Image by Spencer Davis from Pixabay

To vax or not to vax? I’m vaccinated. I think everybody who is eligible to be vaccinated should get vaccinated.  Jim Bacon makes the excellent point that people who are vaccinated may still get COVID but are far less likely to die from the virus. Others believe that vaccinations will confer herd immunity to the population as a whole if only enough people get vaccinated. Not so claims a world renowned virologist. Sir Andrew Pollard, head of the Oxford Vaccine Group and a leading epidemiologist, calls herd immunity from the Delta variant “not a possibility” and “mythical.” If herd immunity really is “mythical,” is there a public health basis to mandate vaccines? The pro vax mandate crowd has continually compared the COVID vaccinations to vaccinations against diseases like polio. But if herd immunity is “not a possibility,” where do we stand?

My vax protects you. According to Sir Andrew Pollard, that’s just not true.  Pollard says, “I suspect that what the virus will throw up next is a variant which is perhaps even better at transmitting among vaccinated populations and so that’s even more of a reason not to be making a vaccine program around herd immunity.” He adds, “The problem with this virus is [it is] not measles. If 95% of people were vaccinated against measles, the virus cannot transmit in the population.”

So, if vaccines can’t stop the spread of COVID and vaccines can’t even reliably prevent you from getting COVID … what business does the government have in mandating vaccinations? If vaccinations are purely for personal protection, should the government mandate such protection? The murder rate in Chicago has been soaring lately. Should Mayor Lori Lightfoot mandate that Chicagoans wear bulletproof vests when outdoors? Where do government mandates for personal protection end?

How much do we really know? In my opinion (and in the opinion of others) many of our constitutional rights have been abridged in the name of public health around the COVID pandemic. Some say the crisis justified that abridgment. However, it seems foundational that abridging constitutionally guaranteed freedoms should only be considered if there is reason to be confident that the suspension of those freedoms will achieve the desired result. In turn, knowing what will work requires that we substantially understand the crisis at hand. Do we?

Today’s news is that Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the Chief Medical Advisor to the President, claimed that booster shots are inevitable for everyone, eventually.  Just 35 days ago the CDC published a report saying, “Americans who have been fully vaccinated do not need a booster shot at this time.” From nobody to everybody in just over a month. How many times have we heard that the EUA status of the COVID vaccines is just a formality? How many times have we been told that, despite the EUA status, the vaccines are safe, effective and necessary? If we really knew the effectiveness of the vaccines 35 days ago why did the CDC claim that no booster shots would be necessary while today they will be necessary for everybody?

The reality is that the vaccines are experimental because we really don’t know how safe, effective and necessary they are. I compliment the FDA for not being bullied into premature approval.

Rights vs being right. As I stated at the start of this article, I’m vaccinated.  If booster shots are offered I expect that I’ll get one (or two or twenty, whatever). But is it right for me or anybody else to be mandating vaccinations? If herd immunity can’t be achieved through vaccination what right does anybody have to demand others be vaccinated? It seems clear to me that our government doesn’t understand this virus well enough to mandate much of anything. Recommend? Sure. Strip away constitutionally guaranteed rights through mandates? Not at this time.

— DJ Rippert.

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82 responses to “Herd Immunity from the Delta Variant – “Mythical””

  1. killerhertz Avatar

    that people who are vaccinated may still get COVID but are far less likely to die from the virus.

    Emphasis mine. This might be true due to the wording in my emphasis, but looking at the Pfizer trial data recently reported on by Berenson, this is not the case. Of the blind trial participants an equal # of people died. Of the limited trial size fewer vaxed died of “COVID”, but there higher incidence of cardiac related death.

    This is the best data I’ve seen on the “saving lives” argument. We all know it allows delta to replicate and shed, thereby providing a mechanism for antigenic escape and mutation in the vaxed population. It’s becoming clear to me that they are setting the stage for semi-annual boosters so big pharma can collect endless revenue, either from the terrified populace or by forced (mandates). Oh and somehow you aren’t protected if you’ve had COVID (I mean wtf?!). ‘Merica!

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      I have not seen the Pfizer data but I’ll look it up. I will also hereby ask Jim Bacon to consider your point since he wrote the article to which I linked.

      BigPharma clearly has its tentacles into US politicians. The handcuffs on Medicare drug price negotiation illustrates this to me.

      Is big pharma pulling the puppet strings on COVID vaccines? I suspect so, at least to some extent. Just last week I sprained my knee by kicking myself in the ass for not buying more Moderna stock.

        1. It would be good to see a link to the source. The Berenson link doesn’t get you anywhere.

  2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    After the headline…

    “Pollard said that while Covid vaccines might slow the spread of the virus — because fully vaccinated but infected people appeared, in studies, to shed less virus, giving the virus less opportunity to spread — new variants were likely to emerge that would also spread.”

    “The research, led by Imperial College London, also suggested that fully vaccinated people may be less likely than unvaccinated people to pass the virus on to others.”

    “However, even without complete ‘herd immunity,’ the higher the proportion of the population fully immunised, the lower the incidence of infection in the community,” he (Freedman) said.”

    “What was important, Altmann said, was that “the more people on the globe effectively vaccinated, the fewer viral copies we’ll have on the planet, thus the less spread and fewer lungs in which for virus to mutate and spread the next wave of variants.””

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      This was also “after the headline” …

      “The delta variant is highly transmissible meaning that the proportion of people needing to be fully vaccinated for herd immunity is probably not achievable,” he said. “The vaccines provide very effective protection against severe disease/hospitalisation/death but are less effective in preventing infection, mild disease and transmission, especially for the delta variant.”

      Anyway you slice it … we’ve gone from vaccinations driving herd immunity to vaccinations not driving herd immunity.

      I guess the debate will center on how much the vaccines reduce transmission. If at all.

      Not good news in Israel. Despite being one of the most vaccinated countries in the world Israel is undergoing another COVID surge. In Israel 60% of the total population are fully vaccinated, making up around 80% of adults.

      What percentage of eligible people have to be vaccinated before the surges stop? Apparently 80% is too low. My guess (and it is just a guess) is that 100% will be too low.

      If a high rate of vaccinations slows the spread then Israel should have one of the lowest COVID rates on the planet.

      But they don’t.

      In fact, Israel’s 14 days trend is nothing but up. Tip: Hover over Israel on the “Hot spots” chart.

      Meanwhile Mexico has administered far fewer doses per 100 people than the US but the US is a hot spot and Mexico is not.

      Spain is more vaccinated than Italy but Spain is a hotspot while Italy is not.

      I’ve heard a lot of so-called experts pontificating about what SHOULD happen. Then it doesn’t happen. A year ago plenty of experts warned that opening schools to in-class instruction would be deadly. They were wrong. 35 days ago booster shots were unnecessary. Today Israel (one of the most vaccinated countries on Earth) is giving booster shots.

      This article details the unknowns pretty well.

      Until the data becomes more clear … I remain pro-vax but anti-mandate.

      You don’t demand that people surrender their rights on hunches about public health and experimental cures.

      1. Steve Gillispie Avatar
        Steve Gillispie

        well said

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “Anyway you slice it … we’ve gone from vaccinations driving herd immunity to vaccinations not driving herd immunity.”

        Actually not true. If you read what all of them said it was that while (because of the Delta variant) full herd immunity may not be achievable, the vaccine remains our best shot at slowing down the spread and reducing the number of future variants. We are still driving toward herd immunity we just may fall short. Again, these are not hunches nor is the vaccine experimental at this point.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          Again, the Delta variant was identified in India in August of 2020. Prior to any of the vaccines be released under an EUA.

          “Again, these are not hunches nor is the vaccine experimental at this point.”

          Until it’s FDA approved it’s experimental.

  3. Steve Gillispie Avatar
    Steve Gillispie

    Should the government be able to waive constitutional rights for any reason?

    What good are they if they are subject to being removed when government leaders consider it in our best interest?

    Is there anything in the constitution which gives the government the right to decide when constitutional rights apply and when they don’t?

    1. killerhertz Avatar

      The constitution is a failure based on what this country has become.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        I believe that the founding fathers expected the US Constitution to be amended far more than it has been amended.

        “Laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths disclosed, and manners and opinions change with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also, and keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy, as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors.”

        Thomas Jefferson.

        What has happened is that our politicians, from Chinless Mitch to Snake Faced Nancy, have become so beholden to special interests the American people are scared to death about what would happen if the US Constitution were rewritten to reflect the progress of the human mind.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Name a date where it was what you believe to be a success. Please don’t say 1861. Here’s a couple of hints: Whiskey Rebellion and Alien and Sedition Acts.

        1. killerhertz Avatar

          It was doomed from the outset due to the judiciary.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            It’s funny you should mention that. About a decade ago, I was listening to NPR and the guest was some guy(s) who had poured over every SCOTUS decision from the beginning, and they did a multivariate analysis of the decisions. The upshot was, except for a handful of transients, landmarks as they are known, the results are overwhelmingly in favor of Fed over State, State over Individual. This was independent of the so-called Liberal/Conservative makeup of the court.

          2. DJRippert Avatar

            The 10th Amendment in particular has been roundly ignored.

          3. killerhertz Avatar

            That sounds reasonable. The “liberal” justices just got us to where we are quicker. How is it we have all of these “constitutional” laws? Shouldn’t they have been struck down ages ago? I seems like there is no mechanism to restrain the judiciary as it has a monopoly over interpretation of the law. Therefore it would seem their ultimate goal is to expand their power and influence. Roberts is a perfect example btw.

          4. What did he pour over them?


          5. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Maple syrup, of course… from Canada.

          6. DJRippert Avatar

            Or kitty litter … keeps down the smell.

          7. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Yeah, better. When it dries, you can put it in the trash can.

          8. DJRippert Avatar

            Interesting point about the judiciary. Didn’t someone have to be put in charge of interpreting the US Constitution? How else would it have been handled?

            Larry Sabato wrote an interesting book which I read – “A More Perfect Constitution”. Can’t say I agree with all that he wrote but it is thought provoking.

          9. killerhertz Avatar

            I don’t have an answer. Maybe it is inevitable with any state monopoly.

            That said, I never thought much about this after reading a lot of libertarian/anarchist writers while we were in lockdown 2020. I suppose this is largely due to the indoctrination many of us receive in public school.

          10. DJRippert Avatar

            ” … reading a lot of libertarian/anarchist writers …”

            Any authors, books or articles you particularly found thought provoking?

          11. killerhertz Avatar

            Given I was a Ron Paul supporter in 2012 and was introduced to Mises and Rothbard about that time, I definitely recommend “Anatomy of the State”. I wish I was more of a bookworm. But the past year I’ve been reading up on recommendations from Internet personality Michael Malice. He just released a book “Anarchist Handbook” that outlines the brief history and encapsulates a lot of different viewpoints, many of which have come true. The most relevant to this topic that comes to mind is the work of John Hasnas. See this synopsis:

          12. DJRippert Avatar

            Excellent. Thank you.

          13. Thomas Jefferson had a lot to say abut the power of the judiciary, very little of it good:

            “In denying the right [the Supreme Court usurps] of exclusively explaining the Constitution, I go further than [others] do, if I understand rightly [this] quotation from the Federalist of an opinion that ‘the judiciary is the last resort in relation to the other departments of the government, but not in relation to the rights of the parties to the compact under which the judiciary is derived.’ If this opinion be sound, then indeed is our Constitution a complete felo de se [act of suicide]. For intending to establish three departments, coordinate and independent, that they might check and balance one another, it has given, according to this opinion, to one of them alone the right to prescribe rules for the government of the others, and to that one, too, which is unelected by and independent of the nation. For experience has already shown that the impeachment it has provided is not even a scare-crow… The Constitution on this hypothesis is a mere thing of wax in the hands of the judiciary, which they may twist and shape into any form they please.”
            –Thomas Jefferson to Spencer Roane, 1819.


            “Contrary to all correct example, [the Federal judiciary] are in the habit of going out of the question before them, to throw an anchor ahead and grapple further hold for future advances of power. They are then in fact the corps of sappers and miners, steadily working to undermine the independent rights of the States and to consolidate all power in the hands of that government in which they have so important a freehold estate.”
            –Thomas Jefferson: Autobiography, 1821


            “This member of the Government was at first considered as the most harmless and helpless of all its organs. But it has proved that the power of declaring what the law is, ad libitum, by sapping and mining slyly and without alarm the foundations of the Constitution, can do what open force would not dare to attempt.”
            –Thomas Jefferson to Edward Livingston, 1825.

          14. DJRippert Avatar

            Great quotes. Jefferson was prophetic if nothing else. I also like Jackson’s supposed quote … “John Marshall has made his decision now let him enforce it.”

            Apparently Old Hickory didn’t have much use for the Supremes either.

          15. killerhertz Avatar

            Wow I’ve never seen this. Spot on.

          16. Peripherally related-

            Here is one of my favorite James Madison quotes:

            “It will be of little avail to the people, that the laws are made by men of their own choice, if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood; if they be repealed or revised before they are promulgated, or undergo such incessant changes that no man, who knows what the law is to-day, can guess what it will be to-morrow.”

            –James Madison, Federalist No. 62

            One thing is certain: If we had fewer laws we’d need fewer interpretations of those laws.

          17. killerhertz Avatar

            Yet here we are huh?

          18. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Mr. Jefferson lost his way in the early years and dissolved his friendship with Mr. Adams’ over political parties.

            You indeed have to quote him following his time in office to get a better picture of the man. When he entered office he was very fond of the French Revolution and felt it a good thing.

          19. The SCOTUS was NOT put in charge of interpreting the Constitution. Article III nowhere gives the Court that power. That came from Marbury vs. Madison, in which the Court abrogated to itself that power, illegitimately.
            Prior to WWII, whenever a bill was introduced to Congress, the FIRST subject for debate was whether The Constitution gave the Congress power to pass such a law. The Constitution does not need “interpreting”; it’s meaning is clear from The Federalist Papers and the ratifying conventions of the states.

        2. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          The two instances you brought up came about because of taxes and political parties and in that order.

      3. Wrong; the failure is on the part of We, The People, for allowing the Marxists to disregard it.

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      You asked three questions. In order:

      1. Yes, under emergencies where the waiving is almost surely necessary. Having said that, I’d like to see a constitutional amendment authorizing a waiver process for a limited amount of time based on at least a 3/4 vote of the US House of Representatives.

      2. The rights are significantly diminished if they can be waived at length without at least a supermajority vote.

      3. There is nothing. Waiving constitutional rights is illegal but there is no penalty. As part of my proposed constitutional amendment any president who was found by the US Supreme Court to have willfully waived constitutional rights would be subject to an immediate recall election.

      1. 1. WRONG! There is NEVER any justification for any government to violate individual rights. If you allow the government to violate rights during an emergency, they will always create an emergency whenever they want to violate rights. Like now.

        2. TRUE. Which is why they can NEVER be waived.

        3. True. Recall election? How about removed from office and sentenced to hang for treason?

    3. No there is nothing in our Founding Documents that allow for, or authorize, the actions being taken by our government. They are wholly outside of the Bill of Rights.

  4. One of the huge revelations of recent weeks (assuming it isn’t “revised” as so much else has been) is that vaccinated people can be symptom free and still carry as much of the virus in their noses as unvaccinated people. If the virus can leap from person to person regardless of vaccination status, I don’t see what hope there is for ever stomping it out. Once upon a time, it seemed reasonable to think that we might reach herd immunity and largely banish the virus from the United States, even if we couldn’t crush it in every corner of the world. The realization that herd immunity is a pipe dream forces us to radically rethink our approach. From now on, we have to set our sights on living with the virus and building up population resistance, not immunity.

    If we don’t take that approach, then the “emergency” will never be over. Draw your own conclusions what that means regarding the government abuse of power.

    1. Steve Gillispie Avatar
      Steve Gillispie

      I think we should all be very cautious about any “revelation” from anyone.

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      I’m pretty “revelationed out” at this point. I would urge everybody to read or reread John M. Barry’s book The Great Influenza – The Epic Story of the Deadliest Plague in History. It was written in 2004 about the 1918 “Spanish Flu”.

      Objects in the historical mirror are closer than they appear.

      All plagues eventually die down although never as quickly as we would hope.

      Someday COVID will be a memory but we will have to live with it for quite a while longer.

    3. At my checkup yesterday, my doctor told me flat out the vaccine will not guarantee prevention of Covid, but will lessen its impact. She said we’re having a lot of cases locally, but the ones in the hospital are generally the unvaxxed. Lots of mild ones in the vaxxed, but supplements may prevent some breakthrough infections because the virus first depletes Vitamin D and melatonin, and then takes off. (She gave me a list of additional supplements to take, in addition to my
      regular ones, including Vitamin D, Vitamin C, melatonin, and zinc.

      This fits with an article I saw yesterday about this study that found 39% of Black women who got Covid had lower levels of Vit. D. Although the paper didn’t find the same in White people, it also said, “larger sample sizes may be needed to establish if vitamin D levels affects COVID-19 risk in populations with lower risks of vitamin D
      deficiency or COVID-19, including White individuals and those in warmer climates where sun-related vitamin D production may be greater.”

      1. killerhertz Avatar

        Ask yourself why Fauci, CDC, and the MSM is not emphasizing these vitamins like D, Zinc, etc. should be taken as prophylaxis for at risk population, especially in the winter?!

        1. How many things have they said that turned out to be wrong? If it doesn’t fit the political narrative of the day, won’t be hearing it.

        2. Eileen Mother of Leopard Cats Avatar
          Eileen Mother of Leopard Cats

          Because there is no money in studying natural remedies.

      2. Eileen Mother of Leopard Cats Avatar
        Eileen Mother of Leopard Cats

        Those that do not go out in the sun much such as seniors are the ones most likely low on D. Did not know a melatonin for Covid, but it is best to take at night. It can make you drowsy. Usually used as a sleep aid.

    4. “vaccinated people can… still carry as much of the virus in their noses as unvaccinated people.”

      That is specifically a finding about the delta variant, Jimmy… which wouldn’t have arisen if so many people hadn’t run around unvaccinated.

      Public health is always an arms race. We do not have time for spreading paranoid-delusional lies.

      1. killerhertz Avatar

        We wouldn’t really know because Delta was the only variant when people were vaxed.

        1. Eileen Mother of Leopard Cats Avatar
          Eileen Mother of Leopard Cats

          Viruses mutate in looking for a host. Since the vaccinated have been getting Delta as well the the problem cannot be attributed solely to unvaccinated. Estimates are around 100,000 have recovered from Covid and have a high immunity rate with rare cases of second infection also. The Delta variant is more contagious, but not as deadly. There will be more variants just because that is what all viruses do until they fade away…

      2. quetzal Avatar

        Stop lying to people, COVID-19 is nothing more than the common flu.

      3. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        “That is specifically a finding about the delta variant, Jimmy… which wouldn’t have arisen if so many people hadn’t run around unvaccinated.”

        Umm the Delta variant popped up in India in August of 2020. The vaccines were still in trial at that point, so the notion that unvaccinated brought it to our shores is bullocks and just plan stupidity.

        1. Lol! There are just so many layers of wrong to it.

          Do you enjoy being laughed at?

          Is it actually the goal of the things you say?

          1. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Lol! There are just so many layers of wrong to it.”

            Oh really, what exactly are those “layers” of wrong?

            Is it the fact that the EUA for Pfizer was in 11 December of 2020 or the fact that Delta existed prior to that in India?

            I was off on the Month, it was October when the first samples of Delta were identified in India.



          2. killerhertz Avatar

            Exactly. And delta has a mutation in the furin cleavage site, aka spike protein, which is how the virus enters the body. The mrna vax encode the instructions to manufacture this protein, but not the rest of the virus genome. There is no evidence that this provides comprehensive immunity, yet this is what people are told to believe.

            In delta there was a mutation that caused one of the amino acids in the spike protein to change, making it easier to enter the host and replicate faster, hence higher viral loads in the vaxed. It is interesting to note that one small change causes the vax to fail miserably. On the flip side, it gives them an excuse to rapidly reprogram the instructions in the mrna vax and sell boosters, maybe as frequent as 6 months.

          3. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            The spike protein mutation in Delta allows it to pivot and bend. It allows for more points of cleaving therefore more probability to infection. It also inhibits the cells from communicating that an infection is occurring.

          4. Matthew, what I said is that delta arose because of too many people running around unvaccinated… which the citizens of the subcontinent would have been prior to the development of the vaccine, right?

            We do have a vaccine now!

            …or did you think delta was the last letter of the Greek alphabet?

          5. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Funny, that’s not what you said:

            “That is specifically a finding about the delta variant, Jimmy… which wouldn’t have arisen if so many people hadn’t run around unvaccinated.”

            India like the rest of the world was in lock down. I don’t think people were “running around”.

            You should’ve just stopped while you were behind and this patronizing act is boring.

            “…or did you think delta was the last letter of the Greek alphabet?”

            Is that your attempt to sound witty?

          6. “I don’t think people were “running around””

            You don’t?

            How was the disease spreading then?

            If they weren’t unprotected by a vaccine and spreading covid between one another by being in close contact, what caused it?

            You do understand how communicable disease works, yes?

          7. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Umm it’s a virus.

            “You do understand how communicable disease works, yes?”

            Oh but I do and clearly more than say yourself.

          8. Great!

            …so what explains the transmission?

            If people weren’t running around unprotected by a vaccine, how was the virus being transmitted from one person to another?

            You’re the one who made the claim!

            What’s your answer?

          9. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Through particles expelled from individuals lungs. If you recall (I’m sure you won’t) that under the strict COVID-19 protocols in NY the cases still increased. Even among those who never left their apartments, because it can travel through ventilation.


            “You’re the one who made the claim!

            What’s your answer?”

            I didn’t make any claims, you ran your mouth spouting inane inaccuracies.

          10. “Through particles expelled from individuals lungs.”

            Exactly so!

            …running around unvaccinated, exactly what I just said.

            Why didn’t you just say you agreed?

          11. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Ummm no, clearly you either didn’t or cannot read what you were provided.

          12. It’s not an answer, Matthew!

            If you agreed with me, why didn’t you just say so?

            It’s an odd response, don’t you think?

            “97% Of People Entering Hospitals For COVID-19 Are Unvaccinated”


          13. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Umm clearly it provided you with an avenue that the virus could and did spread during lockdown. To which India had an extreme lockdown.

            Your article is irrelevant, the vaccine does not protect you from contracting the delta variant.

            I think it would behoove you to stop talking and cease letting people know how ignorant you are.

          14. “the vaccine does not protect you from contracting the delta variant”

            …as well as it protected against alpha.

            …which is why we need to keep the virus from having hosts in which it can mutate further.

            Where are you getting lost, buddy?

            “[Delta variant] breakthrough infections happen much less often than infections in unvaccinated people”


  5. Steve Gillispie Avatar
    Steve Gillispie

    DJRippert’s position that government does not have the authority to waive constitutional rights for any reason and procuring that authority requires a constitutional amendment seems incontrovertible.

    Why isn’t that being tested more in the courts with all the unconstitutional mandates which have been imposed? Why aren’t unconstitutional state mandates being challenged more in the courts? Maybe because today’s liberal judges rule on the outcome they consider desirable rather than the constitution?

    I would go further than DJRippert. Any President or elected official who is judged to have waived rights unconstitutionally should be immediately removed from office.

    1. killerhertz Avatar

      Because the constitution is subverted, in which case its value is not what it seems no? I’ve been struggling with this lately…

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      “I would go further than DJRippert. Any President or elected official who is judged to have waived rights unconstitutionally should be immediately removed from office.”

      … and replaced by the most senior politician from the other party.

      We all know how that works. All the Democrats wanted Northam to resign until Fairfax and Herring had their own scandals. Suddenly, Ralphie Boy could be forgiven once the alternative was a Republican governor.

      Better a racist than a Republican … right TMac?

      1. Steve Gillispie Avatar
        Steve Gillispie

        Are there any elected offices which have the authority we are describing that do not have #2 officials behind them?

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          Used to be that the loser of the presidential election became the vice president. Nowadays, I can only think of states where the governor are lt governor are separately elected and happen to be from different parties.

          But now that you mention it ….

          It might be a good idea to have the second place finisher in Virginia’s gubernatorial election become the Lt Governor. At least the LG would be in a position to keep an eye on the governor and squawk about incompetence or malfeasance. We certainly can’t trust the MSM to do that anymore.

          1. Used to be that the loser of the presidential election became the vice president.

            I think we should go back to that. Or at least be able to vote separately for pres. and v.p., like we do for gov. and lt. gov here in Virginia.

            Having a president and vice president from different parties could be fun to watch.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            They don’t live together, ya know… NOW that would be fun.

          3. If they made a “Reality Show” about that, I might actually watch.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        I always maintained that for every election from dog catcher to president that the winner should get the office and the 2nd place finisher should be appointed as a special prosecutor to investigate the winner.

        1. Nice! I like it.


  6. quetzal Avatar

    N December of 2019 I was doing new construction at Parkland hospital n Dallas, I have a compromised immune system as a result of two open heart surgeries, had a cancerous tumor and my spleen removed all in a 3 year period just before the COVID-19 outbreak, worked around many homeless folks who lived on the sidewalks in front of the Parkland emergency entrance during the COVID-19 outbreak. I have never contracted COVID, I went on to work at other health related institutions where many Covid-19 cases were prevalent.

    I am convinced that proper hygiene and nutrition which keeps your immune system strong are the best way to prevent Covid-19 infections…..prove me wrong?

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      Parkland huh…any ghost of JFK walking around?

    2. IMSarahAnn Avatar

      Ongoing prayers for your continued good health, Quezal! 😊

  7. Sugar mama sunshine Avatar
    Sugar mama sunshine

    This will go into pending so I don’t expect anybody to see this. The author is a fool and never did his research. It’s your life to sacrifice for the good of the Cabal, Mr. Bacon.. My life is not worth the sacrifice for your comfort. Shame on you for promoting lethal injections upon your fellowman. Your mantra is: ” I did it so you should do it too”, ay? Have a good life. If the truth bans me, then so be it! At least watch the video.
    You, Mr. Bacon are a dead man walking.

  8. Not at this time?

  9. If you can still get Covid after vaccination….then it isn’t a vaccine, is it?

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