by James A. Bacon

Last fall Nickolaus “Nick” Cabrera ran for election as a first-year representative to student council at the University of Virginia. His platform was anodyne — showing unity in confronting COVID-19, getting Class of 2024 t-shirts delivered, that sort of thing. He didn’t run on an ideological or partisan political platform, but he didn’t hide anything either. It wasn’t until he was actually elected to a spot on Student Council that people took notice. Horrors! He supported Donald Trump for president! The word went out on the social media tom-toms. Before long, he was a campus villain.

It wouldn’t be long before Cabrera received his baptism under fire as the sole conservative representative in a student council populated entirely by representatives on the blue end of the political spectrum.

UVa erupted in a furor when minority and woke-white students took umbrage at the use of language by a Commerce School professor. Student Council passed a resolution demanding implementation of a “strike” system — three strikes and you’re out — to hold professors accountable for the use of words deemed offensive. Cabrera was the only student to speak against a measure he saw as a threat to free speech and due process. His stand on principle earned him the animosity of other council members, who said in essence he had no standing as a white person to speak on the matter. (I have described that encounter in detail here.)

Cabrera ran into the woke buzz saw again when he voted against a resolution to condemn anti-Asian hate. He wanted to show solidarity with Asian victims of violence but objected to the part of the resolution calling for police defunding, so he abstained. In other controversies he has offended the LGBQT community for being insufficiently woke, and earned no friends when he tried to reinstitute the pledge of allegiance before council meetings. Those and other disagreements sparked tremendous social-media scorn.

As Cabrera noted in a letter to the recently appointed Committee on Free Expression and Free Inquiry, he has been subjected to steady harassment online. “The comments I get oftentimes include extremely foul language, unnecessarily sexualized content, radicalism, and especially cyber bullying,” he wrote. “My last name, of Hispanic origin, has been slandered to “c*ntbrera,” “carbonara,” “crabrera,” and more. (Cabrera’s father is Puerto Rican.)

He enraged the campus Left when he posed for a photo with controversial Georgia congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene at a Conservative Political Action Conference this past February. When a student made an issue of the photo, the Student Judiciary Committee embarked upon a trial that could have led to his impeachment by the Student Council. The case was ultimately “dropped” for unknown reasons, he says.

In another incident, he tells Bacon’s Rebellion, “A guy came up to me in the dining hall. ‘Are you Nick? You sure had a hell of a lot to say. If we weren’t here [in the dining hall] we’d be throwing hands.’” (Throwing hands is slang for fighting.) The same person was hanging out by the dormitory door when he returned to his room that night. Nothing happened, but it felt creepy. Says Cabrera: “Most people don’t have the audacity to say anything to your face.”

His unpopular stances have earned him plenty of notoriety. “People definitely know who I am,” he says. Some give him unfriendly stares. He shrugs them off. Dirty looks, like the foul language, comes comes with the territory.

The online harassment is harder to deal with. Cabrera has saved more than 300 screen shots of nasty social media posts. For the most part, the nastygrams come from the same 50 to 100 people tweeting over and over, but it’s unsettling when another 1,000 people “like” or retweet the messages.

“It’s honestly a lot to handle,” he told the Committee on Free Expression. “At times I have found myself depressed, and strongly considered transferring.”

But Cabrera does get positive reinforcement. Occasionally, people reach out to thank him. He’s heard from about 50 fraternity and sorority members who thanked him for standing up for the Greek system. He appreciates the support he has received from the Young Americans for Freedom, a conservative group of which he is a member. (I described here the tribulations of Victoria Spiotto, head of UVa’s YAF chapter.)

Still, he described himself as “firmly disappointed” by his UVa experience, and especially the “lack of empathy” from President Jim Ryan and Dean of Students Allen Groves. The administration bends over backwards to defend favored minorities from harassment and other forms of business. The Office of Dean of Students even maintains a “Just Report It” system where students can report incidents of “bias,” and are promised they will be “contacted by a dean within 24 hours of your report.” No mechanism exists to report vulgarity, insults or threats to conservatives.

In an institution where the student body trends strongly left-of-center, Cabrera was not surprised to lose his Student Council re-election bid this spring. Unlike his first venture into student politics, he ran for re-election based on what he saw as a student council member.

“Council should be for everyone, regardless of politics race, and sexuality,” he says. “We should treat everyone equally. I also ran on the Constitution. We’re trying to model the government that our founding fathers created for us, and apply that to our student government.”

It was not a winning message. Cabrera was defeatedly decisively. But he’s not going away. He plans to attend Council meetings, keep current on student-government issues, and run again. Maybe things will turn out differently next time.

Here is the document Cabrera submitted to the Committee on Free Expression and Free Inquiry. The images embedded in this post come from this compilation of social media post he has saved on his iPhone.

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16 responses to “Hate, Hostility and Harassment at UVa”

  1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Who taught those social media posters to hate? Who taught those posters to hate themselves? Stand tall and strong Nick Cabrera. You are not alone.

  2. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    The fascist movement is alive and well and calls itself, democrat, woke, blm and other obtuse names.

  3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Says Cabrera: “Most people don’t have the audacity to say anything to your face.”

    That has always been true Nick. Let this fact, your steadfastness, and your willingness to debate the left in a logical/dignified manner be your armor.

  4. Irene Leech Avatar
    Irene Leech

    I am bothered by the statement that the “Just Report It” system won’t accept problems conservatives run into. It should respond to all student problems. I don’t understand how they can only respond to some student problems.

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Not that it matters to BR readers but there are as many masked as maskless faces in that photo. Just shows that there are those below the central tendency of intelligence.

    Having accepted “you can’t fix stupid”, the Republicans have turned their sights on smart.

  6. Publius Avatar

    Mask wearing = intelligence?
    I disagree.
    “Science” says otherwise, but you do you NN…
    Why is disagreement so scary to Leftists?
    (Pro tip – because they suspect they are wrong (because they are), so dissent must be stifled)

  7. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    I deplore the crass, vulgar, intolerant behavior exhibited by some of these students (I assume they were students). It is symptomatic of the partisan divides in our society. Neither side is willing to listen to the other side. The assumption is that anyone on the “other” side is evil and has nothing worthwhile to say. There is no inclination to compromise. It is an all or nothing approach.

    I attribute this atmosphere to the rise of right-wing talk radio, especially Rush Limbaugh, continuing with Fox News, and culminating with Donald Trump. Social media has accelerated these trends. It enables people to say things they would not be willing to say publicly. There used to be some principles of public decency that were expected, but those have gone out of the window. It is sad that liberals have felt they need to stoop to the same level.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      I think it would be rather disingenuous to assign blame for the atmosphere we live in to one side alone. There was plenty of hate being distributed from left leaning sources when discussing FPOTUS Bush 43.

      “It is sad that liberals have felt they need to stoop to the same level.”

      The notion that they were not already there is preposterous and a revision of history.

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Did you SLEEP through the 60s? You must have been there….I agree social media has made it worse, but it has never been one side only. Please.

    3. Publius Avatar

      Come on Dick. You’re smarter than that. Rush was polite, but he did ridicule what he thought was stupid, and did it very well. Trump merely fought like a Democrat and called names. How come every Republican President in my lifetime has been stupid or Hitler or both? The level of discourse in this country is below stupid. It is moronic. My opinion – we have been going downhill since Madalyn Murray O’Hair and the Supreme Court saying any Christian reference was an establishment of religion. So now our state established religion being indoctrinated daily is scientific materialism and the coarsening shows, along with family breakdown and other societal ills. I would bet that an explicit charter school choice based on Christian principles and using only McGuffey’s Readers would greatly out perform our public schools (and I think James Sherlock is showing why they will get worse). Legalizing dope won’t help either…but the people who trust SCIENCE can’t be wrong, can they?

    4. tmtfairfax Avatar

      Dick, the reason talk radio took off was because there were no outlets except for the MSM that had long since become partisan. Liberals used the “Fairness Doctrine” to squash conservative views. Moreover, talk radio saved AM radio, which had lost major listenership to FM radio.

      As far as Rush Limbaugh is concerned, I listened to him once in my life for 20 minutes.

      I’m just enjoying the loss of media jobs.

    5. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      “The assumption is that anyone on the “other” side is evil and has nothing worthwhile to say. There is no inclination to compromise. It is an all or nothing approach.”

      You right about that Mr. Dick. Politics hasn’t had this sort of a fever since 1860. We have to find a way out of this spiral, for our children’s and grandchildren’s sake.

  8. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Fifty years ago UVA was just as monochromatic, clique-run and intolerant. The ruling majority wore dockers, khakis and polo shirts and had to get into a car and drive if they wanted female companionship. It left me cold then and now that the world has turned and the Maoists are in charge, I feel the same about UVA. Unfortunately the Maoists are in charge pretty much everywhere, just as the Preppies were fifty years ago…..Whatever the balance point was, it didn’t hold long. I’d like to think you can find it at some schools. I’d like to think somewhere they relish debate and enjoy challenging assumptions.

    Like the assumption, with the evidence eroding, that a cheap non-medical grade or porous cotton mask does a damn bit of good stopping a virus. Pollen? Yeah, great on allergies!

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Unlike you, I went to UVa. Arrived in 1977 – coming up on 44 years ago. I guess things changed fast between 50 years ago and 44 years ago. Women made up half of my entering class. Preppies (almost always from Richmond) were still visible but they were relegated to being nothing more than loud, strange people prancing around in bright colored crocodile shirts, kaki pants and some truly weird rubber shoes. Seeing a preppy was like seeing a deer in Northern Virginia. Interesting but nothing to spend much time considering. Other than a few fraternities they ran nothing.

      Now I am sure they are among your neighbors, back in the friendly confines of Greater Richmond.

  9. Gotta love diversity in action.

    1. Publius Avatar

      And inclusion!

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