Hallelujah! Greenbrier Christian Academy Defies Virginia’s Mask Mandate

by Kerry Dougherty

In a bold move, Greenbrier Christian Academy in Chesapeake announced this week that when students return from Thanksgiving break they can be mask-free. Unless their parents want them in masks, in which case the school will make sure parental wishes are carried out.

In a video sent to Greenbrier parents, Superintendent Ron White said it’s been five weeks since the school had its “last Covid contact” and that no students or parents are being tested right now for possible infection so this seems like the right time to return to normal.

White said that after praying on the situation over the weekend he came to the decision that it was time to take off the masks and rely on good hygiene and “common sense measures” to protect the health of the student body.


Perhaps with this courageous move by GCA, other private and parochial schools will have the gumption to follow suit and allow their students to ditch the cloth masks. This might even put pressure on public schools to drop the odious mandates as well. Dare to dream.

As much as Fauci and the Greek chorus at the CDC yap about masks, the fact is a piece of cloth does very little to stop a virus. Worse, kids tend to touch their masks, chew on them and — in the case of one pre-schooler I know rather well — trade them. They wear them in bathrooms, drop them on the floor, and sometimes blow their noses in them.

A disgusting, soggy mask after 3 hours on a pre-schooler.

Shoot, if masks worked, states and cities with strict masking rules would be immune to the seasonal rise and fall of infections. They aren’t. Check the data if you don’t believe me.

Question is, what will Lame-Duck Ralph Northam do in the face of such Christian defiance?

Virginia is under a public health order that mandates all kids ages 2 and up in private and public schools wear masks. Violating the order is a misdemeanor.

This idiotic rule came late last summer as schools were about to reopen. Earlier in the summer Northam had said that decisions about masks would be left up to schools and school boards. The Catholic Diocese of Richmond quickly decided that Catholic schools would be mask-optional in the fall. Chesapeake Public Schools and York County Schools also voted against mask mandates.

Northam overrode their decisions.

Once Youngkin is in the Governor’s Mansion, Virginia’s mask mandates will be lifted.


Question is, just how vindictive and dictatorial does Northam want to be in his final days?

This column has been republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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4 responses to “Hallelujah! Greenbrier Christian Academy Defies Virginia’s Mask Mandate”

  1. Large scale studies by Duke University and the CDC have clearly demonstrated the significant benefit of universal mask wearing in a classroom setting. Not that this matters as you will never convince Kerry that she looks good in a mask. Mitigation protocols have worked well for Chesapeake Public Schools in allowing for more in person instruction. These protocols included social distancing, contact tracing, quarantining, and mask wearing. Why would someone want to mess with what was proven successful in the past?

    1. vicnicholls Avatar

      So I reammed VBCPS on it, they complained to Chesapeake who then put us apart again.

      So how many kids truly die from COVID? They die at the same rate or more other diseases, car accidents.

  2. vicnicholls Avatar

    Go Gators!!! Our own Gators! Yes!

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Then too, the Earth is 4000 years old, and Creationism is biology, and a science. It is Theory with empirical observation. For example, if you observe Genesis, you have your evidence.

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