PHOTOS of smiling infants hang next to their bullet-ridden coat pegs in a bloodstained nursery devastated by Hamas terrorists. A little girl’s bicycle lays in a bullet-ridden yard. Credit

by James C. Sherlock

Israel was attacked by Hamas on October 7.

On October 8, this letter was issued in Charlottesville.

“Events” were “a step towards a free Palestine.”

On October 11, President James Ryan issued a strong message condemning the savage Hamas massacre in Israel. He deserves credit for that, but has not gotten it on the grounds of the University.

Also on October 11, Jewish students at the University felt it necessary to address the University community in the Cavalier Daily.

“We have noticed classmates, friends and prominent student groups sharing messages that go so far as to celebrate the deaths of our family members, friends and loved ones. Some of these messages claim to be in the name of “decolonization” or “resistance.”

We ask that, for a moment, you take a step back to recognize the profound inhumanity that has taken place — that for a moment, instead of prioritizing ideology or politics, you consider the lives that have been taken and will continue to be taken. Will you consider rape to be an acceptable method of resistance? Will you consider the torture of civilians an acceptable step towards justice? Will you celebrate women and children being paraded through the streets as hostages with dancing and music? We hear the cries of children calling for their parents, we hear Hamas mocking them — must we hear your voices joining terrorists in celebration? …

We do not ask for agreement — we ask for dignity. We desperately seek peace and humanity.

With prayers of peace for all,

On October 12, The  Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) at UVa , as if to prove the point made a day earlier by the Jewish students, chanted “From the River to the Sea” at the steps of the Rotunda at UVa.

As background for those unaware of the reference, the Jordan River is the eastern boundary of Israel and the sea its western boundary. Look above at the poster carried in another demonstration.

No Israel.  By which they mean no Jews.

Look at the cartoon of the man on a hang glider.  Look at the smile on the woman.  You tell me what they mean.

On October 13, a Cavalier Daily article was overwhelmingly sympathetic to SJP and provided its talking points at length. The headline called the Oct 12 demonstration a “teach-in.”

Yesterday the 18th, the Cavalier Daily wrote that the Student Council will be meeting with President Ryan tomorrow (Friday) to demand more money through an independent endowment. They took the opportunity to condemn his statement on the Israel-Hamas war.

Bottom line. UVa reaps the oppressed/oppressor racial narrative it has so aggressively taught. It cannot be surprised that some of its students have learned it.

Never having been taught humanity, students have absorbed hatred to fill the void.

The Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) at UVa and that University’s student council are populated by, at best, wretchedly miseducated people.

The University of Virginia, my alma mater, has become an asylum for Jew haters. The inmates have taken it over.

Their words and actions are “likely to incite imminent lawless action”.  Consider “from the river to the sea”. Ask Jewish students at UVa what they take those words to mean. Kill Jews.

That is the common understanding of that phrase.

See the founding principles of Hamas, which these students and professors proudly support. Kill Jews.

Those exhortations are not protected by the First Amendment.

See Brandenburg v. Ohio, 395 U.S. 444 (1969) for the controlling case.

The Board of Visitors must act aggressively to take it back.

  • Many faculty and staff, self-identified, have forfeited their places at any university. Fire everyone, faculty, staff or student, that has encouraged or abided hatred of Jews.
  • Start teaching Enlightenment values again: reason, science, liberty, toleration, constitutional government, personal agency, ethics, capitalism, democracy, classic liberalism and natural rights among them.

It was the Enlightenment that was the birthplace of the modern university. It must be centered in its re-birth.

The alternative is anarchy, a perpetual state of disorder.

Look around. Civil society is breaking down.

Look once more at the smile on that woman’s face.

Updated Oct 20 at 3:44 to provide the reference to Brandenburg v. Ohio.

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37 responses to “Hatred of Jews at UVa – A Pot Brewed in the Faculty Lounge Boils Over”

  1. Bubba1855 Avatar

    Nancy…tell Jim…
    “You’re gonna need a bigger boat,” says Roy Scheider…

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      What are you referring to?

  2. William O'Keefe Avatar
    William O’Keefe

    You have to react in sadness at the students who are displaying an inability to hold two thoughts simultaneously. The Hamas attack on October 7 was an act of terrorism and by accepted international conventions a war crime.
    The history of the Israelis and Palestinians demonstrates a complete breakdown for almost 80 years of a two state approach and solutions that both support. There is enough guilt to go around.
    If we don’t want this type of slaughter to continue nations including those in the Middle East and Israel are going to have to take serious and risky action.

  3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    “We ask for dignity”. If you went to college to seek this essential value, you will be found wanting.

    1. William O'Keefe Avatar
      William O’Keefe

      Amen James. I always have believed that college was another step in learning to think.

  4. If anyone wants to shut these stupid students [I know — that’s redundant] up when they chant about oppressor and oppressed, colonizer, and colonized – simply cite two facts:

    1. The 13th Century B.C. Egyptian Stele dubbed the “Merneptah Stele” mentioned ‘Israel’ to denote the land where the current nation state by that name exists.
    2. In 135 A.D. the Roman Emperor Hadrian dispersed the Jews from Jerusalem to squash a Jewish revolt and renamed the region ‘Palestina’ [Latin for ‘Philistines’] to dishonor the exiled Jews.

    …….Historically proving who was there first…..

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      I recommend no attempt to change the subject. This is about today. This is about horror – babies ripped from their mothers’ wombs and slaughtered. Literally nobody cares who was there first. It only distracts to try to re-litigate history.

      1. You have a point. If we’re going to play the “ancient history” game then only the Skhul and the Qafzeh have a legitimate claim to the region.

  5. Are actual history books allowed on the UVA campus?

    Over the years, countless plans have been proposed to divide up the land for Palestinians and Jews. Palestinians are still seeking a homeland because none were accepted by Arabs and Palestinian leaders.

    For example, the 1947 United Nations Partition Plan below was accepted by the Jews, but rejected by the Arab Higher Committee, the Arab League and Arab leaders.

    Why settle from some, when you can have it all? Or so the Arabs thought.

    In the 1948 war, nobody gave the rag tag Jews without a standing army or air force any realistic chance at defeating the combined forces of the surrounding Arab nations with their fully developed and equipped armed forces.

    The Arabs were wrong. Now they will need to settle for less, but the Palestinians still want it all. Hence the ongoing struggle.

    1. Story of Israel’s war to survive in 1948.

  6. Turbocohen Avatar

    Yep, just some good ole Democrats run UVA. This is all an honest reflection of the current board. Pro-Hamas extremists and neo-Nazis have called for violence. All Democrats are the same.

  7. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock

    A friend in a very senior position at William and Mary sent me a note saying:

    “I believe it is much worse than you wrote. “


  8. DJRippert Avatar

    While I am a staunch supporter of Israel, I am even more of a supporter of free speech. The students at UVa have the right to express their ill-informed and disgusting opinions of the recent Hamas atrocities.

    The only actions that should be taken against these dim-witted students are counter-protests and counter-argument.

    I don’t see how one can insist that a person like Abagail Shirer (sp?) be able to put forth her opinions at UVa while denying the SJP the right to put forth their opinions.

    Nobody should be fired and nobody should be expelled for holding half-witted opinions or for expressing those half-witted opinions.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Their words and actions are “likely to incite imminent lawless action”, DJ.

      Consider “from the river to the sea”. Ask Jewish students at UVa what they take those words to mean. Kill Jews.

      That is the common understanding of that phrase.

      See the founding principles of Hamas, which these students and professors proudly support. Kill Jews.

      Those exhortations are not protected by the First Amendment.

      See Brandenburg v. Ohio, 395 U.S. 444 (1969) for the controlling case.

    2. I agree about free speech.

      The answer to wrong thinking should be education, particularly at an institution of higher education. The institution itself should have some regard for facts. I question whether the current administration is capable of that, however.

      The letter from the Students for Justice in Palestine requires a well written factual response. Has anyone in a position of leadership at UVA done that?

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        See my reply to DJ above.

        1. Thought you might find this interesting.

          “I was a DEI director — DEI drives campus antisemitism”

    3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Their words and actions are “likely to incite imminent lawless action”, DJ.

      Consider “from the river to the sea”. Ask Jewish students at UVa what they take those words to mean. Kill Jews.

      That is the common understanding of that phrase.

      See the founding principles of Hamas, which these students and professors proudly support. Kill Jews.

      Those exhortations are not protected by the First Amendment.

      See Brandenburg v. Ohio, 395 U.S. 444 (1969) for the controlling case.

  9. “From the River to the Sea” is not merely an anti-Israel slogan. It is a call to kill all Jews (i.e. drive them into the sea).

    These people can claim to oppose only Israel/Zionism, but not every Jew all they want, but their own words tell a different story.

    1. I would add that a “two state solution” which includes a right of return for Palestinians is essentially the same as “From the River to the Sea.” Palestinians would flood back into Israel, become the majority, and vote in Hamas to govern.

      Jews leaving homes in the Arab world were not given a right of return. Some migrated, but many were also expelled.

      “Prior to the Israeli Declaration of Independence in 1948, approximately 800,000 Jews were living in lands that now make up the Arab world.”

      Look now at countries in the Arab world and you will see that the number of Jews has shrunk to essentially zero.

      Jews abandoning their homes with no right to return is not unique to those leaving Arab countries.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        I would presume that (with two states) Palestinians would live in their country and would have to immigrate to Israel and vice versa, no?

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