Just a Thought: Instead of Extending Regs to Airbnb Rentals, Let’s Roll Back Regs on Hotels

No wonder hotels and B&Bs are worried about Airbnb competition. This room in Richmond’s Byrd Park area goes for $45 per night.

It’s totally understandable that the hotel lobby would want to tighten regulation over Airbnb rentals. As Bart Hinkle observes in a Richmond Times-Dispatch op-ed today, hotels want government to protect their market share.

The hotels put it a little differently. They want to create a “level playing field.” Said Eric Terry, president of the Virginia Restaurant, Lodging & Travel Association last year: “We welcome Airbnb , but we just think they should be subject to the same requirements that a bed-and-breakfast or a hotel has to go through.”

Remarkably, many bed-and-breakfast owners are siding with the hotels. If they have to comply with federal, state and local laws, they say, then the Airbnb renters should, too. I understand their angst. If Airbnb rentals threaten anyone, it’s the bread-and-breakfast establishments that off a similarly intimate experience, not the giant, anonymous hotel chains.

But Hinkle raises a good question: “Making it hard for people to enter the market means fewer competitors and more business for the incumbents. Why does the kneejerk response to economic innovations always seem to involve tying them down with rules applied to older business models — instead of cutting the latter some slack?”

The rise of critiques on Yelp and other online venues arguably provide superior consumer protection than rules that regulators could devise. Writes Hinkle: “If you had a bad experience at a B&B a couple of decades ago, you might be able to warn a few friends. Today you can warn the entire planet.” Some rules are reasonable — everyone should pay the same tax. But perhaps it is time to revisit the old regulations and see if some are even needed anymore.

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5 responses to “Just a Thought: Instead of Extending Regs to Airbnb Rentals, Let’s Roll Back Regs on Hotels”

  1. Tom Christoffel Avatar
    Tom Christoffel

    I’ve used AirBnB a few times. It is for people with more time than money. There’s a learning curve at every stay. If the place is good, you can’t get it next time you go to that city. The renters are also taking big risks. Everything is fine until its not. Yes America is overhoused, so space is available all over and households need extra income to offset that over supply, but paying guests is business, while putting up friends and relatives is not. Same for the oversupply of vehicles that enabled the craziness of Uber. The purpose of zoning is to protect those R-1 values for the banks. Same role for HOA. Is it possible to eliminate the rigidity of American zoning? All land value is dependent on this method.

  2. LarrytheG Avatar

    I have one word that changes everything for non-commercial renting of rooms like airbnb – BEDBUGS!

  3. LocalGovGuy Avatar

    I wonder if some of the “sharing economy” was an externality of the Great Recession.

    As the economy has healed in the past 4 years, I’ve seen friends switch back to hotels from AirBnB. Yes, AirBnB was cheaper, but for a lot of folks, vacation is about vegging out….and that includes not having to make up the bed, etc.

  4. LarrytheG Avatar

    I think Airbnb will survive and prosper but it will become AN option not the king of the mountain…

    It’s GREAT for finding a beach or mountain cottage!!!

    but the rates I’ve seen for some AirBnb are not particularly cheap anyhow and so it more like someone who prefers to go eat at local eateries rather than the brand name restaurants…

    The “novelty” is going to wear off.. I predict…

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