Growing Skepticism of Proposed Henrico Meals Tax

Speaking of the Henrico meals tax… WTVR ran this piece asking whether Henrico County’s meals tax website was breaking the state law against spending state dollars on advocacy promotion. I’ll forgive the TV station for failing to credit Bacon’s Rebellion for raising this issue — I’m just happy the matter is getting some attention.

Clearly, the meals tax is not yet a hot-topic issue with Henrico voters. The story has generated only five comments, and 130 votes on the station’s poll question, “Do you think Henrico County’s meals tax website is breaking the law?”

What I find encouraging is that all the comments were negative, and 58% of the poll respondents agreed that the website was a violation of the law. While the level of interest in the tax remains shallow, those who are paying attention tend to be skeptical of the county’s case.


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One response to “Growing Skepticism of Proposed Henrico Meals Tax”

  1. Breckinridge Avatar

    It is always easier to seek forgiveness than permission. Henrico and Chesterfield have failed to get permission for a meals tax before. Richmond’s city fathers and mothers didn’t need voter approval and years ago got forgiveness for a meals tax. I suspect this vote is going to go against the Board of Supervisors, in part because of who votes in gubernatorial years and in part because of the problems surfacing in the school division executive offices.

    Whether or not the Board gets away with breaking the law against advocacy will depend on some county taxpayer taking them to court. I assume freeholder suits are still an option. Maybe the supervisors don’t cross the line but their toes are right on it. A judge is paid to decide. So far your call to action is producing a whole lot of cricket noise.

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