Virginians for Safe Technology has launched a petition to halt the deployment of 5G wireless technology. Bacon’s Rebellion does not endorse the petition but does believe that the issues it raises are worth discussing. Next-generation wireless is critical infrastructure. The sooner the concerns are addressed, the better. — JAB

To our elected and appointed officials and the big business Non-Governmental Organizations tasked with making decisions regarding technology across the beautiful State of Virginia on our behalf:

We, the people of Virginia, do not consent to this involuntary exposure of 5G blanketed wireless radiation and we believe current and future generations of Virginians deserve to be protected.

Thousands of peer reviewed research studies show the negative health effects of radiation from wireless technologies. As such, 5G Next Generation and beyond (5G+) wireless technology poses significant risks to humans — especially young children — animals and the environment. ( Yet, 5G+ has never been required to be safety tested for mmWave phased array health effects by you or the industries implementing this technology, and thus constitutes a human experiment without consent.

5G+ builds on existing 3G and 4G/LTE infrastructure but is categorically different. One aspect of it involves newly deployed small cell antennas and wireless telecommunication facilities (WTF’s) that will blanket residential neighborhoods (every few houses), using infrastructure in the public ROW’s, while emitting toxic levels of extremely high frequency (millimeter wave) wireless radiation never before used for broadband internet or cell phones. It involves millions of new 5G+ base stations clustered closer to the ground — closer to homes and schools — and 40,000+ new transmitting satellites in near orbit. (

Additionally, there are a host of other major concerns regarding this layered 5G+ equipment going up in our Virginia communities which are specific to our state:

  • Facilities/towers are being placed on public school properties and other publicly owned county lands, privately owned lands, and homeowners’ and neighborhood right-of-ways (ROWs); many without informed consent.
  • No safeguards or accountability for protecting our children, who are the most vulnerable part of our population and at the most risk from wireless technology exposure.
  • No sufficient state-based financial audits to vet both the real and hidden costs to the homeowners/taxpayers versus the benefits to the counties and state was performed.
  • No Environmental Impact Reports are completed prior to placing towers, even when those WTF’s are not categorically excluded from review.
  • No risk analysis is completed, which completely disregards homeowners’ imputed indemnification of telecom liabilities, the lack of insurability of Wireless Telecommunication Facilities (WTFs), and landowner property depreciation of approximately 20% if a WTF is placed in their right-of-way.
  • This 5G+ roll out is a violation of consumer rights’ to affordable and safe telecom technology, as it transfers the financial risks and other well-known, yet unresolved, 5G+ safety risks to the landowner without consent.
  • Plans for smart cities and counties in Virginia do not provide considerations for Electromagnetic Sensitive (EMS) and Electromagnetic Hypersensitive (EHS) people under the Americans Disabilities Act or Fair Housing Act, which will make it nearly impossible for individuals who are EHS to conduct business in or around public entities.
  • 5G+ millimeter wave technology has not been required to be safety-tested by the state of Virginia prior to the accelerated rollout.
  • Virginian officials have deliberately further deregulated broadband Internet services in the past several years to remove any and all public safety failsafes that would protect consumers rights against unwarranted mmWave technology that does not further the interests of the public, but endangers it.
  • As the plans currently stand, the counties will remove all data privacy by handing over resident’s public and private information they collect to five Virginia Innovation Partnership Authority (VIPA) statewide Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) who will correlate this data with specific behaviors to create subjective individual or county “equity scores.” In this model and without proper regulation, NGOs gain complete control over what happens to our data and how it is used and will acquire immunity from both liability and accountability for any consequences of their actions . This is a transfer of real power to NGOs and all the protections that come with electing our public officials are being quietly removed.

The state of VA must establish jurisdiction by creating urgent legislation to oversee these serious public safety issues to protect our local communities and children. It must establish a statewide process immediately to monitor, measure and enforce RF and microwave radiation emissions’ compliance to the FCC maximum permissible exposure safety limit standard and cease and desist from giving Telecoms a free ride. As elected government officials, you have a duty to protect and are not pre-empted from this duty.

Despite all of this and more – Governor Northam, State Legislators and Council Members, County, City, Board of Education Officials and Non-Governmental Organizations such as the Center for Innovative Technology (CIT) and the Virginia Innovation Partnership Authority (VIPA) continue to implement legislation and/or allow and push for streamlined deployment of layered 5G+ WTFs within our communities across the state.

We respectfully demand that elected and appointed officials and organizations spanning the state of Virginia address the concerns in this petition and act on our behalf to ensure this 5G fifth generation (5G+) technology is operating safely and responsibly at or below the maximum permissible exposure limit (MPEL) for humans. Until 5G+ has been pre-market tested to be safe and a state process initiated to regulate/cap its radiation emissions and what frequencies can be used, we demand a HALT to small cell deployment.

In order to accomplish the above, we request an emergency joint task force consisting of stake holders in all areas (ie. government, non-government, and consumer) be formed to demonstrate to the people of our state that the telecom wireless providers are in compliance and maintaining compliance with the FCC MPEL.

We look forward to more accountability and transparency on this issue to protect the public’s interest in safe and responsible technology.


Virginians for Safe Technology and the undersigned Virginia citizens

You can find the petition here.

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28 responses to “Halt 5G in Virginia Now!”

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    5G has never been safety tested? Call me one of those skeptics. This walks and talks like so many conspiracy theories that run amok on social media these days.

    1. tmtfairfax Avatar

      5G is technical standard just like 1G, 2G, 3G and 4G. Indeed, if you go to the telecom standards body,, you will see they are working on the 6G standard.

      And wireless operators are using 5G radios on an entire variety of frequencies. The higher the frequency level, the smaller the distance waves can be transmitted. The FCC has opened a lot more higher frequency channels to wireless services that use 5G technology. Hence, the need for more antennae.

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    A good indication of an unsafe RF transmitter level is the number of fully cooked birds at the base of the mast. 😆

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Works for wind turbines, too. One dead eagle, two dead eagles….

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Keywords: fully cooked. Raw eagle is nasty. Oh, and in case you’re wondering, they don’t taste like chicken. They taste a lot like spotted owls.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Think DDT, more efficient, less nasty.

        2. WayneS Avatar

          …which taste a lot like loggerhead sea turtle.

          Or so I’m told…

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Wait. Lemme look.

            Got 4 loggerhead steaks in the freezer. You and the little woman doing anything Sunday? Great BBQ weather!

          2. WayneS Avatar

            Thanks, but we’ll have to take a rain check.

            We’re having Chinese on Sunday. I’m making a batch of Moo Goo Gai Panda.

            And as you know, panda meat is best when it’s fresh…

  3. Tin foil hat wears unite!!!! This is probably the same group worried about Bill Gates’ putting microchips in Covid vaccines… And those thousands of reports cleverly described to make them sound as focused on 5G? Well, they cover everything from your toaster to power lines. From the source: “This update covers about 1800 new studies reporting bioeffects and adverse health effects of electromagnetic fields (powerlines, electrical wiring, appliances and hand-held devices) – and wireless technologies (cell and cordless phones, cell towers, WI-FI, wireless laptops, wireless routers, baby monitors, surveillance systems, wireless utility meters (‘smart meters’), etc.”

    I demand Virginia stop microwaves and toasters from being sold. They hurt kids and pets!!! My petition is here:

    1. See now that Steve already used “whackadoodle”. I should credit him in my original post.

    2. WayneS Avatar

      I want to sign your petition but the link does not work…

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      My first job out of college was with Naval Electronics. They had RF exposure standards for all the equipment, man aloft, etc. While talkng to one of the old engineers I asked, “But how safe are these levels?”

      His response, as he pulled out a book in Russian, “I don’t know, but their safe limits are 1000 times lower than ours. Makes you wonder what they know, doesn’t it?”

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    I remember when disco used to cause heart attacks, too. And then there was the claim cellphones caused brain tumors, which wound up being better diagnoses.

    Unlike ionizing radiation, RF does have safe limits, not that they have them correctly set, but there are safe levels. And no, TWA flight 800 was NOT brought down by a secret Navy directed energy weapon.

  5. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Got it. The people who do not trust a surgical mask or COVID vaccine instead want me wrapped up in a tinfoil blanket like the whackadoodle on “Better Call Saul.” Did you forget to post this yesterday Jim? A good call for April Fools Day.

    Above one of many sources disputing the claims, which are all over the place if you search….as they were for 4G, and for cell phones, etc. etc. Modern Luddites abound….

    1. WayneS Avatar

      “…wrapped up in a tinfoil blanket like the whackadoodle on Better Call Saul.”

      That’s the first image that popped into my head when I started reading the petition.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        “Chuck McGill”? Right? Great actor, Michael McKean….If you liked that show, hunt up a similar Aussie show, Rake.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      That’s quite an admission from you, Ned. 😉

    3. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

      It says 5G does not cause COVID, so at least it is better than fossil fuels.

  6. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    I’m opposed to 5G because it requires thousands more of those transmitters everywhere and closer to the ground, cluttering up the area even more. Aren’t the overhead transmission lines clutter enough? I am perfectly satisfied with the speed of 4G.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      You forgot, “And get off my lawn,” although with Verizon 5G, it’s more like “And take your crappy antenna off my roof.”

  7. DJRippert Avatar

    There hasn’t been a lot of research on the health effects of 5G. Proponents will say that no evidence supports the idea that 5G is harmful to health. Opponents will say that not nearly enough evidence exists to demonstrate that 5G is safe.

  8. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Yes, but if it kills mosquitoes… no complaints, right?

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      we’re lacking in innovation. Turbines that kill mosquitoes instead of Eagles… 😉

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