Hey, ACLU: Forget the Fence, Go After Curfews and Booze Restrictions

by Kerry Dougherty

Some of us have been waiting 11 months for Virginia’s legal eagles – especially the ACLU – to bombard the courts with a blizzard of challenges to Gov. Ralph Northam’s excessive executive orders that have stomped on the constitutional rights of millions of Virginians.

Instead we mostly got crickets.

For a time, churches were closed.

Where were the lawyers?

In most places public schools are closed, despite laws that require school districts to meet the educational needs of students with disabilities, many of whom can’t learn without face-to-face instruction.

Where are the lawyers?

The governor has ordered Virginians to remain in their homes from midnight till 5 a.m.

Where are the lawyers?

The governor will not allow citizens to gather in groups larger than 10.

Where are the lawyers?

The governor has decided that we must surrender our alcoholic beverages at 10 p.m.

Where are the lawyers?

I could go on. You get my point.

We’ve been saddled with restrictions that one year ago would have been unthinkable, and yet the Old Dominion’s legal profession has been largely indifferent to blatant abuses of power. (One exception is State Sen. Chap Petersen, a Democrat, who brought legal actions on behalf of a client who was losing his wedding venue business due to Northam’s orders.)

Well, the ACLU did poke its head out of wherever it was hiding in December to demand that the governor let more criminals out of prison, lest they fall sick.

So much concern for lawbreakers, so little concern for the common man.

Now the ACLU has surfaced again. But not to protect the trampled rights of ordinary Virginians.

Nope. They want the fence that protects the Robert E. Lee monument in Richmond ripped down, presumably because it interferes with the rights of vandals to spray paint or even topple it.

If only THAT were the biggest infringement on constitutional rights in Virginia.

This column is republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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37 responses to “Hey, ACLU: Forget the Fence, Go After Curfews and Booze Restrictions”

  1. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    The Governor has ordered us to FINISH our alcoholic beverages by 10 p.m. (and continue drinking at home.) Do they come around and confiscate the half-full glasses? Can’t imagine that worked after the first time. ๐Ÿ™‚

    But this ain’t your Nana’s ACLU anymore….very different priorities.

    Hey, Virginia is doing something right. I’ve been watching these stats all along, so this story was not news to me:


    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Let’s see. If you have a hurricane , can the police restrict your liberties? Would the ACLU challenge that?

      1. Matt Adams Avatar

        “LarrytheG | February 19, 2021 at 9:21 am | Reply
        Letโ€™s see. If you have a hurricane , can the police restrict your liberties? Would the ACLU challenge that?”

        They aren’t comparable, one is a singular event in time vs. a prolonged event. The EO’s issued for hurricanes are predominately done for preparedness and recovery.

        1. Additionally, restrictions cannot be arbitrary or unequal.

      2. The ACLU challenged arrests for illegal drugs in FEMA housing after Katrina. I suppose that could be interpreted as challenging a police restriction on people’s liberties…

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          A LOT of “selective” memories:

          ” A history of the ACLU defending the Confederate flag, the tea party, the KKK and Rush Limbaugh”


          1. That article was dated:

            June 19, 2015 at 10:17 a.m. EDT

            That was ages and ages ago in terms of how they have changed.

            “The American Civil Liberties Union, on whose national board I used to serve with pride, raises vast sums of money claiming to defend the civil liberties of all Americans. Unfortunately, however, over the last several years it has turned from being a neutral civil liberties organization to a left wing, agenda-driven group that protects its contributors and constituents while ignoring the civil liberties of Americans with whom it disagrees.”

            – ALAN DERSHOWITZ

          2. There we go. No day can be called complete until Larry moves some goalposts.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            let me guess – you think ALAN DERSHOWITZ is a non-partisan objective observer?

            ” What Happened to Alan Dershowitz?โ€™
            How a liberal Harvard professor became Trumpโ€™s most distinguished defender on TV, freaked out his friends and got the legal world up in arms.”


            here’s one only 3 years old:

            The American Civil Liberties Union defended Ann Coulter Wednesday after the conservative pundit cancelled a speech at the University of California, Berkeley, citing security concerns.

          4. That moving of goal posts normally happens by about 8:00 a.m.

            Alan Dershowitz is one of the very few remaining Democrats who hasn’t abandoned classic liberalism.

            The other would be Jonathan Turley.

            ACLU Staffer Attacks University For Admitting Nick Sandmann While Professor Denounces His โ€œAnti-Intellectualโ€


          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            well, when you guys plant those post outside the stadium…sure..

            ya’ll want to defend a tiny little self-constructed world of what you believe as if it ‘s not part of a larger context…. and to bring that up is “unfair”, i.e. moving the goal posts.

            You need the full context for a fair hearing.

          6. “well, when you guys plant those post outside the stadiumโ€ฆsure..”

            The “goalpost” which I was approaching in my comment was set by YOU when you asked the question: “Letโ€™s see. If you have a hurricane , can the police restrict your liberties? Would the ACLU challenge that?”.

            I answered your question. I provided an example of the ACLU challenging police power after Katrina. Without even acknowledging that I had answered your question, you responded to me with a completely unrelated list of people and organizations which the ACLU has defended in the past and an accusation that I have a selective memory. Neither of those things has ANYTHING to do with your original question, or my original answer to your question.

            YOU set the goalpost and then YOU moved the goalpost. If it was outside the stadium that is your fault, not mine.

          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            re: ” you responded to me with a completely unrelated list of people and organizations which the ACLU has defended in the past and an accusation that I have a short memory.”

            well , not intentional.. I think the threads are getting mixed… sometimes… I go upthread until I see a “reply” and maybe that is the problem.

            Someone else had “moved” the goal post to say that the ACLU no longer defended “rights” and I pointed out that they still do… but not directed at your comment.

          8. Your “selective memory” comment is immediately beneath my answer to your question. I don’t see how it could possibly have been directed at anyone but me.

            You seem to be having some trouble following the conversations today. Maybe you should log off and go fix yourself a drink. Knob Creek Bourbon is pretty good. A couple of shots of that in a high-ball glass with one or two ice cubes, a nice Dominican cigar, and you’ll be as clear-headed as the day you were born.

    2. Virginia may be looking good in deaths per capita, but how are we doing in the education of our youth? What are the long-term implications for them?

  2. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    The Governor has ordered us to FINISH our alcoholic beverages by 10 p.m. (and continue drinking at home.) Do they come around and confiscate the half-full glasses? Can’t imagine that worked after the first time. ๐Ÿ™‚

    But this ain’t your Nana’s ACLU anymore….very different priorities.

    Hey, Virginia is doing something right. I’ve been watching these stats all along, so this story was not news to me:


    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Let’s see. If you have a hurricane , can the police restrict your liberties? Would the ACLU challenge that?

      1. Matt Adams Avatar

        “LarrytheG | February 19, 2021 at 9:21 am | Reply
        Let’s see. If you have a hurricane , can the police restrict your liberties? Would the ACLU challenge that?”

        They aren’t comparable, one is a singular event in time vs. a prolonged event. The EO’s issued for hurricanes are predominately done for preparedness and recovery.

      2. The ACLU challenged arrests for illegal drugs in FEMA housing after Katrina. I suppose that could be interpreted as challenging a police restriction on people’s liberties…

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          A LOT of “selective” memories:

          ” A history of the ACLU defending the Confederate flag, the tea party, the KKK and Rush Limbaugh”


          1. That article was dated:

            June 19, 2015 at 10:17 a.m. EDT

            That was ages and ages ago in terms of how they have changed.

            “The American Civil Liberties Union, on whose national board I used to serve with pride, raises vast sums of money claiming to defend the civil liberties of all Americans. Unfortunately, however, over the last several years it has turned from being a neutral civil liberties organization to a left wing, agenda-driven group that protects its contributors and constituents while ignoring the civil liberties of Americans with whom it disagrees.”

            – ALAN DERSHOWITZ

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            let me guess – you think ALAN DERSHOWITZ is a non-partisan objective observer?

            ” What Happened to Alan Dershowitz?’
            How a liberal Harvard professor became Trump’s most distinguished defender on TV, freaked out his friends and got the legal world up in arms.”


            here’s one only 3 years old:

            The American Civil Liberties Union defended Ann Coulter Wednesday after the conservative pundit cancelled a speech at the University of California, Berkeley, citing security concerns.

          3. “well, when you guys plant those post outside the stadium…sure..”

            The “goalpost” which I was approaching in my comment was set by YOU when you asked the question: “Let’s see. If you have a hurricane , can the police restrict your liberties? Would the ACLU challenge that?”.

            I answered your question. I provided an example of the ACLU challenging police power after Katrina. Without even acknowledging that I had answered your question, you responded to me with a completely unrelated list of people and organizations which the ACLU has defended in the past and an accusation that I have a selective memory. Neither of those things has ANYTHING to do with your original question, or my original answer to your question.

            YOU set the goalpost and then YOU moved the goalpost. If it was outside the stadium that is your fault, not mine.

          4. Your “selective memory” comment is immediately beneath my answer to your question. I don’t see how it could possibly have been directed at anyone but me.

            You seem to be having some trouble following the conversations today. Maybe you should log off and go fix yourself a drink. Knob Creek Bourbon is pretty good. A couple of shots of that in a high-ball glass with one or two ice cubes, a nice Dominican cigar, and you’ll be as clear-headed as the day you were born.

    2. Virginia may be looking good in deaths per capita, but how are we doing in the education of our youth? What are the long-term implications for them?

  3. ACLU hates
    property rights
    pro-se law
    …..miss any?

    1. Your post lacks clarity.

      They do support religion, as long as it’s something other than Christianity or Judaism.

      They do support property rights, as long as the property rights would prevent pipelines from bringing fossil fuel.

      The ACLU no longer works for the rights of all. They now pick and choose when the principles of liberty matter, and for whom.

  4. ACLU hates
    property rights
    pro-se law
    …..miss any?

    1. Your post lacks clarity.

      They do support religion, as long as it’s something other than Christianity or Judaism.

      They do support property rights, as long as the property rights would prevent pipelines from bringing fossil fuel.

      The ACLU no longer works for the rights of all. They now pick and choose when the principles of liberty matter, and for whom.

  5. LarrytheG Avatar

    How about these guys?

    Institute for Justice

  6. LarrytheG Avatar

    How about these guys?

    Institute for Justice

  7. ACLU quit being admirable as intellectually consistent some years ago. I don’t think it was just OrangeMan – I think they were straying from free speech before that, and they now have made it official – they are now, since their side is in power, onto “anti-racism.” So we (the ACLU) are going to shut you up and all that other stuff was just to allow us to speak until we could be in power to shut you up forever.
    Meanwhile…why are we waiting for lawyers to get permission to break laws that are un-Constitutional, a violation of God-given rights?

  8. ACLU quit being admirable as intellectually consistent some years ago. I don’t think it was just OrangeMan – I think they were straying from free speech before that, and they now have made it official – they are now, since their side is in power, onto “anti-racism.” So we (the ACLU) are going to shut you up and all that other stuff was just to allow us to speak until we could be in power to shut you up forever.
    Meanwhile…why are we waiting for lawyers to get permission to break laws that are un-Constitutional, a violation of God-given rights?

  9. LarrytheG Avatar

    re: ” Your “selective memory” comment is immediately beneath my answer to your question. I don’t see how it could possibly have been directed at anyone but me.”

    I dunno.. I’d have to go back and look but pretty sure it was not you

    “You seem to be having some trouble following the conversations today. Maybe you should log off and go fix yourself a drink. Knob Creek Bourbon is pretty good.”

    Nah… most of it is right… and you’re getting your nose out of joint over nothing anyhow….

    my apologies if I rubbed you the wrong way. I have no trouble apologizing and i tis sincere.

    You sorta backed off on your grammar police thing…that’s was nice.. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  10. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Hang on Kerry, I need my beer goggles. 10 PM!!! I’ll have to start at 2!

  11. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Hang on Kerry, I need my beer goggles. 10 PM!!! I’ll have to start at 2!

  12. LarrytheG Avatar

    re: ” Your “selective memory” comment is immediately beneath my answer to your question. I don’t see how it could possibly have been directed at anyone but me.”

    I dunno.. I’d have to go back and look but pretty sure it was not you

    “You seem to be having some trouble following the conversations today. Maybe you should log off and go fix yourself a drink. Knob Creek Bourbon is pretty good.”

    Nah… most of it is right… and you’re getting your nose out of joint over nothing anyhow….

    my apologies if I rubbed you the wrong way. I have no trouble apologizing and i tis sincere.

    You sorta backed off on your grammar police thing…that’s was nice.. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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