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Harsh But Fair? You Decide.

 RPV Chairman Jack Wilson issued a statement today blasting Governor Ralph Northam for allowing COVID-19 to fester in Virginia nursing homes. In a missive headed, “Northam Creates Nursing Home Death Camps,” he said: 

There is a massive problem taking place in Virginia nursing homes and Governor Northam is sweeping it under the rug. When will he take action? When will he take responsibility? Every moment spent parading around with Pharrell Williams and dangling the statue issue in front of Virginians like a set of keys is a moment lost in the fight against COVID-19. He frees criminals from jail because of COVID-19, but delivers a death sentence to our seniors. Virginia is desperate for leadership, and Northam refuses to provide it.

The statement certainly is no worse than a recent fund-raising letter from Attorney General Mark Herring’s gubernatorial campaign, signed ‘Team Herring,” that accuses President Trump of using the COVID-19 crisis to “fan the flames of racism and xenophobic hate.” Referring to COVID-19 as the “Wuflu” or “Chinese flu,” you see, encourages “acts of harassment, aggression, and violence toward Asians, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islanders.”

Surely we’re better than this.

On second thought, maybe we’re not.


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