Hey, Mount Trashmore, Top This!

by Bill Tracy

According to WJLA-TV7, The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors has approved the next phase in the evolution of the former Lorton landfill off of Interstate 95: It will become a 1,700-foot ski slope. That’s right, a ski resort. In Northern Virginia. Only 10 minutes from my home.

The project, Fairfax Peak, will be a 450,000-square-foot indoor snow sports facility with a 100-room luxury hotel, sky bar, restaurants, and a bunny slope. The first of its kind in the United States, it will have not have only the longest indoor ski slope in North America but one of the longest in the world.  

The project will be super-green too. Aside from the obligatory solar panels, the planned facilities will use waste heat from the adjacent county Waste-To-Energy plant. In other words, the incinerator will serve as bona fide co-gen plant.

Interestingly, per a Google search, Landfills-to-Ski Slopes is a global trend.  The picture above is an artist rendering of a Denmark power plant that will incinerate trash while using the energy produced to power the city and the ski slope.

This brings up an eco-point I want to make, which is that globally, waste-to-energy is an accepted and civilized approach to deal with trash. This is in contrast to the NIMBY approach that U.S. liberals recommend, which is vilification of all combustion processes. Good luck to the USA, but the silver lining is that we can make 10-mile-high ski slopes if we landfill all the solar panels and wind-turbine blades from America’s “green” future.

And OK, I got a world largest ski slope coming to my backyard. That’s a so-called YIMBY: Yes in My Back Yard!

Bill Tracy, a retired engineer, lives in Northern Virginia.

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14 responses to “Hey, Mount Trashmore, Top This!”

  1. If people are seriously talking about building ski slopes on top of landfills, that’s a sure sign of a insanely frothy financial market. Time to sell. Everything!

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      And why not? Virginia Beach has a public park on top of a landfill–Mt. Trashmore. If folks are going to put in the serious money that they seem to be thinking, I would think that they had done their financial studies and think there is a market for this.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Hampton has a 27-hole golf course on their first dump.

      Of couse, the only downside is an occasional cut on some piece of broken glass, rusty metal, or a hypodermic needle while teeing up.

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    As they say in theater, “Break a leg!”

  3. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    “…we can make 10-mile high ski slopes if we land all the solar panels and wind-turbine blades…” Was that supposed to be landfill? Because, yes, the mother of all waste streams is coming….

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Can’t ski at that altitude any way.

  4. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    What it the Equity plan for the skiing facility?
    This literally has “whiteness” written all over it…

    1. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

      Not to mention the environmental injustice of waste-to-energy. In Denmark and Japan, waste-to-energy is not an environmental injustice due to less extremism and a less ethically diverse population. That’s why is seem like humongous NIMBY landfills are the American (and Virginia) way.

      But maybe the fix is they color the snow rainbow colors with food dyes. Shades of Frank Zappa, I know.

    2. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

      Not to mention the environmental injustice of waste-to-energy. In Denmark and Japan, waste-to-energy is not an environmental injustice due to less extremism and a less ethically diverse population. That’s why it seems like humongous NIMBY landfills are the American (and Virginia) way.

      But maybe the fix is they color the snow rainbow colors with food dyes. Shades of Frank Zappa, I know.

  5. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead
  6. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead
    1. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

      That could soon be Virginia’s new state song, with our advocacy of out-of-state trash imports to southern Virginia! And those trash imports pass by the White House and NoVA on the infamous Trash Train.

      But message to New York City, no plastics please! we do not want our trash contaminated with liberal-hated substances. That’ll be a problem for NYC though, who does not recycle. Maybe if we ask NYC to ban plastic straws, we can make an exception (for a small extra fee).

    2. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

      That could soon be Virginia’s new state song, with our advocacy of out-of-state trash imports to southern Virginia! And those trash imports pass by the White House and NoVA on the infamous Trash Train.

      But message to New York City, no plastics please! we do not want our trash contaminated with liberal-hated substances. That’ll be a problem for NYC though, who does not recycle. Maybe if we ask NYC to ban plastic straws, we can make an exception (for a small extra fee).

      PS- RIP Oscar and Big Bird puppeteer Caroll Spinney

  7. “The project, Fairfax Peak, will be a 450,000-square-foot indoor snow sports facility…”

    That is more than 10 acres under roof. And, even a very modest 6% average slope over a 1,700 ft long ski run would result in more than 100 feet of elevation change.

    That is going to be a very impressive [and expensive] building.

    ADDENDUM: I just looked into the guys who are developing the project. They’ve already built a couple of similar resorts in Europe. Here is their PPEA proposal to Fairfax (from Fairfax County website):


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