Hey, Where Did All the White Supremacists Go?

by James A. Bacon

If you believe the political/pundit class, Glenn Youngkin rode the path to the governorship on the back of a White backlash against his predecessor’s efforts to rectify the last 400 years of wrongs against minorities. All the while last year, the experts warned of the looming threat of White supremacists against Blacks, Jews and Asians, gays and other persecuted groups.

A funny thing happened, though. It turns out that the year in which Virginians elected Youngkin governor saw a dramatic decline in the incidence of hate crimes.

According to the 2021 Crime in Virginia report issued this morning, police departments across the Commonwealth reported only 123 hate crimes, down 35% from the previous year. The number of hate crimes against Blacks fell to 44, the second lowest number since the numbers were first published in the current format in 2000. The number against Jews fell to four, the lowest ever recorded. And the number against Asians — remember how the media and former Attorney General Mark Herring hyped a supposed wave of anti-Asian hate crimes? — fell to three, also the lowest number ever.

In cases in which the race of the offender is known, the number of White perpetrators fell from 68 in 2020 to 43 last year — a 37% decline.

Some backlash.

Some wave of White supremacy.

So, if you were one of the nearly 1.8 million Blacks residing in Virginia, you had less than a one-in-44,000 chance of being a victim of a hate crime odious enough to be reported to the police. If you’re one of the roughly 100,000 Jews living in the state, your odds are less than one in 25,000.

Not one of those hate crimes was a homicide, by the way. The largest category of hate crimes (43) fell under the classification of “simple assault” — a misdemeanor in which someone acts in a threatening manner or attempts (and fails) to strike someone. In other words, no physical contact takes place. There were only 11 instances of “aggravated assault,” a felony, in which the victim may not even be hurt.

The number of hate crimes is so meager — 123 out of the 362,000 offenses reported to police departments, or almost one of three thousand cases — that it’s a non-factor in analyzing crime in Virginia. But because the decline does not feed the social-justice narratives of the dominant media, you’re not likely to hear much about it. Luckily for you, you read Bacon’s Rebellion. We would have reported the numbers however they turned out.

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39 responses to “Hey, Where Did All the White Supremacists Go?”

  1. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    Ah, Magistrate Youngthing and Sheriff Miyares bathed in the spotlight of reduced ethnic/hate crimes in record time, less than the blink of an eye. Time will tell.

  2. VaNavVet Avatar

    Decrease in hate crimes is a good thing so lets not go looking for white supremacists so as to reverse the trend. Besides SCOTUS has perhaps set the table for a rise in hate crimes over the summer as Republican politicians move to take away reproductive rights from the women in their states.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Interesting that you admit that pro-abortion factions will commit hate crimes in retaliation for a US Supreme Court decision and legislation they do not like or agree with.

      I thought that the liberal position was that hate crimes were generally committed by White Trump supporters against “people of color”.

      Good to see reality starting to intrude into that leftist fairy tale.

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        The comment was not difficult to comprehend There was no admission that hate crimes will be committed by pro-abortion factions. Try re-reading.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Intentionally obtuse deflection… typically Conservative…

        2. DJRippert Avatar

          ” Besides SCOTUS has perhaps set the table for a rise in hate crimes over the summer as Republican politicians move to take away reproductive rights from the women in their states.”

          SCOTUS has “set the table for a rise in hate crimes …”

          Who, pray tell, has SCOTUS set the table for?

          Who, pray tell, will commit hate crimes as “Republican politicians move to take away reproductive rights from the women in their states”?

          The implication was clear whether you want to admit it or not.

        3. RabbiOyveydiaYosef Avatar

          Oh,ok. So you’re saying that pro-life people are going to just go and commit hate crimes against people because of a ruling that they’re extremely happy about? I can’t understand why DJ up there couldn’t understand the inescapable logic of your comment. Makes perfect sense. You spend 50 years advocating for something,you get it, you’re so happy about saving babies or whatever you go “You know what? I think I’m going to go out and commit a HATE CRIME now,in honor of all those babies that will now be born!”.

      2. VaNavVet Avatar

        In this case it may well go both ways (note that I said may). There is a long history of anti-abortion violence at clinics. Emotions and tempers may flare up thus leading to violence around the country. It is not only along party lines as there are pro-choice Republicans and pro-life Democrats. A GOP candidate did just drop out of his race after being charged with assault of his opponent over the issue. Senator Collins is an example of a reasoned approach. Putin and his bots will try to amplify the discord.

        1. RabbiOyveydiaYosef Avatar

          Can you cite a single proven example of Putin actually using a “bot” to do anything?

          Because I grew up hearing the same kind of rhetoric in a fundamentalist religious institution,only they called them “demons” and “Satan” rather than “Putin” and “bots” so I’m going to need to see some evidence here.

    2. Randy Huffman Avatar
      Randy Huffman

      Hate crimes are taking place against Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers: Here is one article in WSJ, but easy to do a search and find others. Why in the world would anyone do that?


    3. Randy Huffman Avatar
      Randy Huffman

      Hate crimes are taking place against Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers: Here is one article in WSJ, but easy to do a search and find others. Why in the world would anyone do that?


    4. RabbiOyveydiaYosef Avatar

      No reproductive rights were taken away from women. Neither women nor men have ever had Constitutional (which is where our rights are described) reproductive rights in America. For 50 years,women had the UNconstitutional “right” to either kill a baby that a man wanted to raise or make a man pay child support for 18 years for a baby that he DIDN’T want, but that’s been fixed now and men and women now have equal reproductive rights in some states. Others are going to choose the UNconstitutional path of forcing a man to work for at least 18 years to pay for a child that someone else chose to have and that is really what women are upset about in the states where Roe is being overturned. Incest,rape,and life of the mother combined make up less than 3% of stated reasons given for abortions by women.

  3. Bob X from Texas Avatar
    Bob X from Texas

    All the KKK members I have known were all democrats!

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      You’re a democrat? As opposed to a a Democrat.
      All the idiots I’ve known were Republicans.

    2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      You’ve known a lot of KKK members? Well you ARE from Texas…

  4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “All the while last year, the experts warned of the looming threat of White supremacists against Blacks, Jews and Asians, gays and other persecuted groups.”

    Which experts would that be…? Btw, notice when there was a rise in hate crimes? 2016-2020 – during Trump’s time in office. Is that repeated nationally I wonder…

    1. RabbiOyveydiaYosef Avatar

      Also notice that according to FBI crime statistics,black people commit about 5 times more hate crimes than White people do. 2016-2020,when Trump was in office, all black people would have heard on tv is that Nazis were coming to kill them or put them all in chains from most of the cable networks and just about anyone that goes to their community to organize them. Also,during that time,we had a rise in general crime when black people rioted every night for 5 months,during which time an awful lot of hate crimes were probably committed. By black people.

  5. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Winning is good. I need more of it.

  6. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Okay, James… two big drops in your chart 2008 to 2009 and 2020 to 2021.
    Gee what changed? When the cat’s away the rats will play. Cat came back.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      “Gee what changed?”

      The elections of Bob McDonnell and Glenn Youngkin?

      These are Virginia statistics.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Only one small problem with your theory, Bubba.

      2. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        The weather changed; stock market fluctuated; leaves fell from trees. McDonnell and Youngthing as change agents??? Bizarre.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Moreover, they did it the year BEFORE taking office.

          But that’s okay, James makes the same stupid, er, I mean prescient, remark in the article.

  7. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive


    From the AG…
    “The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a frightening and unacceptable rise in incidents of hate, bigotry, abuse, and even violence targeted at members of the Asian-American Pacific Islander community.”

    Only one problem there Bubba. According to Bacon’s chart, total hate crimes the year BEFORE the pandemic was 187, and the 1st full year of the pandemic was 190. Three(3) cases, count ’em. And in the second year of the pandemic…

    So white guys just changed their targets.

    1. RabbiOyveydiaYosef Avatar

      There are videos of a lot of the anti-Asian hate crimes. Almost all of them were not committed by White guys. In fact,they were committed by black people.

      Only one notable attack against Asians was by a White guy and that was a guy that shot up a sucky-sucky parlor operated by Asians but the dude was crazy and was mainly just targeting prostitutes who happened to be Asian. You can agree or disagree with that but you’re delusional if you think White people are the ones out there pushing little Asian ladies in front of trains in New York. You can actually look up the pictures of the people who did these anti-Asian attacks and they are basically ALL BLACK PERPETRATORS.

      You can blame White people for many things but we didn’t do this. We love Asian people and Asian cultures.

  8. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “A funny thing happened, though. It turns out that the year in which Virginians elected Youngkin governor saw a dramatic decline in the incidence of hate crimes.”

    This has to be the most willfully ignorant statement that has ever appeared in this blog! Bar none!

    But hey, let’s look at a plausible explanation. Once Youngkin won the election, the white supremacists stop having to intimidate minorities and committed zero hate crimes in November and December. There’s a 17% drop right there!

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      when you say “willfully”, you said a mouthful. JAB must surely blush when he writes some of this drivel.

    2. WayneS Avatar

      This has to be the most willfully ignorant statement that has ever appeared in this blog! Bar none!

      I disagree. There are a couple of people here, whose names I will keep to myself, who routinely top that statement with their inane drivel. Sometimes they even repeat the same willfully ignorant statements after being corrected multiple times.

      By the way, you are NOT one of the people I have in mind.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        I should be… sometimes. Maybe this is one of them. Maybe I’ll explain, but well worth wating until they add the next dot to the graphs.

    3. RabbiOyveydiaYosef Avatar

      Just give me a quick objective definition of the term “white supremacist”,if you will.

      If you mean that a white supremacist is a black person who beats up,harasses,or kills a non-black person because they aren’t black then according to FBI and DOJ statistics,you’d be 100% correct.

      I just want to find out how you’re defining your terms.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        How about people who call it “Wu Flu”?

        1. RabbiOyveydiaYosef Avatar

          So White supremacy then is defined by anyone who refers to the coronavirus by a name denoting that it came from China? Does that include the entirety of the CNN and MSNBC punditry who claimed coronavirus exists because Chinese people apparently “can’t stop eating disease-ridden bats”?

          You’re mad about “Wu Flu” and not about the racist claim made by the entirety of the liberal news and also Dr. Fauci that Chinese people all “go bananas for the great taste of cave chicken”?

          I kind of assumed that your definition of the phrase “white supremacy” would have something to do with the meaning of the two words that you are condoning together into a racist slur against White people.

        2. RabbiOyveydiaYosef Avatar

          So White supremacy then is defined by anyone who refers to the coronavirus by a name denoting that it came from China? Does that include the entirety of the CNN and MSNBC punditry who claimed coronavirus exists because Chinese people apparently “can’t stop eating disease-ridden bats”?

          You’re mad about “Wu Flu” and not about the racist claim made by the entirety of the liberal news and also Dr. Fauci that Chinese people all “go bananas for the great taste of cave chicken”?

          I kind of assumed that your definition of the phrase “white supremacy” would have something to do with the meaning of the two words that you are combining together into a racist slur against White people.

          Also,that was a SUBJECTIVE definition of White supremacist. I’m looking for an OBJECTIVE definition. You do know what those two words mean,right?

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            How about clever anti-Semitic aliases?

          2. RabbiOyveydiaYosef Avatar

            That’s “White supremacy”,is it? You know,I read a newspaper article every day in a mainstream paper written by someone who isn’t White saying that White culture,White traditions,and White people need to be violently stamped out (for basically no reason,the justifications they give are all things that every other group has done to someone or IS CURRENTLY DOING to someone).

            If “White supremacy” is “clever anti-Semitic aliases” then you have a really difficult situation on your hands. More difficult actually than giving an objective,coherent definition of “White supremacy” that boils down to something more than “I don’t like that Constitutionally-protected and completely legal thing that person did.”

            That would put you in the position of explaining that, actually, jokes are more dangerous to public safety than a group of people who use a multi-million or billion-dollar platform to EXPLICITLY advocate to millions of people for ethnic cleansing a particular race every single day based on historically-illiterate and blinkered tropes and canards that are so stupid that you know the college-educated people who came up with them realized that they were consciously formulating anti-White agitprop rather than articulating a genuinely held,yet extremely idiotic conspiracy theory.

            That’s why you can’t give me an objective definition of White supremacy,by the way. Because if you actually just lay out point for point how White supremacy is supposed to work,it sounds like Alex Jones explaining how lizard people run the world from Bohemian Grove. That’s why you do a sophistic technique called “begging the question” where, on a situational case by case basis, you claim that this thing or that thing that you don’t like is an example of “White supremacy” and therefore your theory of “White supremacy” is correct.

            It’s been known as faulty pi**-poor reasoning for like 3,000 years because if you don’t assume that “White supremacy” exists beforehand,you’d never conclude that anything that you point to is an example of anything that anyone who is using basic reading comprehension and reasoning skills would understand “White supremacy” to be.

            The red flag that this is what you are doing is that there is no objective definition of “White supremacist”. This is so you can claim that literally anything is “White supremacy”. I can construct the exact same fallacious conspiracy theory about you using any other random vaguely defined term. It will look the same and sound the same as your conspiracy theory about “White supremacy”,and fundamentally, it will similarly lack any scientific validity because it will be too vague to use as a tool for accurate analysis of anything and too biased to be used as a tool for prediction of anything.

            When your analytical or predictive framework leads you to make the ignorant assertion that THESE people are White,then your analytical or predictive framework or theory is wrong.

            We’ll try this another way. Please describe the “White guy(s)” in these photos of Asian hate crime perpetrators who have “changed their targets”. What sort of Afros do these “White guys” have? Which model of Air Jordans are they wearing? What if any gold chains are any of these “White guys” in these photos CONVICTED of committing anti-Asian hate crimes wearing?

            https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4dccc27a02d09d798dd0aa17fc5f0eae82616e2c14559139714e2ed706d84d87.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e19bab45399ea75954b17613f6300c06dd0b859afa32b7dbe89642b1e8593b31.jpg

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I think you just gave the best objective description of a white supremacist ever. It’s you. No one ever claimed all hate crimes are perpetrated only by whites.

            Check yourself.

  9. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “All the while last year, the experts (and other Bacon imagined bogeymen and strawmen) warned of the looming threat of White supremacists against Blacks, Jews and Asians, gays and other persecuted groups.”

    Care to name just one expert? I can. Youngkin.

  10. WayneS Avatar

    I love you, man, but Mr. Youngkin and Mr. Miyares did not take office until 2022.

    We should probably wait for the 2022 numbers to be tabulated before you send them on their victory lap. And, we will need the numbers for 2023, 2024 and 2025, too, before looking for trends.

    And to be totally fair, the numbers, while still pretty much historically low, did trend upward through most of Mr. Northam’s tenure. They were lower at the end of his term than at the beginning, though.

    Furthermore, given how low* the bias-based-crime numbers were for Virginia in 2021, this may not be a gong Mr. Youngkin wants to bang too loudly.

    No matter how much bias-based-attacks decrease there will always be a certain number of incorrigible hate-mongers out there. Given the low* numbers we’ve experienced over the last decade or so, a small increase in the number of these attacks will cause a much more noticeable (and attackable) percentage increase. It’s probably something Mr. Youngkin does not want to risk having to explain to the public.

    * “Low” based on previous decades. As far as I am concerned, one attack is too many, albeit “pollyannaish” to expect.

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