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Hey, WaPo, Try Addressing the Issues

The Washington Post editorial page was in fine form Sunday, beaming with moral superiority as it criticized House Speaker William J. Howell for his stance on illegal immigrants. Illegal immigration is a complex issue that cuts many ways and the WaPo is more than entitled to point out flaws in Howell’s proposals. But there is no justification for accusing the Speaker and Republicans generally of “immigrant bashing,” “bigotry mongering,” and “sticking it to the culturally distinct ‘other.'”

I don’t know the Speaker on a personal level that well, but I know others who know him, and of one thing I am certain, Bill Howell is not a bigot and he does not pander to bigots. Let’s turn the tables and show the Washington Post what it’s like to conduct an argument by ad hominem attack.

WaPo editorial writers are so desperate for liberals and democrats to cling to power, they’ll say anything, do anything, including undermine the sovereign boundaries of the nation. Seizing the illegal immigration issue, WaPo scribblers hurl accusations of racism and bigotry against those who would uphold the rule of law, cynically goading Hispanics into the liberal/democratic camp — just as they shamefully play the race card to keep African-Americans on the liberal plantation. It’s all race-and-oppression with those hypocrites, who live in their expensive, all-white neighborhoods and work in their lily-white office complexes amidst the poverty of Washington, D.C. It’s easy to love minorities and champion their causes — as long as the riff raff doesn’t get too close.

See how easy it is? Just impugn the other guy with the worst motives in the world. Change the subject and ignore his arguments. If that’s the way the WaPo wants to conduct the illegal immigration debate, let’s get going. Digital ink in the blogosphere is a lot cheaper than printer’s ink. But there is an alternative: Let’s all back off, take a deep breath, give our opponents the benefit of assuming they aren’t evil incarnate, and address the issues civilly.

(Rapid dog image: The official Bacon’s Rebellion icon for the Washington Post editorial page.)
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