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Hijacking George Floyd: UVa Edition

Racial/ethnic background of administrative staff: short on African-Americans but really short of Asians and Hispanics. Source: UVa Diversity Dashboard

Here’s yet another example of how white liberals are hijacking the George Floyd tragedy to advance their special-interest agendas on the grounds of social justice. University of Virginia President Jim Ryan announced that UVa will create a task to gather, solicit and prioritize recommendations about racial equity.

In a statement, Ryan said he felt “despair for the treatment experienced by so many people of color in this country – not just by police, but by every segment of society, including higher education, including here at UVA.” Ryan left it open as to the kind of recommendations the task force might submit.

Most likely the group will address campus policing policies. It will call for more diversity initiatives. It will make noises about remedying the racial disparities in faculty and staff hiring. But I am confident that the group won’t propose anything that its members weren’t already predisposed to doing before the George Floyd killing.

You can count on one thing for sure: The task force will not draw attention to the most fundamental injustice of all: the fact that UVa is organized and financed to advance the prestige, the intellectual pursuits and the financial well-being of its predominantly white administrative and faculty elites.

UVa is not merely an educational institution: It is a billion-dollar mechanism for extracting wealth from students and their families in the form of tuition, fees, auxiliary enterprises and transferring it not to the s0-called “1%” of income earners, but to the highly privileged, white, liberal “second percent.” All the blubbering about being sickened and despairing about the injustice inflicted by others won’t change that fact.

Racial/ethnic background of UVa faculty.

Reminder: UVa paid Ryan an annual salary of $772,500 in 2019. As a perk, he lives in the Carr’s Hill, the traditional UVa president’s house, which was recently renovated at the cost of $13 million.

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