Holy Toledo! Did Tim Kaine Really Appoint This Guy?

Dr. Esam Omeish is the leader of the Muslim American Society, a front group for the radical Muslim Brotherhood. Timothy M. Kaine has appointed him to the Virginia Commission on Immigration.

Del. Todd Gilbert, R-Woodstock, has asked Kaine to reconsider the appointment, reports Garren Shipley with the Northern Virginia Daily.

“It is unfortunate that the Governor would choose the leader of an organization such as this to represent many the freedom-loving Muslim citizens of Virginia on this important commission,” Gilbert wrote. “While the Muslim American Society claims to be the innocent face of peaceful Islam in America, their history and teachings tell a much different story. Unfortunately, it is a story about which all Americans have become much too familiar — that of the promotion of a global Islamic state.”

Don’t believe Gilbert. Click on the Youtube video, listen to what Omeish has to say about Israel and Palestine. Is this really a guy Kaine wishes to legitimize? He couldn’t have found someone else to represent the perspective of tens of thousands of Muslims living in Virginia?

Update: The Gates of Vienna blog has more detail about Omeish and the internal wranglings of the Virginia Commission on Immigration. (Referring to this blog post, Dymphna wisecracked, “I guess when the Ummah arrives he [Bacon] will have to change his name real quick.”)

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3 responses to “Holy Toledo! Did Tim Kaine Really Appoint This Guy?”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    Inshallah. It is the will of Allah. I’m sure his papers are fully in order, unlike that poor benighted roofer everybody wants to send home…no oil in Guatemala.

  2. we put up a post on this also. It is very alarming. Do you know how to contact Delegate Gilbert?

    My email is dymphnaATchromatismDOTnet

    I’ll put up a link to you on the post we did at Gates of Vienna

  3. I put your link at the top of the postas an update:

    The Muslim Brotherhood in the Old Dominion

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