Gubernatorial Appointment Politics At Work

Suparna Dutta
Photo credit: Education News

by Dick Hall-Sizemore

Last year, Republicans in the General Assembly rejected three of former Governor Northam’s appointments to the State Board of Education, giving Governor Glenn Youngkin the opportunity to appoint a majority of the members of that board. Last night, Senate Democrats partially returned the favor by rejecting one of Youngkin’s appointees

That rejected member was Suparna Dutta, a co-founder of the Coalition for TJ, and a fierce critic of the new admissions policy for the Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in Fairfax County. In an unusual development, her rejection did not result as an amendment from the Committee on Privileges and Elections, as is usually the case. Apparently, opposition to her had been brewing since the committee reported the bill (SB 276) and her name was deleted from the bill on a floor amendment offered by Sen. Ghazala Hashmi (D-Chesterfield). It passed on a party line vote of 22-18.
It certainly did not help Dutta’s cause that Ginni Thomas, the outspoken wife of U.S. Supreme Court Justine Clarence Thomas, e-mailed Virginia state senators urging them to support Dutta’s appointment and calling her opponents “leftist thugs who hate diverse voices, unless they control them.” And Dutta did not help herself by recently referring to the history SOL standards proposed by the prior Board of Education as “almost like activist civics, activist history.” She went on to deny that the Constitution enshrined slavery, arguing that the Three-Fifths Clause was “was a compromise… to limit the congressional representation of the Southern states.”  (See here and here.)

On another floor amendment, the Senate voted to remove Steven Buck, a former prosecutor appointed to the Parole Board, from the list of appointees. In offering the amendment, Sen. Scott Surovell (D-Fairfax) contended that Buck hardly ever voted to grant parole. His amendment was adopted, 22-18, on a party-line vote.

The Committee had proposed an amendment deleting Colin Greene’s appointment as Commissioner of Health. Greene had created controversy last year by denying that systemic racism played a role in maternal health or infant mortality rates. Even Gov. Youngkin was upset with that remark at the time.  Saying that he was “disappointed” that Greene was not communicating the administration’s priorities, he went on to declare, “I am outraged that right now in Virginia a black mother is three times more likely to die from childbirth and that hasn’t materially improved in a generation.” The amendment passed 22-17 on a party-line vote.

With regard to a nomination much discussed on this blog, Bert Ellis held on by the narrowest of margins to his appointment to the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia. Senators Chap Petersen (Fairfax) and Lynwood Lewis (Accomack) bucked their Democratic colleagues and voted against the Committee amendment to delete his name from the list of appointments. That made the vote 20-20 and the Lieutenant Governor voted “No” to break the tie and defeat the amendment.

My Soapbox

It certainly emphasizes the increasing diversity and changing politics of the Commonwealth when a female immigrant is appointed by a Republican governor to one of the most prominent state agency boards and when a female Muslim is elected as a Democratic state senator in Chesterfield County.

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27 responses to “Gubernatorial Appointment Politics At Work”

  1. It certainly emphasizes the increasing divisiveness of politics in the Commonwealth when a female immigrant appointed by a republican governor to one of the most prominent state agency boards is rejected by a majority male, majority democrat, state senate.

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      On an amendment sponsored by a female immigrant.

      1. VaPragamtist Avatar

        Which in itself was clearly a strategic choice when the party asked itself “who should sponsor the amendment”?

    2. M. Purdy Avatar

      Amazing how right wingers insist of “color-blindness” when evaluating someone’s “credentials,” but fall back on “identity politics” when someone’s “credentials” turn out to be too extreme for liking.

      1. I appears certain “left-wingers” around here would not recognize ironic sarcasm if it hit them between the eyes.

        I know very well why Ms. Dutta was rejected by the democrat-controlled senate. I also know the reasons “left-wingers” would give for such a rejection if the roles were reversed. And so do you.

        It’s not always fun to have a mirror put in front of you, is it?

        1. M. Purdy Avatar

          Sorry, I misunderstood. So you must agree that Ginni Thomas’ favorite nominee to the BoE, Ms. Dutta, was unfit for the position.

          1. No, I don’t agree she was unfit for the position.

            I agree that democrats would think her unfit for the position, and I do not think her race, immigrant status or sex were the reasons they thought this.

            I also agree that democrats would claim those things were the reasons behind a republican-controlled senate rejecting a left-leaning candidate for philosophical reasons.

          2. M. Purdy Avatar

            I appears certain “right-wingers” around here would not recognize ironic sarcasm if it hit them between the eyes.

          3. Touché, sir.

  2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    See? Peterson now a hero of the Right again in Virginia… JAB is certainly a fan.

    1. Not as bad as Morrissey, but still not my hero.

  3. DJRippert Avatar

    Democrats are anti-Asian racists. It’s just that simple.

    1. M. Purdy Avatar

      C’mon…the leader of the Republicans is routinely making racist anti-Asian statements.

      1. I’ve not heard anything about Ronna McDaniel having a history of racist anti-Asian remarks. Can you provide some examples?

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Yeah, they really mess up the Lake Woebegon illusion that “all the children are above average.” Gotta put ’em down.

    3. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      Pretty broad brush. Does that apply to Democrats who are Asians, such as former Del. Mark Keam from Fairfax? Does that apply to Democrats who have Asians in their extended families, such as me (my son-in-law is first generation Chinese)?

  4. It is curious how the increase in diversity appears to reflect the divisiveness between Hindu and Moslem in east Asia. Surely, it is a mere coincidence.

  5. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Thomas jumping in was incredibly stupid and counter productive. She does not impress… But this rejection will reverberate statewide, far more than the other two, and was a major tactical error on the part of the Democrats. The ad copy is already forming in my head….

    And when a motion fails 20-20 there is no need for the LG to vote. I’m not sure the LG gets to vote on appointments anyway. Ellis needs to just do the job and keep his head down for a while.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      I hope the grief counselors are out in force for the poor UVA students living in fear of this guy. I’m sure they will get whipped into a frenzy by the Cavalier With the Facts Daily and Tik-Tok chatter.

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      I hope the grief counselors are out in force for the poor UVA students living in fear of this guy. I’m sure they will get whipped into a frenzy by the Cavalier With the Facts Daily and Tik-Tok chatter.

    3. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      I hope the grief counselors are out in force for the poor UVA students living in fear of this guy. I’m sure they will get whipped into a frenzy by the Cavalier With the Facts Daily and Tik-Tok chatter. A nice distraction from the real failures at the school, the ones that leave students dead.

      1. I sure hope there are enough stuffed animals to go around…

  6. M. Purdy Avatar

    I, for one, welcome Bert “The Razor” Ellis (once again) to the board of the institution I love, UVa. I hope he takes to heart that other foundational document of our republic–the Constitution–as he continues his tenure. Good luck, godspeed, and let’s work to make UVa the finest public institution in the country!

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      It first has to surpass W&M as the finest public higher ed institution in the Commonwealth!

      1. M. Purdy Avatar

        (W&M is a great school and I would be thrilled if my kids went. But DO NOT quote me:-))

      2. Well played, sir.

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      No, no, Purdy. Defending the Constitution got the other person bounced by the “America Sucks” party. Careful….they come for you next!

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