast food, etc., all the bad personal choices. Drug dealers shot at dawn after digging their own graves. And with any science, any where, always worth checking out the funding. Government sources remain #1 I’m sure. (Oh, forgot, only people you disagree with are tainted by their funding!!)

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            there is a fundamental difference in public health between infectious diseases and health impacts from behaviors that do not spread disease. If we did not have vaccines for smallpox and polio, millions of people would die – not from bad habits but from infectious disease. How do we address diseases that spread?

          4. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            If government followed the science in pursuit of public health you’d see quite a crackdown on smoking, greasy fast food, etc., all the bad personal choices. Drug dealers shot at dawn after digging their own graves. And with any science, any where, always worth checking out the funding. Government sources remain #1 I’m sure. (Oh, forgot, only people you disagree with are tainted by their funding!!)

  1. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    For another POV, see the Mercury’s take: The bills being reversed are “decarbonization laws.” Carbon of course being one of the most prevalent and dominant and necessary elements of life on earth. 🙂

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      The Bills are alive with the sounds of decarbonization,
      With fossil fuels they can burn for a thousand years.

  2. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

    The headline is a little confusing if Repubs are reversing course to now agree with the Dems, or reversing course on what the Dems were doing. Of course utilities strongly favor moving to government-mandated electrification.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Yep, good call, changed it.

      1. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

        Funny in one place there is the new headline, but when you click on it you get the orig…which is fine no prob.

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