Has COVID Already Peaked for Winter 2023?

Screen capture from Virginia Department of Health website, using Virginia Hospital and Healthcare Association data. Click for larger view.

Last year in Virginia, the COVID-19 hospital count hit its winter season peak on January 12 at more than 3,700 beds occupied. Now the 7-day average is below 1.100, and Thursday’s daily count (reported Friday) dropped below 1,000 to 990. The most recent peak was Jan. 4. Flu and RSV are also on the wane, only a handful of weeks after the media scarecrows ran story after story of the coming triple-demic disaster. Being sick remains something to avoid, and the vulnerable can still die from any one of the three (or a combination, shudder). I personally give most of the credit to the vaccinations, especially among the elderly or vulnerable. Those who have actively sought to discourage them should be ashamed of themselves, but the nonsense remains rampant.

(Update:  The hospital count as of Jan. 16 is now down to 905.  The decline has lasted almost two weeks.)

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29 responses to “Has COVID Already Peaked for Winter 2023?”

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Agreed, that is an unfortunate consequence of the anti-vaccine movement. They had a very valid point two years ago about these products being highly experimental and rushed to market, and thus some might want to be wary, but that is not the case with those childhood vaccines. Many have decades of proven safety and efficacy. Mandating them remains valid.

      “Government” and “science” have only themselves to blame for the growing skepticism. They were wrong often and usually refused to admit it. The shots clearly are not that effective in keeping COVID away, just in lowering the impact. The intentional lies in some areas are outlandish. You still have no idea what “science” is, how skepticism is a key element.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        to me this is a distinction without a difference because in the end, you survive and don’t die.

        In terms of being “wrong”, look back at other disease treatments and even vaccines like the Polio vaccine, it was anything but 100% from the get go.

        That’s how science works. It usually does not get the “right answer” right away – it’s stepwise over continual effort.

        We ding science for not being perfect. It never was. It has always been an evolving body of knowledge.

        We learn from mistakes.

        So now, because people misunderstand what science really is , we have folks that no longer believe it.

        this is where we are.

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          You see, there is it is. “Believe.” I don’t “believe in” carpentry. It is a tool, a process. When it suits you, you claim to be open to skepticism. But you’ll treat it as gospel again, when that suits you.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            not “gospel” by any stretch of the imagination.

            I don’t “believe” in science – I believe in what science develops or not – not unlike the product that results from carpentry.

            Carpentry by itself is a concept, a process – not a product.

            It’s hard for me to understand why someone doubts science but gets the shots.

            Walter’s position is much more consistent and uniform.

  1. Paul Sweet Avatar
    Paul Sweet

    Can you post a link for the graphic? The charts I have found on the VDH website cover only the past 6 months.

    I’m hoping this is the trend, but I’d probably wait a couple more weeks before saying COVID has peaked. Hospitalizations often lag symptoms, and there is always the possibility of a double peak like there was a couple years ago.

    Is this for people admitted for COVID or for people who where found to have COVID after being admitted to the hospital for something else?

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner


      Use the trends tab and you can adjust the start and end date as you wish.

      1. Paul Sweet Avatar
        Paul Sweet

        Thanks for the link. I guess I didn’t click all the right buttons & tabs the first time I tried to get on.


        This double peak is what worries me. I cut off the dates because they get inaccurate when the timeline goes over a year.

        BTW, is anyone else having trouble with having to click the back arrow several times to get back to the home page after reading or posting comments?

      2. Paul Sweet Avatar
        Paul Sweet

        Thanks for the link. I guess I didn’t click all the right buttons & tabs the first time I tried to get on.


        This double peak is what worries me. I cut off the dates because they get inaccurate when the timeline goes over a year.

        BTW, is anyone else having trouble with having to click the back arrow several times to get back to the home page after reading or posting comments?

  2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Less worried about Covid. More concerned about fentanyl. It is killing off Virginians at an astonishing speed.

    1. how_it_works Avatar

      Wonder how many of them have been rescued by Narcan more than once.

      Saw a documentary where a first responder talked about administering Narcan to the same person a week later.

      Some folks seem to have a death wish.

      If they’re hell-bent on destroying themselves, no need to let them take everyone else around them with.

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        I just read up on the buzz this stuff gives off. Never knew any of this. Sounds like a user hits cloud nine and feeling fine. Intense and short lived. But the withdrawals seem mind bending, long in duration, and just as intense as the high. I guess that is what everyone laying around the streets of San Fran are going thru.

        1. how_it_works Avatar

          What amazes me is how so many people who don’t have a pot to pee in always seem to have money for drugs.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            but can’t get a job that requires a pee sample?


  3. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    Thanks for the data.

  4. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Most of the time I am in agreement with you – particularly on the climate scam and the coming screw job to citizens of Virginia by Dominion Energy (I am covered either way by being a shareholder, so I’ll get dividends to cover the paying too much), but this statement is – I think – inaccurate and unfair –
    “I personally give most of the credit to the vaccinations, especially among the elderly or vulnerable. Those who have actively sought to discourage them should be ashamed of themselves, but the nonsense remains rampant.”

    All flu strains go down over time. Prior to Covidiocy, this was acknowledged and acknowledged as the attainment of herd immunity. Could this not be why the case count is low?

    Let’s deal with Covid on the basis of real danger. It is a danger, really, to a very select group – generally old, obese, immuno-compromised, and otherwise pretty sick in pretty serious ways. Prior to Covidiocy, the new flu strains seemed to be the precipitating factors in pushing the infirm to death. So they didn’t die because of “flu,” they died because of their other factors, pushed over the edge by flu. This happened to a friend with chronic leukemia and to my business partner’s very aged parents. Both of my grandmothers died, many years ago, precipitated by a fall (which is why VCU asks every time, have you fallen?).
    So it seems to me that the Covid crisis du jour has finally petered out. However, I would be in agreement with you that the only group as a whole where you could make an argument for the EXPERIMENTAL Covid therapy (it is not a vaccine. When you have to change the definition to make it a vaccine, it is not a vaccine) was targeted to the elderly.

    Now for the second sentence of the quote, I think all the people trying to shame people from having honest discussions should be ashamed. My daughter did not need the Covid vax. Nor did the UVA students. Or any of the other college students. They were used as lab rats for an EXPERIMENTAL medical product. And the EXPERIMENTAL medical product clearly has risks, which no one wants to acknowledge, that make the risk/reward analysis heavily, overwhelmingly skewed against the shot for them. UVA’s own evidence indicated negative efficacy for the triple-jabbed. That has always been my problem. The MANDATES were bad science and immoral, and I don’t care what any Court says, should have been illegal. Further, the Nuremberg Code… Giving the shot was a medical experiment. To participate in a medical experiment requires “informed, willing consent.” This did not happen. Kids and workers were blackmailed. Religious liberty was denied, to H3!! with the 1st Amendment. Many health systems changed their Patient’s Rights policies to make the right to accept or refuse medical treatment less clear.
    Now, the government corruption aspect. To issue EUA, there can be no other effective treatment. HCQ and ivermectin clearly have therapeutic value, particularly when used properly and applied early. The CDC “studies,” so-called, refuting HCQ were designed to fail! In fact, the subjects of the study were treated like lab rats instead of like people deserving a chance to live. The CDC went out of its way to manipulate the data to continue the EUA.
    Finally, let’s talk about the censorship and cancellation. Not a problem? Trying to revoke Doctors’ licenses for raising their hands to ask questions? Isn’t that real “science” (as opposed to Larry’s religious belief)? You approve of what has been done to Dr. Marik? McCullough? Kory? Gold? Stalinist.
    I was never against the “vaccine” as a treatment. I would have been happy for it to work. I was and am against the norms being broken with the mandates and masking, etc. I am still “immuno-compromised” – to the point where I can’t complete my baby shots, which I am getting (does that sound “anti-vax”?), but the CDC/FDA have done great damage to the trust in the long-accepted shots – I didn’t do that.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Plenty there I don’t disagree with, but you kinda give it all away by merely using the word “Covidiocy.” No question, the virus waves are getting smaller in part because that’s how pandemics work, but the process of spreading natural immunity (and brutal natural selection) is being well supplemented by the medically-induced immunity. Kinda saying the same thing, aren’t we? The data still indicates that having the shots substantially reduces risk of hospitalization and death when compared to the unvaccinated. I know, you probably think CDC lies about that.

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        Covidiocy was an accurate description. Panic and an overreaction and incredible government overreach. Not sure what data you are talking about. If it exists and shows effectiveness, vax that group. But vaxing (experimenting on) kids and workers by mandate was wrong.
        And we have been lied to about “safe and effective.” A regular business would be sued out of existence.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          You have to ask about all those folks that got the shots, not just one, but all of them.


          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            As usual, missing the point. The mandate. The censoring. The lying. That was the issue. Many people in good faith got shots because they believed they worked or believed they were being “good” people. They were lied to. Many got shots because they were forced.
            “Safe and effective” was not true. The damage to the trust in the government was earned by the entire episode.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            do the folks that got the shots regret it?

          3. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Many do. Some are dead. More than historically acceptable. Many are injured. Pregnancy problems, strokes, a lot of Damar Hamlin incidents. Did you hear about t(e ODU basketball player collapsing? Top athletes. Not normal.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            but they still keep getting their boosters! Not like they haven’t had time to reconsider!

            ” Nearly all COVID deaths in US are now among unvaccinated”


  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Anybody else bothered by “0K” on the axis? Ya know zero is zero no matter how much ya multiply it by. So, are those negative cases? They’re below 0K.

    Oh wait… maybe that’s not a zero… maybe it’s OK, like “The hospitalization and death numbers are OKAY.”

  6. Thomas Dixon Avatar
    Thomas Dixon

    Any of you good citizens want the shot and sixteen and counting boosters I was never foolish enough to get, can have mine. Just make sure you have your affairs in order before you do. And leave the damn kids alone, they don’t need poisoning.

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      I got my shots and boosters and was glad that I had done so when I contracted COVID and the resultant symptoms were similar to a bad cold.

      The kids may not come down with COVID symptoms, but they can contract and spread the virus. If one of your children or grandchildren is unknowingly COVID positive and you contract the virus from him or her, you may wish that you had taken those shots and boosters.

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