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Grievance Mongers Strike Again

Minorities are falling behind — we need more money for schools. That’s the predictable thrust of the Associated Press story based on a study by the Editorial Projects in Education Research Center.

About three-quarters of Virginia’s public high school students graduate in four years, but there are large disparities between black and white students’ rates, according to a report released Tuesday by an education research group.

There were large gaps between white and black Virginians, with 77.8 percent of whites graduating, compared to 64.1 percent of black students. Black male students had the lowest graduation rate at 57.6 percent….

“The bigger story behind the numbers is that there are huge inequalities in terms of underfunding of local school systems across Virginia,” said Andy Block, legal director of advocacy group JustChildren.

When it comes to race relations, you can always count on the Mainstream Media to emphasize the negative, to reinforce the stereotype of African-Americans as victims, and to uncritically shill for any advocacy group crying for more money for schools.

Here are some perspectives that the research group and the AP writer chose not to take:

Finally, when we’re looking for solutions to drop-outs, I would suggest that the problem is not necessarily mo’ money. I would refer readers to a soon-to-be-published column in Bacon’s Rebellion,Want Students to Go to School? How About Enforcing Truancy Laws?” by John Butcher. (This was scheduled for publication in the current edition of Bacon’s Rebellion but was omitted through an oversight. I’ll publish it in the next edition.)

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