Has Omicron Peaked?

Source: Virginia Department of Health

by James A. Bacon

The news media today is chock full of stories about school boards in Northern Virginia and other blue localities defying Governor Glenn Youngkin’s executive order ending mask mandates. The confrontations won’t be settled until the courts rule definitively whether Virginia’s Governor or the school boards have the last word. By the time that happens, the issue may be moot. It appears that the Omicron wave of COVID-19 has peaked and, though daily infections are still extremely high, they are receding.

According to the Virginia Department of Health COVID-19 dashboard, new confirmed cases of COVID-19 hit a high of 36,928 in the week ending January 8. Last week, ending January 15, new cases fell to 27,798. The latter number may miss a few stragglers in the reporting system, but it is evident that the number of infections, after leaping to unprecedented levels in Virginia, is easing off — as was predicted by the experience in South Africa and the United Kingdom.

Hospitalizations from the Omicron variant never approached previous peaks, and they appear to have leveled off, too, as seen here.

Source: Virginia Department of Health

As for deaths, they haven’t budged — because they barely increased in the first place. As widely advertised, Omicron is far less virulent than the Delta variant it displaced. (There is a lag time between symptoms and hospitalizations, and between hospitalizations and deaths, however, so the death numbers in Virginia still have room to run a bit higher.)

Source: Virginia Department of Health

The number of Omicron cases is likely significantly undercounted. My mother and sister both contracted COVID-19, as confirmed by home testing kits, as have several close friends who had evaded previous variants. My family members did not report this information to any official body. I expect that there are thousands more like them.

Indeed, my wife thinks that your humble correspondent might have gotten COVID. I did experience a mild illness with flu-like symptoms for several days. My home test results were negative, but home tests are not 100% reliable, so who knows? Whatever the truth of the matter in my case, there are undoubtedly thousands more who think they might have gotten the virus, but don’t know for sure, and, in fact, did.

There is a growing body of evidence that an Omicron infection confers natural resistance not only to Omicron but to a wide array of COVID-19 variants (although, as always, there will be those who disagree). If that belief is well- founded, the Omicron wave should rapidly retreat. Between vaccinations and natural immunity, the population should be well-protected now. COVID-19 will continue to mutate, there will always be new strains, and the virus will never disappear, but there are valid reasons to think we’ve seen the worst of it.

We can argue all day long whether masks are effective at reducing viral transmission. Hopefully, that debate will look increasingly irrelevant as Omicron slinks away.

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39 responses to “Has Omicron Peaked?”

  1. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Yes. Probably. For this variant.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Yes, probably, but indeed more will follow. The immunity built by this huge wave will matter (he says with a personal stake now). However, Jim, I see numbers that indicate the hospitalizations were up there at or above previous surges. And VHHA has it just under 4,000 beds today still, highest I’ve seen.

      Following up on my post last week (and hoping somebody at VDH sees these) I have a beef. Their data remains confusing. Just what is the total number of “unvaccinated” who have been infected, measured per 100K. In the four weeks I focused on, they reported more than 12,000 cases per 100K. But on the summary page, covering 52 weeks, they reported about 8,500. Flat contradiction and I’m curious where is the error. Is VDH actually OVERstating the cases among the unvaxxed as many would claim?

      What % of the unvaccinated have been diagnosed over that one-year period?

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner


        THAT is the hospital chart on the VDH website today and it shows the highest number of the pandemic. Just saying…You are right about the death’s having declined substantially, which is even more significant when you see the hospital count. What you have may be the daily admissions, as opposed to the occupancy count. People see what they want.

        1. Yes, my chart showed weekly admissions. Your chart shows seven-day moving average of occupancy. Different things. Both necessary to get the full picture.

        2. Unless I missed something, the VDH and VHHA charts do not differentiate between those admitted FOR Covid and those admitted WITH Covid.

          I’ve had the sniffles with a higher temp for 3 days and a headache. Couldn’t get a rapid test so who knows if I have it or not. Same symptoms as people here who tested positive. If I went to the hospital with a broken bone, I could be in the covid count. Until the records identify WITH or FOR, the hospitalization numbers for Covid are meaningless.

          1. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            Yes and no. That has been the case all along, so I still see the rise and fall as indicative of trends. With the temp, you probably had it!

          2. killerhertz Avatar

            And we have treatments now that we didn’t have 2 years ago. Furthermore the vulnerable population has largely been wiped out. So yes the deaths *should* be lower. This is common sense folks.

          3. Friends keep telling me that! So I guess I’ll rejoin society on the 11th day.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            Here’s wishing you a speedy recovery and good things after…….

          5. Thank you. Except for a slight headache, I’ve felt fine throughout–just better without the headache. : )

          6. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            You should be ready for your 2nd boost by April, if I’m not mistaken, so see you at the CVS! Say, that’ll make a great song title.

            See you at the CVS,
            Or lose you to a summer cold…

          7. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            Yes and no. That has been the case all along, so I still see the rise and fall as indicative of trends. With the temp, you probably had it!

  2. LarrytheG Avatar

    I’m not sure how or why we feel that Omocron will confer any more or less “immunity” than the prior variants did (or did not).

    No shortage of speculation, spawned as a result of frustration with science not reaching consensus, either. Then we have those spreading misinformation to spice it up further.

    And to this, we want teachers to do in-person without masking no matter the risk to them or their own families.

    What COVID has shown us is that we totally suck at dealing with it.

    1. If teachers feel threatened by the virus, they can get triple-vaxxed and wear masks. If they have special risk factors, schools should work out special arrangements for them — not all teachers — to teach remotely.

      1. killerhertz Avatar

        Or they can quit and not be a functioning member of society for the rest of their lives?

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        It’s their families also …. They’re not “threatened”, that’s the wrong word. They are at-risk to carry it home to their families , others in their household with co-morbidities, and their own kids who may not be able to be vaxxed.

        Consider your own family and if you were going to spend – every day, hours a day, with 20-30 people , some of whom are not vaxxed and others not wearing masked.

        Would that be okay with you?

    2. We have a scientific report that says: “Omicron boosts immunity against delta, early study suggests” Becker’s Hospital Review

      “Infection with the highly transmissible omicron COVID-19 variant may lead to a fourfold increase in protection against the delta strain, according to early study findings from the Africa Health Research Institute published Dec. 28.

      “The preliminary study included 13 people, seven of whom were vaccinated. Using plasma samples from participants, researchers measured antibodies in the lab to test the antibodies’ ability to neutralize omicron and delta at the time of enrollment and again about two weeks later.

      “After two weeks, participants infected with omicron appeared to have enhanced immunity against the delta strain, with neutralization increasing more than fourfold, researchers found. The team also observed a 14-fold increase in antibodies’ ability to to block reinfection from omicron. Overall, vaccinated participants demonstrated stronger protection.”

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        that’s 13 people in the study?

        has it been replicated with larger numbers?

        The problem we have is that there are “studies” out the wazoo these days leading to all kinds of what amounts to speculation unless such studies are actually replicated.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Wow! Omicron is as good as a vaccine at immunity… and way better at killing.

  3. killerhertz Avatar

    Not in Australia lol. 2 years of lockdown and still many dead Aussies. Must suck to live in that dump of a nation.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Australia, 25M people, 2000+ covid deaths
      Florida, 21M people, 65,000+ covid deaths

      And you declare Australia the loser?

      1. killerhertz Avatar

        It’s only just begun there. Furthermore, you have the mental health impact, economic, etc. Florida also has an aged population and we most certainly overcounted COVID deaths (died w/ versus died of). I’ll take the death of elderly over the sacrifice of children any day. No offense.

  4. DJRippert Avatar

    I’ll make a bold prediction – Omicron is the end of COVID-19. This disease will be in the rear view mirror by June – 27 months after it fully started (here in Virginia).

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      well, you’ll either be brilliant or yet another ‘goat’.!

      I think there is a ‘sense’ that we may be at the end, but other epidemiologists are pretty firm so far : ” don’t count on it quite yet”.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        I dunno, Larry. He’s a Libertarian. That means he’s got to be better at virology than he thinks he is at, oh say, economics.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          I know that the end of COVID-19 will end you lefties 2+ years of fear porn. I guess you’ll just have to find a new hobby.

          1. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            Have ya heard ’em after a forest fire lately?

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            wouldn’t that be BEFORE?

            If it already is over… the “fear” came true so then it’s just “porn”?

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            One way or t’other. Burying the unvaxxed ain’t much of a hobby, boy.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            been interesting watching the ‘evolution” of these boys… from back then to now………

          5. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            When you beat a dog for stealing eggs from the coop and he stops, you call that ‘learning’ not evolution. Evolution is when you shoot ’em when they don’t stop.

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            “fear porn” = idiot view of pandemics

            perfectly understandable..

          7. No it won’t.


        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          Pretty sure, early on, he was advising anyone who was afraid, old, sick, etc to go hide for the duration…. though…..now that I think of it that seems to be a Libertarian thing also at least in BR….

          There is no patience and tolerance… pissed off and fed up!

  5. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    And further to the point (bringing the Bacon home, as it were), here is UVA’s Covid tracker – https://coronavirus.virginia.edu/covid-tracker
    And UVA bumping up the Omicron booster update from Feb 1 to January 14 had absolutely NOTHING to do with Youngkin’s impending inauguration and selection of Marty Makary as his Covid adviser…
    Also, I am pretty sure that Omicron mutated to get around the vaccine, which Dr. Malone said was why you did not mass vaccinate in the middle of a pandemic…

  6. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    And off to court he goes…

  7. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Australia, 25M people, 2000+ covid deaths
    Florida, 21M people, 65,000+ covid deaths

    The annual inflation rate in Australia fell to 3.0% in Q3 2021 from a 12-1/2-year high of 3.8% in Q2 and compared with market estimates of 3.1%, amid continued effects of the unwinding of free childcare in 2020.

    The Florida city of Tampa had the highest inflation increase for November out of other major metropolitan areas in America.

    Inflation increased by 8% in November compared to the same month last year, according to data released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics on Friday.

    That outpaced inflation spikes in New York, Chicago and Los Angeles – 5, 6 and 6% respectively – where the prices of goods are traditionally higher compared to elsewhere in the country.


    And Politico declares Gov. DeSantis winner inbthe war on covid

    And you declare Australia the loser?

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