Hopewell Schools to Become Phone-Free

Yondr pouches. Photo credit: Rolling Stone

by James A. Bacon

Hopewell has banned cellphones during the school day at the city’s middle school and high school, reports The Progress-Index. “We want our families to know we are taking an important step to enhance student learning, culture, and safety at school,” said the Hopewell Public School System in a Facebook post.

When school resumes in August, Hopewell schools will become cell-free zones. Upon entering school, students will put their cellphones in a “Yondr” pouch provided by the school system. The pouches remain in the students’ possession, but they remain locked during the day. The system provides an alternative to having teachers collect the phones, hold them, and redistribute to students.

On Facebook, many parents expressed support for the initiative, although some objected to it on the grounds that in an age of school shootings, students should retain access for security reasons.

Unstated in the article is the disruptive influence of phones in classroom settings. Access to social media keeps students highly distracted and often leads to fights. Some students even use the phones to listen to music on their earbuds during class.

Hopewell’s Standards of Learning pass rate in the 2020-21 school year was an abysmal 22% for mathematics, 22% for history and social science, 36% for science, and under 50% for English reading and writing. Of all the measures a school district can take to improve student academic achievement, getting cellphones out of the classroom is the easiest to execute and, arguably, will yield the most immediate positive result.

(Hat tip: Kathleen Smith)

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23 responses to “Hopewell Schools to Become Phone-Free”

  1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
    Virginia Gentleman

    Can someone create a Yondr pouch for guns?

  2. DJRippert Avatar

    Wow! A great idea. Let’s see if this is an area where the lefties and righties on BR can agree.

  3. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    Those pouches open with a magnet. It’ll take one smart kid about 45 seconds to figure that out and the kids will all have them open.

    1. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
      Baconator with extra cheese

      Plus I wonder how many will end up in the trash each day at the tax payers expense.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Or show up at flea markets with the Richmond (City) Schools’ missing Chromebooks. I’d like to see this work, but naah, they didn’t think it out.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Chromebooks are centrally managed. Each one can be turned to toast if it’s no longer accounted for.

          The AARP uses Chromebooks these days and at the end of tax season – they basically disable them – thousands of them – no longer useable after tax season is over with.

          so , not really an issue unless someone is really good at re-imaging one.

          1. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            Other than the millions wasted buying them Larry. No issue there, right? Is there NOTHING you won’t seek to explain away or ignore? Can government do nothing that concerns you, you love it so much?

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            different issue but legitimate.

            But if the school is managing them the way they are designed – they ought to be “bricks” if sold or given or stolen.

            My understanding is that they can be as cheap as $100 when bought in large numbers.

            And that might be why or how they got so many.

            I don’t think they’re necessarily “wasted” just because they have “too many”. Over time they will lose some and will need to replace them. I suspect a lot of schools bought more than they needed right away.

            Your complaint would be like also blaming a corporation that bought more laptops than they have employees and stockpiled the extras for eventual use.

            or blaming the State police because they bought more cars than they need right this minute on the roads.

            or that you “wasted” because you bought more trash bags that you needed right this minute.


          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            different issue but legitimate.

            But if the school is managing them the way they are designed – they ought to be “bricks” if sold or given or stolen.

            My understanding is that they can be as cheap as $100 when bought in large numbers.

            And that might be why or how they got so many.

            I don’t think they’re necessarily “wasted” just because they have “too many”. Over time they will lose some and will need to replace them. I suspect a lot of schools bought more than they needed right away.

            Your complaint would be like also blaming a corporation that bought more laptops than they have employees and stockpiled the extras for eventual use.

            or blaming the State police because they bought more cars than they need right this minute on the roads.

            or that you “wasted” because you bought more trash bags that you needed right this minute.


          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            Being associated with the “shipyard” in your career, I’m sure you are familiar with the term “military surplus” where “excess” equipment can be had for pennies on the dollar because the military wanted to make sure they had “enough” when initially purchased.


            to all governmnent… and I know it just sticks in the craw of the “I hate paying taxes” folks.

  4. LarrytheG Avatar

    I’d also like to hear from Kathleen… how about it?

  5. LarrytheG Avatar

    I have an idea. If you maintain a B average, you can carry an unfettered cell phone!

  6. LarrytheG Avatar

    my dental hygienist says that cell phones are important for kids that are being bullied or ganged up on by other kids. I have no clue but she said it was a real problem.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      October 1 may be too late. Moving my bet to Sept. 15.

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        Sorry. All bets are final.

  7. Teddy007 Avatar

    To put things in prospective, Hopewell High school is 99% free lunch and 60% black. Once again a majority black school treats its students in a way that a very white college prep private school would never do.


  8. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Starting a pool on how long the administrators hold out against the coming outcry. I’ll take October 1. The pouch company’s checks will have cleared by then.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      Ritalin salt licks will need to be installed in every classroom.

    2. WayneS Avatar

      When does school start in Hopewell?

  9. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock

    A major attempt at a step forward.

  10. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    This is a long needed action. It’s too bad that one of the new appointees to the Board of Education does not support such action. In his post on BR, he said about his daughters, “They did tell me, though, that if I become partyto any effort to ban cellphones in schools, they’d move out.”


    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      “Dick Hall-Sizemore • 21 hours ago • edited
      This is a long needed action. It’s too bad that one of the new appointees to the Board of Education does not support such action. In his post on BR, he said about his daughters, “They did tell me, though, that if I become partyto any effort to ban cellphones in schools, they’d move out.””

      Where do you determine that he is against it? That’s a statement in jest from his daughters, not the individual who Youngkin tapped for service.

      You should probably revise your partisan clamor.

  11. WayneS Avatar

    Good for them.

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