Hither the Warner Money Machine?

Democratic candidate Tim Kaine is more than holding his own in the money-raising end of the gubernatorial campaign — raising $10 million so far, compared to $8.6 million for Jerry Kilgore, according to the Roanoke Times. But the Kilgore camp professes not to be worried. First, Kilgore has yet to collect on promised assistance from the Republican National Committee. Second, he hasn’t yet called on the GOP’s No. 1 fund raiser, President Bush, to help out.

And third, Kilgore is making inroads among the moneybags who’d helped bankroll Mark Warner’s 2001 campaign. Sayeth the Times:

Kilgore reported two sizable contributions from business executives who backed Warner in 2001, including a founding partner in Warner’s Northern Virginia venture capital firm. Mark Kington of Alexandria, who contributed $131,000 to Warner’s campaign, has given Kilgore a total of $75,000 – including $25,000 since April 1. And the Chesapeake contracting company Armada/Hoffler Enterprises, which also contributed to Warner, gave Kilgore $10,000 during the past two months.

Quipped Tim Murtaugh, Kilgore’s press secretary: “The Mark Warner money machine has not opened its coffers to Tim Kaine.”

On the other hand, Warner helped raise $1 million for Kaine at a single fundraising event he hosted for his party mate on May 24 in Tysons Corner. And Warner, one of the biggest moneybags of them all (latest Virginia Business net worth estimate: $180 million), has contributed $60,000 so far to the Kaine campaign.

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  1. Oh come on Jim. The big donors are still there. The Jim Ukrops types are giving to Kaine. Go to VPAP.com and look at how many former Republicans are giving to Kaine. You know, the investment type.

    Although it doesn’t surprise me that a few go to Kilgore. After all, he’s definitely going to raise taxes. That will please them.

  2. The money game will be very interesting this cycle. The question to ask is where will the No Va business community go? I fear they may be soon abandoning our party and siding with the Dems. This will be especially true if Chap! gets on the ballot.

    Have we as a party lost No Va?

  3. They’re abandoning House Republican right-wingers. In SWARMS.

  4. James Atticus Bowden Avatar
    James Atticus Bowden

    When did the Tax and Spend Government clients ever give to ‘right-wingers’? I helped kill an incumbent in 2001. Our new guy, a populist if there ever was one in the Commonwealth, was challenged in 03 by the Transportation Tax Scam guys and now faces it again in 05.

    Those who turn their noses up about money for ‘right wingers’ can take their money with them. Love and kisses from the Conservatives. Money didn’t win in 01 with Warner or 02 with the Tax Scam. Or in our local HD challenge in 03.

    We (those yucky Conservatives) in local (The Peninsula) races were outspent in 02 and 03 and won big time. Glad to do it again.

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