“Hate” Speech Does Not Make Students “Unsafe”

Scene from “Clockwork Orange”

by James A. Bacon

There is a widespread notion among militant leftists at the University of Virginia, as there is in universities across the Commonwealth, that exposure to objectionable ideas causes “harm” to those who hear them and, thus, should be suppressed. This logic is a totalitarian wolf in sheep’s clothing. While I do not countenance the banning of speech — even the speech of those who would happily ban mine — I do believe this leftist trope must be combatted forcefully in the marketplace of ideas.

We observed this thinking in the run-up to the speech by Abigail Shrier, author of Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters, which highlights the role of social contagion in the spread of transgender identity among teenage girls and the potentially irreversible damage of hormone treatments and sex-change surgery.

Shrier is Public Enemy No. 1 to transgender activists, and their social media accounts lit up once word got out that The Jefferson Council and its partners were holding a Q&A event with Shrier on the Grounds. I won’t bore you with the serial misrepresentations of Shrier as a transphobe and a hater. Rather, my intent here is to explore the logic that speakers with views like hers are unwelcome at UVa. 

“Unfortunately, knowing that the university is OK w allowing hateful ppl to come to this school (pence, pompeo, other hateful republicans) it is clear that ‘free speech’ and ‘bipartisanship’ is valued over the safety of their students,” messaged one writer in a QSU (Queer Student Union) account. [My bold face.]

Consider also this message posted on the website of the Department of Women, Gender and Sexuality:

On October 11, Abigail Shrier will speak at the University of Virginia. While she is free to express her views, the WGS Department urges audience members to recognize that her opinions lack rigorous evidence and create an anti-trans climate at UVA that can make students, faculty, and staff feel unwelcome here.

While the WGS Department deserves credit for acknowledging Shrier’s right to speak, it perpetuates the idea that hurtful opinions make people feel unwelcome.

There’s a very simple answer to those who find speakers’ ideas harmful: Don’t attend the event!

It’s not as if someone is broadcasting the speech over loudspeakers all over the university. No one is being strapped down with eyes forced open, a la Clockwork Orange, to view unpalatable images. The Shrier event took place in one discrete location, Minor Hall. Ninety-nine percent of the Grounds was a safe space!

If transgender militants found Shrier’s ideas objectionable and didn’t want to be harmed by them — the idea that someone can be “harmed” by uncomfortable ideas is pathetic in itself, but I won’t linger on that thought — all they had to do was… well, nothing. All they had to do was go about their daily routine. Shrier did not emit invisible hate rays that penetrated building walls and traversed great distances.

Far from being fearful, transgender militants organized a protest. Indeed, they crowded the entrance to Minor Hall, waved placards, engaged in protest chants, and hurled invective at people trying to get in. A few even harassed attendees leaving the event. The only “hate” in evidence emanated from the demonstrators.

The canard that speech is violence is not designed to protect the militants’ tender sensitivities. It is pretzel logic designed to shut down the expression of views they don’t like. That logic is deployed selectively. In the eyes of leftist militants, only others engage in “hate” speech. Only the views of their enemies deserve to shut down.

On paper, the Ryan administration supports the right of conservative members of the community to hear speakers of their choosing. The University Police Department and office of Student Affairs curtailed the ability of protesters to disrupt the Shrier event (although, as The Jefferson Council shall make clear in a follow-up report on the event, they could have done more). While calling for civil dialogue, President Ryan has yet to criticize the underlying ideology that students and faculty deploy to suppress ideas deemed to be “hate” speech.

The administration has acted to ensure that speakers with views that are controversial in the eyes of militant leftists can speak at UVa, and for that we are grateful. But, ironically, outsiders like Abigail Shrier are almost unique in their ability to speak freely. Students and faculty routinely self-censor and refrain from expressing their true views. While it may be appropriate to restrict the right of individuals to advocate physical violence, as in, say, killing Jews in Israel, expression at UVa will never be truly free until the proposition that speech causes emotional harm is thoroughly discredited.

James A. Bacon is executive director of The Jefferson Council. This column is republished with permission.

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21 responses to ““Hate” Speech Does Not Make Students “Unsafe””

  1. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Well, we’ll see. A certain Florida Governor just banned pro-Palestinian speech on Florida university campuses.

    BTW, ironic choice of photo.

    1. NN: This is patently false information. Tampa Bay News: “The head of Florida’s university system has directed schools to disband campus chapters of a pro-Palestinian student group he alleges are aligned in support of terrorists.
      “In a letter Tuesday to the state’s 12 university presidents, State University System Chancellor Ray Rodrigues said two Florida chapters of Students for Justice in Palestine “must be deactivated.” A spokesperson for Gov. Ron DeSantis said the governor directed that the University of Florida and the University of South Florida remove the groups immediately.”
      “Rodrigues’ letter said that a “toolkit”
      released by the group described the Oct. 7 Hamas attack on Israel as “the resistance” and “unequivocally states: ‘Palestinian students in exile are PART of this movement, not in solidarity with this movement.’”
      “The letter contended that the national Students for Justice in Palestine organization has “affirmatively identified” that it was
      part of the attack, and said it’s a felony in Florida to “knowingly provide material support … to a designated foreign terrorist organization.”
      Rodrigues closed by stating the university system is working with DeSantis “to ensure we are all using all tools at our disposal to crack down on campus demonstrations that delve beyond protected First Amendment speech into harmful support for terrorist groups.” ttps://www.tampabay.com/news/education/2023/10/25/florida-orders-pro-palestinian-student-group-off-its-university-campuses/

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Battling webpages
        “Florida’s university system chancellor, responding to a push by Gov. Ron DeSantis, directed state universities Tuesday to disband campus groups with ties to the…”

        International terrorism and the designation thereof is a State Department issue not a State’s right.

        1. NN: You said, “International terrorism and the designation thereof is a State Department issue not a State’s right.” But you appear to have missed Florida Chapter 775 https://www.flsenate.gov/Laws/Statutes/2018/775/All which states “Designated foreign terrorist organization” means an organization designated as a terrorist organization under s. 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act.” (It also provides details of what constitutes material support.)

  2. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Besides the fact that what Abigail Shrier says is true, we have these events coming…
    The protesters are mentally ill. One day, the videos will be posted.
    Besides being sued, the medical “professionals” involved need to lose their licenses.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      So now protestors are mentally ill… smh…

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        They are Troll. SMH back at Troll. Were you one of the demented there? Screaming? Threatening? Maybe you were the cheerleader leading the chants. Maybe you were one of the thugs trying to – actually doing – threaten people in the walk back to their cars.
        Demented. Need mental counseling. True statement. In fact Troll, let’s identify them, and take a bet on how many are already receiving counseling at Student Health (or prescribed meds for their mental issues). I’m going with over 50%. How about you? I realize this is a harder question because the answer could be something other than “two,” but give it a try.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          “….bet on how many are already receiving counseling at Student Health…”

          So now anyone who sees a counselor is also mentally ill… 🤦‍♂️

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Nice try Troll. Way to go backwards to make the false conclusion, like the good little Marxist you are. I said the protesters were demented. Then I said I bet half are currently receiving mental treatment one way or the other. It is possible to receive mental health services and not be what I would call crazy. On the other hand, if you are receiving mental health services, that does indicate some form of mental unwellness. Quick – cut off the genitals and get them on hormones for life!
            The protesters were….let me be blunt – trigger warning – CRAZY.

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “On the other hand, if you are receiving mental health services, that does indicate some form of mental unwellness.”

            The fallacy of your belief system stated in plain english. Well done.

          3. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Proving you cannot process English. Another trick question for Troll, besides the unanswerable “How many sexes are there?” Do people go get mental health services because all is mentally well?

          4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “Do people go get mental health services because all is mentally well?”

            Do you only go to your doctor when you are ill?

          5. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Except for check ups, I only go the doctor if something seems wrong. I’m pretty sure that’s normal. There is a word for people who use medical services needlessly. Do you suffer from that also?

          6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            I don’t know about you but I very rarely need to do a sick visit to my doctor… well visits are by far the norm for me. Frequent wellness visits work (both physically and mentally).

          7. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            So then if the people are undergoing mental treatment on an ongoing basis, do they do so for some form of mental unwellness? Or just for fun? Gender dysphoria is a mental issue. Sorry the turth hurts. But it is necessary to repeat it again and again because of crazed ideologues.

  3. Lefty665 Avatar

    What our college campuses have become is bizarre. The wonder when I went away to college (long ago) was the opening of my horizons to different thoughts. The challenge was for me to lay them up against my beliefs and to decide what I really thought and, more importantly, why. My real education was the process of learning to think and to analyze. Some things turned my head, others reinforced what I already believed. It was an exhilarating time.

    I cannot imagine being in a school and cowering before ideas that might challenge me or make me uncomfortable. What timid, fragile, intolerant bundles of anxiety our kids have become. It is sad, and even sadder that our colleges and universities encourage it today.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      And if a keg is around, we were more open to the exchange of ideas. I wound up in the Young Republicans and the SDS that way.

    2. Lefty665 Avatar

      Reply to a NN post that has been removed. It suggested, with some truth, that back in the day our motivations may have had more to do with who provided free beer than intellectual earnestness…

      You were more of a social animal than I was.

      Hare Krishna with a keg is funny:) How much spare change does it take to get a keg? The crowd I hung with was a little more cosmic. Far out man, groovy, a little paranoid maybe, but we weren’t fragile little bundles of anxiety. Dope, sex and rocknroll. We knew what we thought and why.

      It’s 1, 2, 3 what are we fighting 4
      Well I don’t give a dam next stop is Viet Nam
      And it’s 5, 6, 7 open up the Pearly Gates
      Don’t have time to wonder why
      We’re all going to die. (and 60,000 of us did)

  4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “…the WGS Department urges audience members to recognize that her opinions lack rigorous evidence and create an anti-trans climate at UVA that can make students, faculty, and staff feel unwelcome here”

    To which you say:

    “There’s a very simple answer to those who find speakers’ ideas harmful: Don’t attend the event!”

    Is it not clear to you that WGS is saying that it is the “anti-trans climate” created on campus by such events that makes others feel unwelcome? That is not something that can be avoided by simply saying don’t go to the event. The event will still have the effect WGS claims it will whether they are there or not. You seem to be intentionally conflating issues here to support your argument… perhaps it is not intention though…

  5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “While calling for civil dialogue, President Ryan has yet to criticize the underlying ideology that students and faculty deploy to suppress ideas deemed to be “hate” speech.”

    Wow, it sounds like you rare claiming to be ‘“harmed” by uncomfortable ideas’…

  6. Paul Sweet Avatar
    Paul Sweet

    So it’s not OK to create “an anti-trans climate at UVA that can make [LGBTQ] students, faculty, and staff feel unwelcome here” but it’s fine to create an antisemitic climate at UVA that can make Jewish students, faculty, and staff feel unwelcome.

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