Hey, Virginia State Workers, Take Off Your PJs

by Kerry Dougherty

Hey, Virginia state employees, it’s time.

Time to close those laptops, take off your pajamas and head back to work.

I know, I know, it’s been fun sitting home with your cats since early 2020, when Gov. Ralph Northam shut down the commonwealth to slow the spread of COVID-19.

And we all know how successful THAT was. In fact, we’ll never know just how many lives were saved by prohibiting loud music on the beach and volleyball.

The fun is over. Time to get into the 9-to-5 routine again. Governor Glenn Youngkin is graciously giving you until July 5th to ease yourselves back into the office. Those with legitimate health needs or other concerns can apply to continue to telecommute, but the expectation is that state government will soon be functioning as it did prior to the pandemic: in-person and five days a week.

Is that too much to ask?

Shoot, even The Washington Post, which loathes Youngkin, admits the Virginia state workers have been on an extra-long homebound hiatus compared to their counterparts in Maryland and D.C. who were back at work in July 2021.

Youngkin built his successful campaign for governor last year partly on the premise that Democrats had gone overboard with pandemic shutdowns and restrictions, including the extended closure of schools and the suspension of walk-in services at the Department of Motor Vehicles.

Youngkin campaigned hard against mask mandates in schools and issued an executive order on his first day in office rescinding a vaccine mandate imposed on state workers by his Democratic predecessor, Ralph Northam.

But his action on remote work is not out of step with more liberal jurisdictions nearby. Public employees in Maryland and D.C. have been back to in-person work since July.

Keeping a campaign promise, Youngkin got DMV employees to their work stations on March 2, bringing an end to the massive inconvenience of appointment-only encounters with staff.

That move was greeted with relief even by some on the other side of the aisle.

According to The Roanoke Times, Democratic state Senator Chap Petersen, an outspoken critic of school mask mandates and Northam’s shutdowns, reacted to news of Youngkin’s DMV edict with relief.

“Very glad to hear it,” said Sen. Chap Petersen. “Should have happened a year ago.”

This all should have happened a year ago. But even after he ended Virginia’s state of emergency, Northam allowed state workers to work from home.

While some employees are grumbling, one group is celebrating in Richmond: restaurateurs. They saw their lunch traffic dwindle to nothing during the pandemic. Once workers are filling the office buildings again, they hope to rebuild their lunch trade.

Northam, a doctor, may not be aware of the synergy that happens in the workplace when employees are together. But he should have been aware of the health problems that would result from forced telecommuting.

On Wednesday, in a piece headlined “Doctors Say These Pandemic Side Effects Are Serious Problems—And Unlikely To Go Away Anytime Soon,” CNBC reported on the deleterious effects of prolonged working from home.

Doctors are seeing an epidemic of everything from weight gain, high blood pressure, skin problems, mental illness and even serious foot and ankle problems due to going barefoot around the house.

Beyond that, humans are social creatures. It’s unnatural and ultimately not good for society for large numbers of folks to hibernate.

Time for state workers to lose the elastic-waist pants and the bed head and get back to their cubicles.

We’ve missed you.

This column has been republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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33 responses to “Hey, Virginia State Workers, Take Off Your PJs”

  1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Well, of course Kerry – The Angel of Death is applauding Youngkin’s policy change to less telecommuting alternatives than the pre-Covid baseline. She is not happy that the daily Covid death rate is only 300. But I am sure she is excited about this chart… let’s see if she can build that case upturn into a huge daily kill rate again… exciting times, eh Kerry?!


    1. and the daily death numbers from Chinese Fentanyl coming across the open southern border?

      1. VaNavVet Avatar

        The Chinese do not provide Fentanyl but only the precursors needed to produce it.

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        What?! Virginia government workers are smuggling chinese fentanyl across the southern border?! And here I thought they were hanging out at home in their pjs…

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Thank God! We can now go back to waiting and hour and a half, clutching our number, D-19A, and watching and studying the sequence of “now serving” numbers, “E-02A, F-18S, Q-202, …” wondering exactly where D-19A works into the universe of DMV.

  3. Timothy Watson Avatar
    Timothy Watson

    I can tell you that the Commonwealth is not remaining competitive with private businesses on work from home (or any other form of compensation, except for maybe retirement and health insurance). Anyone in the IT field, from development, operations, or security, can go online and find a fully remote job to take instead of driving an hour to Richmond just to sit around an office because someone insists you be there.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      The one thing I’ve not seen much discussion in, in media in general and in BR is just how easy it is for a worker to find another job these days with the advent of online job apps like “indeed”, zip recruiter, etc.

      It’s dramatically changed the game especially for those who have significant skills and knowledge in a field but even for those with lesser – there is a “market” and they can easily engage it now days.

      You’d think that Youngkin knows this but apparently not.

      1. Timothy Watson Avatar
        Timothy Watson

        And the state is horrible at recruiting. It takes forever for them to advertise positions, they don’t communicate with applicants, agencies are inefficient in scheduling interviews, and job offers take months instead of weeks as in the private sector.

        When I went from state government to my current private employer, I started applying in 09/2020, started talking to a recruiter in the beginning of 10/2020, interviewed for one position which I didn’t get, recruiter came back about another positions, I interviewed for that one and ended up starting by the end of 11/2020.

        For an older OSIG report on state recruiting, check out: https://www.osig.virginia.gov/media/governorvirginiagov/office-of-the-state-inspector-general/pdf/2020-PA-004-Department-of-Human-Resource-Management.pdf

    2. vicnicholls Avatar

      Bingo!! I’ve already seen people who have been there more than a decade to over 40 years are out of the door in one dept. alone. They can’t backfill several engineer positions. Others are having to pick the slack up so things are behind. People think service is bad now, wait until you’re trying to fill those types of positions when you’re asking not only for paycuts so far, no budget but make your health care decisions, double or triple your gas costs, pay for parking ($600 or more in some areas), and extra insurance. Even in the business offices, they’re going to where if they can be at work for more pay, they’re out of there.

  4. VaNavVet Avatar

    So says Kerry who works from home. My friends DIL just came down with Covid which she pretty clearly was exposed to at her workplace. One million dead Americans that presumably Gov Youngkin has taken note of.

    1. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      Seriously? That’s the best you got?
      1 million dead from Covid? Aren’t 600k killed by SlowJoe?
      Viruses virus. COVID seems to be most dangerous to the first and second dosed, with the vaccine having very little “effective” in the “safe and effective.”
      And UVA’s own Covid tracker shows over 1000 more “cases” Spring 2022 vs Spring 2021…for the 97% “vaccinated” UVA community…
      It is time to let go of the fear. Lose weight. Make sure you have vitamin D and work on having a healthy immune system. Plus get some sunshine!

      1. VaNavVet Avatar

        I did previously post about the son of a well known Virginia artist who was hospitalized early this year with a severe case of Covid. I am sad to report that John died this month from complications of the Covid infection. He was a chef who with his wife owned a restaurant in Luray, Virginia. Sadly, these deaths continue to happen across the Commonwealth. Personally, I did just get my second booster (fourth shot) and would continue to get one every six months or so if needed. That is my key to easing back into the new normal. Good luck with yours.

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          My point was that your comment was a non sequitur. The entire country cannot remain shut down due to a virus which cannot be controlled. In fact, not feelings, the last two years prove a virus cannot be controlled. Some people get sick. Some don’t. Some are susceptible to Covid; most aren’t. The shutdown of early treatment is a crime against humanity. Perhaps the chef would have lived if allowed assertive early treatment with HCQ or IVM. But no, the entire country has to rely solely on a “vaccine” that is an experimental medical product and that apparently does not work.
          The “experts” have been wrong. Why?
          My vote is regulatory capture, corruption and perhaps globalist, goody-goody new world order.
          You can get as many shots as you want. It is your choice. I went old school. I have natural immunity. It was my choice, based on the evidence available to me. But I chose never to live in fear of something that can’t be controlled. And society must get back to that.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Walter, my man. it was a WORLD pandemic with virtually every country on the planet affected and various responses to it but things like food and fuel continued to be available as well as virtually everything from medicine to electricity – and more.

            And there has been more than 6 million deaths worldwide with about 5 billion vaccinated.

            How do you maintain your view when the entire world has been affected, not just this country?

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Because a virus is a virus and affects wherever it hits whenever it hits and man cannot control it. Just like “the climate.”
            3 million die a year in the US in the absence of some intervening cause. One day, we will calculate excess mortality, without all the political noise. I predict that Covid, purely by itself, would have been fairly mild, but for our illustrious world response. Lockdowns were counter-productive. Masks didn’t work. The vaccine doesn’t work. The drugs and mental and other issues resulting from the lockdowns were disastrous. The rise in other medical problems from delayed treatments were disastrous. The harm caused by the one size fits all policy (so EUA status could be declared) caused many deaths as people could have been treated with HCQ and IVM. The nursing home policies were disastrous. Likely due in part to financial reimbursement incentives. The visitation policies were cruel. Mandating a experimental medical product violated the FDA’s own laws and the Nuremberg Code.
            We are now in a period where there are “inexplicable” rises in disability and other problems. Morticians see strange blood clotting. But looking into any of these anomalies is disinformation… Oh, I forgot VAERS…
            Oh, I also forgot the facts that the virus was manipulated and funded in part by our government and that the so-called public servants have patents on these things and have received millions in royalties, but I’m the conspiracy theorist…
            Life has risk. Living in fear is no way to live, but a good way to be controlled.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            True. We cannot “control” it any more or less than we might polio or heart disease but it’s not an all or nothing thing by a long shot.

            Lockdowns WERE counterproductive in some respects especially draconian ones like in Asia but we had no such severity here and they did work – we know when super-spreader happens…..

            Masks DID WORK but not 100% especially the cloth ones but again, it’s not an all or nothing proposition.

            We were learning about the disease and our early measures were not precise and on target as later but again, none of this was an all or nothing proposition and it was not just this country – it was world-wide.

            You talk about EUA – how about approval process by all the other countries? Were they all wrong also?

            The virus was ” manipulated and funded in part by our government and that the so-called public servants have patents on these things and have received millions in royalties, but I’m the conspiracy theorist…”

            you mght be if you think all the governments in the world conspired to do everything you say…

            geeze Walter… I just don’t get how you get to where you are, guy.

          4. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Larry – do you ever seek any news that does not confirm your own confirmation bias?
            Yes. Every country that MANDATED an experimental medical product (sorry, I’m old school on a vaccine working like a vaccine) violated the Nuremberg Code.
            Do you know if in the other countries that the legislature passed a law and the executive signed it? Or were all of their mandates by…mandate of a bureaucracy or bureaucrat?
            Did you ever watch Schoolhouse Rock on how a Bill becomes law?
            That is how you require a “vaccine.” And even then, there needs to be a medical and a religious exemption. And one day, the Jacobson case will be overturned and there will be the equivalent of a conscientious objector status.
            I don’t care if you or anybody else gets the shot, except to the extent it might be harmful. It is your choice.
            But I do care about breaking federal law and the Nuremberg Code. I do care that my daughter got 3 shots, which I believe made her more susceptible to the variants, just like the entire UVA Community, with 1000 more cases Spring 2022 vs Spring 2021. You did look at that info, didn’t you?
            What is your “scientific” explanation?
            Can you explain scientifically a report coming out of the UK about baby deaths being up from breast feeding from a vaxed Mom? Is that an anomaly? How come it is not a warning signal? How come we have allowed way, way, WAY more adverse events than we would tolerate historically?
            That’s not a “conspiracy.” That is intellectual inquiry, like I was taught at a great high school and a previously great university.

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            Walter, not confirmation bias to point out that the pandemic was worldwide with various different government responses including various restrictions and widespread vaccinations.

            Do we need to know for each country how they did it as long as almost all of them did and none of them not?

            What whe world did with COVID was not that different than what it has done with most contagious diseases… similar public health approach.

            Is it a conspiracy when most of the world responds to a pandemic in similar ways ? You keep talking about this country as if it was unique and a failure. This country did what most countries did. Is that a conspiracy?

            you also said something about VAERS.
            what about it?

          6. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Do you read anything that is not WaPo or NYT? Do you watch only MSNBC?
            Did you read the Kirsch article or check the UVA website?
            Did the mandate of an experimental product violate the Nuremberg Code or not? (Hint – it does)
            Does the federal EUA statute require “accept or refuse” for everybody? (Hint – it does)
            Did VA pass a law to mandate the vaccine? (It did not)
            I don’t care what other countries did. (I don’t think they did comply with normal law)
            I care about this country. And we violated the law and people’s civil rights and our response was counter-productive and killed people.
            If you are too lazy to look at VAERS numbers historically and wonder why magnitudes of greater reports aren’t worthy of asking a question (because you say in conspiracy fashion that they are all false reports by “anti-vaxxers”), then you are the problem. If it is that untrustworthy, why have we had it for 30 years?
            The evidence is everywhere, but you can continue to be blind. No, for political reasons you choose to be blind.

          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            Don’t watch MSNBC, do read WSJ and do recognize no reasonable person says vaccines violate Nuremberg code.

            Does EUA apply worldwide?

            The point about other countries is that the US is not that different from them in a lot of respects yet you seem to want to portray the US alone as unique and wrong.

            Not too lazy to look at VAERs and not too lazy to read and understand what they say about misusing the data.

            And again, if your premise is true about VAERs in the US , is there any ‘evidence” in any of the rest of the world to support your beliefs?

            This is looney, Walter.

          8. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            And you want to be ruled by the EU? The UN? The WHO? I sure as h3!! do not!
            Larry – you have obviously not read Article 1 of the Nuremberg Code. That is a worldwide understanding. Nor have you read the federal statute. And there is no governmental right to violate natural law (which is what making people participate in a medical experiment is).
            And you haven’t honestly looked at the VAERS data. Nor do you have an answer for UVA’s strange Covid numbers. Nor can you explain how the vaxed are experiencing higher deaths that the evil unvaxed. Nor will you consider it fishy that the government employees have patents on Coronavirus elements or that they receive royalties…all is well… trust the government for everything…until evil Republicans are in charge, then resist!
            How about Bobby Kennedy Jr and Naomi Wolf? They’re good Leftists. How did they go crazy? Inquiring minds want to know…

          9. LarrytheG Avatar

            Not a question of being ‘ruled’. A simple question of do you believe the public health system? I DO. It’s way better than the alternative of wacadoodle conspiracy theories and such.

            I HAVE looked at VAERs data starting with the caveat provided up front about what it means and what it does not.
            Again – you’re relying on a govt database – but dispute the data they collected and provided to you. It’s nutty. Why believe govt-collected data if you don’t trust the govt to start with?

            Good Lord guy – you’ve spread this thing out to include so much stuff, and all of it based on your distrust of govt and media, right?

            I’m surprised you trust the post office or any other govt agency… geeze…

          10. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            You trust the post office?
            Hmmm… Newman…Newman… shooters…
            Let’s try this.
            Why do you trust the public health in view of the Covid response?
            What has it gotten right?
            I’m not “relying” on a government database. I wonder why the adverse incidents is astronomically higher than previously accepted. Just like I am not “relying” on UVA’s Covid tracker. But I do expect that the 1000 count higher case figure is correct. What does it mean?
            Does that indicate the “and effective” part of “safe and effective” is true or not?
            And, as usual, my questions about the Nuremberg Code and the EUA statute remain unanswered. Any lawyer could see that AG Herring’s political opinion was wrong as a matter of law. I believe in the rule of law. Not the rule of unaccountable bureaucrats who are looking out for their own interests. It’s wackadoodle people like me who demanded answers of George III. You Lefties used to say “Question authority” – now it’s clear you meant only until we gain authority – just like the pigs in Animal Farm…
            Do you work for the DHS domestic terrorism units or the disinformation board. Is Larry the G your nom de plume for Mary Poppins Jankowicz?

          11. LarrytheG Avatar

            I DO think public health largely got it right, not without some flaws.

            Do you really trust the govt to collect data if you don’t trust their analysis of that data?

            Yes, question authority – but don’t be stupid about facts and realities…

            You DO trust govt from everything from octane in gasoline to stop lights that do work, to food and drug safety, auto safety, etc, etc… you , very selectively on some few things have apparently gone bizarro…. but most of the stuff in your life that you do trust has the govt involved in it at some level.

            And you’re lucky that you don’t live in a 3rd world, strongman-led country where your fears would be justified!

          12. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            But trust government when it is lying?
            Is it possible that your benevolent public servants are corrupt? Are lying?
            There is a difference between a stop light. Red. Green. Yellow. Everybody understands that. An experimental medical product? Everybody does not understand that, including the regulators.
            This is a peer reviewed critique. I am surprised our illustrious betters have not yet declared it misinformation…
            How many yellow lights are you going to run through before you get hit? The danger signals are everywhere

          13. LarrytheG Avatar

            Walter, what you call “lying”…. is largely what you choose to disbelieve….no?

            Most folks in the country, in the world, are glad the govt fostered the development of the vaccines

            They are no more or less ‘experimental’ than other vaccines which also had some issues – kids did die from polio and smallpox vaccines initially.

            You’re expecting absolute perfection here and the world , govt, and private does not work that way and really, never has.

            millions upon millions of people would have died without the vaccines – we know that.

            we could not know with absolute certainty, what would happen downstream with variants and even perhaps some side effects…

            but on balance, MOST of us DID trust the govt on the vaccines… and we’re alive today despite the claims they are “experimental” and violate the Nuremburg code or whatever…

            And most of us will trust the Govt with what evolves on COVID and other contagious diseases.

            Does the govt lie? Yes. It has.

            but not to the extent some of you guys say – it’s just bonkers IMHO.

          14. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            There is none so blind as he who will not see.
            Lift up the rock and look.
            Every single shot in the US has been EUA.
            Comirnity was a bait and switch, and was likely improperly approved. The first is fact, the second is likely true, based on the evidence.
            The Nuremberg Code willing and informed consent is true for ANY medical experiment. Since each dose is EUA, it is, by definition, a medical experiment.
            The repeated blathering of “safe and effective” while the dosing instructions for each EUA dose (the paper leaflet that gets thrown away) says you have the right to accept or refuse and lists a large number of side effects. This would likely be called deceptive, if not fraud as the list of side effects is incomplete and the efficacy is overstated.
            When I agreed to participate in a medical experiment – to receive mega dosing of Vitamin C to see if it had a positive effect in bone marrow transplant recovery, I had to sign about 10 different forms…for Vitamin C!
            You don’t know what you are talking about. You can trust the government and be willfully blind. But you and millions have been lied to. And a huge cultural barrier has been breached if you shrug your shoulders at violating the Nuremberg Code.

          15. VaNavVet Avatar

            Conspiracy theories and natural immunity. Hope that it works for you.

  5. vicnicholls Avatar

    Kerry is clueless. Meetings are being held and you do have to show up and yes, you can’t wear PJ’s. No one I know has been.

  6. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    It is amazing that Kerry is celebrating that state employees are being given telecommuting options that are more stringent than those before the pandemic. Managers of private companies are consistent in their comments that their companies are giving more flexibility in remote work in order to attract and retain employees. Several commenters above have attested to this trend. Obviously, Kerry feels that state employees deserve second-class treatment.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      to say that Kerry has a certain amount of animus in her soul is an understatement! Not sure what drives her view of the world in general but it feels unhappy a lot.

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