Honor: Antiquarian Concept or Our Best Hope?

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34 responses to “Honor: Antiquarian Concept or Our Best Hope?”

  1. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    Let’s be real… VMI is going to be cancelled. The whole character and history of the school is at odds with the current mainstream push. The “disproportionate” application of the honor system against Black students is just the “evidence” needed to tear down a historically white and patriarchal institution. Elections have consequences and the people have spoken.
    George Washington’s statue on the Capital Grounds won’t be standing in 5 years either.
    Honor is dead…. it went out the window with jaywalking, public urination, and the Protestant work ethic… remnants of a past, now dead, culture.

    1. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
      Baconator with extra cheese

      Once VMI closes I guess they could use the Barracks to store all the Confederate grave stones, statues, and other artifacts in perpetuity. Kind of like a Confederate landfill….
      Name it the Ralph Northam Memorial Waste Management Facility… seem very fitting for the former Honor Court President.

  2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Best quote from the video:
    “It (the Honor Code) made you be who you said you were going to be.”
    Austin Kennon Class of 2011

    I saw one of my all time favorite students, Emma Quirk in the video. Superstar soccer player who led Briar Woods to a state championship. Hard working young lady. I remember the near perfect diction in her essay writing. I always knew that VMI would be a place where Emma could fully grow to the limitless potential that she carried.

    VMI and the Honor Code are needed now more than ever. Our nation must produce at least a sliver of a tier of young men and women dedicated to ethics and high character.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I strongly support the honor code – and accountability and consequences that are significant and would be long-remembered and respected by others but I don’t think humiliation is the right value to teach to accomplish that.

      Humiliation , the idea that it is the “right” response is misguided and antiquated and comes from folks who used it as the first and most easily applied rather than thinking about whether it should be a “learned” behavior to be modelled by future leaders.

      We got way more than enough of that in the last few years and it’s disgusting and reprehensible ESPECIALLY when the person doing it is trying to impose THEIR OWN VALUES on others to hew to THEIR values which are NOT honorable at all.

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        Consider this Mr. Larry. The specter of a drum out was a key factor in the evolution of this man’s impeccable character. Can you identify him? It is said that only George Washington exceeded this man’s character.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          I’m actually on board will pretty much all of it EXCEPT the humiliation. There are other very effective ways to accomplish accountability and consequences without demeaning or impugning people as a “lesson to others”.

  3. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    You conservatives really love authoritarianism. This is such a slick propaganda video. Why is an honor code necessary? I think of myself as an honest person and have standards. I don’t need an “Honor Code.” I got my moral bearing from my parents and the Jesuits. Moreover, this video does not address the problems that VMI seems to be having with racism. Is it part of the “Honor Code” for Black students to be called the “N” word and forced to salute the Stonewall statue? Where was the”Honor Code” when VMI kept women out of its tax-funded institution until 1996? When I watch these peachy cheeked people professing they love “the Code” I get nauseous. Also, why is BR promoting VMI so much? Is there a money angle here? Because some VMI grads like it? It is a shame that BR has become such a propaganda organ. It’s laughable to see that VMI is “good” and UVA is “bad.: Ridiculously simplistic.

    1. owen dunlap Avatar
      owen dunlap

      Mathematically or logistically it does not work to have everyone raised by your parents or the Jesuits

      Yes – VMI cadets black and white used the N word some over the decades – at each other? very rare i would think – at each other without any penalty ? nope. The one cadet who used the word lynch was expelled for a year ( he never came back)

      Yes – all rats of all colors saluted the statue during the duration of the ratline ( since ended – statue removed)

      VMI’s fight in the courts to remain single sex was just that – to continue to have the benefits of single sex education– we lost – we moved on

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        re: ” The one cadet who used the word lynch was expelled for a year ( he never came back)”

        only one guy in the entire history? gadzooks!

    2. Well, we all have things that bother us.

      When I see “peachy cheeked people” who have ben fitted from the wealth and security of this country professing their hatred for the United States, and screaming “burn it all down” or “kill the pigs”, I get nauseous.

  4. LarrytheG Avatar

    Honor is a “value” and I agree, there is less of it these days and for some, they do not see it as an important character trait.

    And I’d illustrate this by asking about our prior POTUS and honor, and leave it at that.

    And to finish. Humiliation as a response to or an enforcement of honor – is not honorable in my view.

    Is this what we teach our young, some of whom, will become leaders, to practice on others and subordinates?

    That approach IMHO is misguided. It actually can embolden some to use it as a weapon against others they disagree with – as a co-worker or worse as a boss dealing with workers that engenders hate and fear in workers and employees.

    When millions of us idolize someone who regularly mocks and humiliates people who work for him, political rivals, and ordinary private citizens – almost every day on Twitter, and then we also have this other discussion about “honor” …it’s almost like two different worlds… when some of the same who idolize a would-be tinpot dictator also blather about “honor”.

    (not accusing anyone specific here – just saying the juxtaposition is “out there”.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      That would be Cuomo, right?

      The most prominent VMI grad in VA now is Northam, who has told the biggest whopper in Virginia political history. Nobody believes him about that photo. Nobody. Spare me this idolization of VMI and honor.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        YES and MORE – people with power and authority using humiliation as a tool just like they were taught in College like VMI?

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          As in all things, Larry, your bias is outrageous. Trump’s bully-boy antics were learned behavior. In his mind and the mind of others, he was just fighting back down on the leftist’s level. With plenty of justification. You never see any problem on your side of the aisle. It is why I waste less time engaging with you.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            That’s TOTAL BS and you KNOW IT.

            Trump did this to ALL folks – not just ‘leftists” and you say “learned” as if it’s different from what VMI teaches as opposed to it being WRONG teaching no matter where it came from.

            You WASTE my time when your own BIASES are so bad.

            There is no “side of the aisle” here except for folks like you. Humiliation is not a partisan concept or it ought not to be.

            You’re funny – you disavow Trump often but then you admire him and defend him.

            Can you imagine the current POTUS doing what Trump did on twitter? Should it become the new standard so whatever party is in the WH – they heap scorn and abuse and humiliation on people in the opposite party?

            And you blather on about “bias”.


          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            That’s TOTAL BS and you KNOW IT.

            Trump did this to ALL folks – not just ‘leftists” and you say “learned” as if it’s different from what VMI teaches as opposed to it being WRONG teaching no matter where it came from.

            You WASTE my time when your own BIASES are so bad.

            There is no “side of the aisle” here except for folks like you. Humiliation is not a partisan concept or it ought not to be.

            You’re funny – you disavow Trump often but then you admire him and defend him.

            Can you imagine the current POTUS doing what Trump did on twitter? Should it become the new standard so whatever party is in the WH – they heap scorn and abuse and humiliation on people in the opposite party?

            And you blather on about “bias”.


          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Really??!! Publicly mocking the disability of a reporter was justified, eh?? I think you have just demonstrated the concept of Republican “honor” that Larry is highlighting quite well.

          4. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            When did I defend the “bully boy tactics?” Au contraire. My point is, just more double standard on display….Was very happy the Senate rejected the Biden nominee with her own trail of Twitter assaults…..

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            I agree. Was she worse than the GOP Congress idiots and Trump on Twitter?

            double standard?

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            That’s TOTAL BS and you KNOW IT.

            Trump did this to ALL folks – not just ‘leftists” and you say “learned” as if it’s different from what VMI teaches as opposed to it being WRONG teaching no matter where it came from.

            You WASTE my time when your own BIASES are so bad.

            There is no “side of the aisle” here except for folks like you. Humiliation is not a partisan concept or it ought not to be.

            You’re funny – you disavow Trump often but then you admire him and defend him.

            Can you imagine the current POTUS doing what Trump did on twitter? Should it become the new standard so whatever party is in the WH – they heap scorn and abuse and humiliation on people in the opposite party?

            And you blather on about “bias”.


          7. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            Always a sign I hit my mark….The rhetorical violence like the street violence has become endemic to the extremists of all stripe. And as long as you applaud your own folks, nothing will change.

          8. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            Always a sign I hit my mark….The rhetorical violence like the street violence has become endemic to the extremists of all stripe. And as long as you applaud your own folks, nothing will change.

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Can wait for Matt to shout “tu quoque!!” here…

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Yes, and like Pence or AG Barr or dozens of others were “leftists” deserving of mocking and humiliation… just goes to show how far some folks go at saying they “loathe” that kind of behavior but then turn around and say it’s justified because of “leftists”.


        2. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          If you want to be taken seriously, don’t have a twitter account that rivals the man you “hate”.


          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Oh, Matt! You found naked pictures of our first lady inspiring did you?!

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Hypocrisy, but that appears a complex notion that has you baffled in all faucets.

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            I guess that is a yes. Defending a stripper in the White House… another case of Republican “honor”.

          4. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Eric the half a troll 25 minutes ago
            I guess that is a yes. Defending a stripper in the White House… another case of Republican “honor”.”

            Still clearly incapable of understanding hypocrisy.

            I found FPOTUS Trump’s twitter behavior abhorrent, but yours my dear troll are just as vile and therefore have no ground upon which to stand.

            The sheer amount of completely false crap on it is astounding, yet you liked and retweeted it.

          5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Hmmm, I don’t recall liking and retweeting Trump’s tweets. You sure you know how Twitter works, Sport?🤷‍♂️ Good to see we can highlight hypocrisy again though. Thanks for that, if I couldn’t cite Republican hypocrisy, there would be very little to talk about after all.

          6. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Humm I don’t recall stating you did. I said your twitter feed us just as vile and filled with false information.

            Judging by your taste in Twitter, you don’t have much you’re able to converse about intelligently.

          7. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            It IS obvious that you have an extremely short memory, Slick.

          8. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Eric the half a troll Matt Adams • 36 minutes ago
            It IS obvious that you have an extremely short memory, Slick.”

            Well thanks for opinion, not that it’s worth anything or is rooted in fact.

      3. owen dunlap Avatar
        owen dunlap

        Steve – you are correct about Northam and the way he flip flopped on ” is that me or not” – his other top two sins ( and the reason he has no support or credibility among alumni ) are the manner & language in which he called for a investigation into VMI and how he had his chief of staff ask Gen Peay for his resignation.

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