Hey Norfolk: Do Kids Really Need Classes In Masturbation?

by Kerry Dougherty

You might think that a mediocre school system where barely half of all schools are fully accredited would put all of its energy and money into academics.

Oh, Bambi, you have no idea how public schools work, do you?

Norfolk School Board – which oversees a division where just 57.1% of the schools are fully accredited – voted 6-1 last night to begin teaching gender ideology, masturbation, sexual identity, homosexuality, abortion and lesbianism in middle and high schools.

Oh, and there will be a fun condom demonstration for all of the kiddies, too!


The curriculum is called “Get Real: Comprehensive Sex Education That Works” and will be directed at kids in grades 6 through 10. It’s published by Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts so you know it won’t contain a whiff of Judeo-Christian values.

According to WTKR, most of the speakers at last night’s meeting were opposed to the expanded sex ed program:

The vast majority of speakers were critical of the curriculum for Norfolk middle and high school students, and believe the focus should be on other areas in schools.

“Get on the academics! Get off the sex,” one resident said before school board members.

Like so many who have pushed back against having an LGBTQ+ agenda foisted on their children by the government, concerned Norfolk parents were ignored by the wokes on the board.

Fox News was the first to report on the new curriculum, which, for the first time will include “explicit details” on oral sex, masturbation, gender identity, gender expression, cisgender and transgender:

Erika Sanzi, director of the parental rights group Outreach for Parents Defending Education, says the proposed curriculum displays “ideological bias.”

“Planned Parenthood is an overtly political organization that managed to get its own curriculum added to the Department of Health and Human Services’ list of ‘evidence-based programs’ in 2015,” Sanzi said in a statement to Fox News Digital.

“Predictably, the 470-page curriculum for middle schoolers, along with its sourcing, quickly reveals itself to be steeped in critical gender theory. Sixth graders are taught to use the term ‘sex assigned at birth’ and by 7th grade, students are immersed in gender lessons that parrot the tenets of gender ideology and attempt to coerce students into becoming allies and advocates for specific causes,” she said.

Priorities. It’s all about priorities. And Norfolk School Board last night demonstrated that its priorities are not academic excellence — or even rising above plodding mediocrity — but “inclusivity” and gender ideology.

I feel sorry for the kids.

Republished with permission from Kerry:Unemployed and Unedited.

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38 responses to “Hey Norfolk: Do Kids Really Need Classes In Masturbation?”

  1. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Sex with someone you love.

  2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Every school board in the commonwealth faces an election on November 7th.

    1. LesGabriel Avatar

      Unfortunately, in most jurisdictions, only a portion of the Board is up this year.

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        That is true. A significant number of school board seats were voted on last year and again in 2025. Staggered elections. But most school board seats statewide are on the ballot this November. The results will tell us where we really stand in Virginia.

        1. Monica Wright Avatar
          Monica Wright

          Yes, yes they will.

  3. Gloria Boyd Avatar
    Gloria Boyd

    § 1-240.1. Rights of parents.
    A parent has a fundamental right to make decisions concerning the upbringing, education, and care of the parent’s child. #OPTOUT

    1. Monica Wright Avatar
      Monica Wright

      Individual opting out is a position I support. banning content? No.

      1. WayneS Avatar

        Is there any content of any kind which you would object to including in high school sex-ed classes? How about middle school?

      2. WayneS Avatar

        Is there any content of any kind which you would object to including in high school sex-ed classes? How about middle school?

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          How can they advocate for sex-ed when they don’t know who has what parts?

          Perhaps they’ll develop a curriculum for all 27 different genders and how to engage in that activity.

          1. WayneS Avatar

            I thought it was 52 – or 55.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Maybe I’m out of touch on the number, at any rate. We had introduction classes in 6th grade and in 9th grade the pulled out the banana in health class.

            If you need help figuring out how to yank your crank, there could be other issues at play.

        2. Monica Wright Avatar
          Monica Wright

          When girls begin menstruating and having both nonconsensual and coerced sexual experiences from birth on??? NO, albeit in age-appropriate ways (which does not include euphemisms for body parts or abstinence-only shaming). Does it need to be scary and fraught, also no. Ignorance helps perps. Learning about sexual functions and reproduction empowers girls and women to seek care, support, and guidance.

  4. WayneS Avatar

    for the first time will include “explicit details” on oral sex, masturbation, gender identity, gender expression, cisgender and transgender:

    If the “explicit details” part is true, then I think the curriculum needs to be revised to remove the “explicit” part. However, if you think you are going to shield high school kids from the reality of the existence of those things, then you are dreaming.

    I agree that reading, writing and math are more important, though. And if the schools can’t even adequately teach those three basic things, imagine how badly they will screw up sex-ed.

  5. Lee Faust Avatar
    Lee Faust

    They’ll never get back to their basic education requirements once they understand lalaland. More grocery store stockers for sure.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Or Republican Congresspersons.

  6. Nicole Claire Avatar
    Nicole Claire

    Sounds like they will learn about exactly the kinds of things sixth graders talk about. Kudos to Norfolk. Also totally ok that they won’t have any Christian values tossed in there, being that it’s a public school and all.

  7. vicnicholls Avatar

    As the one who said the ““Get on the academics! Get off the sex,” in their speech to the board, the academics suck. I sent them a very long email detailing with references, graphs, etc. showing them just how badly they sucked. I did that last night.

    The education programs, the reason why women and girls (depending on cohort up to 25%) are getting choked during sex is porn, and this is part of that equation. From what males are being taught, the fissures that result are equivalent to sexual assault.

    There rotten schools were definitely big on my list.

  8. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Remember when Conservatives simply demanded the ability to opt out of public school sex education for their children. Now they want to opt all kids out…

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      I want our failing government schools to focus on teaching kids what they need to know rather than “explicit details” on oral sex, masturbation, gender identity, gender expression, cisgender and transgender.

      It seems like the more our government schools fail, the more those people who run the schools dream up distractions from that failure.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        One vote for “take the ‘sex’ out of sex-ed…”

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          “explicit details” on oral sex sounds more like porn than education.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            The only reference to “explicit detail” was to some Fox News report… not the most reliable source for accurate information these days… the rest is just the workings of your overactive imagination…

  9. Tom B Avatar

    SPeaking of masturbation, there are 2 kinds of liars: The ones who say they never did and the ones who say they quit.
    I guess we were smarter 60 years ago. We didn’t need instruction, just privacy. Maybe the school is going to work on deleting the privacy requirement.

  10. LesGabriel Avatar

    Are they trying to fix their truancy problem?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      That’ll do it! Make learning fun again!

  11. WayneS Avatar

    for the first time will include “explicit details” on oral sex, masturbation, gender identity, gender expression, cisgender and transgender:

    If the “explicit details” part is true, then I think the curriculum needs to be revised to remove the “explicit” part. However, if you think you are going to shield high school kids from the reality of the existence of those things, then you are dreaming.

    I agree that reading, writing and math are more important, though. And if the schools can’t even adequately teach those three basic things, imagine how badly they can screw up sex-ed.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      No worse than can their peers.

      But, if teen pregnancy is an indicator of successful imparting of knowledge and the successful uptake of understanding, then something’s working. I believe the numbers have been dropping.

      Of course, that could be from MTV’s contribution of Teen Mom and Teen Mom2.

  12. Turbocohen Avatar

    In a real science based world this is all a sign of an intimidating mental disorder that was relabeled as normal. Norfolk Democrats liberal majority are imposing an abnormally destructive form of intimidating mental distress on normal kids. It’s how they get “satisfied” and in a normal sense it’s a form of psychiatric rape. The birth of this intimidation came in the early 1970s when radical democrat gay activists harassed psychiatrists and protested the APA’s classification of homosexuality as a disorder. These activists partnered with politically active liberal psychiatrists to take over the leadership of the APA, and by the mid 70’s homosexuality was removed from the APA’s DSM [Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders]. The removal of homosexuality from the DSM was not based on clinical science, but rather on political pressure from gay activist democrats. The vast majority of psychiatrists still saw homosexuality as a disorder or a symptom of a disorder, but only a few were willing to go toe to toe with radical democrats. As a result, the LGBTQIA+ bully was born and empowered. Within a short span of years, the APAs’ support for objective clinical science on homosexuality became a thing of the past.

    “Once LGBT activists were controlling the dialogue on homosexuality in the APAs, they moved to expand their influence over therapists’ and counselors’ treatment strategies for clients with unwanted same-sex attraction, and children showing signs of gender confusion. It took years of continued effort, but in 2009 LGBT mental health professionals succeeded in using the American Psychological Association to condemn the practice of helping those with unwanted homosexuality try to move toward heterosexuality.[8] The client’s self-determination no longer mattered if he/she sought to overcome homosexuality. Using the APA Task Force Report, LGBT activists extended their influence to legislative law, making it illegal in many states for a therapist to help a person who wishes to change their homosexual orientation.[9] These same activists have sought — and succeeded in part — to make it impossible for parents to get professional help for a child struggling with their sexual or gender identity, if the desire of the parent is to move the child toward a heterosexual identity or toward acceptance of their biological gender.[10]”

    The most widespread intimidation tactic Democrats use is assigning “phobe” terms to anyone opposed to their bigoted objectives meant to slander, shame, and intimidate, in the same manner a racist uses slander to demean people they don’t like. This is happening in Norfolk so moderate democrat voters fall in line.

    1. VaNavVet Avatar

      So just claim that people who disagree with you suffer from a mental disorder. What could possibly go wrong?

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          Great study! Liberals are more authoritarian than conservatives. I should say so. Especially Gen X and Gen Y liberals. Those people never met a government that was big enough, regulations that were broad enough or a cancel culture that was drastic enough.

      1. Turbocohen Avatar

        Johnny can’t read or write. So.. Teach him how to wrap a condom over his, uh.. vagina? Mmkay..

  13. Monica Wright Avatar
    Monica Wright

    They voted to affirm ALL kids, not just those who meet your predetermined definition of normal. GOOD FOR THEM. Shame on you. Every child deserves to see themselves and their families reflected in school curriculum. Representation matters.

  14. Tom B Avatar

    Perhaps our left leaning commentators could give us a list of things they would object to including in a sex ed curriculum? Knowing the boundries we all agree on would be helpful in framing the argument.

  15. Warmac9999 Avatar

    Never let the government control education. Parents, aka taxpayers, need to understand that the government is not their friend – see the Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights for reference.

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